Ejemplo n.º 1
        public virtual void test_crossRate()
            FxRate gbpUsd = FxRate.of(GBP, USD, 5d / 4d);
            FxRate usdGbp = FxRate.of(USD, GBP, 4d / 5d);
            FxRate eurUsd = FxRate.of(EUR, USD, 8d / 7d);
            FxRate usdEur = FxRate.of(USD, EUR, 7d / 8d);
            FxRate eurGbp = FxRate.of(EUR, GBP, (8d / 7d) * (4d / 5d));
            FxRate gbpGbp = FxRate.of(GBP, GBP, 1d);
            FxRate usdUsd = FxRate.of(USD, USD, 1d);

            assertEquals(eurUsd.crossRate(usdGbp), eurGbp);
            assertEquals(eurUsd.crossRate(gbpUsd), eurGbp);
            assertEquals(usdEur.crossRate(usdGbp), eurGbp);
            assertEquals(usdEur.crossRate(gbpUsd), eurGbp);

            assertEquals(gbpUsd.crossRate(usdEur), eurGbp);
            assertEquals(gbpUsd.crossRate(eurUsd), eurGbp);
            assertEquals(usdGbp.crossRate(usdEur), eurGbp);
            assertEquals(usdGbp.crossRate(eurUsd), eurGbp);

            assertThrowsIllegalArg(() => gbpGbp.crossRate(gbpUsd));                        // identity
            assertThrowsIllegalArg(() => usdUsd.crossRate(gbpUsd));                        // identity
            assertThrowsIllegalArg(() => gbpUsd.crossRate(gbpUsd));                        // same currencies
            assertThrowsIllegalArg(() => gbpUsd.crossRate(usdGbp));                        // same currencies
            assertThrowsIllegalArg(() => gbpUsd.crossRate(FxRate.of(EUR, CAD, 12d / 5d))); // no common currency
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public virtual void test_equals_bad()
            FxRate test = FxRate.of(AUD, GBP, 1.25d);

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public virtual void test_fxRate_forBase()
            FxRate test = FxRate.of(GBP, USD, 1.25d);

            assertEquals(test.fxRate(GBP, USD), 1.25d);
            assertEquals(test.fxRate(USD, GBP), 1d / 1.25d);
            assertThrowsIllegalArg(() => test.fxRate(GBP, AUD));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public virtual void test_of_CurrencyPairDouble()
            FxRate test = FxRate.of(CurrencyPair.of(GBP, USD), 1.5d);

            assertEquals(test.Pair, CurrencyPair.of(GBP, USD));
            assertEquals(test.fxRate(GBP, USD), 1.5d, 0);
            assertEquals(test.ToString(), "GBP/USD 1.5");
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public virtual void test_of_CurrencyPairDouble_reverseStandardOrder()
            FxRate test = FxRate.of(CurrencyPair.of(USD, GBP), 0.8d);

            assertEquals(test.Pair, CurrencyPair.of(USD, GBP));
            assertEquals(test.fxRate(USD, GBP), 0.8d, 0);
            assertEquals(test.ToString(), "USD/GBP 0.8");
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public virtual void test_of_CurrencyPairDouble_same()
            FxRate test = FxRate.of(CurrencyPair.of(USD, USD), 1d);

            assertEquals(test.Pair, CurrencyPair.of(USD, USD));
            assertEquals(test.fxRate(USD, USD), 1d, 0);
            assertEquals(test.ToString(), "USD/USD 1");
Ejemplo n.º 7
	  public virtual void test_convertedTo_missingFxRate()
		DoubleArray values = DoubleArray.of(1, 2, 3);
		CurrencyAmountArray test = CurrencyAmountArray.of(GBP, values);

