Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// GetAccuracy for problem, returning predicted labels.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="problem">problem</param>
        /// <returns>accuracy in %</returns>
        new public void GetAccuracy(libSVM_Problem problem)
            if (problem.samples == null || problem.samples.Length == 0)
                throw new Exception("GetAccuracy no samples");
            if (problem.labels == null || problem.labels.Length == 0)
                throw new Exception("GetAccuracy no labels");

            if (problem.samples.Length != problem.labels.Length)
                throw new Exception("GetAccuracy labels.length!=samples.length");

            output = new libSVM_output();

            int    correctPredictions = 0;
            double pred;

            for (int i = 0; i < problem.samples.Length; i++)
                if (problem.samples[i] != null && problem.samples[i].Count > 0)
                    pred = Predict(problem.samples[i]);
                    output.setValue(i, pred);
                    if (pred == problem.labels[i])

            output.accuracy = correctPredictions / (double)problem.samples.Length * 100.0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Trains model automatically using users grids. if your svm_type/kernel_type does not need it then set it to null
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fold">folds for samples >=2 </param>
        /// <param name="problem">samples and labels</param>
        /// <param name="parameter">model parameters</param>
        /// <param name="grid_c">grid for C</param>
        /// <param name="grid_gamma">grid for gamma</param>
        /// <param name="grid_p">grid for p</param>
        /// <param name="grid_nu">grid for nu</param>
        /// <param name="grid_coef0">grid for coef</param>
        /// <param name="grid_degree">grid for degree</param>
        /// <returns>Total Accuracy in %</returns>
        public void TrainAutoBestTotal(int fold, libSVM_Problem problem, libSVM_Parameter parameter, libSVM_Grid grid_c, libSVM_Grid grid_gamma, libSVM_Grid grid_p, libSVM_Grid grid_nu, libSVM_Grid grid_coef0, libSVM_Grid grid_degree)

            if (problem == null)
                throw new Exception("libSVMProblem not initialized");
            if (problem.samples == null)
                throw new Exception("libSVMProblem.samples = null");
            if (problem.labels == null)
                throw new Exception("libSVMProblem.labels = null");
            if (problem.samples.Length != problem.labels.Length)
                throw new Exception("libSVMProblem.samples.Length != libSVMProblem.labels.length");
            if (parameter == null)
                throw new Exception("libSVMParameter not initialized");
            if (parameter.weight == null && parameter.weight_label != null)
                throw new Exception("libSVMParameter.weight = null and libSVMParameter.weight_label != null");
            if (parameter.weight != null && parameter.weight_label == null)
                throw new Exception("libSVMParameter.weight_label = null and libSVMParameter.weight != null");
            if (parameter.weight != null && parameter.weight_label != null && parameter.weight_label.Length != parameter.weight.Length)
                throw new Exception("libSVMParameter.weight_label.Length != libSVMParameter.weight.Length");
            if (fold < 2 || fold > problem.samples.Length)
                throw new Exception("fold < 2 || fold > nr_samples");

            libSVM_Grid _grid_gamma  = grid_gamma;
            libSVM_Grid _grid_coef0  = grid_coef0;
            libSVM_Grid _grid_degree = grid_degree;

            if (parameter.kernel_type == KERNEL_TYPE.LINEAR ||
                parameter.kernel_type == KERNEL_TYPE.PRECOMPUTED)
                _grid_gamma  = new libSVM_Grid();
                _grid_coef0  = new libSVM_Grid();
                _grid_degree = new libSVM_Grid();
            else if (parameter.kernel_type == KERNEL_TYPE.POLY)
                if (_grid_gamma == null)
                    throw new Exception("grid_gamma not set");
                if (_grid_coef0 == null)
                    throw new Exception("grid_coef0 not set");
                if (_grid_degree == null)
                    throw new Exception("grid_degree not set");
            else if (parameter.kernel_type == KERNEL_TYPE.RBF)
                if (_grid_gamma == null)
                    throw new Exception("grid_gamma not set");

