Ejemplo n.º 1
 public void CopyMatchContent(Match_testRule that)
     _node_a      = that._node_a;
     _node_f      = that._node_f;
     _node_m      = that._node_m;
     _edge__edge0 = that._edge__edge0;
     _edge__edge1 = that._edge__edge1;
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds an existing edge to this graph.
        /// The graph may not already contain the edge!
        /// The edge may not be connected to any other elements!
        /// Intended only for undo, clone, retyping and internal use!
        /// </summary>
        public void AddEdgeWithoutEvents(LGSPEdge edge, int typeid)
            LGSPEdge head = edgesByTypeHeads[typeid];
            head.lgspTypeNext.lgspTypePrev = edge;
            edge.lgspTypeNext = head.lgspTypeNext;
            edge.lgspTypePrev = head;
            head.lgspTypeNext = edge;




Ejemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks whether the type ringlist starting at the given head edge is broken.
        /// Use for debugging purposes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">The edge head to be checked.</param>
        public void CheckTypeRinglistBroken(LGSPEdge head)
            LGSPEdge headNext = head.lgspTypeNext;
            if(headNext == null) throw new Exception("Internal error: Ringlist broken");
            LGSPEdge cur = headNext;
            LGSPEdge next;
            while(cur != head)
                if(cur != cur.lgspTypeNext.lgspTypePrev) throw new Exception("Internal error: Ringlist out of order");
                next = cur.lgspTypeNext;
                if(next == null) throw new Exception("Internal error: Ringlist broken");
                if(next == headNext) throw new Exception("Internal error: Ringlist loops bypassing head");
                cur = next;

            LGSPEdge headPrev = head.lgspTypePrev;
            if(headPrev == null) throw new Exception("Internal error: type Ringlist broken");
            cur = headPrev;
            LGSPEdge prev;
            while(cur != head)
                if(cur != cur.lgspTypePrev.lgspTypeNext) throw new Exception("Internal error: Ringlist out of order");
                prev = cur.lgspTypePrev;
                if(prev == null) throw new Exception("Internal error: Ringlist broken");
                if(prev == headPrev) throw new Exception("Internal error: Ringlist loops bypassing head");
                cur = prev;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Changes the source of the edge from the old source to the given new source,
 /// and changes the target node of the edge from the old target to the given new target.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="edge">The edge to redirect.</param>
 /// <param name="newSource">The new source node of the edge.</param>
 /// <param name="newTarget">The new target node of the edge.</param>
 /// <param name="oldSourceName">The name of the old source node (used for debug display of the new edge).</param>
 /// <param name="oldTargetName">The name of the old target node (used for debug display of the new edge).</param>
 public void RedirectSourceAndTarget(LGSPEdge edge, LGSPNode newSource, LGSPNode newTarget, string oldSourceName, string oldTargetName)
     edge.lgspSource = newSource;
     edge.lgspTarget = newTarget;
     nameOfSingleElementAdded[0] = "redirected from " + oldSourceName + " --> " + oldTargetName;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public static bool IsMatched(LGSPEdge edge, IMatch lastMatchAtPreviousNestingLevel)
            Debug.Assert(lastMatchAtPreviousNestingLevel != null);

            // move through matches stack backwards to starting rule,
            // check if edge is already matched somewhere on the derivation path
            IMatch match = lastMatchAtPreviousNestingLevel;
            while (match != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < match.NumberOfEdges; ++i)
                    if (match.getEdgeAt(i) == edge)
                        return true;
                match = match.MatchOfEnclosingPattern;
            return false;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Moves the head of the incoming list after the given edge.
 /// Part of the "list trick".
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="edge">The edge.</param>
 public void MoveInHeadAfter(LGSPEdge edge)
     lgspInhead = edge.lgspInNext;
        public IGraph _graph; // for ToString only

        public LGSPUndoElemRedirecting(LGSPEdge edge, LGSPNode source, LGSPNode target, LGSPGraphProcessingEnvironment procEnv)
            _edge = edge;
            _source = source;
            _target = target;
            if(procEnv.graph is LGSPNamedGraph) _name = ((LGSPNamedGraph)procEnv.graph).GetElementName(_edge);
            else _name = "?";
            _graph = procEnv.graph;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public override LGSPEdge Retype(LGSPEdge edge, EdgeType newEdgeType)
     String name;
     if(ElemToName.TryGetValue(edge, out name)) // give new edge the name of the old edge in case it was named
         LGSPEdge newEdge = (LGSPEdge)newEdgeType.CreateEdgeWithCopyCommons(edge.lgspSource, edge.lgspTarget, edge);
         ElemToName[newEdge] = name;
         RetypingEdge(edge, newEdge);
         ReplaceEdge(edge, newEdge);
         NameToElem[name] = newEdge;
         return newEdge;
         return base.Retype(edge, newEdgeType);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Analyzes the graph.
        /// The calculated data is used to generate good searchplans for the current graph.
        /// To be called from the graph, not directly, to ensure the changes counter is correctly set.
        /// </summary>
        public void AnalyzeGraph(LGSPGraph graph)
            if (graph.Model != graphModel)
                throw new Exception("Mismatch between model bound to statistics and model in graph to be analyzed!");

