Ejemplo n.º 1
 internal StandardLine(Point p1, Point p2)
     // Constants from the standard line representation: Ax+By+C
     A = (float)(p2.GetY() - p1.GetY());
     B = (float)(p1.GetX() - p2.GetX());
     C = (float)(p1.GetY() * (-B) - p1.GetX() * A);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private static Point[] GetRotatedSquareVertices(Point[] orthogonalSquareVertices, double angle, Point squareCenter
     Point[] rotatedSquareVertices = new Point[orthogonalSquareVertices.Length];
     AffineTransform.GetRotateInstance((float)angle).Transform(orthogonalSquareVertices, 0, rotatedSquareVertices
                                                               , 0, rotatedSquareVertices.Length);
     AffineTransform.GetTranslateInstance((float)squareCenter.GetX(), (float)squareCenter.GetY()).Transform(rotatedSquareVertices
                                                                                                            , 0, rotatedSquareVertices, 0, orthogonalSquareVertices.Length);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        protected ShapePoint ConvertPoint(Point p, Matrix ctm)
            Vector vector = new Vector((float)p.x, (float)p.y, 1);

            vector = vector.Cross(ctm);
            return(new ShapePoint
                X = vector.Get(Vector.I1),
                Y = pageContext.PageHeight - vector.Get(Vector.I2)
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>Convert 4 Point objects into a Rectangle</summary>
        /// <param name="p1">first Point</param>
        /// <param name="p2">second Point</param>
        /// <param name="p3">third Point</param>
        /// <param name="p4">fourth Point</param>
        private Rectangle GetAsRectangle(Point p1, Point p2, Point p3, Point p4)
            IList <double> xs     = JavaUtil.ArraysAsList(p1.GetX(), p2.GetX(), p3.GetX(), p4.GetX());
            IList <double> ys     = JavaUtil.ArraysAsList(p1.GetY(), p2.GetY(), p3.GetY(), p4.GetY());
            double         left   = Enumerable.Min(xs);
            double         bottom = Enumerable.Min(ys);
            double         right  = Enumerable.Max(xs);
            double         top    = Enumerable.Max(ys);

            return(new Rectangle((float)left, (float)bottom, (float)(right - left), (float)(top - bottom)));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private static Subpath ConstructSquare(Point squareCenter, double widthHalf, double rotationAngle)
            // Orthogonal square is the square with sides parallel to one of the axes.
            Point[] ortogonalSquareVertices = new Point[] { new Point(-widthHalf, -widthHalf), new Point(-widthHalf, widthHalf
                                                                                                         ), new Point(widthHalf, widthHalf), new Point(widthHalf, -widthHalf) };
            Point[] rotatedSquareVertices = GetRotatedSquareVertices(ortogonalSquareVertices, rotationAngle, squareCenter
            Subpath square = new Subpath();

            square.AddSegment(new Line(rotatedSquareVertices[0], rotatedSquareVertices[1]));
            square.AddSegment(new Line(rotatedSquareVertices[1], rotatedSquareVertices[2]));
            square.AddSegment(new Line(rotatedSquareVertices[2], rotatedSquareVertices[3]));
            square.AddSegment(new Line(rotatedSquareVertices[3], rotatedSquareVertices[0]));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>Converts specified degenerate subpaths to squares.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Converts specified degenerate subpaths to squares.
        /// Note: the list of degenerate subpaths should contain at least 2 elements. Otherwise
        /// we can't determine the direction which the rotation of each square depends on.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="squareWidth">Width of each constructed square.</param>
        /// <param name="sourcePath">The path which dash pattern applied to. Needed to calc rotation angle of each square.
        ///     </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// <see cref="System.Collections.IList{E}"/>
        /// consisting of squares constructed on given degenerated subpaths.
        /// </returns>
        private static IList <Subpath> ConvertToSquares(IList <Subpath> degenerateSubpaths, double squareWidth, Path
            IList <Point> pathApprox = GetPathApproximation(sourcePath);

            if (pathApprox.Count < 2)
                return(JavaCollectionsUtil.EmptyList <Subpath>());
            IEnumerator <Point> approxIter = pathApprox.GetEnumerator();

            Point approxPt1 = approxIter.Current;

