Ejemplo n.º 1
        public bool DoGroupPaymentSuccess(decimal vCreditTotal)
            bool success = false;

            System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = System.Net.SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
            com.paypal.sdk.services.NVPCallerServices caller = PayPalAPI.PayPalAPIInitialize();
            NVPCodec encoder = new NVPCodec();

            encoder["METHOD"]         = "DoDirectPayment";
            encoder["PAYMENTACTION"]  = "Sale";
            encoder["IPADDRESS"]      = Helper.CurrentUserIP;
            encoder["AMT"]            = Helper.FormatPriceToPayPalStringFormat(vCreditTotal);
            encoder["CREDITCARDTYPE"] = CreditCardTypeRepository.GetCreditCardTypeById(base.CurrentCreditCard.CreditCardTypeId).Title;
            encoder["ACCT"]           = base.CurrentCreditCard.CreditCardNumber;
            encoder["EXPDATE"]        = base.CurrentCreditCard.ExpirationMonth.ToString() + base.CurrentCreditCard.ExpirationYear.ToString();
            encoder["CVV2"]           = base.CurrentCreditCard.SecurityCode.ToString();
            encoder["FIRSTNAME"]      = base.CurrentCreditCard.FirstName;
            encoder["LASTNAME"]       = base.CurrentCreditCard.LastName;

             * encoder["STREET"] = base.CurrentCreditCard.AddressLine;
             * encoder["CITY"] = base.CurrentCreditCard.City;
             * encoder["STATE"] = base.CurrentCreditCard.State;
             * encoder["ZIP"] = base.CurrentCreditCard.ZipCode;
             * encoder["COUNTRYCODE"] = "US";
            encoder["CURRENCYCODE"] = "USD";

            string pStrrequestforNvp = encoder.Encode();
            string pStresponsenvp    = caller.Call(pStrrequestforNvp);

            NVPCodec decoder = new NVPCodec();


            string strAck = decoder["ACK"];

            if (strAck != null && (strAck == "Success" || strAck == "SuccessWithWarning"))
                Session["result"] = decoder;
                // string pStrResQue = "API=" + "DoDirect Payment ";
                success = true;
                Session["errorresult"] = decoder;
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (Order == null || Order.StationId != StationId || Order.OrderStatusId != (int)OrderStatus.New)
                OrderId = 0;

            com.paypal.sdk.services.NVPCallerServices caller = PayPalAPI.PayPalAPIInitialize(IsDev);
            NVPCodec encoder = new NVPCodec();

            encoder["METHOD"] = "GetExpressCheckoutDetails";
            encoder["TOKEN"]  = Session["TOKEN"].ToString();

            string paypalRequest  = encoder.Encode();
            string paypalResponse = caller.Call(paypalRequest);

            NVPCodec decoder = new NVPCodec();


            String billingEmailAddress = String.Empty;
            String firstName           = String.Empty;
            String lastName            = String.Empty;
            String phoneNumber         = String.Empty;

             * String address1 = String.Empty;
             * String address2 = String.Empty;
             * String city = String.Empty;
             * String stateCode = String.Empty;
             * String zipCode = String.Empty;

            string strAck = decoder["ACK"];

            if (strAck != null && (strAck == "Success" || strAck == "SuccessWithWarning"))
                Session["PAYERID"] = decoder["PAYERID"];

                billingEmailAddress = decoder["EMAIL"];
                firstName           = decoder["FIRSTNAME"];
                lastName            = decoder["LASTNAME"];
                phoneNumber         = decoder["PHONENUM"];
                 * string pStrError =
                 *  "ErrorCode=" + decoder["L_ERRORCODE0"] + "&" +
                 *  "Desc=" + decoder["L_SHORTMESSAGE0"] + "&" +
                 *  "Desc2=" + decoder["L_LONGMESSAGE0"];
                 * Response.Redirect("APIError.aspx?" + pStrError);
                 * */

                ErrorMessage = decoder["L_LONGMESSAGE0"];

            OrderLineItemTableAdapter orderLineItemAdapter = new OrderLineItemTableAdapter();

            OrderTableAdapter             orderAdapter  = new OrderTableAdapter();
            CertificateNumberTableAdapter numberAdapter = new CertificateNumberTableAdapter();

            decimal subtotal = 0.0m;

            foreach (DollarSaverDB.OrderLineItemRow lineItem in Order.LineItems)
                int numberAssigned = Convert.ToInt32(numberAdapter.Assign(lineItem.OrderLineItemId));

                if (numberAssigned != lineItem.Quantity)
                    if (numberAssigned == 0)
                        ErrorMessage = "We're sorry, " + lineItem.Certificate.AdvertiserName + " is no longer available";
                        lineItem.Quantity = numberAssigned;