            int numNodeTypes = graph.Model.NodeModel.Types.Length;
            int numEdgeTypes = graph.Model.EdgeModel.Types.Length;

            int[,] outgoingVCount = new int[numEdgeTypes, numNodeTypes];
            int[,] incomingVCount = new int[numEdgeTypes, numNodeTypes];

            dim0size = numNodeTypes;
            dim1size = numEdgeTypes;
            dim2size = numNodeTypes;
            vstructs = new int[numNodeTypes * numEdgeTypes * numNodeTypes * 2];
            vstructs = new int[numNodeTypes, numEdgeTypes, numNodeTypes, 2];
            nodeCounts    = new int[numNodeTypes];
            edgeCounts    = new int[numEdgeTypes];
            outCounts     = new int[numNodeTypes];
            inCounts      = new int[numNodeTypes];
            meanInDegree  = new float[numNodeTypes];
            meanOutDegree = new float[numNodeTypes];

            foreach (NodeType nodeType in graph.Model.NodeModel.Types)
                // Calculate nodeCounts
                foreach (NodeType superType in nodeType.SuperOrSameTypes)
                    nodeCounts[superType.TypeID] += graph.nodesByTypeCounts[nodeType.TypeID];

                for (LGSPNode nodeHead = graph.nodesByTypeHeads[nodeType.TypeID], node = nodeHead.lgspTypeNext; node != nodeHead; node = node.lgspTypeNext)
                    // count outgoing v structures

                    for (int i = 0; i < numEdgeTypes; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < numNodeTypes; j++)
                            outgoingVCount[i, j] = 0;

                    LGSPEdge outhead = node.lgspOuthead;
                    if (outhead != null)
                        LGSPEdge edge = outhead;
                            NodeType targetType = edge.lgspTarget.lgspType;
                            foreach (EdgeType edgeSuperType in edge.lgspType.superOrSameTypes)
                                int superTypeID = edgeSuperType.TypeID;
                                foreach (NodeType targetSuperType in targetType.SuperOrSameTypes)
                                    outgoingVCount[superTypeID, targetSuperType.TypeID]++;
                            edge = edge.lgspOutNext;
                        }while(edge != outhead);

                    // count incoming v structures

                    for (int i = 0; i < numEdgeTypes; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < numNodeTypes; j++)
                            incomingVCount[i, j] = 0;

                    LGSPEdge inhead = node.lgspInhead;
                    if (inhead != null)
                        LGSPEdge edge = inhead;
                            NodeType sourceType = edge.lgspSource.lgspType;
                            foreach (EdgeType edgeSuperType in edge.lgspType.superOrSameTypes)
                                int superTypeID = edgeSuperType.TypeID;
                                foreach (NodeType sourceSuperType in sourceType.superOrSameTypes)
                                    incomingVCount[superTypeID, sourceSuperType.TypeID]++;
                            edge = edge.lgspInNext;
                        }while(edge != inhead);

                    // finalize the counting and collect resulting local v-struct info

                    if (outhead != null)
                        LGSPEdge edge = outhead;
                            NodeType targetType   = edge.lgspTarget.lgspType;
                            int      targetTypeID = targetType.TypeID;

                            foreach (EdgeType edgeSuperType in edge.lgspType.superOrSameTypes)
                                int edgeSuperTypeID = edgeSuperType.TypeID;

                                foreach (NodeType targetSuperType in targetType.superOrSameTypes)
                                    int targetSuperTypeID = targetSuperType.TypeID;
                                    if (outgoingVCount[edgeSuperTypeID, targetSuperTypeID] > 0)
//                                        int val = (float) Math.Log(outgoingVCount[edgeSuperTypeID, targetSuperTypeID]);     // > 1 im if
                                        int val = outgoingVCount[edgeSuperTypeID, targetSuperTypeID];
                                        foreach (NodeType nodeSuperType in nodeType.superOrSameTypes)
                                            vstructs[((nodeSuperType.TypeID * dim1size + edgeSuperTypeID) * dim2size + targetSuperTypeID) * 2
                                                     + (int)LGSPDirection.Out] += val;
                                            vstructs[nodeSuperType.TypeID, edgeSuperTypeID, targetSuperTypeID, (int)LGSPDirection.Out] += val;
                                        outgoingVCount[edgeSuperTypeID, targetSuperTypeID] = 0;
                            edge = edge.lgspOutNext;
                        }while(edge != outhead);

                    if (inhead != null)
                        LGSPEdge edge = inhead;
                            NodeType sourceType   = edge.lgspSource.lgspType;
                            int      sourceTypeID = sourceType.TypeID;

