internal static bool addHost(HostUrl hostUrl)     //call locally
     //called by HpnXmlRpcClient.sendJoinRequest()
     //this function will call by current client (locally)
     //when the client receive the hostList it must add each host on this machine of course after register itself on that host by calling addMe function throw XML-RPC
     //and then this function will return 'true' if the addition was successful or 'false' if the addition was failed
         //check for iterated(repited) host
         String hurl = hostUrl.getHostUrl();
         int    port = hostUrl.getPort();
         for (int index = 0; index < hostsAddresses.Count; index++)
             if (hostsAddresses[index].getHostUrl().Equals(hurl) && hostsAddresses[index].getPort() == port)
                 return(true); //it is already exist does not need to add to hostsAddresses
         //note: if the add procedure be successful, then a true value will be send
     }catch (System.Exception e) {
         Console.WriteLine("Adding a new host has crached, maybe entered URL or port has a problem.");
     return(false);       //if the adding process fail in any cases, this false value will show this failure
 internal static bool removeHost(HostUrl hostUrl)
     //this function will call by current client (locally)
         //check for iterated(repited) host
         String hurl = hostUrl.getHostUrl();
         int    port = hostUrl.getPort();
         for (int index = 0; index < hostsAddresses.Count; index++)
             if (hostsAddresses[index].getHostUrl().Equals(hurl) && hostsAddresses[index].getPort() == port)
                 hostsAddresses.RemoveRange(index, 1);
     catch (System.Exception e)
         Console.WriteLine("Rupturing an old host has crached, maybe entered URL or port has a problem.");
     return(false);                       //if the adding process fail in any cases, this false value will show this failure
        internal static String listAllHostsExcept(HostUrl hostUrl)
            //note: if the add procedure be successful, then the list of all hosts except local host and the host that has been added recently will be send,
            //the host that has been added recently must be sent with hostUrl parameter
            //if there were no host more than local host it will return an empty String same as "" but not null
            //if just there is local host it will return null
            String hostsList = "";

            for (int index = 1; index < hostsAddresses.Count; index++)
                if (!(hostsAddresses[index].getHostUrl() == hostUrl.getHostUrl() && hostsAddresses[index].getPort() == hostUrl.getPort()))
                    hostsList += hostsAddresses[index].toString();
                    hostsList = ("true\n" + hostsList);