Inheritance: FlxBasic
Ejemplo n.º 1
        public FlxTilemap()
            : base()
            auto = OFF;

            widthInTiles = 0;
            heightInTiles = 0;
            totalTiles = 0;

            tileGraphic = null;
            _rects = null;
            _tiles = null;
            _tileObjectsForDrawing = new List<FlxTile>();
            _tileObjects = null;

            _tileWidth = 0;
            _tileHeight = 0;

            immovable = true;

            _block = new FlxObject();
            _block.width = _block.height = 0;
            _block.immovable = true;

            _startingIndex = 0;
            collideIndex = 1;

            allowCollisions = ANY;
            ID = 3;
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Clean up memory.
 public void destroy()
     Object = null;
     if(next != null)
     next = null;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public FlxCamera(float X, float Y, float Width, float Height, float Zoom = 1.0f)
            : base()
            x = X;
            y = Y;
            width = Width;
            height = Height;
            defaultZoom = 1.0f;
            rotating = 0.0f;
            scroll = new FlxPoint();
            _point = new FlxPoint();
            target = null;
            deadzone = null;
            bounds = null;
            zooming = Zoom;

            _fxShakeIntensity = 0;
            _fxShakeDuration = 0;
            _fxShakeComplete = null;
            _fxShakeOffset = new FlxPoint();
            _fxShakeDirection = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// The main collision resolution function
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Object1"></param>
 /// <param name="Object2"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool separate(FlxObject Object1, FlxObject Object2)
     bool separatedX = separateX(Object1,Object2);
     bool separatedY = separateY(Object1,Object2);
     return separatedX || separatedY;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true if the two FlxObjects overlap.  Optional Callback function of return type bool with two FlxObject parameters will be called if true.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ObjectOrGroup1"></param>
 /// <param name="ObjectOrGroup2"></param>
 /// <param name="NotifyCallback"></param>
 /// <param name="ProcessCallback"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static Boolean overlap(FlxObject ObjectOrGroup1 = null, FlxObject ObjectOrGroup2 = null, Func<FlxObject, FlxObject, Boolean> NotifyCallback = null, Func<FlxObject, FlxObject, Boolean> ProcessCallback = null)
     if(ObjectOrGroup1 == null)
         ObjectOrGroup1 = FlxG.state;
     if(ObjectOrGroup2 == ObjectOrGroup1)
         ObjectOrGroup2 = null;
     FlxQuadTree.divisions = FlxG.worldDivisions;
     FlxQuadTree quadTree = new FlxQuadTree(FlxG.worldBounds.x,FlxG.worldBounds.y,FlxG.worldBounds.width,FlxG.worldBounds.height);
     Boolean result = quadTree.execute();
     return result;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true if the two FlxObjects collide.  Optional callback function of return type bool with two FlxObject parameters will be called if true.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ObjectOrGroup1"></param>
 /// <param name="ObjectOrGroup2"></param>
 /// <param name="NotifyCallback"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static Boolean collide(FlxObject ObjectOrGroup1 = null, FlxObject ObjectOrGroup2 = null, Func<FlxObject, FlxObject, Boolean> NotifyCallback = null)
     return overlap(ObjectOrGroup1,ObjectOrGroup2,NotifyCallback,FlxObject.separate);
Ejemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary>
 /// Make the camera follow an object with a specified follow-style
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Target"></param>
 /// <param name="Style"></param>
 public void follow(FlxObject Target, uint Style=STYLE_LOCKON)
     target = Target;
     float helper, w, h;
     switch (Style)
         case STYLE_PLATFORMER:
             w = width / 8;
             h = height / 3;
             deadzone = new FlxRect((width - w) / 2, (height - h) / 2 - h * 0.25f, w, h);
         case STYLE_TOPDOWN:
             helper = FlxU.max(width, height) / 3;
             deadzone = new FlxRect((width - helper) / 3, (height - helper) / 3, helper, helper);
         case STYLE_TOPDOWN_TIGHT:
             helper = FlxU.max(width, height) / 12;
             deadzone = new FlxRect((width - helper) / 2, (height - helper) / 2, helper, helper);
         case STYLE_LOCKON:
         case STYLE_LOOSE:
             deadzone = new FlxRect(0, 0, width, height);
             deadzone = null;
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * Creates a new link, and sets <code>object</code> and <code>next</code> to <code>null</code>.
 public FlxList()
     Object = null;
     next = null;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 protected void createSound()
     x = 0;
     y = 0;
     playCount = 0;
     _sound = null;
     _position = 0;
     _volume = 1.0f;
     _volumeAdjust = 1.0f;
     _looped = false;
     _target = null;
     _source = null;
     _radius = 0;
     _pan = false;
     _fadeOutTimer = 0;
     _fadeOutTotal = 0;
     _pauseOnFadeOut = false;
     _fadeInTimer = 0;
     _fadeInTotal = 0;
     exists = true;
     active = true;
     visible = false;
     name = null;
     artist = null;
     amplitude = 0;
     amplitudeLeft = 0;
     amplitudeRight = 0;
     autoDestroy = false;
     _followTarget = false;
     proximitized = false;
Ejemplo n.º 10
  * Call this function if you want this sound's volume to change
  * based on distance from a particular FlxCore object.
  * @param	X		The X position of the sound.
  * @param	Y		The Y position of the sound.
  * @param	Object	The object you want to track.
  * @param	Radius	The maximum distance this sound can travel.
  * @param	Pan		Whether the sound should pan in addition to the volume changes (default: true).
  * @return	This FlxSound instance (nice for chaining stuff together, if you're into that).
 public FlxSound proximity(FlxObject Source, FlxObject Target, float Radius)
     x = Source.x;
     y = Source.y;
     _target = Target;
     _source = Source;
     _radius = Radius;
     _followTarget = true;
     proximitized = true;
     return this;
Ejemplo n.º 11
         * Clean up memory.
        public override void destroy()

