Ejemplo n.º 1
        *   render_load_png - load a PNG file into a
        *   bitmap
        *  -------------------------------------------------*/
        public static bool render_load_png(out bitmap_argb32 bitmap, emu_file file, string dirname, string filename, bool load_as_alpha_to_existing = false)
            bitmap = new bitmap_argb32();

            // deallocate if we're not overlaying alpha
            if (!load_as_alpha_to_existing)

            // open the file
            string fname;

            if (dirname != null)
                fname = dirname + global_object.PATH_SEPARATOR + filename;
                fname = filename;
            osd_file.error filerr = file.open(fname);
            if (filerr != osd_file.error.NONE)

            throw new emu_unimplemented();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        //  nvram_write - called to write NVRAM to the
        //  .nv file
        void device_nvram_interface_nvram_write(emu_file file)
            throw new emu_unimplemented();
#if false
            file.write(&m_rom_data[0], SIZE_DATA);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        //  read_flac_sample - read a FLAC file as a sample
        static bool read_flac_sample(emu_file file, sample_t sample)
            // seek back to the start of the file
            file.seek(0, SEEK_SET);

            // create the FLAC decoder and fill in the sample data
            flac_decoder decoder = new flac_decoder(file.core_file_get());

            sample.frequency = decoder.sample_rate();

            // error if more than 1 channel or not 16bpp
            if (decoder.channels() != 1)
            if (decoder.bits_per_sample() != 16)

            // resize the array and read
            if (!decoder.decode_interleaved(sample.data, (uint32_t)sample.data.Count))

            // finish up and clean up

Ejemplo n.º 4
        //  nvram_write - called to write NVRAM to the
        //  .nv file
        protected override void nvram_write(emu_file file)
            throw new emu_unimplemented();
#if false
            file.write(&m_rom_data[0], SIZE_DATA);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        //void render_line_to_quad(const render_bounds *bounds, float width, float length_extension, render_bounds *bounds0, render_bounds *bounds1);

        *   render_load_jpeg - load a JPG file into a
        *   bitmap
        *  -------------------------------------------------*/
        public static void render_load_jpeg(out bitmap_argb32 bitmap, emu_file file, string dirname, string filename)
            bitmap = new bitmap_argb32();

            // deallocate previous bitmap

            // define file's full name
            string fname;

            if (dirname == null)
                fname = filename;
                fname = dirname + global_object.PATH_SEPARATOR + filename;

            if (file.open(fname) != osd_file.error.NONE)

            throw new emu_unimplemented();
Ejemplo n.º 6
        std.vector <KeyValuePair <string, categoryindex> > m_ini_index;  //std::vector<std::pair<std::string, categoryindex> > m_ini_index;

        // construction/destruction
        //  ctor
        public inifile_manager(ui_options moptions)
            m_options   = moptions;
            m_ini_index = new std.vector <KeyValuePair <string, categoryindex> >();

            // scan directories and create index
            file_enumerator path = new file_enumerator(m_options.categoryini_path());

            for (osd.directory.entry dir = path.next(); dir != null; dir = path.next())
                string name = dir.name;
                if (core_filename_ends_with(name, ".ini"))
                    emu_file file = new emu_file(m_options.categoryini_path(), OPEN_FLAG_READ);
                    if (file.open(name) == osd_file.error.NONE)
                        init_category(name, file);

            //std::stable_sort(m_ini_index.begin(), m_ini_index.end());//, [] (auto const &x, auto const &y) { return 0 > core_stricmp(x.first.c_str(), y.first.c_str()); });
            m_ini_index.Sort((x, y) => { return(core_stricmp(x.Key.c_str(), y.Key.c_str())); });
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void save_settings()
            /* loop over all registrants and call their init function */
            foreach (var type in m_typelist)
                type.save(config_type.INIT, null);

            /* save the defaults file */
            emu_file file = new emu_file(machine().options().cfg_directory(), OPEN_FLAG_WRITE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE_PATHS);

            osd_file.error filerr = file.open("default.cfg");
            if (filerr == osd_file.error.NONE)
                save_xml(file, config_type.DEFAULT);

