Ejemplo n.º 1
        static void draw_testpat(screen_device screen, bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rectangle cliprect)
            // Test pattern Grey scale
            const int stripes = 255;
            //auto va(screen.visible_area());
            var va = cliprect;

            for (int i = 0; i < stripes; i++)
                int l = va.left() + (i * va.width() / stripes);
                int w = (va.left() + (i + 1) * va.width() / stripes) - l;
                int v = (255 * i) / stripes;
                bitmap.plot_box(l, va.top() + 20, w, va.height() / 2 - 20, new rgb_t(0xff, (uint8_t)v, (uint8_t)v, (uint8_t)v));

                int l = va.left() + va.width() / 4;
                int w = va.width() / 4;
                int t = va.top() + va.height() / 2;
                int h = va.height() / 2;
                // 50% Test pattern
                for (int i = t; i < t + h; i += 2)
                    bitmap.plot_box(l, i, w, i, new rgb_t(0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff));
                    bitmap.plot_box(l, i + 1, w, i + 1, new rgb_t(0xff, 0, 0, 0));

                l += va.width() / 4;
                bitmap.plot_box(l, t, w, h, new rgb_t(0xff, 0xc3, 0xc3, 0xc3)); // 195
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public uint32_t screen_update(screen_device screen, bitmap_ind16 bitmap, rectangle cliprect)
     m_bg_tilemap.draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0, 0);
     draw_sprites(bitmap, cliprect);
     m_fg_tilemap.draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        *  Bullet rendering

        void galaxian_draw_pixel(bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rectangle cliprect, int y, int x, rgb_t color)
            if (y >= cliprect.min_y && y <= cliprect.max_y)
                x *= GALAXIAN_XSCALE;
                x += GALAXIAN_H0START;
                if (x >= cliprect.min_x && x <= cliprect.max_x)
                    //bitmap.pix32(y, x) = color;
                    RawBuffer bitmapBuf;
                    UInt32    bitmapBufOffset = bitmap.pix32(out bitmapBuf, y, x);
                    bitmapBuf.set_uint32((int)bitmapBufOffset, color);

                if (x >= cliprect.min_x && x <= cliprect.max_x)
                    //bitmap.pix32(y, x) = color;
                    RawBuffer bitmapBuf;
                    UInt32    bitmapBufOffset = bitmap.pix32(out bitmapBuf, y, x);
                    bitmapBuf.set_uint32((int)bitmapBufOffset, color);

                if (x >= cliprect.min_x && x <= cliprect.max_x)
                    //bitmap.pix32(y, x) = color;
                    RawBuffer bitmapBuf;
                    UInt32    bitmapBufOffset = bitmap.pix32(out bitmapBuf, y, x);
                    bitmapBuf.set_uint32((int)bitmapBufOffset, color);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        uint32_t screen_update_dkong(screen_device screen, bitmap_ind16 bitmap, rectangle cliprect)
            machine().tilemap().set_flip_all(m_flip != 0 ? TILEMAP_FLIPX | TILEMAP_FLIPY : 0);

            switch (m_hardware_type)
            case HARDWARE_TKG02:
            case HARDWARE_TKG04:
                m_bg_tilemap.draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0, 0);
                draw_sprites(bitmap, cliprect, 0x40, 1);

            case HARDWARE_TRS01:
            case HARDWARE_TRS02:
                m_bg_tilemap.draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0, 0);
                draw_sprites(bitmap, cliprect, 0x40, 1);
                radarscp_draw_background(bitmap, cliprect);

                fatalerror("Invalid hardware type in dkong_video_update\n");
Ejemplo n.º 5
        *  Video update

        u32 screen_update_centiped(screen_device screen, bitmap_ind16 bitmap, rectangle cliprect)
            rectangle spriteclip = cliprect;

            /* draw the background */
            m_bg_tilemap.draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0, 0);

            /* apply the sprite clip */
            if (m_flipscreen != 0)
                spriteclip.min_x += 8;
                spriteclip.max_x -= 8;