            Point approxPt2 = approxIter.Current;

            PdfCleanUpFilter.StandardLine line = new PdfCleanUpFilter.StandardLine(approxPt1, approxPt2);
            IList <Subpath> squares            = new List <Subpath>(degenerateSubpaths.Count);
            float           widthHalf          = (float)squareWidth / 2;

            foreach (Subpath subpath in degenerateSubpaths)
                Point point = subpath.GetStartPoint();
                while (!line.Contains(point))
                    approxPt1 = approxPt2;
                    approxPt2 = approxIter.Current;
                    line      = new PdfCleanUpFilter.StandardLine(approxPt1, approxPt2);
                double slope = line.GetSlope();
                double angle;
                if (!double.IsPositiveInfinity(slope))
                    angle = Math.Atan(slope);
                    angle = Math.PI / 2;
                squares.Add(ConstructSquare(point, widthHalf, angle));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private Point[] TransformPoints(Matrix transformationMatrix, bool inverse, params Point[] points)
            AffineTransform t = new AffineTransform(transformationMatrix.Get(Matrix.I11), transformationMatrix.Get(Matrix
                                                                                                                   .I12), transformationMatrix.Get(Matrix.I21), transformationMatrix.Get(Matrix.I22), transformationMatrix
                                                    .Get(Matrix.I31), transformationMatrix.Get(Matrix.I32));

            Point[] transformed = new Point[points.Length];
            if (inverse)
                try {
                    t = t.CreateInverse();
                catch (NoninvertibleTransformException e) {
                    throw new Exception(e.Message);
            t.Transform(points, 0, transformed, 0, points.Length);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>Approximate a circle with 4 Bezier curves (one for each 90 degrees sector)</summary>
        /// <param name="center">center of the circle</param>
        /// <param name="radius">radius of the circle</param>
        private static BezierCurve[] ApproximateCircle(Point center, double radius)
            // The circle is split into 4 sectors. Arc of each sector
            // is approximated  with bezier curve separately.
            BezierCurve[] approximation = new BezierCurve[4];
            double        x             = center.GetX();
            double        y             = center.GetY();

            approximation[0] = new BezierCurve(JavaUtil.ArraysAsList(new Point(x, y + radius), new Point(x + radius *
                                                                                                         CIRCLE_APPROXIMATION_CONST, y + radius), new Point(x + radius, y + radius * CIRCLE_APPROXIMATION_CONST
                                                                                                                                                            ), new Point(x + radius, y)));
            approximation[1] = new BezierCurve(JavaUtil.ArraysAsList(new Point(x + radius, y), new Point(x + radius, y
                                                                                                         - radius * CIRCLE_APPROXIMATION_CONST), new Point(x + radius * CIRCLE_APPROXIMATION_CONST, y - radius
                                                                                                                                                           ), new Point(x, y - radius)));
            approximation[2] = new BezierCurve(JavaUtil.ArraysAsList(new Point(x, y - radius), new Point(x - radius *
                                                                                                         CIRCLE_APPROXIMATION_CONST, y - radius), new Point(x - radius, y - radius * CIRCLE_APPROXIMATION_CONST
                                                                                                                                                            ), new Point(x - radius, y)));
            approximation[3] = new BezierCurve(JavaUtil.ArraysAsList(new Point(x - radius, y), new Point(x - radius, y
                                                                                                         + radius * CIRCLE_APPROXIMATION_CONST), new Point(x - radius * CIRCLE_APPROXIMATION_CONST, y + radius
                                                                                                                                                           ), new Point(x, y + radius)));
Ejemplo n.º 9
        protected override void DrawBars(PdfCanvas canvas, PdfPage page)
            //int columnCount = _data.Columns.Count;
            //float totalColumnWidth = (_axisWidth / columnCount);
            //float barMargin = (totalColumnWidth - _barWidth) / 2;

            if (_svgRender)
                float x = _originX;
                foreach (Column column in _data.Columns)
                    float y     = _originY;
                    Value value = column.Values[0];

                    x += _linePointSpace;
                float  x       = _originX;
                int    i       = 0;
                int    k       = 0;
                double yOffset = 0;
                if (_yAxisMin < 0)
                    yOffset = _yAxisMin * -1.0 * _yScale;

