Ejemplo n.º 1
        static Ticks()
            // This static constructor is called once at the beginning of the life-cycle of this library.
            // We use it to create
            //  a) a reference counter in DateTime ticks initialized to now and
            //  b) a Stopwatch object that we are starting.
            // Within the Now() function of this class, we are then converting the Stopwatch measurement
            // and add it to the initial timer.
            // So, why are we doing this instead of just using DateTime.Now in method Now()?
            // The answer is: DateTime.Now is very inefficient, because it creates a heap object that is
            // then disposed right away. This version of Now() is around 15 times faster on the compiling platform.

            CreationTime=            new Ticks( DateTime.Now.Ticks );

            // for the conversion in "millis since the epoch" we need the reference DayTime ticks
            dateTimeTicks19700101=  (new DateTime( 1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 )).Ticks;

            creationTimeStopWatch=   new Stopwatch();

            InternalFrequency=       Stopwatch.Frequency;

            // conversion factor StopWatch to DateTime is:
            //    10 million nanoseconds (the DateTime ticks per second) / by frequency of stopwatch
            convSWToDT=    10000000d / (double) InternalFrequency;
        public void ThreadLock_SpeedTest()

            Log.SetVerbosity( new ConsoleLogger(), Verbosity.Verbose, "/" );
            Log.MapThreadName( "UnitTest" );
            Log.SetDomain( "TestTLock", Scope.Method );

            ThreadLock aLock= new ThreadLock();

            int        repeats=    100000;
            int        rrepeats=    5;

            Ticks stopwatch= new Ticks();
            for ( int r= 0; r < rrepeats; r ++)
                Log.Info("Run " + rrepeats );

                aLock.SetSafeness( Safeness.Unsafe );
                for ( int i= 0; i < repeats; i++ )
                long time= stopwatch.Age().InMillis();
                Log.Info("Safe mode, " + repeats + " lock/unlock ops: " + time + " ms" );

                aLock.SetSafeness( Safeness.Safe );
                for ( int i= 0; i < repeats; i++ )

                    // in java, adding the following two loops, results in similar execution speed
                    for ( int tt= 0; tt < 70; tt++ )
                        i+= tt;
                    for ( int tt= 0; tt < 70; tt++ )
                        i-= tt;
                time= stopwatch.Age().InMillis();
                Log.Info("Unsafe mode, " + repeats + " lock/unlock ops: " + time + " ms" );
Ejemplo n.º 3
        /** ****************************************************************************************
         * Returns the average length of all samples since this instance was created or reset.
         * If no measurement was performed, the result value will be set to 0 ticks.
         * @param result   An object to store the result in. If not provided (null), a result
         *                 object is created.
         * @return The average sample time within the given or created object.
        public        Ticks    GetAverage( Ticks result )
            if ( result == null )
                result= new Ticks();

            result.SetRaw( cntSamples== 0 ? 0L   :    (sum.Raw() / cntSamples) );
            return  result;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 /** ****************************************************************************************
  * Creates a Ticks instance representing the same point in time or time span as the instance provided.
  * @param copy  The instance to copy the ticks value from.
 public                  Ticks( Ticks copy )     {    ticks=  copy.ticks;     }
Ejemplo n.º 5
 /** ****************************************************************************************
  * Returns the average length of all samples since this instance was created or reset.
  * If no measurement was performed, the result value will be set to 0 ticks.
  * Note: Attention: The object returned is a temporary object, deemed to be reused by other
  * interface methods of this instance. Therefore, it must be used only until subsequent
  * method invocations on this instance are performed (hence, also not thread safe!)
  * Use #GetAverage(Ticks result) to provide a dedicated external result instance.
  * @return  The average length of all samples taken since the last reset.
 public        Ticks    GetAverage()
     if (tempTicks == null )
         tempTicks= new Ticks( 0L );
     return new Ticks( cntSamples== 0 ? 0L     :    (sum.Raw() / cntSamples) );
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public void SpeedTest()