            /* finally, save the game-specific file */
            filerr = file.open(machine().basename(), ".cfg");
            if (filerr == osd_file.error.NONE)
                save_xml(file, config_type.GAME);


            /* loop over all registrants and call their final function */
            foreach (var type in m_typelist)
                type.save(config_type.FINAL, null);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void save_settings()
            // loop over all registrants and call their init function
            foreach (var type in m_typelist)
                type.save(config_type.INIT, null);

            // save the defaults file
            emu_file file = new emu_file(machine().options().cfg_directory(), OPEN_FLAG_WRITE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE_PATHS);

            std.error_condition filerr = file.open("default.cfg");
            if (!filerr)
                save_xml(file, config_type.DEFAULT);

            // finally, save the system-specific file
            filerr = file.open(machine().basename() + ".cfg");
            if (!filerr)
                save_xml(file, config_type.SYSTEM);


            // loop over all registrants and call their final function
            foreach (var type in m_typelist)
                type.save(config_type.FINAL, null);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        // dynamic control
        //void set_frequency(UINT8 channel, UINT32 frequency);
        //void set_volume(UINT8 channel, float volume);

        // helpers
        //  read_sample - read a WAV or FLAC file as a
        //  sample
        static bool read_sample(emu_file file, sample_t sample)
            // read the core header and make sure it's a proper file
            MemoryU8 buf    = new MemoryU8(4, true); //uint8_t buf[4];
            uint32_t offset = file.read(new Pointer <uint8_t>(buf), 4);

            if (offset < 4)
                osd_printf_warning("Unable to read {0}, 0-byte file?\n", file.filename());

            // look for the appropriate RIFF tag
            if (buf[0] == 'R' && buf[1] == 'I' && buf[2] == 'F' && buf[3] == 'F')  // memcmp(&buf[0], "RIFF", 4) == 0)
                return(read_wav_sample(file, sample));
            else if (buf[0] == 'f' && buf[1] == 'L' && buf[2] == 'a' && buf[3] == 'C')  // memcmp(&buf[0], "fLaC", 4) == 0)
                return(read_flac_sample(file, sample));

            // if nothing appropriate, emit a warning
            osd_printf_warning("Unable to read {0}, corrupt file?\n", file.filename());

Ejemplo n.º 10
        public static void load_translation(emu_options m_options)

            string name = m_options.language();

            if (name.empty())

            strreplace(ref name, " ", "_");
            strreplace(ref name, "(", "");
            strreplace(ref name, ")", "");
            emu_file file = new emu_file(m_options.language_path(), OPEN_FLAG_READ);

            if (file.open(name + PATH_SEPARATOR + "strings.mo"))
                osd_printf_error("Error opening translation file {0}\n", name);

            osd_printf_verbose("Loading translation file {0}\n", file.fullpath());
Ejemplo n.º 11
        //  load_samples - load all the samples in our
        //  attached interface
        //  Returns true when all samples were successfully read, else false
        bool load_samples()
            bool ok = true;

            // if the user doesn't want to use samples, bail
            if (!machine().options().samples())

            // iterate over ourself
            string           basename    = machine().basename();
            samples_iterator iter        = new samples_iterator(this);
            string           altbasename = iter.altbasename();

            // pre-size the array

            // load the samples
            int index = 0;

            for (string samplename = iter.first(); samplename != null; index++, samplename = iter.next())
                // attempt to open as FLAC first
                emu_file            file   = new emu_file(machine().options().sample_path(), OPEN_FLAG_READ);
                std.error_condition filerr = file.open(util.string_format("{0}" + PATH_SEPARATOR + "{1}.flac", basename, samplename));
                if (filerr && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(altbasename))
                    filerr = file.open(util.string_format("{0}" + PATH_SEPARATOR + "{1}.flac", altbasename, samplename));