                if (_lineCurved)
                    int    j     = 0;
                    double lastX = 0.0;
                    double lastY = 0.0;
                    bool   lastValueDuplicate = false;

                    for (j = 0; j < _data.Legends.Count; j++)
                        Legend legend = _data.Legends[j];
                        // Make a list of control points
                        List <iText.Kernel.Geom.Point> control1 = new List <iText.Kernel.Geom.Point>();
                        List <iText.Kernel.Geom.Point> control2 = new List <iText.Kernel.Geom.Point>();
                        List <iText.Kernel.Geom.Point> points   = new List <iText.Kernel.Geom.Point>();

                        x = _originX;
                        // -----------------------

                        for (i = 0; i < _data.Columns.Count; i++)
                            Column column = _data.Columns[i];

                            Value value = column.Values[j];

                            double y = _originY + value.Data * _yScale + yOffset;
                            lastX = x;
                            if (_skipDuplicates)
                                if (lastY != y)
                                    lastY = y;
                                    points.Add(new iText.Kernel.Geom.Point(x, y));
                                    lastValueDuplicate = false;
                                    lastValueDuplicate = true;
                                lastY = y;
                                points.Add(new iText.Kernel.Geom.Point(x, y));
                            //Debug.WriteLine("X:" + x.ToString() + " Y:" + y.ToString());
                            x += _linePointSpace;

                        if (lastValueDuplicate)
                            if (j < _data.Legends.Count - 1)
                                double nextY = _originY + _data.Columns[0].Values[j + 1].Data * _yScale + yOffset;
                                // Make sure the last value is added as a point if it was a duplicate
                                points.Add(new iText.Kernel.Geom.Point(lastX, nextY));
                                lastY = nextY;
                            lastValueDuplicate = false;
                            Debug.WriteLine("Add last Duplicate X:" + lastX.ToString() + " Y:" + lastY.ToString());

                        // Add a fake first control point so that the indexes are the same
                        control1.Add(new iText.Kernel.Geom.Point(0, 0));
                        control2.Add(new iText.Kernel.Geom.Point(0, 0));
                        for (i = 1; i < points.Count - 1; i++) // from the second point to the second to last point
                            iText.Kernel.Geom.Point point = points[i];

                            double x0   = points[i - 1].x;
                            double x2   = points[i + 1].x;
                            double y0   = points[i - 1].y;
                            double y2   = points[i + 1].y;
                            double dirx = x2 - x0;
                            double diry = y2 - y0;

                            double distance = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(dirx, 2) + Math.Pow(diry, 2));

                            double unitx = dirx / distance;
                            double unity = diry / distance;

                            double angle1 = Math.Atan2(unitx, -unity) + Math.PI / 2;
                            double angle2 = Math.Atan2(-unitx, unity) + Math.PI / 2;

                            double control1x = points[i].x + Math.Cos(angle1) * (distance / 5);
                            double control1y = points[i].y + Math.Sin(angle1) * (distance / 5);
                            double control2x = points[i].x + Math.Cos(angle2) * (distance / 5);
                            double control2y = points[i].y + Math.Sin(angle2) * (distance / 5);

                            control1.Add(new iText.Kernel.Geom.Point(control1x, control1y));
                            control2.Add(new iText.Kernel.Geom.Point(control2x, control2y));
                        // Add the last control point so that the indexes are the same
                        control1.Add(new iText.Kernel.Geom.Point(control2[control2.Count - 1].x, control2[control2.Count - 1].y));
                        control2.Add(new iText.Kernel.Geom.Point(0, 0));


                        double startX = points[0].x;
                        double startY = _originY + yOffset;;