            /* draw the sprites */
            for (int offs = 0; offs < 0x10; offs++)
                int code  = ((m_spriteram[offs].op & 0x3e) >> 1) | ((m_spriteram[offs].op & 0x01) << 6);
                int color = m_spriteram[offs + 0x30].op;
                int flipx = (m_spriteram[offs].op >> 6) & 1;
                int flipy = (m_spriteram[offs].op >> 7) & 1;
                int x     = m_spriteram[offs + 0x20].op;
                int y     = 240 - m_spriteram[offs + 0x10].op;

                m_gfxdecode.op0.gfx(1).transmask(bitmap, spriteclip, (u32)code, (u32)color, flipx, flipy, x, y, m_penmask[color & 0x3f]);

Ejemplo n.º 6
        *  Video update

        public u32 screen_update_centiped(screen_device screen, bitmap_ind16 bitmap, rectangle cliprect)
            ListBytesPointer spriteram  = m_spriteram.target; //uint8_t *spriteram = m_spriteram;
            rectangle        spriteclip = cliprect;
            int offs;

            /* draw the background */
            m_bg_tilemap.draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0, 0);

            /* apply the sprite clip */
            if (m_flipscreen != 0)
                spriteclip.min_x += 8;
                spriteclip.max_x -= 8;

            /* draw the sprites */
            for (offs = 0; offs < 0x10; offs++)
                int code  = ((spriteram[offs] & 0x3e) >> 1) | ((spriteram[offs] & 0x01) << 6);
                int color = spriteram[offs + 0x30];
                int flipx = (spriteram[offs] >> 6) & 1;
                int flipy = (spriteram[offs] >> 7) & 1;
                int x     = spriteram[offs + 0x20];
                int y     = 240 - spriteram[offs + 0x10];

                m_gfxdecode.target.digfx.gfx(1).transmask(bitmap, spriteclip, (UInt32)code, (UInt32)color, flipx, flipy, x, y, m_penmask[color & 0x3f]);

Ejemplo n.º 7
 // construction/destruction
 public sparse_dirty_bitmap(int granularity = 3)
     m_width            = 0;
     m_height           = 0;
     m_granularity      = granularity;
     m_rect_list_bounds = new rectangle(0, -1, 0, -1);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        void galaxian_draw_background(bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rectangle cliprect)
            /* erase the background to black first */
            bitmap.fill(rgb_t.black(), cliprect);

            galaxian_draw_stars(bitmap, cliprect, 256);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        // drawing
        public void draw_async(rectangle cliprect, bool clearit = true)
            // if the cliprect exceeds our current bitmap dimensions, expand
            if (cliprect.right() >= m_bitmap.width() || cliprect.bottom() >= m_bitmap.height())
                int new_width  = std.max(cliprect.right() + 1, m_bitmap.width());
                int new_height = std.max(cliprect.bottom() + 1, m_bitmap.height());
                m_bitmap.resize(new_width, new_height, BITMAP_SLOP, BITMAP_SLOP);
                m_dirty.resize(new_width, new_height);

            // clear out the region
            if (clearit)

            // wrap the bitmap, adjusting for x/y origins
            _BitmapType wrapped = m_bitmapCreator(m_bitmap.pix(0) - m_xorigin - m_yorigin * m_bitmap.rowpixels(), m_xorigin + cliprect.right() + 1, m_yorigin + cliprect.bottom() + 1, m_bitmap.rowpixels());  //_BitmapType wrapped(&m_bitmap.pix(0) - m_xorigin - m_yorigin * m_bitmap.rowpixels(), m_xorigin + cliprect.right() + 1, m_yorigin + cliprect.bottom() + 1, m_bitmap.rowpixels());

            // compute adjusted cliprect in source space
            rectangle adjusted = cliprect;

            adjusted.offset(m_xorigin, m_yorigin);

            // render
            draw(wrapped, adjusted);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        u32 screen_update_digdug(screen_device screen, bitmap_ind16 bitmap, rectangle cliprect)
            m_bg_tilemap.draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0, 0);
            m_fg_tilemap.draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0, 0);
            draw_sprites(bitmap, cliprect);

Ejemplo n.º 11
 u32 screen_update_galaga(screen_device screen, bitmap_ind16 bitmap, rectangle cliprect)
     bitmap.fill(m_palette.op0.black_pen(), cliprect);
     m_starfield.op0.draw_starfield(bitmap, cliprect, 0);
     draw_sprites(bitmap, cliprect);
     m_fg_tilemap.draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        }                                                                                                                                                                                                  //void set_spriteram(_SpriteRAMType *base, uint32_t bytes) { assert(base != nullptr && bytes != 0); m_spriteram = base; m_spriteram_bytes = bytes; m_buffer.resize(m_spriteram_bytes / sizeof(_SpriteRAMType)); }

