Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static ExprNode MathGetExpr(IParseTree ctx, IDictionary <ITree, ExprNode> astExprNodeMap, ConfigurationInformation configurationInformation)
            var count = 1;
            var @base = ASTExprHelper.ExprCollectSubNodes(ctx.GetChild(0), 0, astExprNodeMap)[0];

            while (true)
                int token             = ASTUtil.GetAssertTerminatedTokenType(ctx.GetChild(count));
                var mathArithTypeEnum = TokenToMathEnum(token);

                var right = ASTExprHelper.ExprCollectSubNodes(ctx.GetChild(count + 1), 0, astExprNodeMap)[0];

                var math = new ExprMathNode(mathArithTypeEnum,
                @base = math;

                count += 2;
                if (count >= ctx.ChildCount)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static IList <ColumnDesc> GetColTypeList(EsperEPL2GrammarParser.CreateColumnListContext ctx)
            if (ctx == null)
                return(Collections.GetEmptyList <ColumnDesc>());
            IList <ColumnDesc> result = new List <ColumnDesc>(ctx.createColumnListElement().Length);

            foreach (var colctx in ctx.createColumnListElement())
                IList <EsperEPL2GrammarParser.ClassIdentifierContext> idents = colctx.classIdentifier();
                var name = ASTUtil.UnescapeClassIdent(idents[0]);

                string type;
                if (colctx.VALUE_NULL() != null)
                    type = null;
                    type = ASTUtil.UnescapeClassIdent(idents[1]);

                var array          = colctx.b != null;
                var primitiveArray = ValidateIsPrimitiveArray(colctx.p);
                result.Add(new ColumnDesc(name, type, array, primitiveArray));
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static String PrintNode(ITree node)
            var writer = new StringWriter();

            ASTUtil.DumpAST(writer, node, 0);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolve "table" and "table.property" when nested-property, not chainable
        /// </summary>
        public static ExprTableAccessNode CheckTableNameGetExprForProperty(TableService tableService, string propertyName)
            // handle "var_name" alone, without chained, like an simple event property
            var index = ASTUtil.UnescapedIndexOfDot(propertyName);

            if (index == -1)
                if (tableService.GetTableMetadata(propertyName) != null)
                    return(new ExprTableAccessNodeTopLevel(propertyName));

            // handle "var_name.column", without chained, like a nested event property
            var tableName = ASTUtil.UnescapeDot(propertyName.Substring(0, index));

            if (tableService.GetTableMetadata(tableName) == null)

            // it is a tables's subproperty
            var sub = propertyName.Substring(index + 1);

            return(new ExprTableAccessNodeSubprop(tableName, sub));
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Resolve "table.property", not chainable
        /// </summary>
        public static Pair <ExprTableAccessNode, ExprDotNode> CheckTableNameGetExprForSubproperty(TableService tableService, string tableName, string subproperty)
            var metadata = tableService.GetTableMetadata(tableName);

            if (metadata == null)

            var index = ASTUtil.UnescapedIndexOfDot(subproperty);

            if (index == -1)
                if (metadata.KeyTypes.Length > 0)
                var tableNodeX = new ExprTableAccessNodeSubprop(tableName, subproperty);
                return(new Pair <ExprTableAccessNode, ExprDotNode>(tableNodeX, null));

            // we have a nested subproperty such as "tablename.subproperty.abc"
            IList <ExprChainedSpec> chainedSpecs = new List <ExprChainedSpec>(1);

            chainedSpecs.Add(new ExprChainedSpec(subproperty.Substring(index + 1), Collections.GetEmptyList <ExprNode>(), true));
            var tableNode = new ExprTableAccessNodeSubprop(tableName, subproperty.Substring(0, index));
            var dotNode   = new ExprDotNode(chainedSpecs, false, false);

            return(new Pair <ExprTableAccessNode, ExprDotNode>(tableNode, dotNode));
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static FilterSpecRaw WalkFilterSpec(EsperEPL2GrammarParser.EventFilterExpressionContext ctx, PropertyEvalSpec propertyEvalSpec, IDictionary <ITree, ExprNode> astExprNodeMap)
            var eventName = ASTUtil.UnescapeClassIdent(ctx.classIdentifier());
            var exprNodes = ctx.expressionList() != null?ASTExprHelper.ExprCollectSubNodes(ctx.expressionList(), 0, astExprNodeMap) : new List <ExprNode>(1);

            return(new FilterSpecRaw(eventName, exprNodes, propertyEvalSpec));
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void TestParse()
            Object result;