                            foreach (EdgeType edgeSuperType in edge.lgspType.superOrSameTypes)
                                int edgeSuperTypeID = edgeSuperType.TypeID;
                                foreach (NodeType sourceSuperType in sourceType.superOrSameTypes)
                                    int sourceSuperTypeID = sourceSuperType.TypeID;
                                    if (incomingVCount[edgeSuperTypeID, sourceSuperTypeID] > 0)
//                                        int val = (float) Math.Log(incomingVCount[edgeSuperTypeID, sourceSuperTypeID]);     // > 1 im if
                                        int val = incomingVCount[edgeSuperTypeID, sourceSuperTypeID];
                                        foreach (NodeType nodeSuperType in nodeType.superOrSameTypes)
                                        { vstructs[((nodeSuperType.TypeID * dim1size + edgeSuperTypeID) * dim2size + sourceSuperTypeID) * 2
                                                   + (int)LGSPDirection.In] += val; }
                                        { vstructs[nodeSuperType.TypeID, edgeSuperTypeID, sourceSuperTypeID, (int)LGSPDirection.In] += val; }
                                        incomingVCount[edgeSuperTypeID, sourceSuperTypeID] = 0;
                            edge = edge.lgspInNext;
                        }while(edge != inhead);

                int numCompatibleNodes = nodeCounts[nodeType.TypeID];
                if (numCompatibleNodes != 0)
                    meanOutDegree[nodeType.TypeID] = outCounts[nodeType.TypeID] / numCompatibleNodes;
                    meanInDegree[nodeType.TypeID]  = inCounts[nodeType.TypeID] / numCompatibleNodes;
                    meanOutDegree[nodeType.TypeID] = 0;
                    meanInDegree[nodeType.TypeID]  = 0;

            // Calculate edgeCounts
            foreach (EdgeType edgeType in graph.Model.EdgeModel.Types)
                foreach (EdgeType superType in edgeType.superOrSameTypes)
                    edgeCounts[superType.TypeID] += graph.edgesByTypeCounts[edgeType.TypeID];
Ejemplo n.º 10
        public GRGEN_LIBGR.IMatchesExact <Rule_testRule.IMatch_testRule> myMatch(GRGEN_LGSP.LGSPActionExecutionEnvironment actionEnv, int maxMatches)
            GRGEN_LGSP.LGSPGraph graph = actionEnv.graph;
            int isoSpace = 0;
            // Lookup testRule_edge__edge1
            int type_id_candidate_testRule_edge__edge1 = 1;

