Ejemplo n.º 1
        // creates a button in the desired geometry shape
        public void Create()
            entry = GameObjectFactory.CreateParentGO(UniqueNames.GetNext("HUDLabel"));

            bgMesh = new fGameObject(AppendMeshGO("background", make_background_mesh(),
            bgMesh.RotateD(Vector3f.AxisX, -90.0f);

            BoxPosition horzAlign = BoxPosition.CenterLeft;

            if (AlignmentHorz == HorizontalAlignment.Center)
                horzAlign = BoxPosition.Center;
            else if (AlignmentHorz == HorizontalAlignment.Right)
                horzAlign = BoxPosition.CenterRight;

            textMesh =
                    "text", Text, TextColor, TextHeight, horzAlign, SceneGraphConfig.TextLabelZOffset);

            Vector2f toPos = BoxModel.GetBoxPosition(this, horzAlign);

            BoxModel.Translate(textMesh, Vector2f.Zero, toPos);

            AppendNewGO(textMesh, entry, false);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// This is very hacky.
        /// </summary>
        public static void AddDropShadow(HUDStandardItem item, Colorf color, float falloffWidth, Vector2f offset, float fZShift)
            if (item is IBoxModelElement == false)
                throw new Exception("HUDUtil.AddDropShadow: can only add drop shadow to IBoxModelElement");

            // [TODO] need interface that provides a HUDShape?
            var   shape = item as IBoxModelElement;
            float w     = shape.Size2D.x + falloffWidth;
            float h     = shape.Size2D.y + falloffWidth;

            fRectangleGameObject meshGO = GameObjectFactory.CreateRectangleGO("shadow", w, h, color, false);

            meshGO.RotateD(Vector3f.AxisX, -90.0f);
            fMaterial dropMat = MaterialUtil.CreateDropShadowMaterial(color, w, h, falloffWidth);


            item.AppendNewGO(meshGO, item.RootGameObject, false);
            BoxModel.Translate(meshGO, offset, fZShift);

            Vector3 posW = item.RootGameObject.PointToWorld(meshGO.GetLocalPosition());

            ((Material)dropMat).SetVector("_Center", new Vector4(posW.x, posW.y, posW.z, 0));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        // actually create GO elements, etc
        public void Create()
            entry = GameObjectFactory.CreateParentGO(UniqueNames.GetNext("HUDPopupMessage"));

            bgMesh = AppendMeshGO("background", make_background_mesh(),
            bgMesh.RotateD(Vector3f.AxisX, -90.0f);

            IBoxModelElement contentArea = BoxModel.PaddedBounds(this, Padding);

            BoxPosition titleBoxPos = BoxModel.ToPosition(TitleAlignment, VerticalAlignment.Top);

            titleTextMesh = (titleText == "") ? null : GameObjectFactory.CreateTextMeshGO(
                "title", TitleText, TextColor, TitleTextHeight, titleBoxPos, SceneGraphConfig.TextLabelZOffset);
            float fTitleHeight = 0;

            if (titleTextMesh != null)
                Vector2f titleToPos = BoxModel.GetBoxPosition(contentArea, titleBoxPos);
                BoxModel.Translate(titleTextMesh, Vector2f.Zero, titleToPos);
                AppendNewGO(titleTextMesh, entry, false);
                fTitleHeight = TitleTextHeight;

            IBoxModelElement messageArea = BoxModel.PaddedBounds(contentArea, 0, 0, 0, Padding + fTitleHeight);
            Vector2f         textDims    = messageArea.Size2D;

            BoxPosition textBoxPos = BoxModel.ToPosition(Alignment, VerticalAlignment.Top);

            textMesh = GameObjectFactory.CreateTextAreaGO(
                "message", Text, TextColor, TextHeight, textDims, Alignment, textBoxPos, SceneGraphConfig.TextLabelZOffset);
            Vector2f textToPos = BoxModel.GetBoxPosition(messageArea, textBoxPos);

            BoxModel.Translate(textMesh, Vector2f.Zero, textToPos);
            AppendNewGO(textMesh, entry, false);

            if (EnableClickToDismiss)
                footerTextMesh = GameObjectFactory.CreateTextMeshGO(
                    "footer", DismissText, DismissTextColor, TextHeight * 0.5f,
                    BoxPosition.CenterBottom, SceneGraphConfig.TextLabelZOffset);
                BoxModel.Translate(footerTextMesh, Vector2f.Zero, BoxModel.GetBoxPosition(contentArea, BoxPosition.CenterBottom));
                AppendNewGO(footerTextMesh, entry, false);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        // creates a button in the desired geometry shape
        public void Create()
            entry = GameObjectFactory.CreateParentGO(UniqueNames.GetNext("HUDLabel"));