		FxRate fxRate = FxRate.of(EUR, USD, 1.61);
		assertThrows(() => test.convertedTo(USD, fxRate), typeof(System.ArgumentException));
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public virtual void test_convert()
            FxRate test = FxRate.of(GBP, USD, 1.25d);

            assertEquals(test.convert(100, GBP, USD), 125d);
            assertEquals(test.convert(100, USD, GBP), 100d / 1.25d);
            assertThrowsIllegalArg(() => test.convert(100, GBP, AUD));
Ejemplo n.º 9
	  public virtual void test_convertedTo_noConversionNecessary()
		DoubleArray values = DoubleArray.of(1, 2, 3);
		CurrencyAmountArray test = CurrencyAmountArray.of(GBP, values);

		FxRate fxRate = FxRate.of(GBP, USD, 1.61);
		CurrencyAmountArray convertedList = test.convertedTo(GBP, fxRate);
Ejemplo n.º 10
	  public virtual void test_convertedTo()
		DoubleArray values = DoubleArray.of(1, 2, 3);
		CurrencyAmountArray test = CurrencyAmountArray.of(GBP, values);

		FxRate fxRate = FxRate.of(GBP, USD, 1.61);
		CurrencyAmountArray convertedList = test.convertedTo(USD, fxRate);
		DoubleArray expectedValues = DoubleArray.of(1 * 1.61, 2 * 1.61, 3 * 1.61);
		CurrencyAmountArray expectedList = CurrencyAmountArray.of(USD, expectedValues);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public override bool Equals(object obj)
     if (obj == this)
     if (obj != null && obj.GetType() == this.GetType())
         FxRate other = (FxRate)obj;
         return(JodaBeanUtils.equal(pair, other.pair) && JodaBeanUtils.equal(rate, other.rate));
Ejemplo n.º 12
        // computes the cross rate
        private static FxRate computeCross(FxRate fx1, FxRate fx2, CurrencyPair crossPairAC)
            // aim is to convert AAA/BBB and BBB/CCC to AAA/CCC
            Currency currA = crossPairAC.Base;
            Currency currC = crossPairAC.Counter;
            // given the conventional cross rate pair, order the two rates to match
            bool   crossBaseCurrencyInFx1 = fx1.pair.contains(currA);
            FxRate fxABorBA = crossBaseCurrencyInFx1 ? fx1 : fx2;
            FxRate fxBCorCB = crossBaseCurrencyInFx1 ? fx2 : fx1;
            // extract the rates, taking the inverse if the pair is in the inverse order
            double rateAB = fxABorBA.Pair.Base.Equals(currA) ? fxABorBA.rate : 1d / fxABorBA.rate;
            double rateBC = fxBCorCB.Pair.Counter.Equals(currC) ? fxBCorCB.rate : 1d / fxBCorCB.rate;

            return(FxRate.of(crossPairAC, rateAB * rateBC));
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public virtual void test_equals_hashCode()
            FxRate a1 = FxRate.of(AUD, GBP, 1.25d);
            FxRate a2 = FxRate.of(AUD, GBP, 1.25d);
            FxRate b  = FxRate.of(USD, GBP, 1.25d);
            FxRate c  = FxRate.of(USD, GBP, 1.35d);

            assertEquals(a1.Equals(a1), true);
            assertEquals(a1.Equals(a2), true);
            assertEquals(a1.Equals(b), false);
            assertEquals(a1.Equals(c), false);

            assertEquals(b.Equals(a1), false);
            assertEquals(b.Equals(a2), false);
            assertEquals(b.Equals(b), true);
            assertEquals(b.Equals(c), false);

            assertEquals(c.Equals(a1), false);
            assertEquals(c.Equals(a2), false);
            assertEquals(c.Equals(b), false);
            assertEquals(c.Equals(c), true);