            Assert.AreEqual("abc", ParseLoadJson("\"abc\""));
            Assert.AreEqual("http://www.uri.com", ParseLoadJson("\"http://www.uri.com\""));
            Assert.AreEqual("new\nline", ParseLoadJson("\"new\\nline\""));
            Assert.AreEqual(" ~ ", ParseLoadJson("\" \\u007E \""));
            Assert.AreEqual("/", ParseLoadJson("\"\\/\""));
            Assert.AreEqual(true, ParseLoadJson("true"));
            Assert.AreEqual(false, ParseLoadJson("false"));
            Assert.AreEqual(null, ParseLoadJson("null"));
            Assert.AreEqual(10, ParseLoadJson("10"));
            Assert.AreEqual(-10, ParseLoadJson("-10"));
            Assert.AreEqual(20L, ParseLoadJson("20L"));
            Assert.AreEqual(5.5d, ParseLoadJson("5.5"));

            result = ParseLoadJson("{\"name\":\"myname\",\"value\":5}");
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertPropsMap((Map)result, "name,value".Split(','), "myname", 5);

            result = ParseLoadJson("{name:\"myname\",value:5}");
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertPropsMap((Map)result, "name,value".Split(','), "myname", 5);

            result = ParseLoadJson("[\"one\",2]");
            EPAssertionUtil.AssertEqualsExactOrder(new Object[] { "one", 2 }, (IList <object>)result);

            result = ParseLoadJson("{\"one\": { 'a' : 2 } }");
            Map inner = (Map)((Map)result).Get("one");

            Assert.AreEqual(1, inner.Count);

            String json = "{\n" +
                          "    \"glossary\": {\n" +
                          "        \"title\": \"example glossary\",\n" +
                          "\t\t\"GlossDiv\": {\n" +
                          "            \"title\": \"S\",\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\"GlossList\": {\n" +
                          "                \"GlossEntry\": {\n" +
                          "                    \"ID\": \"SGML\",\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t\t\"SortAs\": \"SGML\",\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t\t\"GlossTerm\": \"Standard Generalized Markup Language\",\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t\t\"Acronym\": \"SGML\",\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t\t\"Abbrev\": \"ISO 8879:1986\",\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t\t\"GlossDef\": {\n" +
                          "                        \"para\": \"A meta-markup language, used to create markup languages such as DocBook.\",\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t\t\t\"GlossSeeAlso\": [\"GML\", \"XML\"]\n" +
                          "                    },\n" +
                          "\t\t\t\t\t\"GlossSee\": \"markup\"\n" +
                          "                }\n" +
                          "            }\n" +
                          "        }\n" +
                          "    }\n" +
            ITree tree = ParseJson(json).First;

            Object loaded = ParseLoadJson(json);

            Assert.AreEqual("{glossary={title=example glossary, GlossDiv={title=S, GlossList={GlossEntry={ID=SGML, SortAs=SGML, GlossTerm=Standard Generalized Markup Language, Acronym=SGML, Abbrev=ISO 8879:1986, GlossDef={para=A meta-markup language, used to create markup languages such as DocBook., GlossSeeAlso=[GML, XML]}, GlossSee=markup}}}}}", loaded.Render());
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void TestEscapeDot()
            String [][] inout = new String[][] {
                new [] { "a", "a" },
                new [] { "", "" },
                new [] { " ", " " },
                new [] { ".", "\\." },
                new [] { ". .", "\\. \\." },
                new [] { "a.", "a\\." },
                new [] { ".a", "\\.a" },
                new [] { "a.b", "a\\.b" },
                new [] { "a..b", "a\\.\\.b" },
                new [] { "a\\.b", "a\\.b" },
                new [] { "a\\..b", "a\\.\\.b" },
                new [] { "a.\\..b", "a\\.\\.\\.b" },
                new [] { "a.b.c", "a\\.b\\.c" }

            for (int i = 0; i < inout.Length; i++)
                String @in      = inout[i][0];
                String expected = inout[i][1];
                Assert.AreEqual(expected, ASTUtil.EscapeDot(@in), "for input " + @in);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void TestUnescapeIndexOf()
            Object [][] inout = new Object[][] {
                new Object[] { "a", -1 },
                new Object[] { "", -1 },
                new Object[] { " ", -1 },
                new Object[] { ".", 0 },
                new Object[] { " . .", 1 },
                new Object[] { "a.", 1 },
                new Object[] { ".a", 0 },
                new Object[] { "a.b", 1 },
                new Object[] { "a..b", 1 },
                new Object[] { "a\\.b", -1 },
                new Object[] { "a.\\..b", 1 },
                new Object[] { "a\\..b", 3 },
                new Object[] { "a.b.c", 1 },
                new Object[] { "abc.", 3 }

            for (int i = 0; i < inout.Length; i++)
                var @in      = (String)inout[i][0];
                var expected = (int?)inout[i][1];
                Assert.AreEqual(expected, ASTUtil.UnescapedIndexOfDot(@in), "for input " + @in);
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private static CreateSchemaDesc GetSchemaDesc(EsperEPL2GrammarParser.CreateSchemaDefContext ctx, AssignedType assignedType)
            var schemaName  = ctx.name.Text;
            var columnTypes = GetColTypeList(ctx.createColumnList());

            // get model-after types (could be multiple for variants)
            ISet <string> typeNames = new LinkedHashSet <string>();

            if (ctx.variantList() != null)
                IList <EsperEPL2GrammarParser.VariantListElementContext> variantCtxs = ctx.variantList().variantListElement();
                foreach (var variantCtx in variantCtxs)

