Ejemplo n.º 1
 public RowArrayPtr <SparseRowValue> getRowPtr(int row)
     //Console.WriteLine("Creating row ptr {0} {1} ", row, val[row].Length-1);
     if (val.ContainsKey(row))
         return(new RowArrayPtr <SparseRowValue> (val[row], 0, val[row].Length - 1));
     return(RowArrayPtr <SparseRowValue> .Empty());
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public RowArrayPtr <SparseRowValue> getRowPtr(int row)
     if (rowLength(row) > 0)
         return(new RowArrayPtr <SparseRowValue>(val, rowPtr[row], rowPtr[row + 1] - 1));
         return(RowArrayPtr <SparseRowValue> .Empty());
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public RowArrayPtr <SparseRowValue> getRowPtr(int row)
     if (val[row] != null)
         return(new RowArrayPtr <SparseRowValue>(val[row], 0, val[row].Length - 1));
         return(RowArrayPtr <SparseRowValue> .Empty());
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public RowArrayPtr <SparseRowValue> getRowPtr(int row)
            ContractAssertions.Requires <ArgumentOutOfRangeException> (row >= 0 && row <= rowCount, "Array Index out of bounds");
            if (rowLength(row) > 0)
                var v = getRow(row);

                return(new RowArrayPtr <SparseRowValue> (v.ToArray(), 0, rowLength(row) - 1));
                return(RowArrayPtr <SparseRowValue> .Empty());
Ejemplo n.º 5
        double predict_probability(Model model_, RowArrayPtr <SparseRowValue> x, double[] prob_estimates)
            if (model_.param.check_probability_model())
                int i;
                int nr_class = model_.nr_class;
                int nr_w;
                if (nr_class == 2)
                    nr_w = 1;
                    nr_w = nr_class;

                double label = predict_values(model_, x, prob_estimates);
                for (i = 0; i < nr_w; i++)
                    prob_estimates[i] = 1 / (1 + Math.Exp(-prob_estimates[i]));

                if (nr_class == 2) // for binary classification
                    prob_estimates[1] = 1.0 - prob_estimates[0];
                    double sum = 0;
                    for (i = 0; i < nr_class; i++)
                        sum += prob_estimates[i];

                    for (i = 0; i < nr_class; i++)
                        prob_estimates[i] = prob_estimates[i] / sum;

Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void Solve(double[] w)
            int i, m, s;
            int l_nrclass = l * nr_class;
            int iter      = 0;

            double[] alpha       = new double[l_nrclass];
            int[]    alpha_index = new int[l_nrclass];
            double[] alpha_new   = new double[nr_class];
            int[]    index       = new int[l];
            double[] QD          = new double[l];
            int[]    d_ind       = new int[nr_class];
            double[] d_val       = new double[nr_class];

            int[] y_index     = new int[l];
            int   active_size = l;

            byte[] active_size_i  = new byte[l];
            double eps_shrink     = Math.Max(10.0 * eps, 1.0); // stopping tolerance for shrinking
            bool   start_from_all = true;

            // Initial alpha can be set here. Note that
            // sum_m alpha[i*nr_class+m] = 0, for all i=1,...,l-1
            // alpha[i*nr_class+m] <= C[GETI(i)] if prob->y[i] == m
            // alpha[i*nr_class+m] <= 0 if prob->y[i] != m
            // If initial alpha isn't zero, uncomment the for loop below to initialize w

            Array.Clear(alpha, 0, l_nrclass);

            Array.Clear(w, 0, w_size * nr_class);

            // Parallel.For(0,l, value  => {
            //     for(int m2 = 0; m2 < nr_class; m2++)
            //         alpha_index[(value * nr_class) + m2] = m2;

            //     QD[value] = prob.x.nrm2_sq(value);

            //     active_size_i[value] = (byte)nr_class;
            //     y_index[value] = (int)prob.y[value];
            //     index[value] = value;
            //  });

            for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
                for (m = 0; m < nr_class; m++)
                    alpha_index[(i * nr_class) + m] = m;

                QD[i] = prob.x.nrm2_sq(i);

                active_size_i[i] = (byte)nr_class;
                y_index[i]       = (int)prob.y[i];
                index[i]         = i;

            Codetimer ct = new Codetimer();
            double    QDi, stopping, minG, maxG, d;
            int       yi, inProbY, w_i_idx, nz_d, iNrclass, asi;

            while (iter < max_iter)
                stopping = double.NegativeInfinity;
                for (i = 0; i < active_size; i++)
                    //int j = i + (int)(rand.genrand_real1()*remSize) ;
                    int j = i + rand.Next(active_size - i);
                    Helper.swap(index, i, j);
                for (s = 0; s < active_size; s++)
                    i        = index[s];
                    QDi      = QD[i];
                    yi       = y_index[i];
                    inProbY  = (int)prob.y[i];
                    iNrclass = i * nr_class;
                    asi      = active_size_i[i];

                    if (QDi > 0)
                        for (m = 0; m < asi; m++)
                            G[m] = 1;

                        if (yi < asi)
                            G[yi] = 0;