            Log.SetVerbosity( new ConsoleLogger(), Verbosity.Verbose, "/" );
            Log.MapThreadName( "UnitTest" );
            Log.SetDomain( "TickWatch", Scope.Method );

            Log.Info(  "\n### TicksSpeedTest ###" );
            for (int runs= 0; runs < 5; runs ++ )
                int aLotOf= 100;
                Ticks t= new Ticks();
                Ticks tkMeasure= new Ticks();
                for (int i= 0; i < aLotOf; i++ )

                long nanos= tkMeasure.Age().InNanos();
                long averageNanos= nanos/ aLotOf ;
                Log.Info(   "Doing " + aLotOf + " Ticks.Set() calls took " + nanos + " ns. This is an average of " + averageNanos + " nanoseconds per call" );
                UT_TRUE ( averageNanos < 20000 ); // this is much slower on Windows than on mono/linux.
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void Ages()

            Log.SetVerbosity( new ConsoleLogger(), Verbosity.Verbose, "/" );
            Log.MapThreadName( "UnitTest" );
            Log.SetDomain( "TickWatch", Scope.Method );

            TickWatch tt=new TickWatch();
            // minimum time measuring
                tt.Reset(); // we need to do this once before, otherwise C# might be
                // very slow. Obviously the optimizer...

                long ttAverageInNanos=tt.GetAverage().InNanos();
                long ttAverageInMicros=tt.GetAverage().InMicros();
                long ttAverageInMillis=tt.GetAverage().InMillis();

                Log.Info( "TickWatch minimum measurement nanos:    "    + ttAverageInNanos );
                Log.Info( "TickWatch minimum measurement micros:   "    + ttAverageInMicros );
                Log.Info( "TickWatch minimum measurement millis:   "    + ttAverageInMillis );
                UT_TRUE( ttAverageInNanos  < 5000 );
                UT_TRUE( ttAverageInMicros <= 5 );
                UT_TRUE( ttAverageInMillis == 0 );

            // minimum sleep time measuring
                for (int i= 0 ; i< 100 ; i++)
                    ALIB.SleepNanos( 1 );
                Ticks avg= tt.GetAverage();
                Log.Info(  "100 probes of 1 ns of sleep leads to average sleep time of " + avg.InNanos() + " ns");

            // sleep two times 20 ms and probe it to an average
                ALIB.SleepMillis( 20 );

                ALIB.SleepMillis( 80 );

                ALIB.SleepMillis( 20 );

                long    cnt=tt.GetSampleCnt();
                long    avg=tt.GetAverage().InMillis();
                double    hertz=tt.GetAverage().InHertz( 1 );
                Log.Info( "TickWatch sum is " + tt.GetCumulated().InMillis() + " after " + cnt + " times 20 ms sleep" );
                Log.Info( "  average is: "    + avg + " ms" );
                Log.Info( "  in Hertz:   "    + hertz );
                UT_TRUE( hertz < 53 );
                UT_TRUE( hertz > 30 ); // should work even on heavily loaded machines
                UT_EQ( 2, cnt );
                UT_TRUE( avg >= 18 );
                UT_TRUE( avg < 45 ); // should work even on heavily loaded machines

            // Ticks Since
                Ticks tt1= new Ticks(); tt1.FromSeconds( 1000 );
                Ticks tt2= new Ticks(); tt2.FromSeconds( 1001 );