            // get inherited and start timestamp and end timestamps
            string        startTimestamp = null;
            string        endTimestamp   = null;
            ISet <string> inherited      = new LinkedHashSet <string>();
            ISet <string> copyFrom       = new LinkedHashSet <string>();

            if (ctx.createSchemaQual() != null)
                IList <EsperEPL2GrammarParser.CreateSchemaQualContext> qualCtxs = ctx.createSchemaQual();
                foreach (var qualCtx in qualCtxs)
                    var qualName      = qualCtx.i.Text.ToLower();
                    var cols          = ASTUtil.GetIdentList(qualCtx.columnList());
                    var qualNameLower = qualName.ToLower();
                    switch (qualNameLower)
                    case "inherits":

                    case "starttimestamp":
                        startTimestamp = cols[0];

                    case "endtimestamp":
                        endTimestamp = cols[0];

                    case "copyfrom":
                    throw new EPException("Expected 'inherits', 'starttimestamp', 'endtimestamp' or 'copyfrom' keyword after create-schema clause but encountered '" + qualName + "'");

            return(new CreateSchemaDesc(schemaName, typeNames, columnTypes, inherited, assignedType, startTimestamp, endTimestamp, copyFrom));
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void TestGetPropertyNameEscaped()
            String PROPERTY = "a\\.b\\.c";
            Pair <ITree, CommonTokenStream> parsed = SupportParserHelper.ParseEventProperty(PROPERTY);
            ITree propertyNameExprNode             = parsed.First.GetChild(0);

            String propertyName = ((IRuleNode)propertyNameExprNode).GetText();

            Assert.AreEqual(PROPERTY, propertyName);
Ejemplo n.º 12
        private Object ParseLoadJson(String expression)
            Pair <ITree, CommonTokenStream> parsed = ParseJson(expression);

            EsperEPL2GrammarParser.StartJsonValueRuleContext tree = (EsperEPL2GrammarParser.StartJsonValueRuleContext)parsed.First;
            Assert.AreEqual(EsperEPL2GrammarParser.RULE_startJsonValueRule, ASTUtil.GetRuleIndexIfProvided(tree));
            ITree root = tree.GetChild(0);

            return(ASTJsonHelper.Walk(parsed.Second, tree.jsonvalue()));
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse the AST constant node and return Object value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node">parse node for which to parse the string value</param>
        /// <returns>value matching AST node type</returns>
        public static Object Parse(IParseTree node)
            if (node is ITerminalNode)
                var terminal = (ITerminalNode)node;
                switch (terminal.Symbol.Type)
                case EsperEPL2GrammarParser.BOOLEAN_TRUE:  return(BoolValue.ParseString(terminal.GetText()));

                case EsperEPL2GrammarParser.BOOLEAN_FALSE: return(BoolValue.ParseString(terminal.GetText()));

                case EsperEPL2GrammarParser.VALUE_NULL:    return(null);

                    throw ASTWalkException.From("Encountered unexpected constant type " + terminal.Symbol.Type, terminal.Symbol);
                var ruleNode  = (IRuleNode)node;
                var ruleIndex = ruleNode.RuleContext.RuleIndex;
                if (ruleIndex == EsperEPL2GrammarParser.RULE_number)
                    return(ParseNumber(ruleNode, 1));
                else if (ruleIndex == EsperEPL2GrammarParser.RULE_numberconstant)
                    var number = FindChildRuleByType(ruleNode, EsperEPL2GrammarParser.RULE_number);
                    if (ruleNode.ChildCount > 1)
                        if (ASTUtil.IsTerminatedOfType(ruleNode.GetChild(0), EsperEPL2GrammarLexer.MINUS))
                            return(ParseNumber(number, -1));
                        return(ParseNumber(number, 1));
                        return(ParseNumber(number, 1));
                else if (ruleIndex == EsperEPL2GrammarParser.RULE_stringconstant)
                    bool requireUnescape = !IsRegexpNode(node);
                    return(StringValue.ParseString(node.GetText(), requireUnescape));
                else if (ruleIndex == EsperEPL2GrammarParser.RULE_constant)
                throw ASTWalkException.From("Encountered unrecognized constant", node.GetText());
Ejemplo n.º 14
        internal static IList <string> GetLambdaGoesParams(EsperEPL2GrammarParser.ExpressionLambdaDeclContext ctx)
            IList <string> parameters;

            if (ctx.i != null)
                parameters = new List <string>(1);
                parameters = ASTUtil.GetIdentList(ctx.columnList());
Ejemplo n.º 15
        private static String[] ParseParamsStreamNames(EsperEPL2GrammarParser.GopParamsItemContext item)
            IList <String> paramNames = new List <String>(1);

            if (item.gopParamsItemMany() != null)
                foreach (var ctx in item.gopParamsItemMany().classIdentifier())
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public static void ExprCollectAddSingle(ExprNode parentNode, ITree node, IDictionary <ITree, ExprNode> astExprNodeMap)
            if (parentNode == null)
                throw ASTWalkException.From("Invalid null expression node for '" + ASTUtil.PrintNode(node) + "'");
            if (node == null)
            ExprAction action = (exprNodeX, astExprNodeMapX, nodeX) => {

