Ejemplo n.º 1
		public idSimpleWindow(idWindow win)
			_gui = win.UserInterface;
			_context = win.DeviceContext;

			_drawRect = win.DrawRectangle;
			_clientRect = win.ClientRectangle;
			_textRect = win.TextRectangle;

			_origin = win.Origin;
			_fontFamily = win.FontFamily;
			_name = win.Name;

			_materialScaleX = win.MaterialScaleX;
			_materialScaleY = win.MaterialScaleY;

			_borderSize = win.BorderSize;
			_textAlign = win.TextAlign;
			_textAlignX = win.TextAlignX;
			_textAlignY = win.TextAlignY;
			_background = win.Background;
			_flags = win.Flags;
			_textShadow = win.TextShadow;


			if(_backgroundName != string.Empty)
				_background = idE.DeclManager.FindMaterial(_backgroundName);
				_background.Sort = (float) MaterialSort.Gui; ;
				_background.ImageClassification = 1; // just for resource tracking

			_backgroundName.Material = _background;

			_parent = win.Parent;

			if(_parent != null)
				if(_text.NeedsUpdate == true)

				if(_visible.NeedsUpdate == true)

				if(_rect.NeedsUpdate == true)

				if(_backColor.NeedsUpdate == true)

				if(_materialColor.NeedsUpdate == true)

				if(_foreColor.NeedsUpdate == true)

				if(_borderColor.NeedsUpdate == true)

				if(_textScale.NeedsUpdate == true)

				if(_rotate.NeedsUpdate == true)

				if(_shear.NeedsUpdate == true)

				if(_backgroundName.NeedsUpdate == true)
Ejemplo n.º 2
		private void Clear()
			_initialized = false;

			_currentFont = null;
			_currentFontFamily = null;
			_mbcs = false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
		public void Init()
			_scaleX = 0.0f;

			_whiteImage = idE.DeclManager.FindMaterial("guis/assets/white.tga");
			_whiteImage.Sort = (float) MaterialSort.Gui;


			_matrix = Matrix.Identity;
			_origin = Vector3.Zero;
			_enableClipping = true;
			_mbcs = false;

			SetSize(idE.VirtualScreenWidth, idE.VirtualScreenHeight);

			_currentFontFamily = _fontFamilies[0];
			 * TODO*/

			_cursorImages[(int) Cursor.Arrow] = idE.DeclManager.FindMaterial("ui/assets/guicursor_arrow.tga");
			_cursorImages[(int) Cursor.Hand] = idE.DeclManager.FindMaterial("ui/assets/guicursor_hand.tga");
			_cursorImages[(int) Cursor.Arrow].Sort = (float) MaterialSort.Gui;
			_cursorImages[(int) Cursor.Hand].Sort = (float) MaterialSort.Gui;

			/*scrollBarImages[SCROLLBAR_HBACK] = declManager->FindMaterial("ui/assets/scrollbarh.tga");
			scrollBarImages[SCROLLBAR_VBACK] = declManager->FindMaterial("ui/assets/scrollbarv.tga");
			scrollBarImages[SCROLLBAR_THUMB] = declManager->FindMaterial("ui/assets/scrollbar_thumb.tga");
			scrollBarImages[SCROLLBAR_RIGHT] = declManager->FindMaterial("ui/assets/scrollbar_right.tga");
			scrollBarImages[SCROLLBAR_LEFT] = declManager->FindMaterial("ui/assets/scrollbar_left.tga");
			scrollBarImages[SCROLLBAR_UP] = declManager->FindMaterial("ui/assets/scrollbar_up.tga");
			scrollBarImages[SCROLLBAR_DOWN] = declManager->FindMaterial("ui/assets/scrollbar_down.tga");*/

			/*crollBarImages[SCROLLBAR_HBACK]->SetSort( SS_GUI );
			scrollBarImages[SCROLLBAR_VBACK]->SetSort( SS_GUI );
			scrollBarImages[SCROLLBAR_THUMB]->SetSort( SS_GUI );
			scrollBarImages[SCROLLBAR_RIGHT]->SetSort( SS_GUI );
			scrollBarImages[SCROLLBAR_LEFT]->SetSort( SS_GUI );
			scrollBarImages[SCROLLBAR_UP]->SetSort( SS_GUI );
			scrollBarImages[SCROLLBAR_DOWN]->SetSort( SS_GUI );*/

			_cursor = Cursor.Arrow;

			/*overStrikeMode = true;*/
			_initialized = true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
		private void Init()
			_childID = 0;
			_flags = 0;
			_lastTimeRun = 0;

			_origin = Vector2.Zero;
			_fontFamily = null;
			_timeLine = -1;
			_offsetX = 0;
			_offsetY = 0;
			_cursor = Cursor.Arrow;
			_forceAspectWidth = 640;
			_forceAspectHeight = 480;
			_materialScaleX = 1;
			_materialScaleY = 1;
			_borderSize = 0;