            for (GRGEN_LGSP.LGSPEdge head_candidate_testRule_edge__edge1 = graph.edgesByTypeHeads[type_id_candidate_testRule_edge__edge1], candidate_testRule_edge__edge1 = head_candidate_testRule_edge__edge1.lgspTypeNext; candidate_testRule_edge__edge1 != head_candidate_testRule_edge__edge1; candidate_testRule_edge__edge1 = candidate_testRule_edge__edge1.lgspTypeNext)
                uint prev__candidate_testRule_edge__edge1;
                prev__candidate_testRule_edge__edge1      = candidate_testRule_edge__edge1.lgspFlags & (uint)GRGEN_LGSP.LGSPElemFlags.IS_MATCHED << isoSpace;
                candidate_testRule_edge__edge1.lgspFlags |= (uint)GRGEN_LGSP.LGSPElemFlags.IS_MATCHED << isoSpace;
                // Implicit Source testRule_node_f from testRule_edge__edge1
                GRGEN_LGSP.LGSPNode candidate_testRule_node_f = candidate_testRule_edge__edge1.lgspSource;
                if (candidate_testRule_node_f.lgspType.TypeID != 6)
                    candidate_testRule_edge__edge1.lgspFlags = candidate_testRule_edge__edge1.lgspFlags & ~((uint)GRGEN_LGSP.LGSPElemFlags.IS_MATCHED << isoSpace) | prev__candidate_testRule_edge__edge1;
                // Implicit Target testRule_node_m from testRule_edge__edge1
                GRGEN_LGSP.LGSPNode candidate_testRule_node_m = candidate_testRule_edge__edge1.lgspTarget;
                if (candidate_testRule_node_m.lgspType.TypeID != 17)
                    candidate_testRule_edge__edge1.lgspFlags = candidate_testRule_edge__edge1.lgspFlags & ~((uint)GRGEN_LGSP.LGSPElemFlags.IS_MATCHED << isoSpace) | prev__candidate_testRule_edge__edge1;
                // Extend Incoming testRule_edge__edge0 from testRule_node_f
                GRGEN_LGSP.LGSPEdge head_candidate_testRule_edge__edge0 = candidate_testRule_node_f.lgspInhead;
                if (head_candidate_testRule_edge__edge0 != null)
                    GRGEN_LGSP.LGSPEdge candidate_testRule_edge__edge0 = head_candidate_testRule_edge__edge0;
                        if (candidate_testRule_edge__edge0.lgspType.TypeID != 1)
                        if ((candidate_testRule_edge__edge0.lgspFlags & (uint)GRGEN_LGSP.LGSPElemFlags.IS_MATCHED << isoSpace) != 0)
                        // Implicit Source testRule_node_a from testRule_edge__edge0
                        GRGEN_LGSP.LGSPNode candidate_testRule_node_a = candidate_testRule_edge__edge0.lgspSource;
                        if (candidate_testRule_node_a.lgspType.TypeID != 18)
                        Rule_testRule.Match_testRule match = matches.GetNextUnfilledPosition();
                        match._node_a      = candidate_testRule_node_a;
                        match._node_f      = candidate_testRule_node_f;
                        match._node_m      = candidate_testRule_node_m;
                        match._edge__edge0 = candidate_testRule_edge__edge0;
                        match._edge__edge1 = candidate_testRule_edge__edge1;
                        // if enough matches were found, we leave
                        if (maxMatches > 0 && matches.Count >= maxMatches)
                            candidate_testRule_edge__edge1.lgspFlags = candidate_testRule_edge__edge1.lgspFlags & ~((uint)GRGEN_LGSP.LGSPElemFlags.IS_MATCHED << isoSpace) | prev__candidate_testRule_edge__edge1;
                    }while((candidate_testRule_edge__edge0 = candidate_testRule_edge__edge0.lgspInNext) != head_candidate_testRule_edge__edge0);
                candidate_testRule_edge__edge1.lgspFlags = candidate_testRule_edge__edge1.lgspFlags & ~((uint)GRGEN_LGSP.LGSPElemFlags.IS_MATCHED << isoSpace) | prev__candidate_testRule_edge__edge1;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 /// <summary>
 /// Moves the head of the incoming list after the given edge.
 /// Part of the "list trick".
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="edge">The edge.</param>
 public void MoveInHeadAfter(LGSPEdge edge)
     lgspInhead = edge.lgspInNext;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary>
 /// Moves the head of the outgoing list after the given edge.
 /// Part of the "list trick".
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="edge">The edge.</param>
 public void MoveOutHeadAfter(LGSPEdge edge)
     lgspOuthead = edge.lgspOutNext;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        internal void RemoveIncoming(LGSPEdge edge)
            if(edge == lgspInhead)
                lgspInhead = edge.lgspInNext;
                if(lgspInhead == edge)
                    lgspInhead = null;
            edge.lgspInPrev.lgspInNext = edge.lgspInNext;
            edge.lgspInNext.lgspInPrev = edge.lgspInPrev;

            edge.lgspInNext = null;
            edge.lgspInPrev = null;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        internal void RemoveOutgoing(LGSPEdge edge)
            if(edge == lgspOuthead)
                lgspOuthead = edge.lgspOutNext;
                if(lgspOuthead == edge)
                    lgspOuthead = null;
            edge.lgspOutPrev.lgspOutNext = edge.lgspOutNext;
            edge.lgspOutNext.lgspOutPrev = edge.lgspOutPrev;

            edge.lgspOutNext = null;
            edge.lgspOutPrev = null;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 /// <summary>
 /// Retypes an edge by replacing it by a new edge of the given type.
 /// Source and target node as well as all attributes from common super classes are kept.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="edge">The edge to be retyped.</param>
 /// <param name="newEdgeType">The new type for the edge.</param>
 /// <returns>The new edge object representing the retyped edge.</returns>
 public virtual LGSPEdge Retype(LGSPEdge edge, EdgeType newEdgeType)
     LGSPEdge newEdge = (LGSPEdge) newEdgeType.CreateEdgeWithCopyCommons(edge.lgspSource, edge.lgspTarget, edge);
     RetypingEdge(edge, newEdge);
     ReplaceEdge(edge, newEdge);
     return newEdge;
        public void SetVariableValue(String varName, object val)
            if (varName == null)

            Variable var;

            VariableMap.TryGetValue(varName, out var);

            if (var != null)
                if (var.Value == val)
                    return;                      // Variable already set to this element?
                if (var.Value is IGraphElement)

                if (val == null)
                var.Value = val;
                if (val == null)

                var = new Variable(varName, val);
                VariableMap[varName] = var;