            assertEquals(a1.GetHashCode(), a2.GetHashCode());
Ejemplo n.º 14
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns an FX rate object representing the market convention rate between the two currencies.
 /// <para>
 /// If the currency pair is the market convention pair, this method returns {@code this}, otherwise
 /// it returns an {@code FxRate} with the inverse currency pair and reciprocal rate.
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns> an FX rate object representing the market convention rate between the two currencies </returns>
 public FxRate toConventional()
     return(pair.Conventional ? this : FxRate.of(pair.toConventional(), 1 / rate));
Ejemplo n.º 15
 /// <summary>
 /// Derives an FX rate from two related FX rates.
 /// <para>
 /// Given two FX rates it is possible to derive another rate if they have a currency in common.
 /// For example, given rates for EUR/GBP and EUR/CHF it is possible to derive rates for GBP/CHF.
 /// The result will always have a currency pair in the conventional order.
 /// </para>
 /// <para>
 /// The cross is only returned if the two pairs contains three currencies in total.
 /// If the inputs are invalid, an exception is thrown.
 /// <ul>
 /// <li>AAA/BBB and BBB/CCC - valid, producing AAA/CCC
 /// <li>AAA/BBB and CCC/BBB - valid, producing AAA/CCC
 /// <li>AAA/BBB and BBB/AAA - invalid, exception thrown
 /// <li>AAA/BBB and BBB/BBB - invalid, exception thrown
 /// <li>AAA/BBB and CCC/DDD - invalid, exception thrown
 /// </ul>
 /// </para>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="other">  the other rates </param>
 /// <returns> a set of FX rates derived from these rates and the other rates </returns>
 /// <exception cref="IllegalArgumentException"> if the cross rate cannot be calculated </exception>
 public FxRate crossRate(FxRate other)
     return(pair.cross(other.pair).map(cross => computeCross(this, other, cross)).orElseThrow(() => new System.ArgumentException(Messages.format("Unable to cross when no unique common currency: {} and {}", pair, other.pair))));
Ejemplo n.º 16
 public virtual void test_toConventional()
     assertEquals(FxRate.of(GBP, USD, 1.25), FxRate.of(USD, GBP, 0.8).toConventional());
     assertEquals(FxRate.of(GBP, USD, 1.25), FxRate.of(GBP, USD, 1.25).toConventional());
Ejemplo n.º 17
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test(dataProvider = "parseGood") public void test_parse_String_good(String input, Currency super, Currency counter, double rate)
        public virtual void test_parse_String_good(string input, Currency @base, Currency counter, double rate)
            assertEquals(FxRate.parse(input), FxRate.of(@base, counter, rate));
Ejemplo n.º 18
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes:
//ORIGINAL LINE: @Test(dataProvider = "parseBad", expectedExceptions = IllegalArgumentException.class) public void test_parse_String_bad(String input)
        public virtual void test_parse_String_bad(string input)
Ejemplo n.º 19
 public virtual void test_of_CurrencyCurrencyDouble_null()
     assertThrowsIllegalArg(() => FxRate.of(null, USD, 1.5d));
     assertThrowsIllegalArg(() => FxRate.of(USD, null, 1.5d));
     assertThrowsIllegalArg(() => FxRate.of(null, null, 1.5d));
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public virtual void test_of_CurrencyCurrencyDouble_invalid()
     assertThrowsIllegalArg(() => FxRate.of(GBP, USD, -1.5d));
     assertThrowsIllegalArg(() => FxRate.of(GBP, GBP, 2d));
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public virtual void coverage()
     coverImmutableBean(FxRate.of(GBP, USD, 1.25d));
Ejemplo n.º 22
 public virtual void test_serialization()
     assertSerialization(FxRate.of(GBP, USD, 1.25d));
     assertSerialization(FxRate.of(GBP, GBP, 1d));
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public virtual void test_inverse()
            FxRate test = FxRate.of(GBP, USD, 1.25d);

            assertEquals(test.inverse(), FxRate.of(USD, GBP, 0.8d));
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public virtual void test_inverse_same()
            FxRate test = FxRate.of(GBP, GBP, 1d);

            assertEquals(test.inverse(), FxRate.of(GBP, GBP, 1d));