        //void set_origin(int32_t xorigin = 0, int32_t yorigin = 0) { m_xorigin = xorigin; m_yorigin = yorigin; }
        //void set_xorigin(int32_t xorigin) { m_xorigin = xorigin; }
        //void set_yorigin(int32_t yorigin) { m_yorigin = yorigin; }

        // buffering
        //void copy_to_buffer() { assert(m_spriteram != nullptr); memcpy(m_buffer, m_spriteram, m_spriteram_bytes); }

        // clearing

        //void clear() { clear(m_bitmap.cliprect()); }

        void clear(rectangle cliprect)
            for (sparse_dirty_rect rect = m_dirty.first_dirty_rect(cliprect); rect != null; rect = rect.next())
                m_bitmap.fill(~0U, rect.m_rect);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        protected override void draw_sprites(bitmap_ind16 bitmap, rectangle cliprect)
            Pointer <uint8_t> spriteram   = new Pointer <uint8_t>(m_digdug_objram.op, 0x380); //uint8_t *spriteram = m_digdug_objram + 0x380;
            Pointer <uint8_t> spriteram_2 = new Pointer <uint8_t>(m_digdug_posram.op, 0x380); //uint8_t *spriteram_2 = m_digdug_posram + 0x380;
            Pointer <uint8_t> spriteram_3 = new Pointer <uint8_t>(m_digdug_flpram.op, 0x380); //uint8_t *spriteram_3 = m_digdug_flpram + 0x380;
            int offs;

            // mask upper and lower columns
            rectangle visarea = cliprect;

            visarea.min_x = 2 * 8;
            visarea.max_x = 34 * 8 - 1;

            for (offs = 0; offs < 0x80; offs += 2)
                int sprite = spriteram[offs];
                int color = spriteram[offs + 1] & 0x3f;
                int sx = spriteram_2[offs + 1] - 40 + 1;
                int sy = 256 - spriteram_2[offs] + 1;   // sprites are buffered and delayed by one scanline
                int flipx = (spriteram_3[offs] & 0x01);
                int flipy = (spriteram_3[offs] & 0x02) >> 1;
                int size = (sprite & 0x80) >> 7;
                int x, y;

                if (size != 0)
                    sprite = (sprite & 0xc0) | ((sprite & ~0xc0) << 2);

                sy -= 16 * size;
                sy  = (sy & 0xff) - 32; // fix wraparound

                if (flip_screen() != 0)
                    flipx ^= 1;
                    flipy ^= 1;

                for (y = 0; y <= size; y++)
                    for (x = 0; x <= size; x++)
                        uint32_t transmask = m_palette.op0.transpen_mask(m_gfxdecode.op0.gfx(1), (u32)color, 0x1f);
                        m_gfxdecode.op0.gfx(1).transmask(bitmap, visarea,
                                                         (u32)(sprite + gfx_offs[y ^ (size * flipy), x ^ (size * flipx)]),
                                                         flipx, flipy,
                                                         ((sx + 16 * x) & 0xff), sy + 16 * y, transmask);
                        /* wraparound */
                        m_gfxdecode.op0.gfx(1).transmask(bitmap, visarea,
                                                         (u32)(sprite + gfx_offs[y ^ (size * flipy), x ^ (size * flipx)]),
                                                         flipx, flipy,
                                                         ((sx + 16 * x) & 0xff) + 0x100, sy + 16 * y, transmask);
Ejemplo n.º 14
        *  Sprite rendering

        void sprites_draw(bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rectangle cliprect, ListBytesPointer spritebase)  //, uint8_t *spritebase)
            rectangle clip = new rectangle(cliprect);
            int       sprnum;

            /* the existence of +1 (sprite vs tile layer) is supported by a LOT of games */
            const int hoffset = 1;

