/// Computes the [DidDocumentProof] based on the given [controller], [verificationMethod] and [proofSignatureContent]
 static DidDocumentProof _computeProof(
     String controller,
     String verificationMethod,
     DidDocumentProofSignatureContent proofSignatureContent,
     Wallet wallet,
     String proofPurpose = "authentication")
     return(new DidDocumentProof(
                type: "EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019",
                timestamp: GenericUtils.getTimeStamp(),
                proofPurpose: proofPurpose,
                controller: controller,
                verificationMethod: verificationMethod,
                signatureValue: Convert.ToBase64String(SignHelper.signSorted(proofSignatureContent.toJson(), wallet))
        /// Creates a Did Document from the given [wallet], [pubKeys] and optional [service].
        public static DidDocument fromWallet(Wallet wallet, List <PublicKey> pubKeys, List <DidDocumentService> service = null)
            if (pubKeys.Count < 2)
                System.ArgumentException argEx = new System.ArgumentException("Argument Exception: DidDocument fromWallet - At least two keys are required ");
                throw argEx;

            //String authKeyId = $"{wallet.bech32Address}#keys-1"; // *** CHeck this !!!
            //DidDocumentPublicKey authKey = new DidDocumentPublicKey(
            //    id: authKeyId,
            //    type: DidDocumentPubKeyType.SECP256K1,
            //    controller: wallet.bech32Address,
            //    publicKeyHex: HexEncDec.ByteArrayToString(wallet.publicKey)

            //final otherKeys = mapIndexed(
            //    pubKeys, (index, item) => _convertKey(item, index + 2, wallet))
            //    .toList();
            // No need to have an util here, I think Linq will do
            List <DidDocumentPublicKey> otherKeys = pubKeys.Select(item => _convertKey(item, pubKeys.IndexOf(item) + 1, wallet)).ToList();

            DidDocumentProofSignatureContent proofContent = new DidDocumentProofSignatureContent(
                context: "https://www.w3.org/ns/did/v1",
                id: wallet.bech32Address,
                publicKeys: otherKeys

            String verificationMethod = wallet.bech32PublicKey;

            DidDocumentProof proof = _computeProof(proofContent.id, verificationMethod, proofContent, wallet);

            return(new DidDocument(
                       context: proofContent.context,
                       id: proofContent.id,
                       publicKeys: proofContent.publicKeys,
                       proof: proof,
                       service: service