            //_transform = null;
            _sound = null;
            //_channel = null;
            _target = null;
            name = null;
            artist = null;

Ejemplo n.º 12
  * Change the emitter's midpoint to match the midpoint of a <code>FlxObject</code>.
  * @param	Object		The <code>FlxObject</code> that you want to sync up with.
 public void at(FlxObject Object)
     x = _point.x - (Convert.ToInt32(width)>>1);
     y = _point.y - (Convert.ToInt32(height)>>1);
Ejemplo n.º 13
  * Creates a new <code>FlxEmitter</code> object at a specific position.
  * Does NOT automatically generate or attach particles!
  * @param	X		The X position of the emitter.
  * @param	Y		The Y position of the emitter.
  * @param	Size	Optional, specifies a maximum capacity for this emitter.
 public FlxEmitter(float X=0, float Y=0, uint Size=0, FlxObject Target=null)
     : base(Size)
     x = X;
     y = Y;
     width = 0;
     height = 0;
     minParticleSpeed = new FlxPoint(-100,-100);
     maxParticleSpeed = new FlxPoint(100,100);
     minRotation = -360;
     maxRotation = 360;
     gravity = 0;
     particleClass = null;
     particleDrag = new FlxPoint();
     frequency = 0.1f;
     lifespan = 3;
     bounce = 0;
     _quantity = 0;
     _counter = 0;
     _explode = true;
     on = false;
     _point = new FlxPoint();
     target = Target;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// X-axis component of the object separation process
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Object1"></param>
        /// <param name="Object2"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool separateX(FlxObject Object1, FlxObject Object2)
            //can't separate two immovable objects
            bool obj1immovable = Object1.immovable;
            bool obj2immovable = Object2.immovable;
            if(obj1immovable && obj2immovable)
                return false;

            //If one of the objects is a tilemap, just pass it off.
            if (Object1 is FlxTilemap)
                return (Object1 as FlxTilemap).overlapsWithCallback(Object2, separateX);
            if (Object2 is FlxTilemap)
                return (Object2 as FlxTilemap).overlapsWithCallback(Object1, separateX, true);