            RecursiveFindRemoveChildExprNode(node, astExprNodeMap, action);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public static void RegExCollectAddSubNodes(RowRegexExprNode regexNode, ITree node, IDictionary <ITree, RowRegexExprNode> astRegExNodeMap)
            if (regexNode == null)
                throw ASTWalkException.From("Invalid null expression node for '" + ASTUtil.PrintNode(node) + "'");
            RegExAction action = (exprNode, astRegExNodeMapX, nodeX) => {

            for (var i = 0; i < node.ChildCount; i++)
                var childNode = node.GetChild(i);
                RegExApplyActionRecursive(childNode, astRegExNodeMap, action);
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public static void PatternCollectAddSubnodesAddParentNode(EvalFactoryNode evalNode, ITree node, IDictionary <ITree, EvalFactoryNode> astPatternNodeMap)
     if (evalNode == null)
         throw ASTWalkException.From("Invalid null expression node for '" + ASTUtil.PrintNode(node) + "'");
     for (var i = 0; i < node.ChildCount; i++)
         var childNode     = node.GetChild(i);
         var childEvalNode = PatternGetRemoveTopNode(childNode, astPatternNodeMap);
         if (childEvalNode != null)
     astPatternNodeMap.Put(node, evalNode);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// Walk an annotation root name or child node (nested annotations).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ctx">annotation walk node</param>
        /// <param name="engineImportService">for engine imports</param>
        /// <returns>annotation descriptor</returns>
        /// <throws>ASTWalkException if the walk failed</throws>
        public static AnnotationDesc Walk(EsperEPL2GrammarParser.AnnotationEnumContext ctx, EngineImportService engineImportService)
            var name = ASTUtil.UnescapeClassIdent(ctx.classIdentifier());
            IList <Pair <String, Object> > values = new List <Pair <String, Object> >();

            if (ctx.elementValueEnum() != null)
                var value = WalkValue(ctx.elementValueEnum(), engineImportService);
                values.Add(new Pair <String, Object>("Value", value));
            else if (ctx.elementValuePairsEnum() != null)
                WalkValuePairs(ctx.elementValuePairsEnum(), values, engineImportService);

            return(new AnnotationDesc(name, values));
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public static Pair <ExprTableAccessNode, IList <ExprChainedSpec> > CheckTableNameGetLibFunc(
            TableService tableService,
            EngineImportService engineImportService,
            LazyAllocatedMap <ConfigurationPlugInAggregationMultiFunction, PlugInAggregationMultiFunctionFactory> plugInAggregations,
            string engineURI,
            string classIdent,
            IList <ExprChainedSpec> chain)
            var index = ASTUtil.UnescapedIndexOfDot(classIdent);

            // handle special case "table.Keys()" function
            if (index == -1)
                if (tableService.GetTableMetadata(classIdent) == null)
                    return(null); // not a table
                var funcName = chain[1].Name;
                if (funcName.ToLowerInvariant().Equals("keys"))
                    var subchain = chain.SubList(2, chain.Count);
                    var node     = new ExprTableAccessNodeKeys(classIdent);
                    return(new Pair <ExprTableAccessNode, IList <ExprChainedSpec> >(node, subchain));
                    throw ASTWalkException.From(
                              "Invalid use of variable '" + classIdent + "', unrecognized use of function '" + funcName +
                              "', expected 'keys()'");

            // Handle "table.property" (without the variable[...] syntax since this is ungrouped use)
            var tableName = ASTUtil.UnescapeDot(classIdent.Substring(0, index));

            if (tableService.GetTableMetadata(tableName) == null)

            // this is a table access expression
            var sub = classIdent.Substring(index + 1);

            return(HandleTable(engineImportService, plugInAggregations, engineURI, tableName, sub, chain));
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public void TestGetPropertyName()
            String PROPERTY = "a('aa').b[1].c";

            // Should parse and result in the exact same property name
            Pair <ITree, CommonTokenStream> parsed = SupportParserHelper.ParseEventProperty(PROPERTY);
            ITree propertyNameExprNode             = parsed.First.GetChild(0);

            String propertyName = ((IRuleNode)propertyNameExprNode).GetText();

            Assert.AreEqual(PROPERTY, propertyName);

            // Try AST with tokens separated, same property name
            parsed = SupportParserHelper.ParseEventProperty("a(    'aa'   ). b [ 1 ] . c");
            propertyNameExprNode = parsed.First.GetChild(0);
            propertyName         = ((IRuleNode)propertyNameExprNode).GetText();
            Assert.AreEqual(PROPERTY, propertyName);
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public static void ExprCollectAddSubNodes(ExprNode parentNode, ITree node, IDictionary <ITree, ExprNode> astExprNodeMap)
            if (parentNode == null)
                throw ASTWalkException.From("Invalid null expression node for '" + ASTUtil.PrintNode(node) + "'");
            if (node == null)
            ExprAction action = (exprNode, astExprNodeMapX, nodeX) => {

            for (var i = 0; i < node.ChildCount; i++)
                var childNode = node.GetChild(i);
                RecursiveFindRemoveChildExprNode(childNode, astExprNodeMap, action);
Ejemplo n.º 23
        private static GraphOperatorOutputItemType ParseType(EsperEPL2GrammarParser.GopOutTypeParamContext ctx)
            if (ctx.q != null)
                return(new GraphOperatorOutputItemType(true, null, null));

