Ejemplo n.º 1
        private static async Task LoadSingleDoc(string collectionName, string docType, string indexId)
                MongoConnectionSettings myMongo = new MongoConnectionSettings
                    limit          = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MongoCount"]),
                    skipCount      = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SkipCount"]),
                    databaseName   = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MongoDatabase"],
                    collectionName = collectionName

                var Client     = new MongoClient((mongoEnvironment.ToLower() == "development") ? connectionString : connectionStringRS);
                var DB         = Client.GetDatabase(myMongo.databaseName);
                var collection = DB.GetCollection <BsonDocument>(myMongo.collectionName);
                var mongoCount = collection.CountDocuments(new BsonDocument());

                Console.Write("{0} Records Acquired from MongoDB in {1}\n", mongoCount, collectionName);

                var indexName    = indexPrefix + myMongo.collectionName.ToLower();
                var documentType = myMongo.collectionName.ToLower();

                StringBuilder bulk = new StringBuilder();

                var results = await collection.Find(x => x["type"] == docType && x["_id"] == indexId).ToListAsync();

                foreach (var doc in results)
                    var documentId = doc["_id"].ToString();

                    string metadata = "{ \"index\" : { \"_index\" : \"" + indexName + "\", \"_type\" : \"" + docType.ToLower() + "\", \"_id\" : \"" + documentId + "\" } } \n";

                    bulk.Append(doc.ToJson(new JsonWriterSettings {
                        OutputMode = JsonOutputMode.Strict
                    }) + "\n");

                ErrorLog el = await SendToElasticBulkApi(bulk);

                if (el.isError)
                    int newResultsCount = results.Count - el.errorCount;
                    Console.Write("\n+++ STATS +++\n");
                    Console.Write("\nElasticSearch responded with errors, please review logs for more information.\n");
                    Console.Write("{0} Errors\n", el.errorCount.ToString());
                    Console.Write("{0} Record(s) Loaded in this Batch\n", newResultsCount.ToString());
                    Console.Write("\n{0} Records Loaded in this Batch\n", results.Count.ToString());

                if (saveLogsToFS)
                    if (saveLastIndexToFS)
                        u.SaveToFile(logPath + "LastIndex.txt", indexName + "\t" + indexId + "\t" + (results.Count - el.errorCount).ToString() + "\t" + el.errorCount.ToString() + "\t" + "SINGLE REINDEX");
                    u.SaveToFile(logPath + "LastIndex_" + DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + ".txt", indexName + "\t" + indexId + "\t" + (results.Count - el.errorCount).ToString() + "\t" + el.errorCount.ToString() + "\t" + "SINGLE REINDEX");
                    await SaveLogToElastic("{ \"indexDateTime\" : \"" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") + "\", \"indexName\" : \"" + indexName + "\", \"lastIndexId\" : \"" + indexId + "\", \"lastSuccessCount\" : \"" + (results.Count - el.errorCount).ToString() + "\", \"lastFailCount\" : \"" + el.errorCount.ToString() + "\", \"loadType\" : \"SINGLE REINDEX\" }\n");
            catch (Exception e)
                if (saveLogsToFS)
                    u.SaveToFile(logPath + "Exceptions_" + DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + ".txt", "LoadSingleDoc()\t" + e.Message.ToString() + " (" + e.InnerException.Message.ToString() + ")");
                    SaveExceptionToElastic("LoadSingleDoc()", e).Wait();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Connects to MongoDB and incrementally pulls data to be parsed and bulk loaded into the ElasticSearch instance via the Bulk API. This method only performs a delta update.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="collectionName">string</param>
        /// <param name="lastKnownIndexId">string</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static async Task DeltaBulkData(string collectionName, string lastKnownIndexId)
                MongoConnectionSettings myMongo = new MongoConnectionSettings
                    limit          = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MongoCount"]),
                    skipCount      = Convert.ToInt32(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SkipCount"]),
                    databaseName   = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MongoDatabase"],
                    collectionName = collectionName

                var limit     = myMongo.limit;
                var skipCount = myMongo.skipCount;

                var Client     = new MongoClient((mongoEnvironment.ToLower() == "development") ? connectionString : connectionStringRS);
                var DB         = Client.GetDatabase(myMongo.databaseName);
                var collection = DB.GetCollection <BsonDocument>(myMongo.collectionName);
                var mongoCount = collection.CountDocuments(new BsonDocument());