            /* 16 of the 256 pixels of the sprites are hard-clipped at the line buffer */
            /* according to the schematics, it should be the first 16 pixels */
            clip.min_x = Math.Max(clip.min_x, ((m_flipscreen_x == 0) ? 1 : 0) * (16 + hoffset) * GALAXIAN_XSCALE);
            clip.max_x = Math.Min(clip.max_x, (256 - m_flipscreen_x * (16 + hoffset)) * GALAXIAN_XSCALE - 1);

            /* The line buffer is only written if it contains a '0' currently; */
            /* it is cleared during the visible area, and populated during HBLANK */
            /* To simulate this, we render backwards so that lower numbered sprites */
            /* have priority over higher numbered sprites. */
            for (sprnum = 7; sprnum >= 0; sprnum--)
                ListBytesPointer base_ = new ListBytesPointer(spritebase, sprnum * 4);  //const uint8_t *base = &spritebase[sprnum * 4];
                /* Frogger: top and bottom 4 bits swapped entering the adder */
                byte base0 = m_frogger_adjust != 0 ? (byte)((base_[0] >> 4) | (base_[0] << 4)) : base_[0];
                /* the first three sprites match against y-1 */
                byte   sy    = (byte)(240 - (base0 - ((sprnum < 3) ? 1 : 0)));
                UInt16 code  = (UInt16)(base_[1] & 0x3f);
                byte   flipx = (byte)(base_[1] & 0x40);
                byte   flipy = (byte)(base_[1] & 0x80);
                byte   color = (byte)(base_[2] & 7);
                byte   sx    = (byte)(base_[3] + hoffset);

                /* extend the sprite information */
                if (m_extend_sprite_info_ptr != null)
                    m_extend_sprite_info_ptr(base_, ref sx, ref sy, ref flipx, ref flipy, ref code, ref color);

                /* apply flipscreen in X direction */
                if (m_flipscreen_x != 0)
                    sx    = (byte)(240 - sx);
                    flipx = flipx == 0 ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;

                /* apply flipscreen in Y direction */
                if (m_flipscreen_y != 0)
                    sy    = (byte)(240 - sy);
                    flipy = flipy == 0 ? (byte)1 : (byte)0;

                /* draw */

                m_gfxdecode.target.digfx.gfx(1).transpen(bitmap, clip,
                                                         code, color,
                                                         flipx, flipy,
                                                         GALAXIAN_H0START + GALAXIAN_XSCALE * sx, sy, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        *  Sprite rendering

        void sprites_draw(bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rectangle cliprect, Pointer <uint8_t> spritebase)  //void sprites_draw(bitmap_rgb32 &bitmap, const rectangle &cliprect, const uint8_t *spritebase)
            rectangle clip = cliprect;
            int       sprnum;

            /* the existence of +1 (sprite vs tile layer) is supported by a LOT of games */
            const int hoffset = 1;

            /* 16 of the 256 pixels of the sprites are hard-clipped at the line buffer */
            /* according to the schematics, it should be the first 16 pixels */
            clip.min_x = std.max(clip.min_x, ((m_flipscreen_x == 0) ? 1 : 0) * (m_leftspriteclip + hoffset) * m_x_scale);
            clip.max_x = std.min(clip.max_x, (256 - m_flipscreen_x * (16 + hoffset)) * m_x_scale - 1);

            /* The line buffer is only written if it contains a '0' currently; */
            /* it is cleared during the visible area, and populated during HBLANK */
            /* To simulate this, we render backwards so that lower numbered sprites */
            /* have priority over higher numbered sprites. */
            for (sprnum = 7; sprnum >= 0; sprnum--)
                Pointer <uint8_t> base_ = new Pointer <uint8_t>(spritebase, sprnum * 4);  //const uint8_t *base = &spritebase[sprnum * 4];

                /* Frogger: top and bottom 4 bits swapped entering the adder */
                uint8_t base0 = m_frogger_adjust ? (uint8_t)((base_[0] >> 4) | (base_[0] << 4)) : base_[0];

                /* the first three sprites match against y-1 (seems other way around for sfx/monsterz) */
                uint8_t sy = (uint8_t)(240 - (base0 - (m_sfx_adjust ? ((sprnum >= 3) ? 1 : 0) : ((sprnum < 3) ? 1 : 0))));

                uint16_t code  = (uint16_t)(base_[1] & 0x3f);
                uint8_t  flipx = (uint8_t)(base_[1] & 0x40);
                uint8_t  flipy = (uint8_t)(base_[1] & 0x80);
                uint8_t  color = (uint8_t)(base_[2] & 7);
                uint8_t  sx    = (uint8_t)(base_[3] + hoffset);