            IGraphElement elem = val as IGraphElement;

            if (elem == null)

            LinkedList <Variable> newVarList;

            if (!ElementMap.TryGetValue(elem, out newVarList))
                newVarList       = new LinkedList <Variable>();
                ElementMap[elem] = newVarList;

            LGSPNode node = elem as LGSPNode;

            if (node != null)
                node.lgspFlags |= (uint)LGSPElemFlags.HAS_VARIABLES;
                LGSPEdge edge = (LGSPEdge)elem;
                edge.lgspFlags |= (uint)LGSPElemFlags.HAS_VARIABLES;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 internal void AddIncoming(LGSPEdge edge)
     if(lgspInhead == null)
         lgspInhead = edge;
         edge.lgspInNext = edge;
         edge.lgspInPrev = edge;
         lgspInhead.lgspInPrev.lgspInNext = edge;
         edge.lgspInPrev = lgspInhead.lgspInPrev;
         edge.lgspInNext = lgspInhead;
         lgspInhead.lgspInPrev = edge;
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds an existing LGSPEdge object to the graph and assigns it to the given variable.
 /// The edge must not be part of any graph, yet!
 /// Source and target of the edge must already be part of the graph.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="edge">The edge to be added.</param>
 /// <param name="varName">The name of the variable.</param>
 public void AddEdge(LGSPEdge edge, String varName)
     graph.AddEdgeWithoutEvents(edge, edge.lgspType.TypeID);
     SetVariableValue(varName, edge);
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds an existing LGSPEdge object to the graph and assigns it to the given variable.
 /// The edge must not be part of any graph, yet!
 /// Source and target of the edge must already be part of the graph.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="edge">The edge to be added.</param>
 /// <param name="varName">The name of the variable.</param>
 public void AddEdge(LGSPEdge edge, String varName)
     graph.AddEdgeWithoutEvents(edge, edge.lgspType.TypeID);
     SetVariableValue(varName, edge);
Ejemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Analyzes the graph.
        /// The calculated data is used to generate good searchplans for the current graph.
        /// To be called from the graph, not directly, to ensure the changes counter is correctly set.
        /// </summary>
        public void AnalyzeGraph(LGSPGraph graph)
            if (graph.Model != graphModel)
                throw new Exception("Mismatch between model bound to statistics and model in graph to be analyzed!");

            int numNodeTypes = graph.Model.NodeModel.Types.Length;
            int numEdgeTypes = graph.Model.EdgeModel.Types.Length;

            int[,] outgoingVCount = new int[numEdgeTypes, numNodeTypes];
            int[,] incomingVCount = new int[numEdgeTypes, numNodeTypes];

            dim0size = numNodeTypes;
            dim1size = numEdgeTypes;
            dim2size = numNodeTypes;
            vstructs = new int[numNodeTypes * numEdgeTypes * numNodeTypes * 2];
            vstructs = new int[numNodeTypes, numEdgeTypes, numNodeTypes, 2];
            nodeCounts    = new int[numNodeTypes];
            edgeCounts    = new int[numEdgeTypes];
            outCounts     = new int[numNodeTypes];
            inCounts      = new int[numNodeTypes];
            meanInDegree  = new float[numNodeTypes];
            meanOutDegree = new float[numNodeTypes];

            foreach (NodeType nodeType in graph.Model.NodeModel.Types)
                // Calculate nodeCounts
                foreach (NodeType superType in nodeType.SuperOrSameTypes)
                    nodeCounts[superType.TypeID] += graph.nodesByTypeCounts[nodeType.TypeID];

                for (LGSPNode nodeHead = graph.nodesByTypeHeads[nodeType.TypeID], node = nodeHead.lgspTypeNext; node != nodeHead; node = node.lgspTypeNext)
                    InitializeOutgoingVStructuresCount(numNodeTypes, numEdgeTypes, outgoingVCount);

                    LGSPEdge outhead = node.lgspOuthead;
                    CountOutgoingVStructures(outgoingVCount, nodeType, outhead);

                    InitializeIncomingVStructuresCount(numNodeTypes, numEdgeTypes, incomingVCount);

                    LGSPEdge inhead = node.lgspInhead;
                    CountIncomingVStructures(incomingVCount, nodeType, inhead);

                    WriteVStructuresOutgoing(outhead, outgoingVCount, nodeType);

