Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// insert new point into segment eid at parameter value t
        /// If t is within tol of endpoint of segment, we use that instead.
        /// </summary>
        protected Index2i split_segment_at_t(int eid, double t, double tol)
            Index2i   ev  = Graph.GetEdgeV(eid);
            Segment2d seg = new Segment2d(Graph.GetVertex(ev.a), Graph.GetVertex(ev.b));

            int use_vid = -1;
            int new_eid = -1;

            if (t < -(seg.Extent - tol))
                use_vid = ev.a;
            else if (t > (seg.Extent - tol))
                use_vid = ev.b;
                DGraph2.EdgeSplitInfo splitInfo;
                MeshResult            result = Graph.SplitEdge(eid, out splitInfo);
                if (result != MeshResult.Ok)
                    throw new Exception("insert_into_segment: edge split failed?");
                use_vid = splitInfo.vNew;
                new_eid = splitInfo.eNewBN;
                Vector2d pt = seg.PointAt(t);
                Graph.SetVertex(use_vid, pt);
                PointHash.InsertPointUnsafe(splitInfo.vNew, pt);
            return(new Index2i(use_vid, new_eid));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void CollapseToMinEdgeLength(double fMinLen)
            double sharp_threshold_deg = 140.0f;

            double minLenSqr  = fMinLen * fMinLen;
            bool   done       = false;
            int    max_passes = 100;
            int    pass_count = 0;

            while (done == false && pass_count++ < max_passes)
                done = true;

                // [RMS] do modulo-indexing here to avoid pathological cases where we do things like
                // continually collapse a short edge adjacent to a long edge (which will result in crazy over-collapse)
                int       N       = Graph.MaxEdgeID;
                const int nPrime  = 31337;                    // any prime will do...
                int       cur_eid = 0;
                    int eid = cur_eid;
                    cur_eid = (cur_eid + nPrime) % N;

                    if (!Graph.IsEdge(eid))

                    if (FixedEdgeFilterF(eid))

                    Index2i ev = Graph.GetEdgeV(eid);

                    Vector2d va      = Graph.GetVertex(ev.a);
                    Vector2d vb      = Graph.GetVertex(ev.b);
                    double   distSqr = va.DistanceSquared(vb);
                    if (distSqr < minLenSqr)
                        int vtx_idx = -1;                            // collapse to this vertex

                        // check valences. want to preserve positions of non-valence-2
                        int na = Graph.GetVtxEdgeCount(ev.a);
                        int nb = Graph.GetVtxEdgeCount(ev.b);
                        if (na != 2 && nb != 2)

                        if (na != 2)
                            vtx_idx = 0;
                        else if (nb != 2)
                            vtx_idx = 1;

                        // check opening angles. want to preserve sharp(er) angles
                        if (vtx_idx == -1)
                            double opena = Math.Abs(Graph.OpeningAngle(ev.a));
                            double openb = Math.Abs(Graph.OpeningAngle(ev.b));
                            if (opena < sharp_threshold_deg && openb < sharp_threshold_deg)
                            else if (opena < sharp_threshold_deg)
                                vtx_idx = 0;
                            else if (openb < sharp_threshold_deg)
                                vtx_idx = 1;

                        Vector2d newPos = (vtx_idx == -1) ? 0.5 * (va + vb) : ((vtx_idx == 0) ? va : vb);

                        int keep = ev.a, remove = ev.b;
                        if (vtx_idx == 1)
                            remove = ev.a; keep = ev.b;