			_textAlign = TextAlign.Left;
			_textAlignX = 0;
			_textAlignY = 0;

			_shear = Vector2.Zero;

			_foreColor.Set(new Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1));
			_hoverColor.Set(new Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1));
			_materialColor.Set(new Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1));

			_background = null;

			_focusedChild = null;
			_captureChild = null;
			_overChild = null;

			// TODO
			_parent = null;
			/*saveOps = NULL;
			saveRegs = NULL;*/
			_timeLine = -1;
			_textShadow = 0;
			_hover = false;

			int count = _scripts.Length;
			for(int i = 0; i < count; i++)
				_scripts[i] = null;
Ejemplo n.º 5
		protected virtual bool ParseInternalVariable(string name, idScriptParser parser)
			if(this.Disposed == true)
				throw new ObjectDisposedException(this.GetType().Name);

			name = name.ToLower();

			if(name == "bordersize")
				_borderSize = parser.ParseFloat();
			else if(name == "comment")
				_comment = ParseString(parser);
			else if(name == "font")
				string font = ParseString(parser);
				_fontFamily = _context.FindFont(font);
			else if(name == "forceaspectwidth")
				_forceAspectWidth = parser.ParseFloat();
			else if(name == "forceaspectheight")
				_forceAspectHeight = parser.ParseFloat();
			else if(name == "invertrect")
				if(parser.ParseBool() == true)
					_flags |= WindowFlags.InvertRectangle;
			else if(name == "naturalmatscale")
				if(parser.ParseBool() == true)
					_flags |= WindowFlags.NaturalMaterial;
			else if(name == "noclip")
				if(parser.ParseBool() == true)
					_flags |= WindowFlags.NoClip;
			else if(name == "nocursor")
				if(parser.ParseBool() == true)
					_flags |= WindowFlags.NoCursor;
			else if(name == "nowrap")
				if(parser.ParseBool() == true)
					_flags |= WindowFlags.NoWrap;
			else if(name == "matscalex")
				_materialScaleX = parser.ParseFloat();
			else if(name == "matscaley")
				_materialScaleY = parser.ParseFloat();
			else if(name == "menugui")
				if(parser.ParseBool() == true)
					_flags |= WindowFlags.MenuInterface;
			else if(name == "modal")
				if(parser.ParseBool() == true)
					_flags |= WindowFlags.Modal;
			else if(name == "name")
				_name = ParseString(parser);
			else if(name == "play")
				idConsole.Warning("play encountered during gui parse.. see robert");
				string tmp = ParseString(parser);
			else if(name == "shadow")
				_textShadow = parser.ParseInteger();
			else if(name == "shear")
				_shear.X = parser.ParseFloat();

				idToken token = parser.ReadToken();

				if(token.ToString() != ",")
					parser.Error("Expected comma in shear definition");

					return false;

				_shear.Y = parser.ParseFloat();
			else if(name == "showcoords")
				if(parser.ParseBool() == true)
					_flags |= WindowFlags.ShowCoordinates;
			else if(name == "showtime")
				if(parser.ParseBool() == true)
					_flags |= WindowFlags.ShowTime;
			else if(name == "textalign")
				_textAlign = (TextAlign) parser.ParseInteger();
			else if(name == "textalignx")
				_textAlignX = parser.ParseFloat();
			else if(name == "textaligny")
				_textAlignY = parser.ParseFloat();
			else if(name == "wantenter")
				if(parser.ParseBool() == true)
					_flags |= WindowFlags.WantEnter;
				return false;

			return true;
Ejemplo n.º 6
		public idFontFamily RegisterFont(string fontName, string fileName)
			float glyphScale;
			byte[] data;
			int pointSize;
			idFont outFont;
			idFontFamily fontFamily = new idFontFamily(fontName);
			string filePath;

			for(int fontCount = 0; fontCount < 3; fontCount++)
				if(fontCount == 0)
					pointSize = 12;
				else if(fontCount == 1)
					pointSize = 24;
					pointSize = 48;

				// we also need to adjust the scale based on point size relative to 48 points as the ui scaling is based on a 48 point font.
				// change the scale to be relative to 1 based on 72 dpi ( so dpi of 144 means a scale of .5 )
				glyphScale = 1.0f;
				glyphScale *= 48.0f / pointSize;

				filePath = string.Format("{0}/fontImage_{1}.dat", fileName, pointSize);
				data = idE.FileSystem.ReadFile(filePath);

				if(data == null)
					idConsole.Warning("RegisterFont: couldn't find font: {0}", fileName);
					return null;

				using(BinaryReader r = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(data)))
					outFont = new idFont(filePath);
					outFont.Init(r, fileName);

					if(fontCount == 0)
						fontFamily.Small = outFont;
					else if(fontCount == 1)
						fontFamily.Medium = outFont;
						fontFamily.Large = outFont;

			return fontFamily;