                        for (i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                            if (i == 0)
                                canvas.MoveTo(points[i].x, points[i].y);
                                canvas.CurveTo(control1[i + 1].x, control1[i + 1].y, points[i + 1].x, points[i + 1].y);
                            else if (i == (points.Count - 1))
                                canvas.CurveTo(control2[i].x, control2[i].y, control1[i + 1].x, control1[i + 1].y, points[i + 1].x, points[i + 1].y);
            } // SVG Render
Ejemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary>Adds the subpath to this path.</summary>
 /// <param name="subpath">The subpath to be added to this path.</param>
 public virtual void AddSubpath(Subpath subpath)
     currentPoint = subpath.GetLastPoint();
Ejemplo n.º 11
        protected override void DrawBars(PdfCanvas canvas, PdfPage page)
            //int columnCount = _data.Columns.Count;
            //float totalColumnWidth = (_axisWidth / columnCount);
            //float barMargin = (totalColumnWidth - _barWidth) / 2;


            if (_svgRender)
                float x = _originX;
                foreach (Column column in _data.Columns)
                    float y     = _originY;
                    Value value = column.Values[0];

                    x += _linePointSpace;
                float  x       = _originX;
                int    i       = 0;
                int    k       = 0;
                double yOffset = 0;
                if (_yAxisMin < 0)
                    yOffset = _yAxisMin * -1.0 * _yScale;
                //double lastValue = double.MaxValue;

                if (_lineCurved)
                    int    j     = 0;
                    double lastX = 0.0;
                    double lastY = 0.0;
                    bool   lastValueDuplicate = false;

                    for (j = 0; j < _data.Legends.Count; j++)
                        Legend legend = _data.Legends[j];

                        List <iText.Kernel.Geom.Point> control1 = new List <iText.Kernel.Geom.Point>();
                        List <iText.Kernel.Geom.Point> control2 = new List <iText.Kernel.Geom.Point>();
                        List <iText.Kernel.Geom.Point> points   = new List <iText.Kernel.Geom.Point>();

                        if (j != 0)
                            // Add the last point in the previous legend as the first point in this legend
                            // so that they are joined together
                            points.Add(new iText.Kernel.Geom.Point(lastX, lastY));

                        for (i = 0; i < _data.Columns.Count; i++)
                            Column column = _data.Columns[i];

                            for (k = 0; k < column.Values.Count; k++)
                                Value value = column.Values[k];

                                if (value.Legend == legend)
                                    double y = _originY + value.Data * _yScale + yOffset;
                                    lastX = x;
                                    if (_skipDuplicates)
                                        if (lastY != y)
                                            lastY = y;
                                            points.Add(new iText.Kernel.Geom.Point(x, y));
                                            lastValueDuplicate = false;
                                            lastValueDuplicate = true;
                                        lastY = y;
                                        points.Add(new iText.Kernel.Geom.Point(x, y));
                                    Debug.WriteLine("X:" + x.ToString() + " Y:" + y.ToString());
                                    x += _linePointSpace;
                        if (lastValueDuplicate)
                            if (j < _data.Legends.Count - 1)
                                double nextY = _originY + _data.Columns[0].Values[j + 1].Data * _yScale + yOffset;
                                // Make sure the last value is added as a point if it was a duplicate
                                points.Add(new iText.Kernel.Geom.Point(lastX, nextY));
                                lastY = nextY;
                            lastValueDuplicate = false;
                            Debug.WriteLine("Add last Duplicate X:" + lastX.ToString() + " Y:" + lastY.ToString());

                        // Add a fake first control point so that the indexes are the same
                        control1.Add(new iText.Kernel.Geom.Point(0, 0));
                        control2.Add(new iText.Kernel.Geom.Point(0, 0));
                        for (i = 1; i < points.Count - 1; i++) // from the second point to the second to last point
                            iText.Kernel.Geom.Point point = points[i];

                            double x0   = points[i - 1].x;
                            double x2   = points[i + 1].x;
                            double y0   = points[i - 1].y;
                            double y2   = points[i + 1].y;
                            double dirx = x2 - x0;
                            double diry = y2 - y0;

                            double distance = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(dirx, 2) + Math.Pow(diry, 2));

                            double unitx = dirx / distance;
                            double unity = diry / distance;

                            double angle1 = Math.Atan2(unitx, -unity) + Math.PI / 2;
                            double angle2 = Math.Atan2(-unitx, unity) + Math.PI / 2;

                            double control1x = points[i].x + Math.Cos(angle1) * (distance / 5);
                            double control1y = points[i].y + Math.Sin(angle1) * (distance / 5);
                            double control2x = points[i].x + Math.Cos(angle2) * (distance / 5);
                            double control2y = points[i].y + Math.Sin(angle2) * (distance / 5);