            var className = ASTUtil.UnescapeClassIdent(ctx.gopOutTypeItem().classIdentifier());
            IList <GraphOperatorOutputItemType> typeParams = new List <GraphOperatorOutputItemType>();

            if (ctx.gopOutTypeItem().gopOutTypeList() != null)
                IList <EsperEPL2GrammarParser.GopOutTypeParamContext> pctxs = ctx.gopOutTypeItem().gopOutTypeList().gopOutTypeParam();
                foreach (var pctx in pctxs)
                    var type = ParseType(pctx);
            return(new GraphOperatorOutputItemType(false, className, typeParams));
Ejemplo n.º 24
        private static CreateTableColumn GetColumn(EsperEPL2GrammarParser.CreateTableColumnContext ctx, IDictionary <ITree, ExprNode> astExprNodeMap, EngineImportService engineImportService)
            string columnName = ctx.n.Text;

            ExprNode optExpression = null;

            if (ctx.builtinFunc() != null || ctx.libFunction() != null)
                optExpression = ASTExprHelper.ExprCollectSubNodes(ctx, 0, astExprNodeMap)[0];

            string optTypeName             = null;
            bool?  optTypeIsArray          = null;
            bool?  optTypeIsPrimitiveArray = null;

            if (ctx.createTableColumnPlain() != null)
                EsperEPL2GrammarParser.CreateTableColumnPlainContext sub = ctx.createTableColumnPlain();
                optTypeName             = ASTUtil.UnescapeClassIdent(sub.classIdentifier());
                optTypeIsArray          = sub.b != null;
                optTypeIsPrimitiveArray = ASTCreateSchemaHelper.ValidateIsPrimitiveArray(sub.p);

            bool primaryKey = false;

            if (ctx.p != null)
                if (ctx.p.Text.ToLower() != "primary")
                    throw ASTWalkException.From("Invalid keyword '" + ctx.p.Text + "' encountered, expected 'primary key'");
                if (ctx.k.Text.ToLower() != "key")
                    throw ASTWalkException.From("Invalid keyword '" + ctx.k.Text + "' encountered, expected 'primary key'");
                primaryKey = true;

            IList <AnnotationDesc> annots = Collections.GetEmptyList <AnnotationDesc>();

            if (ctx.annotationEnum() != null)
                annots = new List <AnnotationDesc>(ctx.annotationEnum().Length);
                foreach (EsperEPL2GrammarParser.AnnotationEnumContext anctx in ctx.annotationEnum())
                    annots.Add(ASTAnnotationHelper.Walk(anctx, engineImportService));
            if (ctx.propertyExpressionAnnotation() != null)
                if (annots.IsEmpty())
                    annots = new List <AnnotationDesc>();
                foreach (EsperEPL2GrammarParser.PropertyExpressionAnnotationContext anno in ctx.propertyExpressionAnnotation())
                    annots.Add(new AnnotationDesc(anno.n.Text, anno.v.Text));

            return(new CreateTableColumn(columnName, optExpression, optTypeName, optTypeIsArray, optTypeIsPrimitiveArray, annots, primaryKey));
Ejemplo n.º 25
        private static ContextDetail WalkChoice(EsperEPL2GrammarParser.CreateContextChoiceContext ctx, IDictionary <ITree, ExprNode> astExprNodeMap, IDictionary <ITree, EvalFactoryNode> astPatternNodeMap, PropertyEvalSpec propertyEvalSpec, FilterSpecRaw filterSpec)
            // temporal fixed (start+end) and overlapping (initiated/terminated)
            if (ctx.START() != null || ctx.INITIATED() != null)
                ExprNode[] distinctExpressions = null;
                if (ctx.createContextDistinct() != null)
                    if (ctx.createContextDistinct().expressionList() == null)
                        distinctExpressions = new ExprNode[0];
                        distinctExpressions = ASTExprHelper.ExprCollectSubNodesPerNode(ctx.createContextDistinct().expressionList().expression(), astExprNodeMap);

                ContextDetailCondition startEndpoint;
                if (ctx.START() != null)
                    bool immediate = CheckNow(ctx.i);
                    if (immediate)
                        startEndpoint = new ContextDetailConditionImmediate();
                        startEndpoint = GetContextCondition(ctx.r1, astExprNodeMap, astPatternNodeMap, propertyEvalSpec, false);
                    bool immediate = CheckNow(ctx.i);
                    startEndpoint = GetContextCondition(ctx.r1, astExprNodeMap, astPatternNodeMap, propertyEvalSpec, immediate);

                bool overlapping = ctx.INITIATED() != null;
                ContextDetailCondition endEndpoint = GetContextCondition(ctx.r2, astExprNodeMap, astPatternNodeMap, propertyEvalSpec, false);
                return(new ContextDetailInitiatedTerminated(startEndpoint, endEndpoint, overlapping, distinctExpressions));