            bgMesh = AppendMeshGO("background", HUDUtil.MakeBackgroundMesh(Shape),
            bgMesh.RotateD(Vector3f.AxisX, -90.0f);

            if (EnableBorder)
                HUDShape borderShape = Shape;
                borderShape.Radius += BorderWidth;
                borderShape.Height += 2 * BorderWidth;
                borderShape.Width  += 2 * BorderWidth;
                border              = AppendMeshGO("border", HUDUtil.MakeBackgroundMesh(borderShape),
                                                   MaterialUtil.CreateFlatMaterialF(BorderColor), entry);
                border.RotateD(Vector3f.AxisX, -90.0f);
                border.Translate(-0.001f * Vector3f.AxisY, true);

            BoxPosition horzAlign = BoxPosition.CenterLeft;

            if (AlignmentHorz == HorizontalAlignment.Center)
                horzAlign = BoxPosition.Center;
            else if (AlignmentHorz == HorizontalAlignment.Right)
                horzAlign = BoxPosition.CenterRight;

            textMesh =
                    "text", Text, TextColor, TextHeight, horzAlign, SceneGraphConfig.TextLabelZOffset);


            Vector2f toPos = BoxModel.GetBoxPosition(this, horzAlign);

            BoxModel.Translate(textMesh, Vector2f.Zero, toPos);

            AppendNewGO(textMesh, entry, false);

Ejemplo n.º 5
        protected virtual void update_ticks()
            if (TicksAreVisible == false)
                foreach (var tick in ticks)

            TickMaterial.color = tickColor;
            Vector2f         tickSize    = TickDimensions;
            AxisAlignedBox2f localBounds = BoxModel.LocalBounds(this);

            // create extra ticks if we need them
            if (tick_count > tick_count_cache)
                while (ticks.Count < tick_count)
                    TickGO tick = new TickGO();
                    tick.go = create_tick_go(tickSize, TickMaterial);
                    AppendNewGO(tick.go, rootGO, false);
                    BoxModel.Translate(tick.go, Vector2f.Zero, localBounds.CenterLeft, -Height * 0.01f);
                tick_count_cache = tick_count;

            // align and show/hide ticks
            for (int i = 0; i < ticks.Count; ++i)
                fGameObject go = ticks[i].go;
                if (i < tick_count)
                    float t = (float)i / (float)(tick_count - 1);
                    update_tick_go(i, go, tickSize, t);
                    BoxModel.MoveTo(go, localBounds.CenterLeft, -Height * 0.01f);
                    BoxModel.Translate(go, new Vector2f(t * Width, 0));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        protected void update_labels()
            AxisAlignedBox2f localBounds = BoxModel.LocalBounds(this);

            foreach (var pair in Labels)
                float         t         = (float)(pair.Key);
                PositionLabel labelinfo = pair.Value;

                if (labelinfo.go == null)
                    BoxPosition boxPos = BoxPosition.CenterTop;
                    if (labelinfo.position == LabelPositionType.CenteredAbove)
                        boxPos = BoxPosition.CenterBottom;
                    else if (labelinfo.position == LabelPositionType.BelowLeftAligned)
                        boxPos = BoxPosition.TopLeft;
                    else if (labelinfo.position == LabelPositionType.BelowRightAligned)
                        boxPos = BoxPosition.TopRight;

                    labelinfo.go = GameObjectFactory.CreateTextMeshGO("sliderlabel_" + labelinfo.text, labelinfo.text,
                                                                      labelinfo.color, LabelTextHeight, boxPos);
                    AppendNewGO(labelinfo.go, rootGO, false);

                if (labelinfo.position == LabelPositionType.CenteredBelow ||
                    labelinfo.position == LabelPositionType.BelowLeftAligned ||
                    labelinfo.position == LabelPositionType.BelowRightAligned)
                    BoxModel.MoveTo(labelinfo.go, localBounds.BottomLeft, -Height * 0.01f);
                else if (labelinfo.position == LabelPositionType.CenteredAbove)
                    BoxModel.MoveTo(labelinfo.go, localBounds.TopLeft, -Height * 0.01f);
                    throw new NotSupportedException("HUDSliderBase.update_labels : unhandled LabelPositionType");

                BoxModel.Translate(labelinfo.go, new Vector2f(t * Width, 0) + labelinfo.offset);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public override void PreRender()
            if (IsEditing)
                // cursor blinks every 0.5s
                float dt = FPlatform.RealTime() - start_active_time;
                cursor.SetVisible((int)(2 * dt) % 2 == 0);