                UT_TRUE ( tt2.Since( tt1 ).InMillis() == 1000L );
                UT_TRUE ( tt2.Since( tt1 ).InMicros() == 1000L * 1000L );
                UT_TRUE ( tt2.Since( tt1 ).InNanos () == 1000L * 1000L * 1000L );
Ejemplo n.º 8
 /** ****************************************************************************************
  * Returns the time span between the value represented by this instance and the given TickWatch.
  * If the given TickWatch represents an earlier point in time, the result is positive.
  * Note: Attention: The object returned is a temporary object, deemed to be reused by other
  * interface methods of this instance. Therefore, it must be used only until subsequent
  * method invocations on this instance are performed (hence, also not thread safe!)
  * Use #Since(Ticks result, Ticks result) to provide a dedicated external result instance.
  * @param olderTime    The value to compare this instance with
  * @return The calculated time span, stored in a temporary object, not thread safe object
 public     Ticks    Since( Ticks olderTime )
     if (tempTicks == null )
         tempTicks= new Ticks( 0L );
     return Since( olderTime, tempTicks );
Ejemplo n.º 9
        /** ****************************************************************************************
         * Returns the time span between the value represented by this instance and the given TickWatch.
         * If the given TickWatch represents an earlier point in time, the result is positive.
         * @param olderTime  The value to compare this instance with
         * @param result     The Ticks object to store the result in. If null, this is created.
         * @return The calculated time span, stored in the given or created object.
        public     Ticks    Since( Ticks olderTime, Ticks result )
            if ( result == null )
                result= new Ticks( this );
                result.Set( this );

            result.Sub( olderTime );
            return    result;
Ejemplo n.º 10
    // #############################################################################################
    // Interface Age, Since
    // #############################################################################################

        /** ****************************************************************************************
         * Returns the time span between value represented by this instance and the current system time.
         * If the internal value represents a historic point in time, the result is positive.
         * Note: Attention: The object returned is a temporary object, deemed to be reused by other
         * interface methods of this instance. Therefore, it must be used only until subsequent
         * method invocations on this instance are performed (hence, also not thread safe!)
         * Use #Age(Ticks result) to provide a dedicated external result instance.
         * @return The age of this instance, stored in a temporary object, not thread safe object.
        public     Ticks    Age( )
            if (tempTicks == null )
                tempTicks= new Ticks( 0L );
            return Age( tempTicks );
Ejemplo n.º 11
 /** ****************************************************************************************
  * Returns the time span between value represented by this instance and the current  time.
  * If the internal value represents a historic point in time, the result is positive.
  * @param result    The Ticks object to store the result in. If null, this is created.
  * @return The age of this instance, stored in the given or created object.
 public     Ticks    Age( Ticks result )
     if ( result == null )
         result= new Ticks();
     result.Sub( this );
     return result;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 /** ****************************************************************************************
  * Subtracts the point in time or time span represented by the given Ticks instance from this instance.
  * @param other  The Ticks object to subtract the ticks from.
 public void             Sub( Ticks other )      {    this.ticks-=        other.ticks;    }
Ejemplo n.º 13
 /** ****************************************************************************************
  * Adds the point in time or time span represented by the given Ticks instance to this instance.
  * @param other  The Ticks object to add the ticks from.
 public void             Add( Ticks other )      {    this.ticks+=        other.ticks;    }
Ejemplo n.º 14
 /** ****************************************************************************************
  * Sets the point in time or time span represented by this instance to the value represented by
  * the given Ticks instance.
  * @param other  The Ticks object to retrieve the new ticks value from.
 public void             Set( Ticks other )      {    this.ticks=            other.ticks;    }
Ejemplo n.º 15
        // #############################################################################################
        // Other static interface methods
        // #############################################################################################

        /** ****************************************************************************************
         * Suspends the current thread by calling Thread.Sleep().
         * Provided for compatibility with other platform versions of ALib.
         * Variants of this method are #SleepMillis, #SleepMicros and #SleepNanos.
         * @param ticks    Sleep time in \b %Ticks.
        public static void Sleep(Ticks ticks)
            if ( ticks.Raw() > 0 )
                Thread.Sleep( TimeSpan.FromTicks( ticks.Raw() ) );
Ejemplo n.º 16
 /** ****************************************************************************************
  * Determines if this objects' age is higher than a given time span.
  * @param waitTime  A \b %Ticks object representing a time span.
  * @return  \c true if the given \b %Ticks object representing a time span is smaller
  *          or equal than our age. \c false otherwise.
 public bool         HasElapsed( Ticks waitTime )
     return Age().Raw()  >=  waitTime.Raw();
Ejemplo n.º 17
    public static void PerformanceTestRL()
        // create a lox for release logging
        Lox lox= new Lox( "ReleaseLox" );
        TextLogger   relLogger= Lox.CreateConsoleLogger();
        MemoryLogger ml       = new MemoryLogger();