            // partitioned
            if (ctx.PARTITION() != null)
                IList <EsperEPL2GrammarParser.CreateContextPartitionItemContext> partitions = ctx.createContextPartitionItem();
                IList <ContextDetailPartitionItem> rawSpecs = new List <ContextDetailPartitionItem>();
                foreach (EsperEPL2GrammarParser.CreateContextPartitionItemContext partition in partitions)
                    filterSpec       = ASTFilterSpecHelper.WalkFilterSpec(partition.eventFilterExpression(), propertyEvalSpec, astExprNodeMap);
                    propertyEvalSpec = null;

                    IList <String> propertyNames = new List <String>();
                    IList <EsperEPL2GrammarParser.EventPropertyContext> properties = partition.eventProperty();
                    foreach (EsperEPL2GrammarParser.EventPropertyContext property in properties)
                        String propertyName = ASTUtil.GetPropertyName(property, 0);
                    ASTExprHelper.ExprCollectSubNodes(partition, 0, astExprNodeMap); // remove expressions

                    rawSpecs.Add(new ContextDetailPartitionItem(filterSpec, propertyNames));
                return(new ContextDetailPartitioned(rawSpecs));

            // hash
            else if (ctx.COALESCE() != null)
                IList <EsperEPL2GrammarParser.CreateContextCoalesceItemContext> coalesces = ctx.createContextCoalesceItem();
                IList <ContextDetailHashItem> rawSpecs = new List <ContextDetailHashItem>(coalesces.Count);
                foreach (EsperEPL2GrammarParser.CreateContextCoalesceItemContext coalesce in coalesces)
                    ExprChainedSpec func = ASTLibFunctionHelper.GetLibFunctionChainSpec(coalesce.libFunctionNoClass(), astExprNodeMap);
                    filterSpec       = ASTFilterSpecHelper.WalkFilterSpec(coalesce.eventFilterExpression(), propertyEvalSpec, astExprNodeMap);
                    propertyEvalSpec = null;
                    rawSpecs.Add(new ContextDetailHashItem(func, filterSpec));

                String granularity = ctx.g.Text;
                if (!granularity.ToLower().Equals("granularity"))
                    throw ASTWalkException.From("Expected 'granularity' keyword after list of coalesce items, found '" + granularity + "' instead");
                var    num            = ASTConstantHelper.Parse(ctx.number());
                String preallocateStr = ctx.p != null ? ctx.p.Text : null;
                if (preallocateStr != null && !preallocateStr.ToLower().Equals("preallocate"))
                    throw ASTWalkException.From("Expected 'preallocate' keyword after list of coalesce items, found '" + preallocateStr + "' instead");
                if (!num.GetType().IsNumericNonFP() || num.GetType().GetBoxedType() == typeof(long?))
                    throw ASTWalkException.From("Granularity provided must be an int-type number, received " + num.GetType() + " instead");

                return(new ContextDetailHash(rawSpecs, num.AsInt(), preallocateStr != null));

            // categorized
            if (ctx.createContextGroupItem() != null)
                IList <EsperEPL2GrammarParser.CreateContextGroupItemContext> grps = ctx.createContextGroupItem();
                IList <ContextDetailCategoryItem> items = new List <ContextDetailCategoryItem>();
                foreach (EsperEPL2GrammarParser.CreateContextGroupItemContext grp in grps)
                    ExprNode exprNode = ASTExprHelper.ExprCollectSubNodes(grp, 0, astExprNodeMap)[0];
                    String   name     = grp.i.Text;
                    items.Add(new ContextDetailCategoryItem(exprNode, name));
                filterSpec = ASTFilterSpecHelper.WalkFilterSpec(ctx.eventFilterExpression(), propertyEvalSpec, astExprNodeMap);
                return(new ContextDetailCategory(items, filterSpec));

            throw new IllegalStateException("Unrecognized context detail type");
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public static Pair <ExpressionDeclItem, ExpressionScriptProvided> WalkExpressionDecl(
            EsperEPL2GrammarParser.ExpressionDeclContext ctx,
            IList <String> scriptBodies,
            IDictionary <ITree, ExprNode> astExprNodeMap,
            CommonTokenStream tokenStream)
            var name = ctx.name.Text;

            if (ctx.alias != null)
                if (ctx.alias.Text.ToLower().Trim() != "alias")
                    throw ASTWalkException.From("For expression alias '" + name + "' expecting 'alias' keyword but received '" + ctx.alias.Text + "'");
                if (ctx.columnList() != null)
                    throw ASTWalkException.From("For expression alias '" + name + "' expecting no parameters but received '" + tokenStream.GetText(ctx.columnList()) + "'");
                if (ctx.expressionDef() != null && ctx.expressionDef().expressionLambdaDecl() != null)
                    throw ASTWalkException.From("For expression alias '" + name + "' expecting an expression without parameters but received '" + tokenStream.GetText(ctx.expressionDef().expressionLambdaDecl()) + "'");
                if (ctx.expressionDef().stringconstant() != null)
                    throw ASTWalkException.From("For expression alias '" + name + "' expecting an expression but received a script");
                var exprNode = ASTExprHelper.ExprCollectSubNodes(ctx, 0, astExprNodeMap)[0];
                var alias    = ctx.name.Text;
                var decl     = new ExpressionDeclItem(alias, Collections.GetEmptyList <String>(), exprNode, true);
                return(new Pair <ExpressionDeclItem, ExpressionScriptProvided>(decl, null));