                        ErrorMessage = "We're sorry, " + lineItem.Certificate.AdvertiserName + " is no longer available in the quantity you requested. Please review your updated order and click on the chechout button if you would like to purchase the new quantity";


                subtotal += lineItem.Total;

            // Check max purchase qty for Deal of the Week
            if (Station.StationSiteType == SiteType.DealOfTheWeek)
                CertificateTableAdapter            certificateAdapter = new CertificateTableAdapter();
                DollarSaverDB.CertificateDataTable certificateTable   = certificateAdapter.GetCurrentDeal(StationId);

                if (certificateTable.Count == 1)
                    DollarSaverDB.CertificateRow deal = certificateTable[0];

                    if (deal.MaxPurchaseQty > 0)
                        foreach (DollarSaverDB.OrderLineItemRow lineItem in Order.LineItems)
                            if (lineItem.CertificateId == deal.CertificateId)
                                int pastQty = Convert.ToInt32(orderLineItemAdapter.GetQtyByConsumer(firstName, lastName, billingEmailAddress,
                                                                                                    null, null, null, Order.ShippingEmail, deal.CertificateId));

                                if (pastQty + lineItem.Quantity > deal.MaxPurchaseQty)
                                    ErrorMessage = "Sorry, the maximum purchase quantity per person for the Deal of the Week is " + deal.MaxPurchaseQty + ".";

                                    if (pastQty >= deal.MaxPurchaseQty)
                                        ErrorMessage += "<BR>You have already purchased the maximum allowed.";
                                        int allowedAmount = deal.MaxPurchaseQty - pastQty;
                                        ErrorMessage += "<BR>You may only purchase " + allowedAmount + " more.";


            //charge order here

            Order.SubTotal         = subtotal;
            Order.GrandTotal       = subtotal;
            Order.BillingFirstName = firstName;
            Order.BillingLastName  = lastName;
            Order.BillingEmail     = billingEmailAddress;

             * Order.BillingAddress1 = address1;
             * if (address2 != String.Empty) {
             *  Order.BillingAddress2 = address2;
             * } else {
             *  Order.SetBillingAddress2Null();
             * }
             * Order.BillingCity = city;
             * Order.BillingStateCode = stateCode;
             * Order.BillingZipCode = zipCode;

            Order.BillingPhone = phoneNumber;

            Order.PaymentMethodId = (int)PaymentMethod.PayPal;


            if (Order.CheckoutStartDate < Order.LineItemModifiedDate)
                ErrorMessage = "Your cart has been updated while checking out, please verify your items and continue the checkout process.";


            Order.OrderStatusId = (int)OrderStatus.Processing;

            encoder["METHOD"]        = "DoExpressCheckoutPayment";
            encoder["TOKEN"]         = Session["TOKEN"].ToString();
            encoder["PAYERID"]       = Session["PAYERID"].ToString();
            encoder["AMT"]           = subtotal.ToString("0.00");
            encoder["PAYMENTACTION"] = "Sale";
            encoder["CURRENCYCODE"]  = "USD";

            encoder["INVNUM"] = Order.OrderId.ToString();

            encoder["ITEMAMT"] = Order.LineItems.SubTotal.ToString("0.00");
            foreach (DollarSaverDB.OrderLineItemRow lineItem in Order.LineItems.Rows)
                int itemNumber = lineItem.SeqNo - 1;

                encoder["L_NAME" + itemNumber]   = lineItem.ShortName;
                encoder["L_NUMBER" + itemNumber] = lineItem.CertificateId.ToString();
                encoder["L_QTY" + itemNumber]    = lineItem.Quantity.ToString();
                encoder["L_AMT" + itemNumber]    = lineItem.DiscountValue.ToString("0.00");

            paypalRequest  = encoder.Encode();
            paypalResponse = String.Empty;

            try {
                paypalResponse = caller.Call(paypalRequest);
            } catch {
                ErrorMessage = "An error occurred while processing your order, please try submitting it again.";


            strAck = decoder["ACK"];
            if (strAck != null && (strAck == "Success" || strAck == "SuccessWithWarning"))
                 * string pStrResQue = "TRANSACTIONID=" + decoder["TRANSACTIONID"] + "&" +
                 *  "CURRENCYCODE=" + decoder["CURRENCYCODE"] + "&" +
                 *  "AMT=" + decoder["AMT"];
                 * Response.Redirect("DoExpressCheckoutPayment.aspx?" + pStrResQue);
                 * */

                string transactionId = decoder["TRANSACTIONID"];
                Order.TransactionId = transactionId;