                /* extend the sprite information */
                m_extend_sprite_info_ptr(base_, ref sx, ref sy, ref flipx, ref flipy, ref code, ref color);

                /* apply flipscreen in X direction */
                if (m_flipscreen_x != 0)
                    sx    = (uint8_t)(240 - sx);
                    flipx = flipx == 0 ? (uint8_t)1 : (uint8_t)0;

                /* apply flipscreen in Y direction */
                if (m_flipscreen_y != 0)
                    sy    = (uint8_t)(240 - sy);
                    flipy = flipy == 0 ? (uint8_t)1 : (uint8_t)0;

                /* draw */
                m_gfxdecode.op0.gfx(1).transpen(bitmap, clip,
                                                code, color,
                                                flipx, flipy,
                                                m_h0_start + m_x_scale * sx, sy, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 16
        void copy_layer(bitmap_ind16 bitmap, rectangle cliprect, int which, int [] sprites_on, rectangle [] sprite_areas)
            int [] fudge1 = new int [3] {
                3, 1, -1
            int [] fudge2 = new int [3] {
                8, 10, 12

            if ((m_video_mode.op0 & layer_enable_mask[which]) != 0)
                int    i;
                int    scrollx;
                int [] scrolly = new int [32];

                scrollx = m_scroll.op[2 * which];

                if (GLOBAL_FLIP_X)
                    scrollx = (scrollx & 0xf8) + ((scrollx + fudge1[which]) & 7) + fudge2[which];
                    scrollx = -(scrollx & 0xf8) + ((scrollx + fudge1[which]) & 7) + fudge2[which];

                if (GLOBAL_FLIP_Y)
                    for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
                        scrolly[31 - i] = m_colscrolly.op[32 * which + i] + m_scroll.op[2 * which + 1];
                    for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
                        scrolly[i] = -m_colscrolly.op[32 * which + i] - m_scroll.op[2 * which + 1];

                copyscrollbitmap_trans(bitmap, m_layer_bitmap[which], 1, new int [] { scrollx }, 32, scrolly, cliprect, TRANSPARENT_PEN);

                // store parts covered with sprites for sprites/layers collision detection
                for (i = 0; i < 0x20; i++)
                    if ((i >= 0x10) && (i <= 0x17))
                        continue;                             // no sprites here
                    if (sprites_on[i] != 0)
                        copyscrollbitmap(m_sprite_layer_collbitmap2[which], m_layer_bitmap[which], 1, new int [] { scrollx }, 32, scrolly, sprite_areas[i]);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        *  Main refresh
        uint32_t screen_update_atarisy2(screen_device screen, bitmap_ind16 bitmap, rectangle cliprect)
            // start drawing

            // reset priorities
            bitmap_ind8 priority_bitmap = screen.priority();

            priority_bitmap.fill(0, cliprect);

            // draw the playfield
            m_playfield_tilemap.op0.tilemap.draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0, 0);
            m_playfield_tilemap.op0.tilemap.draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 1, 1);
            m_playfield_tilemap.op0.tilemap.draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 2, 2);
            m_playfield_tilemap.op0.tilemap.draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 3, 3);

            // draw and merge the MO
            bitmap_ind16 mobitmap = m_mob.op0.bitmap();

            for (sparse_dirty_rect rect = m_mob.op0.first_dirty_rect(cliprect); rect != null; rect = rect.next())
                for (int y = rect.m_rect.top(); y <= rect.m_rect.bottom(); y++)
                    PointerU16 mo  = mobitmap.pix(y);        //uint16_t const *const mo = &mobitmap.pix(y);
                    PointerU16 pf  = bitmap.pix(y);          //uint16_t *const pf = &bitmap.pix(y);
                    PointerU8  pri = priority_bitmap.pix(y); //uint8_t const *const pri = &priority_bitmap.pix(y);
                    for (int x = rect.m_rect.left(); x <= rect.m_rect.right(); x++)
                        if (mo[x] != 0xffff)
                            int mopriority = mo[x] >> atari_motion_objects_device.PRIORITY_SHIFT;