                // if not, try as WAV
                if (filerr)
                    filerr = file.open(util.string_format("{0}" + PATH_SEPARATOR + "{1}.wav", basename, samplename));

                if (filerr && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(altbasename))
                    filerr = file.open(util.string_format("{0}" + PATH_SEPARATOR + "{1}.wav", altbasename, samplename));

                // if opened, read it
                if (!filerr)
                    read_sample(file, m_sample[index]);
                    logerror("Error opening sample '{0}' ({1}:{2} {3})\n", samplename, filerr.category().name(), filerr.value(), filerr.message());
                    ok = false;


Ejemplo n.º 12
        //  load_samples - load all the samples in our
        //  attached interface
        //  Returns true when all samples were successfully read, else false
        bool load_samples()
            bool ok = true;

            // if the user doesn't want to use samples, bail
            if (!machine().options().samples())

            // iterate over ourself
            string           basename    = machine().basename();
            samples_iterator iter        = new samples_iterator(this);
            string           altbasename = iter.altbasename();

            // pre-size the array

            // load the samples
            int index = 0;

            for (string samplename = iter.first(); samplename != null; index++, samplename = iter.next())
                // attempt to open as FLAC first
                emu_file       file   = new emu_file(machine().options().sample_path(), OPEN_FLAG_READ);
                osd_file.error filerr = file.open(basename, PATH_SEPARATOR, samplename, ".flac");
                if (filerr != osd_file.error.NONE && altbasename != null)
                    filerr = file.open(altbasename, PATH_SEPARATOR, samplename, ".flac");

                // if not, try as WAV
                if (filerr != osd_file.error.NONE)
                    filerr = file.open(basename, PATH_SEPARATOR, samplename, ".wav");
                if (filerr != osd_file.error.NONE && altbasename != null)
                    filerr = file.open(altbasename, PATH_SEPARATOR, samplename, ".wav");

                // if opened, read it
                if (filerr == osd_file.error.NONE)
                    read_sample(file, m_sample[index]);
                else if (filerr == osd_file.error.NOT_FOUND)
                    logerror("{0}: Sample '{1}' NOT FOUND\n", tag(), samplename);
                    ok = false;


Ejemplo n.º 13
        public static void load_translation(emu_options m_options)
            emu_file file = new emu_file(m_options.language_path(), global_object.OPEN_FLAG_READ);
            var      name = m_options.language();

            name = name.Replace(" ", "_");
            name = name.Replace("(", "");
            name = name.Replace(")", "");
            if (file.open(name, global_object.PATH_SEPARATOR + "strings.mo") == osd_file.error.NONE)
                uint64_t  size   = file.size();
                RawBuffer buffer = new RawBuffer(4 * (int)size / 4 + 1); //uint32_t *buffer = global_alloc_array(uint32_t, size / 4 + 1);
                file.read(new ListBytesPointer(buffer), (UInt32)size);

                if (buffer.get_uint32(0) != MO_MAGIC && buffer.get_uint32(0) != MO_MAGIC_REVERSED)
                    buffer = null;  //global_free_array(buffer);
                if (buffer.get_uint32(0) == MO_MAGIC_REVERSED)
                    for (var i = 0; i < ((int)size / 4) + 1; ++i)
                        buffer.set_uint32(i, endianchange(buffer[i]));

                uint32_t number_of_strings        = buffer.get_uint32(2);
                uint32_t original_table_offset    = buffer.get_uint32(3) >> 2;
                uint32_t translation_table_offset = buffer.get_uint32(4) >> 2;

                RawBuffer data = buffer;  //const char *data = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(buffer);

                for (var i = 1; i < number_of_strings; ++i)
                    string original    = "TODO original";    //(const char *)data + buffer[original_table_offset + 2 * i + 1];
                    string translation = "TODO translation"; //(const char *)data + buffer[translation_table_offset + 2 * i + 1];
                    g_translation.emplace(original, translation);

                buffer = null;  //global_free_array(buffer);
Ejemplo n.º 14
Archivo: audit.cs Proyecto: kwanboy/mcs
        // internal helpers

