Ejemplo n.º 1
        public MainForm()
            PlayerBox.SelectedIndex = 0;

            UpdateCMS = new ContextMenuStrip();

            UpdateCMS.Items.Add("Polling Rate (ms)");
            ToolStripMenuItem dropDown = (ToolStripMenuItem)UpdateCMS.Items[0];

            foreach (int option in UPDATE_OPTIONS)
                ToolStripMenuItem sub = new ToolStripMenuItem(option.ToString())
                    CheckOnClick = true
                sub.Click += new EventHandler(ChangeUpdateRate);
                if (option == UPDATE_MS)
                    sub.Checked = true;

            ContextMenuStrip = UpdateCMS;


            UpdateTimer = new Timer {
                Interval = UPDATE_MS
            UpdateTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(UpdateSafe);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        override public string ToString()
            if (!GameHook.Manager.IsHooked)
                return("Unhooked Player");

            if (IsActive)
                try {
                    string name = GameHook.DeformatCTString(GameHook.Manager.ReadString(namePtr, Encoding.ASCII));
                    if (name.Length > 0)

                    // Even though the stack trace goes through MainForm.UpdateSafe(), which already catches this,
                    //  we also have to so that the external code part of forms can properly call this
                } catch (Win32Exception) { }

                return("Unknown Player Name");

            return("Inactive Player");
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void UpdateForm()
            if (!GameHook.IsReady)

                if (!GameHook.IsReady)
                    Title.Text = "External Stats Screen - Not Hooked";

            Title.Text     = "External Stats Screen - Hooked";
            LevelName.Text = GameHook.LevelName;

            // Refresh the player list
            foreach (Player p in GameHook.AllPlayers)
                if (p.IsActive)
                    if (PlayerBox.Items.Contains(p))
                        // Replace the player so that the name updates
                        PlayerBox.Items[PlayerBox.Items.IndexOf(p)] = p;
                else if (!p.IsActive && PlayerBox.Items.Contains(p))
                    if (PlayerBox.SelectedItem == p)
                        PlayerBox.SelectedItem = PlayerBox.Items[0];

            // The top part of the gui
            int      totalScore     = 0;
            DateTime startTimeUnix  = DateTime.MaxValue;
            float    levelStartTime = -1.0f;

            foreach (Player p in GameHook.AllPlayers)
                if (p.IsActive)
                    totalScore += p.GameStats.Score;

                    DateTime playerStartTime      = p.UnixStartTime;
                    float    playerLevelStartTime = p.LevelStartTime;
                    if (playerStartTime < startTimeUnix)
                        startTimeUnix = playerStartTime;
                    if (playerLevelStartTime < levelStartTime || levelStartTime < 0)
                        levelStartTime = playerLevelStartTime;

            TimeSpan realTime = DateTime.Now - startTimeUnix;
            TimeSpan gameIGT, levelIGT;

            try {
                gameIGT  = GameHook.IGT;
                levelIGT = gameIGT.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(levelStartTime));
                // While the game starts/stops these can have invalid values - NaNs or values overflowing the timespan
            } catch (Exception e) when(e is ArgumentException || e is OverflowException)
                gameIGT  = TimeSpan.Zero;
                levelIGT = TimeSpan.Zero;

            string startTimeStr;
            string realTimeStr;
            string gameIGTStr;
            string levelIGTStr;

            if (startTimeUnix != DateTime.MaxValue && levelStartTime > 0)
                startTimeStr = startTimeUnix.ToString("ddd yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
                realTimeStr  = realTime.ToString("hh\\:mm\\:ss");
                gameIGTStr   = gameIGT.ToString("hh\\:mm\\:ss");
                levelIGTStr  = levelIGT.ToString("hh\\:mm\\:ss");
                startTimeStr = "Not Started";
                realTimeStr  = "00:00:00";
                gameIGTStr   = "00:00:00";
                levelIGTStr  = "00:00:00";

            string diffStr;

            switch (GameHook.Difficulty)
            case -1: diffStr = "Tourist"; break;

            case 0: diffStr = "Easy"; break;

            case 1: diffStr = "Normal"; break;

            case 2: diffStr = "Hard"; break;

            case 3: diffStr = "Serious"; break;

            case 4: diffStr = "Mental"; break;

            GeneralStats.Text = $"{totalScore}\n" +
                                $"{diffStr}\n" +
                                $"{startTimeStr}\n" +

            // Per player/squad stats
            if (PlayerBox.SelectedItem.Equals("Squad"))
                int score = 0, gameScore = 0;
                int deaths = 0, gameDeaths = 0;
                int kills = 0, gameKills = 0;
                int secrets = 0, gameSecrets = 0;
                int totalKills = 0, gameTotalKills = 0;
                int totalSecrets = 0, gameTotalSecrets = 0;

                foreach (Player p in GameHook.AllPlayers)
                    if (p.IsActive)
                        score       += p.LevelStats.Score;
                        gameScore   += p.GameStats.Score;
                        deaths      += p.LevelStats.Deaths;
                        gameDeaths  += p.GameStats.Deaths;
                        kills       += p.LevelStats.Kills;
                        gameKills   += p.GameStats.Kills;
                        secrets     += p.LevelStats.Secrets;
                        gameSecrets += p.GameStats.Secrets;

                        int tmp = p.LevelStats.TotalKills;
                        if (tmp > totalKills)
                            totalKills = tmp;
                        tmp = p.GameStats.TotalKills;
                        if (tmp > gameTotalKills)
                            gameTotalKills = tmp;
                        tmp = p.LevelStats.TotalSecrets;
                        if (tmp > totalSecrets)
                            totalSecrets = tmp;
                        tmp = p.GameStats.TotalSecrets;
                        if (tmp > gameTotalSecrets)
                            gameTotalSecrets = tmp;

                LevelStats.Text = $"{score}\n" +
                                  $"{deaths}\n" +
                                  $"{kills}/{totalKills}\n" +
                                  $"{secrets}/{totalSecrets}\n" +
                GameStats.Text = $"{gameScore}\n" +
                                 $"{gameDeaths}\n" +
                                 $"{gameKills}/{gameTotalKills}\n" +
                                 $"{gameSecrets}/{gameTotalSecrets}\n" +
                Player p = (Player)PlayerBox.SelectedItem;
                LevelStats.Text = p.LevelStats.ToString() + levelIGTStr;
                GameStats.Text  = p.GameStats.ToString() + gameIGTStr;