        lox.SetVerbosity( relLogger, Verbosity.Verbose, "/CON" );
        lox.SetVerbosity( ml       , Verbosity.Verbose, "/MEM" );

        lox.Info( "/CON", "Logging simple info lines into a memory logger" );

        AString  msgBuf=  new AString( );
        long     fastest= long.MaxValue;
        Ticks    timer=     new Ticks();
        int      qtyLines=   100;
        int      qtyLoops=  1000;
        if( System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached )
            qtyLines= qtyLoops= 10;

        for ( int i= 0 ; i < qtyLoops ; i++ )
            #if ALOX_DBG_LOG || ALOX_REL_LOG

                for ( int ii= 0 ; ii < qtyLines ; ii++ )
                    lox.Info( "/MEM", "Test Line" );
                    if( i== 0 && ii == 0) Console.WriteLine( ml.MemoryLog.ToString() );
            long t= timer.Age().Raw();

            if ( fastest > t )
                fastest= t;
                lox.Info( "/CON", msgBuf.Clear()._( "Pass " )._( i, 3)._( " is new fastest:  ")
                                       ._( (int) (new Ticks( fastest)).InMicros(), 0)
                                       ._( " micros per ")._(qtyLines)._(" logs.") );

        double microsPerLog=  ( (double) (new Ticks(fastest)).InMicros() ) / qtyLines;
        int    logsPerSecond= (int)( 1000000.0 / microsPerLog);
        lox.Info( "/CON", msgBuf._()._( "  " )._( ESC.MAGENTA )._( "Fastest Release Logging: " )
                                    ._( microsPerLog  )._( " micros per log (resp " )
                                    ._( logsPerSecond )._( " logs per second) " ) );

        lox.RemoveLogger( ml );
        lox.RemoveLogger( relLogger );
Ejemplo n.º 18
 /** ****************************************************************************************
  * Sets the internal start time value.
  * @param t     The value.
 public    void      SetStartTime( Ticks t )  { ticks.Set( t );       }
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void DateTimeConversion()

            Log.SetVerbosity( new ConsoleLogger(), Verbosity.Verbose, "/" );
            Log.MapThreadName( "UnitTest" );
            Log.SetDomain( "TickWatch", Scope.Method );

            Log.Info( "DateTime.MinValue(): "    + ( DateTime.MinValue.ToString() )     );
            Log.Info( "DateTime.MaxValue(): "    + ( DateTime.MaxValue.ToString() )     );

            Ticks ticksNow= new Ticks();

            // roundtrip 1
            long millisEpochNow=    ticksNow.InEpochMillis();
            ticksNow.SetFromEpochMillis( millisEpochNow );
            long ticksNowFromEpoch= ticksNow.Raw();

            UT_TRUE( Math.Abs( ticksNow.Raw() - ticksNowFromEpoch ) < 50000 );

            // roundtrip 2
            long millis5_1_70_3_51=           0
                                      +       (  4L * 24L * 60L * 60L * 1000L )
                                      +       (  3L       * 60L * 60L * 1000L )
                                      +       ( 51L             * 60L * 1000L );

            long millis5_1_71_3_51=            millis5_1_70_3_51
                                      +      ( 365L * 24L * 60L * 60L * 1000L );