                _grid_coef0  = new libSVM_Grid();
                _grid_degree = new libSVM_Grid();
            else if (parameter.kernel_type == KERNEL_TYPE.SIGMOID)
                if (_grid_gamma == null)
                    throw new Exception("grid_gamma not set");
                if (_grid_coef0 == null)
                    throw new Exception("grid_coef not set");
                _grid_degree = new libSVM_Grid();
                throw new Exception("unknown kernel_type");

            libSVM_Grid _grid_c  = grid_c;
            libSVM_Grid _grid_p  = grid_p;
            libSVM_Grid _grid_nu = grid_nu;

            if (parameter.svm_type == SVM_TYPE.C_SVC ||
                parameter.svm_type == SVM_TYPE.ONE_CLASS)
                if (_grid_c == null)
                    throw new Exception("grid_C not set");

                _grid_nu = new libSVM_Grid();
                _grid_p  = new libSVM_Grid();
            else if (parameter.svm_type == SVM_TYPE.NU_SVC || parameter.svm_type == SVM_TYPE.NU_SVR)
                if (_grid_nu == null)
                    throw new Exception("grid_nu not set");

                _grid_c = new libSVM_Grid();
                _grid_p = new libSVM_Grid();
            else if (parameter.svm_type == SVM_TYPE.EPSILON_SVR)
                if (_grid_p == null)
                    throw new Exception("grid_p not set");

                _grid_c  = new libSVM_Grid();
                _grid_nu = new libSVM_Grid();
                throw new Exception("unknown svm_type");

            double c  = _grid_c.min;
            double p  = _grid_p.min;
            double nu = _grid_nu.min;

            double gamma  = _grid_gamma.min;
            double coef0  = _grid_coef0.min;
            double degree = _grid_degree.min;
            int    f      = 0;

            int test_probe   = 0;
            int test_samples = 0;
            int total_test_probe             = 0;
            int total_test_samples           = 0;
            libSVM_Parameter train_parameter = new libSVM_Parameter();

            //copy parameters set by user;
            train_parameter.weight       = parameter.weight;
            train_parameter.weight_label = parameter.weight_label;
            train_parameter.shrinking    = parameter.shrinking;
            train_parameter.svm_type     = parameter.svm_type;
            train_parameter.kernel_type  = parameter.kernel_type;
            train_parameter.probability  = parameter.probability;
            train_parameter.cache_size   = parameter.cache_size;

            libSVM_Problem train_problem = new libSVM_Problem();
            libSVM_Problem test_problem  = new libSVM_Problem();

            libSVM_output this_output = new libSVM_output();

                train_problem.labels  = new double[1];
                train_problem.samples = new SortedDictionary <int, double> [1];

                test_problem.labels  = new double[1];
                test_problem.samples = new SortedDictionary <int, double> [1];

                int j = 0;
                int k = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < problem.samples.Length; i++)
                    if ((i + 1 + f) % fold == 0)
                        Array.Resize(ref test_problem.labels, j + 1);
                        Array.Resize(ref test_problem.samples, j + 1);
                        this_output.setValue(i, 999);

                        test_problem.labels[j]  = problem.labels[i];
                        test_problem.samples[j] = problem.samples[i];
                        Array.Resize(ref train_problem.labels, k + 1);
                        Array.Resize(ref train_problem.samples, k + 1);

                        train_problem.labels[k]  = problem.labels[i];
                        train_problem.samples[k] = problem.samples[i];

                p = _grid_p.min;
                    nu = _grid_nu.min;
                        gamma = _grid_gamma.min;
                            coef0 = _grid_coef0.min;

                                degree = _grid_degree.min;

                                    c = _grid_c.min;
                                        //svm_train alters problem_ptr so it's necessary to create it every time;
                                        IntPtr this_problem_ptr = libSVM_Problem_to_svm_problem_ptr(train_problem);