        //  audit_one_rom - validate a single ROM entry
        audit_record audit_one_rom(ListPointer <rom_entry> rom)  //(const rom_entry *rom)
            // allocate and append a new record
            audit_record record = m_record_list.emplace_back(new audit_record(rom, audit_record.media_type.MEDIA_ROM)).Value;  //audit_record &record = *m_record_list.emplace(m_record_list.end(), *rom, media_type::ROM);

            // see if we have a CRC and extract it if so
            UInt32 crc;
            bool   has_crc = record.expected_hashes().crc(out crc);

            // find the file and checksum it, getting the file length along the way
            emu_file file = new emu_file(m_enumerator.options().media_path(), osdcore_global.OPEN_FLAG_READ | osdcore_global.OPEN_FLAG_NO_PRELOAD);

            path_iterator path = new path_iterator(m_searchpath);
            string        curpath;

            while (path.next(out curpath, record.name()))
                // open the file if we can
                osd_file.error filerr;
                if (has_crc)
                    filerr = file.open(curpath, crc);
                    filerr = file.open(curpath);

                // if it worked, get the actual length and hashes, then stop
                if (filerr == osd_file.error.NONE)
                    record.set_actual(file.hashes(m_validation), file.size());


            // compute the final status
            compute_status(record, rom[0], record.actual_length() != 0);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        //  load_cached_bdf - attempt to load a cached
        //  version of the BDF font 'filename'; if that
        //  fails, fall back on the regular BDF loader
        //  and create a new cached version
        bool load_cached_bdf(string filename)
            std.error_condition filerr;
            u32 chunk;
            u64 bytes;

            // first try to open the BDF itself
            emu_file file = new emu_file(manager().machine().options().font_path(), OPEN_FLAG_READ);

            filerr = file.open(filename);
            if (filerr)


            throw new emu_unimplemented();
#if false
Ejemplo n.º 16
        // load games from category
        public void load_ini_category(UInt32 file, UInt32 category, std.unordered_set <game_driver> result)
            string   filename = m_ini_index[(int)file].Key;
            emu_file fp       = new emu_file(m_options.categoryini_path(), OPEN_FLAG_READ);

            if (fp.open(filename) != osd_file.error.NONE)
                osd_printf_error("Failed to open category file {0} for reading\n", filename.c_str());

            Int64 offset = m_ini_index[(int)file].Value[(int)category].Value;

            if (fp.seek(offset, emu_file.SEEK_SET) != 0 || (fp.tell() != (UInt64)offset))
                osd_printf_error("Failed to seek to category offset in file {0}\n", filename.c_str());

            string rbuf;  // char rbuf[MAX_CHAR_INFO];

            while (fp.gets(out rbuf, utils_global.MAX_CHAR_INFO) != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(rbuf) && ('[' != rbuf[0]))
                //var tail = std::find_if(std::begin(rbuf), std::prev(std::end(rbuf)));//, [] (char ch) { return !ch || ('\r' == ch) || ('\n' == ch); });
                //*tail = '\0';
                var tail = rbuf.IndexOfAny("\r\n".ToCharArray());
                rbuf = rbuf.Substring(tail);
                int dfind = driver_list.find(rbuf);
                if (0 <= dfind)

Ejemplo n.º 17
        //  audit_one_rom - validate a single ROM entry
        audit_record audit_one_rom(std.vector <string> searchpath, Pointer <rom_entry> rom)  //audit_record &audit_one_rom(const std::vector<std::string> &searchpath, const rom_entry *rom);
            // allocate and append a new record
            audit_record record = m_record_list.emplace_back(new audit_record(rom, media_type.ROM)).Value;  //audit_record &record = *m_record_list.emplace(m_record_list.end(), *rom, media_type::ROM);

            // see if we have a CRC and extract it if so
            uint32_t crc;
            bool     has_crc = record.expected_hashes().crc(out crc);

            // find the file and checksum it, getting the file length along the way
            emu_file file = new emu_file(m_enumerator.options().media_path(), searchpath, OPEN_FLAG_READ | OPEN_FLAG_NO_PRELOAD);