            Ticks  ticks5_1_70_3_51= new Ticks(); ticks5_1_70_3_51.SetFromEpochMillis( millis5_1_70_3_51 );
            Ticks  ticks5_1_71_3_51= new Ticks(); ticks5_1_71_3_51.SetFromEpochMillis( millis5_1_71_3_51 );
            UT_TRUE( ticks5_1_70_3_51.Raw() < ticks5_1_71_3_51.Raw() );

            long millis5_1_70_3_51_back= ticks5_1_70_3_51.InEpochMillis();
            long millis5_1_71_3_51_back= ticks5_1_71_3_51.InEpochMillis();

            UT_TRUE( millis5_1_70_3_51_back == millis5_1_70_3_51 );
            UT_TRUE( millis5_1_71_3_51_back == millis5_1_71_3_51 );

            // add 1 day, 2h, 3min and 4sec  days:

            Ticks tomorrow= new Ticks( ticksNow );
            Ticks span= new Ticks();
            span.FromMillis( (long) (new TimeSpan( 1,2,3,4 )).TotalMilliseconds);
            tomorrow.Add ( span );

            Log.Info( "Today: is:        "    +  ( DateTime.Now.ToString()                                 ) );
            Log.Info( "Today: is:        "    +  ( ticksNow                         .InDotNetDateTime().ToString() ) );
            Log.Info( "Today: is:        "    +  ( (new Ticks(ticksNowFromEpoch))   .InDotNetDateTime().ToString() ) );
            Log.Info( "+1d, 2h,3m,4s:    "    +  ( tomorrow                         .InDotNetDateTime().ToString() ) );
            Log.Info( "5.1.70 3:51:00:   "    +  ( ticks5_1_70_3_51                 .InDotNetDateTime().ToString() ) );
            Log.Info( "5.1.71 3:51:00:   "    +  ( ticks5_1_71_3_51                 .InDotNetDateTime().ToString() ) );
Ejemplo n.º 20
    // #############################################################################################
    // Interface to Measurement
    // #############################################################################################

        /** ****************************************************************************************
         * Returns the time span between the current system time and the internal reference value.
         * In addition this value is added to the sum of sample times and the sample counter is
         * increased by one. Lastly the internal reference value is set to now. Therefore, a
         * subsequent call to this function would measure the time span from this call to this
         * subsequent call (if the internal reference value was not set differently meanwhile).
         * Other interface methods dealing with samples are #GetSampleCnt, #GetCumulated and
         * #GetAverage.
         * @return  The time difference between the current system time and the internal reference value.
        public         Ticks    Sample    ()
            if (tempTicks == null )
                tempTicks= new Ticks( 0L );

            long old=    ticks.Raw();
            long  diff=  ticks.Raw() - old;

            tempTicks.SetRaw( diff );
            sum.Add( diff );

            return tempTicks;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public void Basics()

            Log.SetVerbosity( new ConsoleLogger(), Verbosity.Verbose, "/" );
            Log.MapThreadName( "UnitTest" );
            Log.SetDomain( "TickWatch", Scope.Method );

            Log.Info( "\n### TicksBasics ###" );

            // check times
                Ticks t= new Ticks();
                t.FromNanos( 42 );    // beyond resolution in C#:  UT_EQ( t.InNanos(),        42L);
                                        UT_EQ( t.InMicros(),        0L );
                                        UT_EQ( t.InMillis(),        0L );
                                        UT_EQ( t.InSeconds(),        0L );
                t.FromMicros( 42 );    UT_EQ( t.InNanos(),        42000L );
                                        UT_EQ( t.InMicros(),        42L );
                                        UT_EQ( t.InMillis(),        0L );
                                        UT_EQ( t.InSeconds(),        0L );
                t.FromMillis( 42 );    UT_EQ( t.InNanos(),        42000000L );
                                        UT_EQ( t.InMicros(),        42000L );
                                        UT_EQ( t.InMillis(),        42L );
                                        UT_EQ( t.InSeconds(),        0L );
                t.FromSeconds( 42 );    UT_EQ( t.InNanos(),        42000000000L );
                                        UT_EQ( t.InMicros(),        42000000L );
                                        UT_EQ( t.InMillis(),        42000L );
                                        UT_EQ( t.InSeconds(),        42L );
                Ticks diff= new Ticks();
                diff.FromMillis( 100 );
                t.Add( diff );            UT_EQ( t.InNanos(),        42100000000L );
                                        UT_EQ( t.InMicros(),        42100000L );
                                        UT_EQ( t.InMillis(),        42100L );
                                        UT_EQ( t.InSeconds(),        42L );
                t.Sub( diff );            UT_EQ( t.InNanos(),        42000000000L );
                                        UT_EQ( t.InMicros(),        42000000L );
                                        UT_EQ( t.InMillis(),        42000L );
                                        UT_EQ( t.InSeconds(),        42L );