                        DGraph2.EdgeCollapseInfo collapseInfo;
                        if (Graph.CollapseEdge(keep, remove, out collapseInfo) == MeshResult.Ok)
                            Graph.SetVertex(collapseInfo.vKept, newPos);
                            done = false;
                } while (cur_eid != 0);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        protected virtual void do_split(Line2d line, bool insert_edges, int insert_gid)
            if (EdgeSigns.Length < Graph.MaxVertexID)

            foreach (int vid in Graph.VertexIndices())
                EdgeSigns[vid] = line.WhichSide(Graph.GetVertex(vid), OnVertexTol);

            foreach (int eid in Graph.EdgeIndices())
                Index2i ev    = Graph.GetEdgeV(eid);
                var     signs = new Index2i(EdgeSigns[ev.a], EdgeSigns[ev.b]);
                if (signs.a * signs.b > 0)
                    continue;                       // both positive or negative, ignore

                var hit = new edge_hit()
                    hit_eid = eid, vtx_signs = signs, hit_vid = -1
                Vector2d a = Graph.GetVertex(ev.a);
                Vector2d b = Graph.GetVertex(ev.b);

                // parallel-edge case (both are zero)
                if (signs.a == signs.b)
                    if (a.DistanceSquared(b) > MathUtil.Epsilon)
                        // we need to somehow not insert a new segment for this span below.
                        // so, insert two hit points for the ray-interval, with same eid.
                        // This will result in this span being skipped by the same-eid test below
                        // *however*, if other edges self-intersect w/ this segment, this will *not work*
                        // and duplicate edges will be inserted
                        hit.hit_vid = ev.a;
                        hit.line_t  = line.Project(a);
                        hit.hit_vid = ev.b;
                        hit.line_t  = line.Project(b);
                        // degenerate edge - fall through to a == 0 case below
                        signs.b = 1;

                if (signs.a == 0)
                    hit.hit_pos = a;
                    hit.hit_vid = ev.a;
                    hit.line_t  = line.Project(a);
                else if (signs.b == 0)
                    hit.hit_pos = b;
                    hit.hit_vid = ev.b;
                    hit.line_t  = line.Project(b);
                    var intr = new IntrLine2Segment2(line, new Segment2d(a, b));
                    if (intr.Find() == false)
                        throw new Exception("GraphSplitter2d.Split: signs are different but ray did not it?");

                    if (intr.IsSimpleIntersection)
                        hit.hit_pos = intr.Point;
                        hit.line_t  = intr.Parameter;
                        throw new Exception("GraphSplitter2d.Split: got parallel edge case!");

            // sort by increasing ray-t
            hits.Sort((hit0, hit1) => { return(hit0.line_t.CompareTo(hit1.line_t)); });

            // insert segments between successive intersection points
            int N = hits.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < N - 1; ++i)
                int j = i + 1;
                // note: skipping parallel segments depends on this eid == eid test (see above)
                if (hits[i].line_t == hits[j].line_t || hits[i].hit_eid == hits[j].hit_eid)

                int vi = hits[i].hit_vid;
                int vj = hits[j].hit_vid;
                if (vi == vj && vi >= 0)

                if (vi >= 0 && vj >= 0)
                    int existing = Graph.FindEdge(vi, vj);
                    if (existing >= 0)

                if (vi == -1)
                    DGraph2.EdgeSplitInfo split;
                    var result = Graph.SplitEdge(hits[i].hit_eid, out split);
                    if (result != MeshResult.Ok)
                        throw new Exception("GraphSplitter2d.Split: first edge split failed!");

                    vi = split.vNew;
                    Graph.SetVertex(vi, hits[i].hit_pos);
                    edge_hit tmp = hits[i]; tmp.hit_vid = vi; hits[i] = tmp;

                if (vj == -1)
                    DGraph2.EdgeSplitInfo split;
                    var result = Graph.SplitEdge(hits[j].hit_eid, out split);
                    if (result != MeshResult.Ok)
                        throw new Exception("GraphSplitter2d.Split: second edge split failed!");

                    vj = split.vNew;
                    Graph.SetVertex(vj, hits[j].hit_pos);
                    edge_hit tmp = hits[j]; tmp.hit_vid = vj; hits[j] = tmp;

                // check if we actually want to add this segment
                if (InsideTestF != null)
                    Vector2d midpoint = 0.5 * (Graph.GetVertex(vi) + Graph.GetVertex(vj));
                    if (InsideTestF(midpoint) == false)

                if (insert_edges)
                    Graph.AppendEdge(vi, vj, insert_gid);