            // open the file if we can
            std.error_condition filerr;
            if (has_crc)
                filerr = file.open(record.name(), crc);
                filerr = file.open(record.name());

            // if it worked, get the actual length and hashes, then stop
            if (!filerr)
                record.set_actual(file.hashes(m_validation), file.size());


            // compute the final status
            compute_status(record, rom.op, record.actual_length() != 0);
Ejemplo n.º 18
        // INI parsing helper
        //  parse_one_ini - parse a single INI file
        static void parse_one_ini(emu_options options, string basename, int priority, ref string error_stream)
            // don't parse if it has been disabled
            if (!options.read_config())

            // open the file; if we fail, that's ok
            emu_file file = new emu_file(options.ini_path(), OPEN_FLAG_READ);

            osd_printf_verbose("Attempting load of {0}.ini\n", basename);
            osd_file.error filerr = file.open(basename, ".ini");
            if (filerr != osd_file.error.NONE)

            // parse the file
            osd_printf_verbose("Parsing {0}.ini\n", basename);
                options.parse_ini_file(file.core_file_get(), priority, priority < OPTION_PRIORITY_DRIVER_INI, false);
            catch (options_exception ex)
                if (error_stream != null)
                    error_stream += string.Format("While parsing {0}:\n{1}\n", file.fullpath(), ex.message());
Ejemplo n.º 19
Archivo: image.cs Proyecto: kwanboy/mcs
        *   write_config - emit current option statuses as
        *   INI files
        *  -------------------------------------------------*/
        int write_config(emu_options options, string filename, game_driver gamedrv)
            string buffer;
            int    retval = 1;

            if (gamedrv != null)
                buffer   = string.Format("{0}.ini", gamedrv.name);
                filename = buffer;

            emu_file file = new emu_file(options.ini_path(), OPEN_FLAG_WRITE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE);

            osd_file.error filerr = file.open(filename);
            if (filerr == osd_file.error.NONE)
                string inistring = options.output_ini();
                retval = 0;

Ejemplo n.º 20
        *   write_config - emit current option statuses as
        *   INI files
        *  -------------------------------------------------*/
        int write_config(emu_options options, string filename, game_driver gamedrv)
            string buffer;
            int    retval = 1;

            if (gamedrv != null)
                sprintf(out buffer, "{0}.ini", gamedrv.name);
                filename = buffer;

            emu_file file = new emu_file(options.ini_path(), OPEN_FLAG_WRITE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE);

            std.error_condition filerr = file.open(filename);
            if (!filerr)
                string inistring = options.output_ini();
                retval = 0;

Ejemplo n.º 21
 protected override void nvram_write(emu_file file)
Ejemplo n.º 22
        //  start_luaengine
        public void start_luaengine()
            if (options().plugins())
                //throw new emu_unimplemented();
#if false
                // scan all plugin directories
                path_iterator iter = new path_iterator(options().plugins_path());
                string        pluginpath;
                while (iter.next(out pluginpath))
                    // user may specify environment variables; subsitute them
                    m_osdcore.osd_subst_env(out pluginpath, pluginpath);

                    // and then scan the directory recursively
                    m_plugins.scan_directory(pluginpath, true);

                    // parse the file
                    // attempt to open the output file
                    emu_file file = new emu_file(options().ini_path(), OPEN_FLAG_READ);
                    if (file.open("plugin.ini") == osd_file.error.NONE)
                            m_plugins.parse_ini_file(file.core_file_get());  //(util::core_file&)file
                        catch (options_exception)
                            osd_printf_error("**Error loading plugin.ini**\n");


                // process includes
                foreach (string incl in split(options().plugin(), ','))
                    plugin_options::plugin *p = m_plugins->find(incl);
                    if (!p)
                        fatalerror("Fatal error: Could not load plugin: %s\n", incl);
                    p.m_start = true;

                // process excludes
                foreach (string excl in split(options().no_plugin(), ','))
                    plugin_options::plugin *p = m_plugins->find(excl);
                    if (!p)
                        fatalerror("Fatal error: Unknown plugin: %s\n", excl);
                    p.m_start = false;