                t.FromMillis( 100 ); UT_EQ( t.InHertz()  ,    10.0 );
                t.FromMillis( 300 ); UT_EQ( t.InHertz(0) ,    3.0 );
                                        UT_EQ( t.InHertz(1) ,    3.3 );
                                        UT_EQ( t.InHertz(2) ,    3.33 );
                                        UT_EQ( t.InHertz(5) ,    3.33333 );

            // check internal frequency
                double freq= Ticks.InternalFrequency;
                Log.Info( "TickWatch InternalFrequency:   " + freq );
                UT_TRUE ( freq >= 1000000.0 );

            // check TickWatch creation time
                Ticks creationTimeDiff=  new Ticks();
                creationTimeDiff.Sub( Ticks.CreationTime );
                Log.Info( "TickWatch library creation was: " + creationTimeDiff.InNanos  () + "ns ago" );
                Log.Info( "TickWatch library creation was: " + creationTimeDiff.InMicros () + "µs ago" );
                Log.Info( "TickWatch library creation was: " + creationTimeDiff.InMillis () + "ms ago" );
                Log.Info( "TickWatch library creation was: " + creationTimeDiff.InSeconds() + "s ago"  );
                UT_TRUE ( creationTimeDiff.InNanos  () > 100  ); // It should really take 100 nanoseconds to get here!
                UT_TRUE ( creationTimeDiff.InSeconds() < 3600 ); // these test will probably not last an hour

            // check if we could sleep for 100ms
                Ticks start= new Ticks();
                ALIB.SleepMillis( 30 );
                Ticks sleepTime= new Ticks();
                sleepTime.Sub( start );
                Log.Info( "TickWatch diff after 100ms sleep: " + sleepTime.InMillis() +" ms" );
                UT_TRUE ( sleepTime.InMillis() > 28 );
                UT_TRUE ( sleepTime.InMillis() < 150 ); // should work even on heavily loaded machines
Ejemplo n.º 22
    public  void SetStartTime( DateTime? startTime= null, String loggerName= null,
    [CallerLineNumber] int cln= 0,[CallerFilePath] String csf="",[CallerMemberName] String cmn="" )
        #if ALOX_DBG_LOG || ALOX_REL_LOG
        try { Acquire();

            // initialize scope information
            scopeInfo.Set( cln,csf,cmn, owner );

            // check if start time was set
            Ticks time= new Ticks( 0L );
            if ( startTime != null)
                time.SetFromDotNetDateTime( startTime.Value );

            // request logger only from main domain tree
            Logger logger= domains.GetLogger( loggerName );
            if ( logger == null )
                logInternal( Verbosity.Error, "LGR", intMsg.Clear()
                    ._( '\"' ) ._NC( loggerName )._NC( "\": not found. Start time not set." ) );

            // do
            logger.TimeOfCreation.Set( time );
            logger.TimeOfLastLog .Set( time );

            // log info on this
            logInternal( Verbosity.Info, "LGR", intMsg.Clear()
                ._('\"')._NC(logger)._NC("\": Start time set to ")
                ._NC(startTime.HasValue? startTime.Value.ToString() : "<now>")._('.') );

        } finally { Release(); }