                            // high priority PF?
                            if (((mopriority + pri[x]) & 2) != 0)
                                // only gets priority if PF pen is less than 8
                                if ((pf[x] & 0x08) == 0)
                                    pf[x] = (uint16_t)(mo[x] & atari_motion_objects_device.DATA_MASK);

                            // low priority
                                pf[x] = (uint16_t)(mo[x] & atari_motion_objects_device.DATA_MASK);

            // add the alpha on top
            m_alpha_tilemap.op0.tilemap.draw(screen, bitmap, cliprect, 0, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        //  dirty -- dirty a region
        public void dirty(int32_t left, int32_t right, int32_t top, int32_t bottom)
            // compute a rectangle in dirty space, and fill it with 1
            rectangle rect = new rectangle(left >> m_granularity, right >> m_granularity, top >> m_granularity, bottom >> m_granularity);

            m_bitmap.fill(1, rect);

            // invalidate existing rect list
Ejemplo n.º 19
        void draw_sprites(bitmap_ind16 bitmap)
             * sprite visibility area is missing 4 pixels from the sides, surely to reduce
             * wraparound side effects. This was verified on a real Elevator Action.
             * Note that the clipping is asymmetrical. This matches the real thing.
             * I'm not sure of what should happen when the screen is flipped, though.
            rectangle spritevisiblearea     = new rectangle(0 * 8 + 3, 32 * 8 - 1 - 1, 2 * 8, 30 * 8 - 1);
            rectangle spritevisibleareaflip = new rectangle(0 * 8 + 1, 32 * 8 - 3 - 1, 2 * 8, 30 * 8 - 1);

            if (SPRITES_ON)
                // drawing order is a bit strange. The last sprite has to be moved at the start of the list.
                for (int sprite = 0x1f; sprite >= 0; sprite--)
                    uint8_t sx;
                    uint8_t sy;

                    int    which = (sprite - 1) & 0x1f; // move last sprite at the head of the list
                    offs_t offs  = (offs_t)(which * 4);

                    if ((which >= 0x10) && (which <= 0x17))
                        continue;                                       // no sprites here
                    if (get_sprite_xy((uint8_t)which, out sx, out sy))
                        int code   = m_spriteram.op[SPRITE_RAM_PAGE_OFFSET + (int)offs + 3] & 0x3f;
                        int color  = 2 * ((m_colorbank.op[1] >> 4) & 0x03) + ((m_spriteram.op[SPRITE_RAM_PAGE_OFFSET + (int)offs + 2] >> 2) & 0x01);
                        int flip_x = m_spriteram.op[SPRITE_RAM_PAGE_OFFSET + (int)offs + 2] & 0x01;
                        int flip_y = m_spriteram.op[SPRITE_RAM_PAGE_OFFSET + (int)offs + 2] & 0x02;

                        if (GLOBAL_FLIP_X)
                            sx     = (uint8_t)(238 - sx);
                            flip_x = flip_x == 0 ? 1 : 0;

                        if (GLOBAL_FLIP_Y)
                            sy     = (uint8_t)(242 - sy);
                            flip_y = flip_y == 0 ? 1 : 0;

                        get_sprite_gfx_element((uint8_t)which).transpen(bitmap, GLOBAL_FLIP_X ? spritevisibleareaflip : spritevisiblearea, (u32)code, (u32)color,
                                                                        flip_x, flip_y, sx, sy, 0);

                        // draw with wrap around. The horizontal games (eg. sfposeid) need this
                        get_sprite_gfx_element((uint8_t)which).transpen(bitmap, GLOBAL_FLIP_X ? spritevisibleareaflip : spritevisiblearea, (u32)code, (u32)color,
                                                                        flip_x, flip_y, sx - 0x100, sy, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        // ----- core graphics drawing -----