                                        //set generated parameters
                                        train_parameter.C      = c;
                                        train_parameter.p      = p;
                                        train_parameter.nu     = nu;
                                        train_parameter.gamma  = gamma;
                                        train_parameter.degree = (int)degree;
                                        train_parameter.coef0  = coef0;

                                        IntPtr this_parameter_ptr = libSVM_Parameter_to_svm_parameter_ptr(train_parameter);

                                        IntPtr error_ptr = svm_check_parameter(this_problem_ptr, this_parameter_ptr);

                                        if (error_ptr != IntPtr.Zero)
                                            throw new Exception(ptr_to_string(error_ptr));

                                        IntPtr this_model_ptr = svm_train(this_problem_ptr, this_parameter_ptr);

                                        int this_test_probe = 0;

                                        //count propperly recognized test_problem.samples
                                        for (int i = 0; i < test_problem.labels.Length; i++)
                                            IntPtr svm_nodes_ptr = sample_to_svm_nodes_ptr(test_problem.samples[i]);


                                            double testPrediction = svm_predict(this_model_ptr, svm_nodes_ptr);

                                            this_output.setValue(this_output.getKeyByIndex(i), testPrediction);
                                            total_test_samples++; // can also be problem.labels.length
                                            if (test_problem.labels[i] == testPrediction)

                                            Free_ptr(ref svm_nodes_ptr);

                                        //if first run then just copy this
                                        if (_model_ptr == IntPtr.Zero)
                                            _model_ptr     = this_model_ptr;
                                            _parameter_ptr = this_parameter_ptr;
                                            _problem_ptr   = this_problem_ptr;

                                            test_probe   = this_test_probe;
                                            test_samples = test_problem.samples.Length;

                                            output = this_output;

                                            //!-uncommenting this gets mapping of predicted labels only for best model
                                            this_output = new libSVM_output();

                                            //!-uncommenting this gets only best model and not runs on all 10 folds (unless best is 10th)
                                            //exit when no better solution could be found
                                            if (test_probe == test_problem.samples.Length)
                                                goto leave;
                                        //if model was better than previous then free previous data and copy this
                                        if (this_test_probe > test_probe)
                                            Free_svm_parameter_ptr(ref _parameter_ptr);
                                            Free_svm_problem_ptr(ref _problem_ptr);
                                            svm_free_and_destroy_model(ref _model_ptr);

                                            _parameter_ptr = this_parameter_ptr;
                                            _problem_ptr   = this_problem_ptr;
                                            _model_ptr     = this_model_ptr;

                                            test_probe   = this_test_probe;
                                            test_samples = test_problem.samples.Length;

                                            output = this_output;

                                            //!-uncommenting this gets mapping of predicted labels only for best model
                                            this_output = new libSVM_output();

                                            //!-uncommenting this gets only best model and not runs on all 10 folds (unless best is 10th)
                                            //exit when no better solution could be found;
                                            if (test_probe == test_problem.samples.Length)
                                                goto leave;
                                        //if not then free this model
                                            Free_svm_problem_ptr(ref this_problem_ptr);
                                            Free_svm_parameter_ptr(ref this_parameter_ptr);
                                            svm_free_and_destroy_model(ref this_model_ptr);

                                            //!-uncommenting this gets mapping of predicted labels only for best model
                                            this_output = new libSVM_output();

                                        c *= _grid_c.step;
                                    } while (c < _grid_c.max);

                                    degree *= _grid_degree.step;
                                } while (degree < _grid_degree.max);

                                coef0 *= _grid_coef0.step;
                            } while (coef0 < _grid_coef0.max);

                            gamma *= _grid_gamma.step;
                        } while (gamma < _grid_gamma.max);

                        nu *= _grid_nu.step;
                    } while (nu < _grid_nu.max);

                    p *= _grid_p.step;
                } while (p < _grid_p.max);

            } while (f < fold);

            //return new double []{100.0 * test_probe / (double) test_samples,100.0 * total_test_probe / (double)total_test_samples};
            output.accuracy = 100.0 * test_probe / (double)test_samples;