            if (ctx.expressionDef().stringconstant() != null)
                var expressionText = scriptBodies[0];
                var parameters         = ASTUtil.GetIdentList(ctx.columnList());
                var optionalReturnType = ctx.classIdentifier() == null
                    ? null
                    : ASTUtil.UnescapeClassIdent(ctx.classIdentifier());
                var optionalReturnTypeArray = ctx.array != null;
                var optionalDialect         = ctx.expressionDialect() == null ? null : ctx.expressionDialect().d.Text;
                var script = new ExpressionScriptProvided(
                    name, expressionText, parameters,
                    optionalReturnType, optionalReturnTypeArray, optionalDialect);
                return(new Pair <ExpressionDeclItem, ExpressionScriptProvided>(null, script));

            var ctxexpr = ctx.expressionDef();
            var inner   = ASTExprHelper.ExprCollectSubNodes(ctxexpr.expression(), 0, astExprNodeMap)[0];

            var parametersNames = Collections.GetEmptyList <string>();
            var lambdactx       = ctxexpr.expressionLambdaDecl();

            if (ctxexpr.expressionLambdaDecl() != null)
                parametersNames = ASTLibFunctionHelper.GetLambdaGoesParams(lambdactx);

            var expr = new ExpressionDeclItem(name, parametersNames, inner, false);

            return(new Pair <ExpressionDeclItem, ExpressionScriptProvided>(expr, null));
Ejemplo n.º 27
        private static ASTLibModel GetModel(EsperEPL2GrammarParser.LibFunctionContext ctx, CommonTokenStream tokenStream)
            var root = ctx.libFunctionWithClass();
            IList <EsperEPL2GrammarParser.LibFunctionNoClassContext> ctxElements = ctx.libFunctionNoClass();

            // there are no additional methods
            if (ctxElements == null || ctxElements.IsEmpty())
                var classIdent = root.classIdentifier() == null ? null : ASTUtil.UnescapeClassIdent(root.classIdentifier());
                var ele        = FromRoot(root);
                return(new ASTLibModel(classIdent, Collections.SingletonList(ele)));

            // add root and chain to just a list of elements
            IList <ASTLibModelChainElement> chainElements = new List <ASTLibModelChainElement>(ctxElements.Count + 1);
            var rootElement = FromRoot(root);

            foreach (var chainedCtx in ctxElements)
                var chainedElement = new ASTLibModelChainElement(chainedCtx.funcIdentChained().GetText(), chainedCtx.libFunctionArgs(), chainedCtx.l != null);

            // determine/remove the list of chain elements, from the start and uninterrupted, that don't have parameters (no parenthesis 'l')
            IList <ASTLibModelChainElement> chainElementsNoArgs = new List <ASTLibModelChainElement>(chainElements.Count);

            for (int ii = 0; ii < chainElements.Count; ii++)
                var element = chainElements[ii];
                if (!element.HasLeftParen)
                    // has no parenthesis, therefore part of class identifier
                    // else stop here

            // write the class identifier including the no-arg chain elements
            var classIdentBuf = new StringBuilder();
            var delimiter     = "";

            if (root.classIdentifier() != null)
                delimiter = ".";
            foreach (var noarg in chainElementsNoArgs)
                delimiter = ".";

            if (chainElements.IsEmpty())
                // would this be an event property, but then that is handled greedily by parser
                throw ASTWalkException.From("Encountered unrecognized lib function call", tokenStream, ctx);

            // class ident can be null if empty
            var classIdentifierString = classIdentBuf.ToString();
            var classIdentifier       = classIdentifierString.Length > 0 ? classIdentifierString : null;

            return(new ASTLibModel(classIdentifier, chainElements));
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public static ExprTimePeriod TimePeriodGetExprAllParams(EsperEPL2GrammarParser.TimePeriodContext ctx, IDictionary <ITree, ExprNode> astExprNodeMap, VariableService variableService, StatementSpecRaw spec, ConfigurationInformation config)
            var nodes = new ExprNode[8];

            for (var i = 0; i < ctx.ChildCount; i++)
                var unitRoot = ctx.GetChild(i);

                ExprNode valueExpr;
                if (ASTUtil.IsTerminatedOfType(unitRoot.GetChild(0), EsperEPL2GrammarLexer.IDENT))
                    var ident = unitRoot.GetChild(0).GetText();
                    valueExpr = ASTExprHelper.ResolvePropertyOrVariableIdentifier(ident, variableService, spec);
                    var        @ref   = new Atomic <ExprNode>();
                    ExprAction action = (exprNode, astExprNodeMapX, nodeX) => {
                    ASTExprHelper.RecursiveFindRemoveChildExprNode(unitRoot.GetChild(0), astExprNodeMap, action);
                    valueExpr = @ref.Get();