                    WriteVStructuresIncoming(inhead, incomingVCount, nodeType);

                int numCompatibleNodes = nodeCounts[nodeType.TypeID];
                if (numCompatibleNodes != 0)
                    meanOutDegree[nodeType.TypeID] = outCounts[nodeType.TypeID] / numCompatibleNodes;
                    meanInDegree[nodeType.TypeID]  = inCounts[nodeType.TypeID] / numCompatibleNodes;
                    meanOutDegree[nodeType.TypeID] = 0;
                    meanInDegree[nodeType.TypeID]  = 0;

            // Calculate edgeCounts
            foreach (EdgeType edgeType in graph.Model.EdgeModel.Types)
                foreach (EdgeType superType in edgeType.superOrSameTypes)
                    edgeCounts[superType.TypeID] += graph.edgesByTypeCounts[edgeType.TypeID];
Ejemplo n.º 21
 /// <summary>
 /// Moves the head of the outgoing list after the given edge.
 /// Part of the "list trick".
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="edge">The edge.</param>
 public void MoveOutHeadAfter(LGSPEdge edge)
     lgspOuthead = edge.lgspOutNext;
Ejemplo n.º 22
        private void CountOutgoingVStructures(int[,] outgoingVCount, NodeType nodeType, LGSPEdge outhead)
            if (outhead == null)

            LGSPEdge edge = outhead;

                NodeType targetType = edge.lgspTarget.lgspType;
                foreach (EdgeType edgeSuperType in edge.lgspType.superOrSameTypes)
                    int superTypeID = edgeSuperType.TypeID;
                    foreach (NodeType targetSuperType in targetType.SuperOrSameTypes)
                        outgoingVCount[superTypeID, targetSuperType.TypeID]++;
                edge = edge.lgspOutNext;
            }while(edge != outhead);
Ejemplo n.º 23
 public override void AddEdge(LGSPEdge edge)
     AddEdge(edge, null);
Ejemplo n.º 24
        private void CountIncomingVStructures(int[,] incomingVCount, NodeType nodeType, LGSPEdge inhead)
            if (inhead == null)

            LGSPEdge edge = inhead;

                NodeType sourceType = edge.lgspSource.lgspType;
                foreach (EdgeType edgeSuperType in edge.lgspType.superOrSameTypes)
                    int superTypeID = edgeSuperType.TypeID;
                    foreach (NodeType sourceSuperType in sourceType.superOrSameTypes)
                        incomingVCount[superTypeID, sourceSuperType.TypeID]++;
                edge = edge.lgspInNext;
            }while(edge != inhead);
Ejemplo n.º 25
 /// <summary>
 /// Changes the source node of the edge from the old source to the given new source.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="edge">The edge to redirect.</param>
 /// <param name="newSource">The new source node of the edge.</param>
 /// <param name="oldSourceName">The name of the old source node (used for debug display of the new edge).</param>
 public void RedirectSource(LGSPEdge edge, LGSPNode newSource, string oldSourceName)
     edge.lgspSource = newSource;
     nameOfSingleElementAdded[0] = "redirected from " + oldSourceName + " --> .";
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public LGSPEdge Retype(LGSPGraph graph, LGSPEdge oldEdge)
            Edge_fluffway newEdge = new Edge_fluffway(oldEdge.source, oldEdge.target);
                case (int) EdgeTypes.@speedcon:
                case (int) EdgeTypes.@bigspeedcon:
                case (int) EdgeTypes.@connection:
                    IEdge_connection old = (IEdge_connection) oldEdge;
                    newEdge.bandwidth = old.bandwidth;
                case (int) EdgeTypes.@Edge:

            graph.ReplaceEdge(oldEdge, newEdge);

            return newEdge;
Ejemplo n.º 27
 /// <summary>
 /// Checks if the given edge is already available in its type ringlist
 /// </summary>
 public void CheckEdgeAlreadyInTypeRinglist(LGSPEdge edge)
     LGSPEdge head = edgesByTypeHeads[edge.lgspType.TypeID];
     LGSPEdge cur = head.lgspTypeNext;
     while(cur != head)
         if(cur == edge) throw new Exception("Internal error: Edge already available in ringlist");
         cur = cur.lgspTypeNext;
     cur = head.lgspTypePrev;
     while(cur != head)
         if(cur == edge) throw new Exception("Internal error: Edge already available in ringlist");
         cur = cur.lgspTypePrev;
Ejemplo n.º 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a pattern graph out of the graph.
        /// The pattern graph retains links to the original graph elements and uses them for attribute comparison.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="graph">The graph which is to be transfered into a pattern</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static PatternGraph BuildPatternGraph(IGraph graph)
            int numNodes = graph.NumNodes;
            int numEdges = graph.NumEdges;

            int count = 0;