        // specific drawgfx implementations for each transparency type

        *   opaque - render a gfx element with
        *   no transparency
        *  -------------------------------------------------*/
        void opaque(bitmap_ind16 dest, rectangle cliprect,
                    u32 code, u32 color, int flipx, int flipy, s32 destx, s32 desty)
            color = colorbase() + granularity() * (color % colors());
            code %= elements();
            bitmap_t priority = drawgfxm_global.drawgfx_dummy_priority_bitmap;

            drawgfxm_global.DRAWGFX_CORE <u16, drawgfxm_global.NO_PRIORITY>(drawgfxm_global.PIXEL_OP_REBASE_OPAQUE, cliprect, destx, desty, width(), height(), flipx, flipy, rowbytes(), get_data, code, dest, priority, color, 0, null, 2);
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public sparse_dirty_bitmap(int width, int height, int granularity = 3)
            m_width            = 0;
            m_height           = 0;
            m_granularity      = granularity;
            m_rect_list_bounds = new rectangle(0, -1, 0, -1);

            // resize to the specified width/height
            resize(width, height);
Ejemplo n.º 22
 void copy_layer(bitmap_ind16 bitmap, rectangle cliprect, copy_layer_func_t copy_layer_func, int which, int [] sprites_on, rectangle [] sprite_areas)
     if (which == 0)
         copy_layer_func(bitmap, cliprect, which - 1, sprites_on, sprite_areas);
Ejemplo n.º 23
        *  Sprites rendering

        void draw_sprites(bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rectangle cliprect, int initoffs)
            int offs;

            /* draw the sprites */
            for (offs = initoffs; offs >= (initoffs & 0xc0); offs -= 4)
                int sy    = 257 - m_spriteram.op[offs];
                int color = m_spriteram.op[offs + 1] & 0x3f;
                int flipx = m_spriteram.op[offs + 1] & 0x40;
                int flipy = m_spriteram.op[offs + 1] & 0x80;
                int code  = m_spriteram.op[offs + 2];
                int sx    = m_spriteram.op[offs + 3];

                /* sprites from offsets $00-$7F are processed in the upper half of the frame */
                /* sprites from offsets $80-$FF are processed in the lower half of the frame */
                rectangle clip = cliprect;
                if (!((offs & 0x80) != 0))
                    clip.min_y = 0;
                    clip.max_y = 127;
                    clip.min_y = 128;
                    clip.max_y = 255;

                /* adjust for flipping */
                if (flip_screen() != 0)
                    int temp = clip.min_y;
                    clip.min_y = 255 - clip.max_y;
                    clip.max_y = 255 - temp;
                    flipx      = (!(flipx != 0)) ? 1 : 0;
                    flipy      = (!(flipy != 0)) ? 1 : 0;
                    sx         = 238 - sx;
                    sy         = 282 - sy;

                sx += 129;

                /* in theory anyways; in practice, some of the molecule-looking guys get clipped */
                sect_rect(&clip, cliprect);
                clip = cliprect;

                m_sp_gfxdecode.op0.gfx(0).transmask(bitmap, clip,
                                                    (u32)code, (u32)color, flipx, flipy, sx, sy,
                                                    m_sp_palette.op0.transpen_mask(m_sp_gfxdecode.op0.gfx(0), (u32)color, 0));
Ejemplo n.º 24
        *  Background rendering

        void draw_background(bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rectangle cliprect, int xpos, int ypos, int image)
            rectangle rect;
            rectangle visarea = m_screen.op0.visible_area();
            var       paldata = m_bg_palette.op0.pens();

            if (flip_screen() != 0)
                xpos = 264 - xpos;
                ypos = 264 - ypos - BGHEIGHT;

            xpos += 124;

            /* this may not be correct */
            ypos += 16;

            m_bg_gfxdecode.op0.gfx(image).transpen(bitmap, cliprect,
                                                   0, 0,
                                                   ypos, 0);

            m_bg_gfxdecode.op0.gfx(image).transpen(bitmap, cliprect,
                                                   0, 0,
                                                   xpos - 256,
                                                   ypos, 0);

            // create a solid fill below the 64 pixel high bg images
            if (m_do_bg_fills)
                rect.min_x = visarea.min_x;
                rect.max_x = visarea.max_x;

                if (flip_screen() != 0)
                    rect.min_y = ypos - BGHEIGHT;
                    rect.max_y = ypos - 1;
                    rect.min_y = ypos + BGHEIGHT;
                    rect.max_y = ypos + 2 * BGHEIGHT - 1;

                bitmap.fill(paldata[m_bg_gfxdecode.op0.gfx(image).colorbase() + 3], rect);
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public void vsync_end_cb(double refresh_time)
            var expected_frame_period = m_monitor.clock_period() * m_monitor.vtotal() * m_monitor.htotal();