                        RowArrayPtr <SparseRowValue> rap = prob.x.getRowPtr(i);
                        for (int j = 0; j < rap.Length; j++)
                            w_i_idx = rap.get(j).index *nr_class;
                            for (m = 0; m < asi - 1; m += 2)
                                G[m]     += w[w_i_idx + alpha_index[iNrclass + m]] * rap.get(j).value;
                                G[m + 1] += w[w_i_idx + alpha_index[iNrclass + m + 1]] * rap.get(j).value;
                            if (m < asi)
                                G[m] += w[w_i_idx + alpha_index[iNrclass + m]] * rap.get(j).value;

                        minG = Double.PositiveInfinity;
                        maxG = Double.NegativeInfinity;
                        for (m = 0; m < asi; m++)
                            if (G[m] < minG && alpha[iNrclass + alpha_index[iNrclass + m]] < 0)
                                minG = G[m];
                            if (G[m] > maxG)
                                maxG = G[m];

                        if (yi < asi)
                            if (G[yi] < minG && G[yi] < minG && alpha[iNrclass + inProbY] < C[inProbY])
                                minG = G[yi];

                        for (m = 0; m < asi; m++)
                            if (be_shrunk(i, m, yi, alpha[iNrclass + alpha_index[iNrclass + m]], minG))

                                while (asi > m)
                                    if (!be_shrunk(i, asi, yi,
                                                   alpha[iNrclass + alpha_index[iNrclass + asi]], minG))
                                        Helper.swap(alpha_index, iNrclass + m, iNrclass + asi);
                                        Helper.swap(G, m, asi);
                                        if (yi == asi)
                                            yi = y_index[i] = m;
                                        else if (yi == m)
                                            yi = y_index[i] = asi;
                        active_size_i[i] = (byte)asi;

                        if (asi <= 1)
                            Helper.swap(index, s, active_size);

                        if (maxG - minG > CONSTANTS.SMALL_ERR)
                            stopping = Math.Max(maxG - minG, stopping);

                            for (m = 0; m < asi; m++)
                                B[m] = G[m] - QDi * alpha[iNrclass + alpha_index[iNrclass + m]];

                            solve_sub_problem(QDi, yi, C[inProbY], asi, alpha_new);

                            nz_d = 0;
                            for (m = 0; m < asi; m++)
                                d = alpha_new[m] - alpha[iNrclass + alpha_index[iNrclass + m]];
                                alpha[iNrclass + alpha_index[iNrclass + m]] = alpha_new[m];
                                if (Math.Abs(d) > CONSTANTS.SMALL_ERR)
                                    d_ind[nz_d] = alpha_index[iNrclass + m];
                                    d_val[nz_d] = d;

                            rap = prob.x.getRowPtr(i);
                            for (int j = 0; j < rap.Length; j++)
                                w_i_idx = rap.get(j).index *nr_class;
                                for (m = 0; m < nz_d; m++)
                                    w[w_i_idx + d_ind[m]] += d_val[m] * rap.get(j).value;
                _logger.LogInformation("Loop Time {0}ms", ct.getTime());

                if (iter % 10 == 0)

                if (stopping < eps_shrink)
                    if (stopping < eps && start_from_all == true)
                        active_size = l;
                        // for(i = 0; i < l; i++)
                        //     active_size_i[i] = nr_class;
                        Util.Memset(active_size_i, (byte)nr_class, l);
                        eps_shrink     = Math.Max(eps_shrink / 2, eps);
                        start_from_all = true;
                    start_from_all = false;

            _logger.LogInformation("optimization finished, #iter = {0}", iter);
            if (iter >= max_iter)
                _logger.LogInformation("WARNING: reaching max number of iterations");

            // calculate objective value
            double v   = 0;
            int    nSV = 0;

            for (i = 0; i < w_size * nr_class; i++)
                v += w[i] * w[i];
            v = 0.5 * v;
            for (i = 0; i < l_nrclass; i++)
                v += alpha[i];
                if (Math.Abs(alpha[i]) > 0)

            int nr_class_ctr = 0;

            for (i = 0; i < l; i++, nr_class_ctr += nr_class)
                v -= alpha[nr_class_ctr + (int)prob.y[i]];
            _logger.LogInformation("Objective value = {0}", v);
            _logger.LogInformation("nSV = {0}", nSV);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public double predict(Model model, RowArrayPtr <SparseRowValue> x)
     double[] dec_values = new double[model.nr_class];
     return(predict_values(model, x, dec_values));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public double predict_values(Model model, RowArrayPtr <SparseRowValue> x, double[] dec_values)
            int n;

            if (model.bias >= 0)
                n = model.nr_feature + 1;
                n = model.nr_feature;

            double[] w = model.w;

            int nr_w;

            if (model.nr_class == 2 && model.param.solver_type != SOLVER_TYPE.MCSVM_CS)
                nr_w = 1;
                nr_w = model.nr_class;

            for (int i = 0; i < nr_w; i++)
                dec_values[i] = 0;

            double val;
            int    idx;

            for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++)
                val = x.get(i).value;
                idx = x.get(i).index;

                // the dimension of testing data may exceed that of training
                if (idx <= n)
                    idx *= nr_w;
                    for (int j = 0; j < nr_w; j++)
                        dec_values[j] += w[idx + j] * val;

            if (model.nr_class == 2)
                if (model.param.check_regression_model())
                    return((dec_values[0] > 0) ? model.label[0] : model.label[1]);
                int dec_max_idx = 0;
                for (int i = 1; i < model.nr_class; i++)
                    if (dec_values[i] > dec_values[dec_max_idx])
                        dec_max_idx = i;