                // DO NOT DO THIS EVERY FRAME!!!
                BoxModel.MoveTo(cursor, this.Bounds2D.CenterLeft, -Height * 0.1f);
                Vector2f cursorPos = textMesh.TextObject.GetCursorPosition(cursor_position);
                BoxModel.Translate(cursor, cursorPos);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// This is very hacky.
        /// </summary>
        public static void AddDropShadow(HUDStandardItem item, Cockpit cockpit, Colorf color,
                                         float falloffWidthPx, Vector2f offset, float fZShift, bool bTrackCockpitScaling = true)
            if (item is IBoxModelElement == false)
                throw new Exception("HUDUtil.AddDropShadow: can only add drop shadow to IBoxModelElement");

            float falloffWidth = falloffWidthPx * cockpit.GetPixelScale();

            // [TODO] need interface that provides a HUDShape?
            var   shape = item as IBoxModelElement;
            float w     = shape.Size2D.x + falloffWidth;
            float h     = shape.Size2D.y + falloffWidth;

            fRectangleGameObject meshGO = GameObjectFactory.CreateRectangleGO("shadow", w, h, color, false);

            meshGO.RotateD(Vector3f.AxisX, -90.0f);
            fMaterial dropMat = MaterialUtil.CreateDropShadowMaterial(color, w, h, falloffWidth);


            item.AppendNewGO(meshGO, item.RootGameObject, false);
            BoxModel.Translate(meshGO, offset, fZShift);

            if (bTrackCockpitScaling)
                PreRenderBehavior pb = meshGO.AddComponent <PreRenderBehavior>();
                pb.ParentFGO = meshGO;
                pb.AddAction(() => {
                    Vector3f posW = item.RootGameObject.PointToWorld(meshGO.GetLocalPosition());
                    ((Material)dropMat).SetVector("_Center", new Vector4(posW.x, posW.y, posW.z, 0));
                    float curWidth    = falloffWidthPx * cockpit.GetPixelScale();
                    Vector2f origSize = shape.Size2D + falloffWidth * Vector2f.One;
                    Vector2f size     = cockpit.GetScaledDimensions(origSize);
                    float ww          = size.x;
                    float hh          = size.y;
                    ((Material)dropMat).SetVector("_Extents", new Vector4(ww / 2, hh / 2, 0, 0));
                    float newWidth = falloffWidthPx * cockpit.GetPixelScale();
                    ((Material)dropMat).SetFloat("_FalloffWidth", newWidth);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        void UpdateText()
            if (button == null)
            if (labelMesh == null && text.Length > 0)
                labelMesh = GameObjectFactory.CreateTextMeshGO(
                    "label", Text, TextColor, TextHeight,
                    BoxPosition.Center, SceneGraphConfig.TextLabelZOffset);
                BoxModel.Translate(labelMesh, Vector2f.Zero, this.Bounds2D.Center);
                AppendNewGO(labelMesh, button, false);

            if (labelMesh != null)
Ejemplo n.º 10
        // creates a button in the desired geometry shape
        public void Create()
            entry = new GameObject(UniqueNames.GetNext("HUDTextEntry"));
            Mesh mesh = MeshGenerators.CreateTrivialRect(Width, Height, MeshGenerators.UVRegionType.FullUVSquare);

            backgroundMaterial       = MaterialUtil.CreateFlatMaterialF(BackgroundColor);
            activeBackgroundMaterial = MaterialUtil.CreateFlatMaterialF(ActiveBackgroundColor);
            bgMesh = AppendMeshGO("background", mesh, backgroundMaterial, entry);
            bgMesh.transform.Rotate(Vector3.right, -90.0f); // ??

            BoxPosition horzAlign = BoxPosition.CenterLeft;

            if (AlignmentHorz == HorizontalAlignment.Center)
                horzAlign = BoxPosition.Center;
            else if (AlignmentHorz == HorizontalAlignment.Right)
                horzAlign = BoxPosition.CenterRight;

            textMesh = GameObjectFactory.CreateTextMeshGO(
                "text", Text, TextColor, TextHeight, horzAlign, SceneGraphConfig.TextLabelZOffset);

            Vector2f toPos = BoxModel.GetBoxPosition(this, horzAlign);

            BoxModel.Translate(textMesh, Vector2f.Zero, toPos);

            AppendNewGO(textMesh, entry, false);

            cursor = GameObjectFactory.CreateRectangleGO("cursor", Height * 0.1f, Height * 0.8f, Colorf.VideoBlack, false);
            BoxModel.Translate(cursor, Vector2f.Zero, this.Bounds2D.CenterLeft, -Height * 0.1f);
            cursor.RotateD(Vector3f.AxisX, -90.0f);
            AppendNewGO(cursor, entry, false);