                Console.Write("{0} Records Acquired from MongoDB in {1}\n", mongoCount, collectionName);

                var indexName = indexPrefix + myMongo.collectionName.ToLower();

                bool          isDeltaFound = false;
                StringBuilder bulk         = new StringBuilder();

                for (int i = 0; i < mongoCount; i += limit)

                    var filter = Builders <BsonDocument> .Filter.Gt(x => x["_id"], lastKnownIndexId);

                    var results = await collection.Find(filter)
                                  .Sort(Builders <BsonDocument> .Sort.Ascending("_id"))

                    if (results.Count == 0 && isDeltaFound == false)
                    else if (results.Count >= 1 && isDeltaFound == false)
                        isDeltaFound = true;
                    else if (results.Count == 0 && isDeltaFound)

                    skipCount += limit;
                    string lastIndexId = results[results.Count - 1]["_id"].ToString();

                    foreach (var doc in results)
                        var documentId = doc["_id"].ToString();

                        string metadata = "{ \"index\" : { \"_index\" : \"" + indexName + "\", \"_type\" : \"" + doc["type"].ToString().ToLower() + "\", \"_id\" : \"" + documentId + "\" } } \n";

                        bulk.Append(doc.ToJson(new JsonWriterSettings {
                            OutputMode = JsonOutputMode.Strict
                        }) + "\n");

                    var bodyLength = bulk.Length;
                    var bulkJson   = bulk;

                    ErrorLog el = await SendToElasticBulkApi(bulkJson);

                    if (el.isError)
                        int newResultsCount = results.Count - el.errorCount;
                        Console.Write("\n+++ STATS +++\n");
                        Console.Write("\nElasticSearch responded with errors, please review logs for more information.\n");
                        Console.Write("{0} Errors\n", el.errorCount.ToString());
                        Console.Write("{0} Record(s) Loaded in this Batch\n", newResultsCount.ToString());
                        Console.Write("\n{0} Records Loaded in this Batch\n", results.Count.ToString());

                    if (saveLogsToFS)
                        if (saveLastIndexToFS)
                            u.SaveToFile(logPath + "LastIndex.txt", indexName + "\t" + lastIndexId + "\t" + (results.Count - el.errorCount).ToString() + "\t" + el.errorCount.ToString() + "\t" + "BULK DELTA");
                        u.SaveToFile(logPath + "LastIndex_" + DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + ".txt", indexName + "\t" + lastIndexId + "\t" + (results.Count - el.errorCount).ToString() + "\t" + el.errorCount.ToString() + "\t" + "BULK DELTA");
                        await SaveLogToElastic("{ \"indexDateTime\" : \"" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss") + "\", \"indexName\" : \"" + indexName + "\", \"lastIndexId\" : \"" + lastIndexId + "\", \"lastSuccessCount\" : \"" + (results.Count - el.errorCount).ToString() + "\", \"lastFailCount\" : \"" + el.errorCount.ToString() + "\", \"loadType\" : \"BULK DELTA\"  }\n");

                if (!isDeltaFound)
                    Console.Write(">> No delta records found in {0}\n\n", collectionName);
            catch (Exception e)
                if (saveLogsToFS)
                    u.SaveToFile(logPath + "Exceptions_" + DateTime.Today.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + ".txt", "DeltaBulkData()\t" + e.Message.ToString() + " (" + e.InnerException.Message.ToString() + ")");
                    SaveExceptionToElastic("DeltaBulkData()", e).Wait();