            // we have a special way to open the console plugin
            if (options().console())
                plugin_options.plugin p = m_plugins.find(OPTION_CONSOLE);
                if (p == null)
                    fatalerror("Fatal error: Console plugin not found.\n");

                p.m_start = true;


                emu_file            file   = new emu_file(options().plugins_path(), OPEN_FLAG_READ);
                std.error_condition filerr = file.open("boot.lua");
                if (!filerr)
                    string exppath;
                    m_osdcore.osd_subst_env(out exppath, file.fullpath());
Ejemplo n.º 23
 protected virtual void device_nvram_interface_nvram_write(emu_file file)
     throw new emu_unimplemented();
Ejemplo n.º 24
 std.error_condition open_next(emu_file file, string extension, uint32_t index = 0)
     throw new emu_unimplemented();
Ejemplo n.º 25
        // snapshots

        //bool snap_native() const { return m_snap_native; }
        //render_target &snapshot_target() { return *m_snap_target; }

        //  save_snapshot - save a snapshot to the given
        //  file handle
        void save_snapshot(screen_device screen, emu_file file)
            throw new emu_unimplemented();
Ejemplo n.º 26
        //  recompute_speed - recompute the current
        //  overall speed; we assume this is called only
        //  if we did not skip a frame
        void recompute_speed(attotime emutime)
            // if we don't have a starting time yet, or if we're paused, reset our starting point
            if (m_speed_last_realtime == 0 || machine().paused())
                m_speed_last_realtime = m_osdcore.osd_ticks();
                m_speed_last_emutime  = emutime;

            // if it has been more than the update interval, update the time
            attotime delta_emutime = emutime - m_speed_last_emutime;

            if (delta_emutime > new attotime(0, ATTOSECONDS_PER_SPEED_UPDATE))
                // convert from ticks to attoseconds
                osd_ticks_t realtime       = m_osdcore.osd_ticks();
                osd_ticks_t delta_realtime = realtime - m_speed_last_realtime;
                osd_ticks_t tps            = m_osdcore.osd_ticks_per_second();
                m_speed_percent = delta_emutime.as_double() * (double)tps / (double)delta_realtime;

                // remember the last times
                m_speed_last_realtime = realtime;
                m_speed_last_emutime  = emutime;

                // if we're throttled, this time period counts for overall speed; otherwise, we reset the counter
                if (!m_fastforward)
                    m_overall_valid_counter = 0;

                // if we've had at least 4 consecutive valid periods, accumulate stats
                if (m_overall_valid_counter >= 4)
                    m_overall_real_ticks += delta_realtime;
                    while (m_overall_real_ticks >= tps)
                        m_overall_real_ticks -= tps;
                    m_overall_emutime += delta_emutime;

            // if we're past the "time-to-execute" requested, signal an exit
            if (m_seconds_to_run != 0 && emutime.seconds() >= m_seconds_to_run)
                // create a final screenshot
                emu_file            file   = new emu_file(machine().options().snapshot_directory(), OPEN_FLAG_WRITE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE_PATHS);
                std.error_condition filerr = open_next(file, "png");
                if (!filerr)
                    save_snapshot(null, file);


                //printf("Scheduled exit at %f\n", emutime.as_double());

                // schedule our demise
Ejemplo n.º 27
 protected abstract void nvram_read(emu_file file);
Ejemplo n.º 28
 protected abstract void nvram_write(emu_file file);
Ejemplo n.º 29
        // internal helpers

        //  read_wav_sample - read a WAV file as a sample
        static bool read_wav_sample(emu_file file, sample_t sample)
            // we already read the opening 'RIFF' tag
            uint32_t offset = 4;

            // get the total size
            uint32_t filesize;

            MemoryU8 filesizeBuffer = new MemoryU8(4, true);

            offset += file.read(new Pointer <uint8_t>(filesizeBuffer), 4);
            if (offset < 8)
                osd_printf_warning("Unexpected size offset {0} ({1})\n", offset, file.filename());

            filesize = filesizeBuffer.GetUInt32();
            filesize = little_endianize_int32(filesize);