            //First, get the two object deltas
            float overlap = 0;
            float obj1delta = Object1.x - Object1.last.x;
            float obj2delta = Object2.x - Object2.last.x;
            if(obj1delta != obj2delta)
                //Check if the X hulls actually overlap
                float obj1deltaAbs = (obj1delta > 0) ? obj1delta : -obj1delta;
                float obj2deltaAbs = (obj2delta > 0) ? obj2delta : -obj2delta;
                FlxRect obj1rect = new FlxRect(Object1.x-((obj1delta > 0)?obj1delta:0),Object1.last.y,Object1.width+((obj1delta > 0)?obj1delta:-obj1delta),Object1.height);
                FlxRect obj2rect = new FlxRect(Object2.x-((obj2delta > 0)?obj2delta:0),Object2.last.y,Object2.width+((obj2delta > 0)?obj2delta:-obj2delta),Object2.height);
                if((obj1rect.x + obj1rect.width > obj2rect.x) && (obj1rect.x < obj2rect.x + obj2rect.width) && (obj1rect.y + obj1rect.height > obj2rect.y) && (obj1rect.y < obj2rect.y + obj2rect.height))
                    float maxOverlap = obj1deltaAbs + obj2deltaAbs + OVERLAP_BIAS;

                    //If they did overlap (and can), figure out by how much and flip the corresponding flags
                    if(obj1delta > obj2delta)
                        overlap = Object1.x + Object1.width - Object2.x;
                        if((overlap > maxOverlap) || !Convert.ToBoolean(Object1.allowCollisions & RIGHT) || !Convert.ToBoolean(Object2.allowCollisions & LEFT))
                            overlap = 0;
                            Object1.touching |= RIGHT;
                            Object2.touching |= LEFT;
                    else if(obj1delta < obj2delta)
                        overlap = Object1.x - Object2.width - Object2.x;
                        if((-overlap > maxOverlap) || !Convert.ToBoolean(Object1.allowCollisions & LEFT) || !Convert.ToBoolean(Object2.allowCollisions & RIGHT))
                            overlap = 0;
                            Object1.touching |= LEFT;
                            Object2.touching |= RIGHT;

            //Then adjust their positions and velocities accordingly (if there was any overlap)
            if(overlap != 0)
                float obj1v = Object1.velocity.x;
                float obj2v = Object2.velocity.x;

                if(!obj1immovable && !obj2immovable)
                    overlap *= 0.5f;
                    Object1.x = Object1.x - overlap;
                    Object2.x += overlap;

                    float obj1velocity = (float)Math.Sqrt((obj2v * obj2v * Object2.mass) / Object1.mass) * ((obj2v > 0) ? 1f : -1f);
                    float obj2velocity = (float)Math.Sqrt((obj1v * obj1v * Object1.mass) / Object2.mass) * ((obj1v > 0) ? 1f : -1f);
                    float average = (obj1velocity + obj2velocity) * 0.5f;
                    obj1velocity -= average;
                    obj2velocity -= average;
                    Object1.velocity.x = average + obj1velocity * Object1.elasticity;
                    Object2.velocity.x = average + obj2velocity * Object2.elasticity;
                else if(!obj1immovable)
                    Object1.x = Object1.x - overlap;
                    Object1.velocity.x = obj2v - obj1v*Object1.elasticity;
                else if(!obj2immovable)
                    Object2.x += overlap;
                    Object2.velocity.x = obj1v - obj2v*Object2.elasticity;
                return true;
                return false;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        // overlapsWithCallBack
        public Boolean overlapsWithCallback(FlxObject Object, Func<FlxObject, FlxObject, Boolean> Callback=null, Boolean FlipCallbackParams=false, FlxPoint Position=null)
            Boolean results = false;

            float X = x;
            float Y = y;
            if (Position != null)
                X = Position.x;
                Y = Position.x;

            //Figure out what tiles we need to check against
            int selectionX = (int)FlxU.floor((Object.x - X) / _tileWidth);
            int selectionY = (int)FlxU.floor((Object.y - Y) / _tileHeight);
            uint selectionWidth = (uint)(selectionX + (FlxU.ceil((int)Object.width / _tileWidth)) + 2);
            uint selectionHeight = (uint)(selectionY + (FlxU.ceil((int)Object.height / _tileHeight)) + 2);

            //Then bound these coordinates by the map edges
            if (selectionX < 0)
                selectionX = 0;
            if (selectionY < 0)
                selectionY = 0;
            if (selectionWidth > widthInTiles)
                selectionWidth = (uint)widthInTiles;
            if (selectionHeight > heightInTiles)
                selectionHeight = (uint)heightInTiles;