            var refresh_limited = std.min(4.0 * expected_frame_period,
                                          std.max(refresh_time, 0.25 * expected_frame_period));

            rectangle visarea = new rectangle(m_monitor.minh(), m_monitor.maxh(), m_monitor.minv(), m_monitor.maxv());

            m_divideo.screen().configure(m_monitor.htotal_scaled(), m_monitor.vtotal(), visarea, DOUBLE_TO_ATTOSECONDS(refresh_limited));
            m_divideo.screen().reset_origin(m_state.m_last_y - (m_monitor.vsync_width() + m_monitor.vbackporch_width()), 0);
Ejemplo n.º 26
        protected override void device_start()

            rectangle visarea = m_vector.op0.m_divideo.screen().visible_area();

            m_xmin = visarea.min_x;
            m_ymin = visarea.min_y;

            m_xcenter = 512;
            m_ycenter = 512;
Ejemplo n.º 27
        void copy_layers(bitmap_ind16 bitmap, rectangle cliprect, copy_layer_func_t copy_layer_func, int [] sprites_on, rectangle [] sprite_areas)
            // fill the screen with the background color
            bitmap.fill((uint32_t)(8 * (m_colorbank.op[1] & 0x07)), cliprect);

            for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                int which = m_draw_order[m_video_priority.op0 & 0x1f, i];

                copy_layer(bitmap, cliprect, copy_layer_func, which, sprites_on, sprite_areas);
Ejemplo n.º 28
 void galaxian_draw_bullet(bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rectangle cliprect, int offs, int x, int y)
      *  Both "shells" and "missiles" begin displaying when the horizontal counter
      *  reaches $FC, and they stop displaying when it reaches $00, resulting in
      *  4-pixel-long shots. The first 7 entries are called "shells" and render as
      *  white; the final entry is called a "missile" and renders as yellow.
     x -= 4;
     galaxian_draw_pixel(bitmap, cliprect, y, x++, m_bullet_color[offs]);
     galaxian_draw_pixel(bitmap, cliprect, y, x++, m_bullet_color[offs]);
     galaxian_draw_pixel(bitmap, cliprect, y, x++, m_bullet_color[offs]);
     galaxian_draw_pixel(bitmap, cliprect, y, x++, m_bullet_color[offs]);
Ejemplo n.º 29
        *  Bullets rendering

        void bullets_draw(bitmap_rgb32 bitmap, rectangle cliprect, ListBytesPointer base_)  //, const uint8_t *base)
            int y;

            /* iterate over scanlines */
            for (y = cliprect.min_y; y <= cliprect.max_y; y++)
                byte shell   = 0xff;
                byte missile = 0xff;
                byte effy;
                int  which;

                /* the first 3 entries match Y-1 */
                effy = m_flipscreen_y != 0 ? (byte)((y - 1) ^ 255) : (byte)(y - 1);
                for (which = 0; which < 3; which++)
                    if ((byte)(base_[which * 4 + 1] + effy) == 0xff)
                        shell = (byte)which;

                /* remaining entries match Y */
                effy = m_flipscreen_y != 0 ? (byte)(y ^ 255) : (byte)y;
                for (which = 3; which < 8; which++)
                    if ((byte)(base_[which * 4 + 1] + effy) == 0xff)
                        if (which != 7)
                            shell = (byte)which;
                            missile = (byte)which;

                /* draw the shell */
                if (shell != 0xff)
                    m_draw_bullet_ptr(bitmap, cliprect, shell, 255 - base_[shell * 4 + 3], y);
                if (missile != 0xff)
                    m_draw_bullet_ptr(bitmap, cliprect, missile, 255 - base_[missile * 4 + 3], y);
Ejemplo n.º 30
        void opaque(bitmap_rgb32 dest, rectangle cliprect,
                    u32 code, u32 color, int flipx, int flipy, s32 destx, s32 desty)
            pen_t paldata = m_palette.pens()[colorbase() + granularity() * (color % colors())]; //m_palette.pens() + colorbase() + granularity() * (color % colors());

            code %= elements();
            bitmap_t priority = drawgfxm_global.drawgfx_dummy_priority_bitmap;

            throw new emu_unimplemented();
#if false