            // read the RIFF file type and make sure it's a WAVE file
            MemoryU8 buf = new MemoryU8(32, true);  //char [] buf = new char[32];

            offset += file.read(new Pointer <uint8_t>(buf), 4);
            if (offset < 12)
                osd_printf_warning("Unexpected WAVE offset {0} ({1})\n", offset, file.filename());

            if (!(buf[0] == 'W' && buf[1] == 'A' && buf[2] == 'V' && buf[3] == 'E'))  // memcmp(&buf[0], "WAVE", 4) != 0)
                osd_printf_warning("Could not find WAVE header ({0})\n", file.filename());

            // seek until we find a format tag
            uint32_t length;
            MemoryU8 lengthBuffer = new MemoryU8(4, true);

            while (true)
                offset += file.read(new Pointer <uint8_t>(buf), 4);
                offset += file.read(new Pointer <uint8_t>(lengthBuffer), 4);
                length  = lengthBuffer.GetUInt32();
                length  = little_endianize_int32(length);
                if (buf[0] == 'f' && buf[1] == 'm' && buf[2] == 't' && buf[3] == ' ')  //if (memcmp(&buf[0], "fmt ", 4) == 0)

                // seek to the next block
                file.seek(length, SEEK_CUR);
                offset += length;
                if (offset >= filesize)
                    osd_printf_warning("Could not find fmt tag ({0})\n", file.filename());

            // read the format -- make sure it is PCM
            uint16_t temp16;
            MemoryU8 temp16Buffer = new MemoryU8(2, true);

            offset += file.read(new Pointer <uint8_t>(temp16Buffer), 2);
            temp16  = temp16Buffer.GetUInt16();
            temp16  = little_endianize_int16(temp16);
            if (temp16 != 1)
                osd_printf_warning("unsupported format {0} - only PCM is supported ({1})\n", temp16, file.filename());

            // number of channels -- only mono is supported
            offset += file.read(new Pointer <uint8_t>(temp16Buffer), 2);
            temp16  = temp16Buffer.GetUInt16();
            temp16  = little_endianize_int16(temp16);
            if (temp16 != 1)
                osd_printf_warning("unsupported number of channels {0} - only mono is supported ({1})\n", temp16, file.filename());

            // sample rate
            uint32_t rate;
            MemoryU8 rateBuffer = new MemoryU8(4, true);

            offset += file.read(new Pointer <uint8_t>(rateBuffer), 4);
            rate    = rateBuffer.GetUInt32();
            rate    = little_endianize_int32(rate);

            // bytes/second and block alignment are ignored
            offset += file.read(new Pointer <uint8_t>(buf), 6);

            // bits/sample
            uint16_t bits;
            MemoryU8 bitsBuffer = new MemoryU8(2, true);

            offset += file.read(new Pointer <uint8_t>(bitsBuffer), 2);
            bits    = bitsBuffer.GetUInt16();
            bits    = little_endianize_int16(bits);
            if (bits != 8 && bits != 16)
                osd_printf_warning("unsupported bits/sample {0} - only 8 and 16 are supported ({1})\n", bits, file.filename());

            // seek past any extra data
            file.seek(length - 16, SEEK_CUR);
            offset += length - 16;

            // seek until we find a data tag
            while (true)
                offset += file.read(new Pointer <uint8_t>(buf), 4);
                offset += file.read(new Pointer <uint8_t>(lengthBuffer), 4);
                length  = lengthBuffer.GetUInt32();
                length  = little_endianize_int32(length);
                if (buf[0] == 'd' && buf[1] == 'a' && buf[2] == 't' && buf[3] == 'a')  //if (memcmp(&buf[0], "data", 4) == 0)

                // seek to the next block
                file.seek(length, SEEK_CUR);
                offset += length;
                if (offset >= filesize)
                    osd_printf_warning("Could not find data tag ({0})\n", file.filename());