            //Then loop through this selection of tiles and call FlxObject.separate() accordingly
            uint rowStart = (uint)selectionY * (uint)widthInTiles;
            uint row = (uint)selectionY;
            uint column;
            FlxTile tile;
            Boolean overlapFound;
            float deltaX = X - last.x;
            float deltaY = Y - last.y;

            while (row < selectionHeight)
                column = (uint)selectionX;
                while (column < selectionWidth)
                    overlapFound = false;
                    tile = _tileObjects[(int)_data[(int)(rowStart+column)]] as FlxTile;
                    if ( Convert.ToBoolean(tile.allowCollisions) )
                        tile.x = X + (int)column * _tileWidth;
                        tile.y = Y + (int)row * _tileHeight;
                        tile.last.x = tile.x - deltaX;
                        tile.last.y = tile.y - deltaY;
                        if (Callback != null)
                            if (FlipCallbackParams)
                                overlapFound = Callback(Object, tile);
                                overlapFound = Callback(tile, Object);
                            overlapFound = (Object.x + Object.width > tile.x) && (Object.x < tile.x + tile.width) && (Object.y + Object.height > tile.y) && (Object.y < tile.y + tile.height);
                        if (overlapFound)
                            if ((tile.callback != null))
                                tile.mapIndex = (uint)rowStart + column;
                                tile.callback(tile, Object);
                            results = true;
                    else if ((tile.callback != null))
                        tile.mapIndex = (uint)rowStart + (uint)column;
                        tile.callback(tile, Object);
                rowStart += (uint)widthInTiles;
            return results;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// Y-axis component of the object separation process
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Object1"></param>
        /// <param name="Object2"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool separateY(FlxObject Object1, FlxObject Object2)
            //can't separate two immovable objects
            bool obj1immovable = Object1.immovable;
            bool obj2immovable = Object2.immovable;
            if(obj1immovable && obj2immovable)
                return false;

            ////If one of the objects is a tilemap, just pass it off.
            if (Object1 is FlxTilemap)
                return (Object1 as FlxTilemap).overlapsWithCallback(Object2, separateY);
            if (Object2 is FlxTilemap)
                return (Object2 as FlxTilemap).overlapsWithCallback(Object1, separateY, true);

            //First, get the two object deltas
            float overlap = 0;
            float obj1delta = Object1.y - Object1.last.y;
            float obj2delta = Object2.y - Object2.last.y;
            if(obj1delta != obj2delta)
                //Check if the Y hulls actually overlap
                float obj1deltaAbs = (obj1delta > 0) ? obj1delta : -obj1delta;
                float obj2deltaAbs = (obj2delta > 0) ? obj2delta : -obj2delta;
                FlxRect obj1rect = new FlxRect(Object1.x,Object1.y-((obj1delta > 0)?obj1delta:0),Object1.width,Object1.height+obj1deltaAbs);
                FlxRect obj2rect = new FlxRect(Object2.x,Object2.y-((obj2delta > 0)?obj2delta:0),Object2.width,Object2.height+obj2deltaAbs);
                if((obj1rect.x + obj1rect.width > obj2rect.x) && (obj1rect.x < obj2rect.x + obj2rect.width) && (obj1rect.y + obj1rect.height > obj2rect.y) && (obj1rect.y < obj2rect.y + obj2rect.height))
                    float maxOverlap = obj1deltaAbs + obj2deltaAbs + OVERLAP_BIAS;

                    //If they did overlap (and can), figure out by how much and flip the corresponding flags
                    if(obj1delta > obj2delta)
                        overlap = Object1.y + Object1.height - Object2.y;
                        if((overlap > maxOverlap) || !Convert.ToBoolean(Object1.allowCollisions & DOWN) || !Convert.ToBoolean(Object2.allowCollisions & UP))
                            overlap = 0;
                            Object1.touching |= DOWN;
                            Object2.touching |= UP;
                    else if(obj1delta < obj2delta)
                        overlap = Object1.y - Object2.height - Object2.y;
                        if((-overlap > maxOverlap) || !Convert.ToBoolean(Object1.allowCollisions & UP) || !Convert.ToBoolean(Object2.allowCollisions & DOWN))
                            overlap = 0;
                            Object1.touching |= UP;
                            Object2.touching |= DOWN;