            PatternNode[] nodes = new PatternNode[numNodes];
            INode[]       correspondingNodes = new INode[numNodes];
            foreach (INode node in graph.Nodes)
                LGSPNode n = (LGSPNode)node;
                nodes[count] = new PatternNode(
                    n.Type.TypeID, n.Type, n.Type.PackagePrefixedName,
                    graph.Name + "_node_" + count, "node_" + count,
                    null, null,
                    1.0f, -1, false,
                    null, null, null, null, null,
                    null, false, null
                correspondingNodes[count] = node;

            count = 0;
            PatternEdge[] edges = new PatternEdge[numEdges];
            IEdge[]       correspondingEdges = new IEdge[numEdges];
            foreach (IEdge edge in graph.Edges)
                LGSPEdge e = (LGSPEdge)edge;
                edges[count] = new PatternEdge(
                    e.Type.TypeID, e.Type, e.Type.PackagePrefixedName,
                    graph.Name + "_edge_" + count, "edge_" + count,
                    null, null,
                    1.0f, -1, false,
                    null, null, null, null, null,
                    null, false, null
                correspondingEdges[count] = edge;

            bool[,] homNodes = new bool[numNodes, numNodes];
            for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < numNodes; ++j)
                    homNodes[i, j] = false;

            bool[,] homEdges = new bool[numEdges, numEdges];
            for (int i = 0; i < numEdges; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < numEdges; ++j)
                    homEdges[i, j] = false;

            bool[,] homNodesGlobal = new bool[numNodes, numNodes];
            for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < numNodes; ++j)
                    homNodesGlobal[i, j] = false;

            bool[,] homEdgesGlobal = new bool[numEdges, numEdges];
            for (int i = 0; i < numEdges; ++i)
                for (int j = 0; j < numEdges; ++j)
                    homEdgesGlobal[i, j] = false;

            bool[] totallyHomNodes = new bool[numNodes];
            for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; ++i)
                totallyHomNodes[i] = false;

            bool[] totallyHomEdges = new bool[numEdges];
            for (int i = 0; i < numEdges; ++i)
                totallyHomEdges[i] = false;

            List <PatternCondition> pcs = new List <PatternCondition>();

            for (int i = 0; i < numNodes; ++i)
                if (nodes[i].Type.NumAttributes > 0)
                    pcs.Add(new PatternCondition(new expression.AreAttributesEqual(correspondingNodes[i], nodes[i]),
                                                 new string[] { nodes[i].name }, new string[] { }, new string[] { },
                                                 new PatternNode[] { nodes[i] }, new PatternEdge[] { }, new PatternVariable[] { }));
            for (int i = 0; i < numEdges; ++i)
                if (edges[i].Type.NumAttributes > 0)
                    pcs.Add(new PatternCondition(new expression.AreAttributesEqual(correspondingEdges[i], edges[i]),
                                                 new string[] { }, new string[] { edges[i].name }, new string[] { },
                                                 new PatternNode[] { }, new PatternEdge[] { edges[i] }, new PatternVariable[] { }));
            PatternCondition[] patternConditions = pcs.ToArray();

            PatternGraph patternGraph = new PatternGraph(
                nodes, edges,
                homNodes, homEdges,
                homNodesGlobal, homEdgesGlobal,
                totallyHomNodes, totallyHomEdges,
                correspondingNodes, correspondingEdges

            foreach (PatternNode node in nodes)
                node.pointOfDefinition = patternGraph;
            foreach (PatternEdge edge in edges)
                edge.pointOfDefinition = patternGraph;

            foreach (IEdge edge in graph.Edges)
                int edgeIndex   = Array.IndexOf <IEdge>(correspondingEdges, edge);
                int sourceIndex = Array.IndexOf <INode>(correspondingNodes, edge.Source);
                int targetIndex = Array.IndexOf <INode>(correspondingNodes, edge.Target);
                patternGraph.edgeToSourceNode.Add(edges[edgeIndex], nodes[sourceIndex]);
                patternGraph.edgeToTargetNode.Add(edges[edgeIndex], nodes[targetIndex]);


Ejemplo n.º 29
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves the type list head of the given edge after the given edge.
        /// Part of the "list trick".
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="elem">The edge.</param>
        public void MoveHeadAfter(LGSPEdge elem)
            if(elem.lgspType == null) return;       // elem is head
            LGSPEdge head = edgesByTypeHeads[elem.lgspType.TypeID];

            head.lgspTypePrev.lgspTypeNext = head.lgspTypeNext;
            head.lgspTypeNext.lgspTypePrev = head.lgspTypePrev;

            elem.lgspTypeNext.lgspTypePrev = head;
            head.lgspTypeNext = elem.lgspTypeNext;
            head.lgspTypePrev = elem;
            elem.lgspTypeNext = head;
Ejemplo n.º 30
        public void AddEdge(LGSPEdge edge, String elemName)
            if(elemName != null && NameToElem.ContainsKey(elemName))
                throw new ArgumentException("The name \"" + elemName + "\" is already used!");

            if(elemName == null)
                elemName = GetNextName();