                Order.OrderDate     = DateTime.Now;
                Order.OrderStatusId = (int)OrderStatus.Complete;

                InfoMessage = "Successfully processed order";

                if (SendReceipt())
                    InfoMessage += "<BR />Receipt sent to " + Order.ShippingEmail;

                if (Order.AddToMailingList)
                    CustomerContactTableAdapter customerContactAdapter = new CustomerContactTableAdapter();
                    customerContactAdapter.Insert(StationId, DateTime.Now, Order.ShippingEmail, Order.BillingFirstName, Order.BillingLastName);

                 * string pStrError =
                 *  "ErrorCode=" + decoder["L_ERRORCODE0"] + "&" +
                 *  "Desc=" + decoder["L_SHORTMESSAGE0"] + "&" +
                 *  "Desc2=" + decoder["L_LONGMESSAGE0"];
                 * Response.Redirect("APIError.aspx?" + pStrError);
                 * */

                ErrorMessage = "An error has occurred while processing your order: " + decoder["L_LONGMESSAGE0"] + " (" + decoder["L_ERRORCODE0"] + ")";
        void paypalButton_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
            if (SaveEmail())
                string url  = String.Empty;
                string host = String.Empty;

                if (IsDev)
                    url  = Request.Url.Scheme + "://" + Request.Url.Host + ":" + Request.Url.Port;
                    host = "www.sandbox.paypal.com";
                    url  = "https://dollarsavershow.com";
                    host = "www.paypal.com";

                string returnURL = url + ResolveUrl("ProcessOrder.aspx");
                string cancelURL = url + ResolveUrl("Cart.aspx");

                com.paypal.sdk.services.NVPCallerServices caller = PayPalAPI.PayPalAPIInitialize(IsDev);
                NVPCodec encoder = new NVPCodec();
                encoder["METHOD"]        = "SetExpressCheckout";
                encoder["RETURNURL"]     = returnURL;
                encoder["CANCELURL"]     = cancelURL;
                encoder["AMT"]           = Order.LineItems.SubTotal.ToString("0.00");
                encoder["PAYMENTACTION"] = "Sale";
                encoder["CURRENCYCODE"]  = "USD";

                encoder["INVNUM"]         = Order.OrderId.ToString();
                encoder["NOSHIPPING"]     = "1";
                encoder["EMAIL"]          = Order.ShippingEmail;
                encoder["HDRIMG"]         = "https://dollarsavershow.com/images/ds_banner.gif";
                encoder["HDRBORDERCOLOR"] = "404040";
                encoder["PAYFLOWCOLOR"]   = "C0E0A0";

                string paypalRequest  = encoder.Encode();
                string paypalResponse = caller.Call(paypalRequest);

                NVPCodec decoder = new NVPCodec();

                string strAck = decoder["ACK"];
                if (strAck != null && (strAck == "Success" || strAck == "SuccessWithWarning"))
                    OrderTableAdapter orderAdapter = new OrderTableAdapter();
                    Order.CheckoutStartDate = DateTime.Now;

                    Session["TOKEN"] = decoder["TOKEN"];

                    //string host = "www.sandbox.paypal.com";
                    //string host = "www.paypal.com";

                    string paypalUrl = "https://" + host + "/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_express-checkout&useraction=commit&noshipping=1&token=" + decoder["TOKEN"];

                    Response.Redirect(paypalUrl, false);
                     * string pStrError =
                     *  "ErrorCode=" + decoder["L_ERRORCODE0"] + "&" +
                     *  "Desc=" + decoder["L_SHORTMESSAGE0"] + "&" +
                     *  "Desc2=" + decoder["L_LONGMESSAGE0"];
                     * Response.Redirect("APIError.aspx?" + pStrError);

                    //ErrorMessage = decoder["L_LONGMESSAGE0"];
                    ErrorMessage = "Error! " + decoder["L_LONGMESSAGE0"] + " (" + decoder["L_ERRORCODE0"] + ")";