            //Then adjust their positions and velocities accordingly (if there was any overlap)
            if(overlap != 0)
                float obj1v = Object1.velocity.y;
                float obj2v = Object2.velocity.y;

                if(!obj1immovable && !obj2immovable)
                    overlap *= 0.5f;
                    Object1.y = Object1.y - overlap;
                    Object2.y += overlap;

                    float obj1velocity = (float)Math.Sqrt((obj2v * obj2v * Object2.mass) / Object1.mass) * ((obj2v > 0) ? 1f : -1f);
                    float obj2velocity = (float)Math.Sqrt((obj1v * obj1v * Object1.mass) / Object2.mass) * ((obj1v > 0) ? 1f : -1f);
                    float average = (obj1velocity + obj2velocity) * 0.5f;
                    obj1velocity -= average;
                    obj2velocity -= average;
                    Object1.velocity.y = average + obj1velocity *  Object1.elasticity;
                    Object2.velocity.y = average + obj2velocity *  Object2.elasticity;
                else if(!obj1immovable)
                    Object1.y = Object1.y - overlap;
                    Object1.velocity.y = obj2v - obj1v*Object1.elasticity;
                    //This is special case code that handles cases like horizontal moving platforms you can ride
                    if( && Object2.moves && (obj1delta > obj2delta))
                        Object1.x += Object2.x - Object2.last.x;
                else if(!obj2immovable)
                    Object2.y += overlap;
                    Object2.velocity.y = obj1v - obj2v*Object2.elasticity;
                    //This is special case code that handles cases like horizontal moving platforms you can ride
                    if( && Object1.moves && (obj1delta < obj2delta))
                        Object2.x += Object1.x - Object1.last.x;
                return true;
                return false;
Ejemplo n.º 17
        // overlapsWithCallBack
        public Boolean overlapsWithCallback(FlxObject Object, Func <FlxObject, FlxObject, Boolean> Callback = null, Boolean FlipCallbackParams = false, FlxPoint Position = null)
            Boolean results = false;

            float X = base.X;
            float Y = base.Y;

            if (Position != null)
                X = Position.X;
                Y = Position.X;

            //Figure out what tiles we need to check against
            int  selectionX      = (int)FlxU.floor((Object.X - X) / _tileWidth);
            int  selectionY      = (int)FlxU.floor((Object.Y - Y) / _tileHeight);
            uint selectionWidth  = (uint)(selectionX + (FlxU.ceil((int)Object.Width / _tileWidth)) + 2);
            uint selectionHeight = (uint)(selectionY + (FlxU.ceil((int)Object.Height / _tileHeight)) + 2);

            //Then bound these coordinates by the map edges
            if (selectionX < 0)
                selectionX = 0;
            if (selectionY < 0)
                selectionY = 0;
            if (selectionWidth > widthInTiles)
                selectionWidth = (uint)widthInTiles;
            if (selectionHeight > heightInTiles)
                selectionHeight = (uint)heightInTiles;

            //Then loop through this selection of tiles and call FlxObject.separate() accordingly
            uint    rowStart = (uint)selectionY * (uint)widthInTiles;
            uint    row      = (uint)selectionY;
            uint    column;
            FlxTile tile;
            Boolean overlapFound;
            float   deltaX = X - Last.X;
            float   deltaY = Y - Last.Y;

            while (row < selectionHeight)
                column = (uint)selectionX;
                while (column < selectionWidth)
                    overlapFound = false;
                    tile         = _tileObjects[(int)_data[(int)(rowStart + column)]] as FlxTile;
                    if (Convert.ToBoolean(tile.AllowCollisions))
                        tile.X      = X + (int)column * _tileWidth;
                        tile.Y      = Y + (int)row * _tileHeight;
                        tile.Last.X = tile.X - deltaX;
                        tile.Last.Y = tile.Y - deltaY;
                        if (Callback != null)
                            if (FlipCallbackParams)
                                overlapFound = Callback(Object, tile);
                                overlapFound = Callback(tile, Object);
                            overlapFound = (Object.X + Object.Width > tile.X) && (Object.X < tile.X + tile.Width) && (Object.Y + Object.Height > tile.Y) && (Object.Y < tile.Y + tile.Height);
                        if (overlapFound)
                            if ((tile.callback != null))
                                tile.mapIndex = (uint)rowStart + column;
                                tile.callback(tile, Object);
                            results = true;
                    else if ((tile.callback != null))
                        tile.mapIndex = (uint)rowStart + (uint)column;
                        tile.callback(tile, Object);
                rowStart += (uint)widthInTiles;