                            control1.Add(new iText.Kernel.Geom.Point(control1x, control1y));
                            control2.Add(new iText.Kernel.Geom.Point(control2x, control2y));
                        // Add the last control point so that the indexes are the same
                        control1.Add(new iText.Kernel.Geom.Point(control2[control2.Count - 1].x, control2[control2.Count - 1].y));
                        control2.Add(new iText.Kernel.Geom.Point(0, 0));


                        double startX = points[0].x;
                        double startY = _originY + yOffset;;

                        for (i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                            if (i == 0)
                                canvas.MoveTo(startX, startY);
                                canvas.LineTo(points[i].x, points[i].y);
                                canvas.CurveTo(control1[i + 1].x, control1[i + 1].y, points[i + 1].x, points[i + 1].y);
                            else if (i == (points.Count - 1))
                                //canvas.CurveTo(control1[i].x, control1[i].y, (double)x, (double)y);
                                canvas.LineTo(points[i].x, startY);
                                canvas.CurveTo(control2[i].x, control2[i].y, control1[i + 1].x, control1[i + 1].y, points[i + 1].x, points[i + 1].y);

 *                      // Draw Control point and normals
 *                      canvas.SetLineWidth(0.25f);
 *                      canvas.SetStrokeColor(iText.Kernel.Colors.ColorConstants.BLACK);
 *                      for (i = 0; i < points.Count - 1; i++)
 *                      {
 *                          if (i == 0)
 *                          {
 *                              //canvas.MoveTo((float)points[i].x, (float)points[i].y);
 *                              canvas.SetFillColor(iText.Kernel.Colors.ColorConstants.BLUE);
 *                              canvas.Circle((float)points[i].x, (float)points[i].y, 2.0f);
 *                              canvas.Fill();
 *                          }
 *                          else if (i == (_data.Columns.Count - 1))
 *                          {
 *                          }
 *                          else
 *                          {
 *                              //canvas.CurveTo(control1[i].x, control1[i].y, control2[i].x, control2[i].y, (double)x, (double)y);
 *                              canvas.SetFillColor(iText.Kernel.Colors.ColorConstants.BLUE);
 *                              canvas.Circle((float)points[i].x, (float)points[i].y, 2.0f);
 *                              canvas.Fill();
 *                              //canvas.SetFillColor(iText.Kernel.Colors.ColorConstants.RED);
 *                              //canvas.Circle(control1[i].x, control1[i].y, 2.0f);
 *                              //canvas.Fill();
 *                              //canvas.SetFillColor(iText.Kernel.Colors.ColorConstants.YELLOW);
 *                              //canvas.Circle(control2[i].x, control2[i].y, 2.0f);
 *                              //canvas.Fill();
 *                              canvas.MoveTo(control1[i].x, control1[i].y);
 *                              canvas.LineTo(control2[i].x, control2[i].y);
 *                              canvas.Stroke();
 *                          }
 *                      }
 *                  for (i = 0; i < _data.Columns.Count; i++)
 *                  {
 *                      Column column = _data.Columns[i];
 *                      Value value = column.Values[0];
 *                      float y = _originY + value.Data * _yScale;
 *                      if (i == 0)
 *                      {
 *                          canvas.MoveTo(x, y);
 *                      }
 *                      else
 *                      {
 *                          canvas.LineTo(x, y);
 *                      }
 *                      x += _linePointSpace;
 *                  }
 *                  canvas.Stroke();
            } // SVG Render
Ejemplo n.º 12
 internal virtual bool Contains(Point point)
     return(JavaUtil.FloatCompare(Math.Abs(A * (float)point.GetX() + B * (float)point.GetY() + C), 0.1f) < 0);
Ejemplo n.º 13
 /// <summary>Convert a Rectangle object into 4 Points</summary>
 /// <param name="rect">input Rectangle</param>
 private Point[] GetRectangleVertices(Rectangle rect)
     Point[] points = new Point[] { new Point(rect.GetLeft(), rect.GetBottom()), new Point(rect.GetRight(), rect
                                                                                           .GetBottom()), new Point(rect.GetRight(), rect.GetTop()), new Point(rect.GetLeft(), rect.GetTop()) };