            AddEdgeWithoutEvents(edge, edge.lgspType.TypeID);

            NameToElem[elemName] = edge;
            ElemToName[edge] = elemName;

Ejemplo n.º 31
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds an existing LGSPEdge object to the graph.
 /// The edge must not be part of any graph, yet!
 /// Source and target of the edge must already be part of the graph.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="edge">The edge to be added.</param>
 public virtual void AddEdge(LGSPEdge edge)
     AddEdgeWithoutEvents(edge, edge.lgspType.TypeID);
Ejemplo n.º 32
 public override void AddEdge(LGSPEdge edge)
     AddEdge(edge, null);
Ejemplo n.º 33
        /// <summary>
        /// Replaces a given edge by another one.
        /// Source and target node are transferred to the new edge,
        /// but the new edge must already have source and target set to these nodes.
        /// The new edge is added to the graph, the old edge is removed.
        /// A SettingEdgeType event is generated before.
        /// The attributes are not touched.
        /// This function is used for retyping.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oldEdge">The edge to be replaced.</param>
        /// <param name="newEdge">The replacement for the edge.</param>
        public void ReplaceEdge(LGSPEdge oldEdge, LGSPEdge newEdge)
            if(oldEdge.lgspType != newEdge.lgspType)
                    throw new Exception("Fatal failure at retyping: The old edge is not a member of the graph (any more).");

                oldEdge.lgspTypePrev.lgspTypeNext = oldEdge.lgspTypeNext;
                oldEdge.lgspTypeNext.lgspTypePrev = oldEdge.lgspTypePrev;


                LGSPEdge head = edgesByTypeHeads[newEdge.lgspType.TypeID];
                head.lgspTypeNext.lgspTypePrev = newEdge;
                newEdge.lgspTypeNext = head.lgspTypeNext;
                newEdge.lgspTypePrev = head;
                head.lgspTypeNext = newEdge;

                newEdge.lgspTypeNext = oldEdge.lgspTypeNext;
                newEdge.lgspTypePrev = oldEdge.lgspTypePrev;
                oldEdge.lgspTypeNext.lgspTypePrev = newEdge;
                oldEdge.lgspTypePrev.lgspTypeNext = newEdge;
			oldEdge.lgspTypeNext = newEdge;			// indicate replacement (checked in rewrite for hom edges)
			oldEdge.lgspTypePrev = null;			// indicate edge is node valid anymore

            // Reassign source node
            LGSPNode src = oldEdge.lgspSource;
            if(src.lgspOuthead == oldEdge)
                src.lgspOuthead = newEdge;

            if(oldEdge.lgspOutNext == oldEdge)  // the only outgoing edge?
                newEdge.lgspOutNext = newEdge;
                newEdge.lgspOutPrev = newEdge;
                LGSPEdge oldOutNext = oldEdge.lgspOutNext;
                LGSPEdge oldOutPrev = oldEdge.lgspOutPrev;
                oldOutNext.lgspOutPrev = newEdge;
                oldOutPrev.lgspOutNext = newEdge;
                newEdge.lgspOutNext = oldOutNext;
                newEdge.lgspOutPrev = oldOutPrev;
            oldEdge.lgspOutNext = null;
            oldEdge.lgspOutPrev = null;

            // Reassign target node
            LGSPNode tgt = oldEdge.lgspTarget;
            if(tgt.lgspInhead == oldEdge)
                tgt.lgspInhead = newEdge;

            if(oldEdge.lgspInNext == oldEdge)   // the only incoming edge?
                newEdge.lgspInNext = newEdge;
                newEdge.lgspInPrev = newEdge;
                LGSPEdge oldInNext = oldEdge.lgspInNext;
                LGSPEdge oldInPrev = oldEdge.lgspInPrev;
                oldInNext.lgspInPrev = newEdge;
                oldInPrev.lgspInNext = newEdge;
                newEdge.lgspInNext = oldInNext;
                newEdge.lgspInPrev = oldInPrev;
            oldEdge.lgspInNext = null;
            oldEdge.lgspInPrev = null;



Ejemplo n.º 34
 internal void AddOutgoing(LGSPEdge edge)
     if(lgspOuthead == null)
         lgspOuthead = edge;
         edge.lgspOutNext = edge;
         edge.lgspOutPrev = edge;
         lgspOuthead.lgspOutPrev.lgspOutNext = edge;
         edge.lgspOutPrev = lgspOuthead.lgspOutPrev;
         edge.lgspOutNext = lgspOuthead;
         lgspOuthead.lgspOutPrev = edge;