                if (ASTUtil.GetRuleIndexIfProvided(unitRoot) == EsperEPL2GrammarParser.RULE_millisecondPart)
                    nodes[7] = valueExpr;
                if (ASTUtil.GetRuleIndexIfProvided(unitRoot) == EsperEPL2GrammarParser.RULE_secondPart)
                    nodes[6] = valueExpr;
                if (ASTUtil.GetRuleIndexIfProvided(unitRoot) == EsperEPL2GrammarParser.RULE_minutePart)
                    nodes[5] = valueExpr;
                if (ASTUtil.GetRuleIndexIfProvided(unitRoot) == EsperEPL2GrammarParser.RULE_hourPart)
                    nodes[4] = valueExpr;
                if (ASTUtil.GetRuleIndexIfProvided(unitRoot) == EsperEPL2GrammarParser.RULE_dayPart)
                    nodes[3] = valueExpr;
                if (ASTUtil.GetRuleIndexIfProvided(unitRoot) == EsperEPL2GrammarParser.RULE_weekPart)
                    nodes[2] = valueExpr;
                if (ASTUtil.GetRuleIndexIfProvided(unitRoot) == EsperEPL2GrammarParser.RULE_monthPart)
                    nodes[1] = valueExpr;
                if (ASTUtil.GetRuleIndexIfProvided(unitRoot) == EsperEPL2GrammarParser.RULE_yearPart)
                    nodes[0] = valueExpr;

            ExprTimePeriod timeNode = new ExprTimePeriodImpl(config.EngineDefaults.ExpressionConfig.TimeZone,
                                                             nodes[0] != null, nodes[1] != null, nodes[2] != null, nodes[3] != null, nodes[4] != null, nodes[5] != null, nodes[6] != null, nodes[7] != null);

            if (nodes[0] != null)
            if (nodes[1] != null)
            if (nodes[2] != null)
            if (nodes[3] != null)
            if (nodes[4] != null)
            if (nodes[5] != null)
            if (nodes[6] != null)
            if (nodes[7] != null)
Ejemplo n.º 29
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse expression using the rule the ParseRuleSelector instance supplies.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="expression">text to parse</param>
        /// <param name="eplStatementErrorMsg">text for error</param>
        /// <param name="addPleaseCheck">true to include depth paraphrase</param>
        /// <param name="parseRuleSelector">parse rule to select</param>
        /// <param name="rewriteScript">if set to <c>true</c> [rewrite script].</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// AST - syntax tree
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="EPException">IOException parsing expression ' + expression + '\''</exception>
        /// <throws>EPException when the AST could not be parsed</throws>
        public static ParseResult Parse(String expression, String eplStatementErrorMsg, bool addPleaseCheck, ParseRuleSelector parseRuleSelector, bool rewriteScript)
            if (Log.IsDebugEnabled)
                Log.Debug(".parse Parsing expr=" + expression);

            ICharStream input;

                input = new NoCaseSensitiveStream(expression);
            catch (IOException ex)
                throw new EPException("IOException parsing expression '" + expression + '\'', ex);

            var lex = NewLexer(input);

            var tokens = new CommonTokenStream(lex);
            var parser = ParseHelper.NewParser(tokens);

            ITree tree;

                tree = parseRuleSelector.Invoke(parser);
            catch (RecognitionException ex)
                if (rewriteScript && IsContainsScriptExpression(tokens))
                    return(HandleScriptRewrite(tokens, eplStatementErrorMsg, addPleaseCheck, parseRuleSelector));
                Log.Debug("Error parsing statement [" + expression + "]", ex);
                throw ExceptionConvertor.ConvertStatement(ex, eplStatementErrorMsg, addPleaseCheck, parser);
            catch (Exception e)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.Debug("Token-fill produced exception: " + ex.Message, ex);

                if (Log.IsDebugEnabled)
                    Log.Debug("Error parsing statement [" + eplStatementErrorMsg + "]", e);
                if (e.InnerException is RecognitionException)
                    if (rewriteScript && IsContainsScriptExpression(tokens))
                        return(HandleScriptRewrite(tokens, eplStatementErrorMsg, addPleaseCheck, parseRuleSelector));
                    throw ExceptionConvertor.ConvertStatement((RecognitionException)e.InnerException, eplStatementErrorMsg, addPleaseCheck, parser);

            // if we are re-writing scripts and contain a script, then rewrite
            if (rewriteScript && IsContainsScriptExpression(tokens))
                return(HandleScriptRewrite(tokens, eplStatementErrorMsg, addPleaseCheck, parseRuleSelector));

            if (Log.IsDebugEnabled)
                Log.Debug(".parse Dumping AST...");

            var expressionWithoutAnnotation = expression;

            if (tree is EsperEPL2GrammarParser.StartEPLExpressionRuleContext)
                var epl = (EsperEPL2GrammarParser.StartEPLExpressionRuleContext)tree;
                expressionWithoutAnnotation = GetNoAnnotation(expression, epl.annotationEnum(), tokens);
            else if (tree is EsperEPL2GrammarParser.StartPatternExpressionRuleContext)
                var pattern = (EsperEPL2GrammarParser.StartPatternExpressionRuleContext)tree;
                expressionWithoutAnnotation = GetNoAnnotation(expression, pattern.annotationEnum(), tokens);

            return(new ParseResult(tree, expressionWithoutAnnotation, tokens, Collections.GetEmptyList <String>()));