            // if there was a 0 length data block, we're done
            if (length == 0)
                osd_printf_warning("empty data block ({0})\n", file.filename());

            // fill in the sample data
            sample.frequency = rate;

            // read the data in
            if (bits == 8)
                MemoryU8 sample_data_8bit = new MemoryU8((int)length, true);
                file.read(new Pointer <uint8_t>(sample_data_8bit), length);

                // convert 8-bit data to signed samples
                Pointer <uint8_t> tempptr = new Pointer <uint8_t>(sample_data_8bit);  //uint8_t *tempptr = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(&sample.data[0]);
                for (int sindex = (int)length - 1; sindex >= 0; sindex--)
                    sample.data[sindex] = (int16_t)((uint8_t)(tempptr[sindex] ^ 0x80) * 256);
                // 16-bit data is fine as-is
                sample.data.resize(length / 2);
                MemoryU8 sample_data_8bit = new MemoryU8((int)length, true);
                file.read(new Pointer <uint8_t>(sample_data_8bit), length);

                // swap high/low on big-endian systems
                    for (uint32_t sindex = 0; sindex < length / 2; sindex++)
                        sample.data[sindex] = (int16_t)little_endianize_int16(sample_data_8bit.GetUInt16((int)sindex));  //sample.data[sindex]);

Ejemplo n.º 30
        // updates
        //void animate(u16 auto_time);
        //void draw(render_container &container, u8 fade);

        // private helpers
        //  create_bitmap - create the rendering
        //  structures for the given player
        void create_bitmap()
            rgb_t color = m_player < (int)std.size(crosshair_colors) ? crosshair_colors[m_player] : rgb_t.white();

            // if we have a bitmap and texture for this player, kill it
            if (m_bitmap == null)
                m_bitmap  = new bitmap_argb32();
                m_texture = m_machine.render().texture_alloc(render_texture.hq_scale);

            emu_file crossfile = new emu_file(m_machine.options().crosshair_path(), OPEN_FLAG_READ);

            if (!m_name.empty())
                // look for user specified file
                if (!crossfile.open(m_name + ".png"))
                    render_load_png(out m_bitmap, crossfile.core_file_get());
                // look for default cross?.png in crsshair/game dir
                string filename = util.string_format("cross{0}.png", m_player + 1);
                if (!crossfile.open(m_machine.system().name + (PATH_SEPARATOR + filename)))
                    render_load_png(out m_bitmap, crossfile.core_file_get());

                // look for default cross?.png in crsshair dir
                if (!m_bitmap.valid() && !crossfile.open(filename))
                    render_load_png(out m_bitmap, crossfile.core_file_get());

            /* if that didn't work, use the built-in one */
            if (!m_bitmap.valid())
                /* allocate a blank bitmap to start with */
                m_bitmap.allocate(CROSSHAIR_RAW_SIZE, CROSSHAIR_RAW_SIZE);
                m_bitmap.fill(new rgb_t(0x00, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff));

                /* extract the raw source data to it */
                for (int y = 0; y < CROSSHAIR_RAW_SIZE / 2; y++)
                    /* assume it is mirrored vertically */
                    PointerU32 dest0 = m_bitmap.pix(y);                          //u32 *dest0 = &m_bitmap->pix(y);
                    PointerU32 dest1 = m_bitmap.pix(CROSSHAIR_RAW_SIZE - 1 - y); //u32 *dest1 = &m_bitmap->pix(CROSSHAIR_RAW_SIZE - 1 - y);

                    /* extract to two rows simultaneously */
                    for (int x = 0; x < CROSSHAIR_RAW_SIZE; x++)
                        if (((crosshair_raw_top[y * CROSSHAIR_RAW_ROWBYTES + x / 8] << (x % 8)) & 0x80) != 0)
                            dest0[x] = dest1[x] = new rgb_t(0xff, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00) | color;

            /* reference the new bitmap */
            m_texture.set_bitmap(m_bitmap, m_bitmap.cliprect(), texture_format.TEXFORMAT_ARGB32);