Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static PastedEntity ConcurrentPasteBelt(int threadIndex, BeltCopy belt, Vector2 targetSpr, float yaw, int pasteIndex)
            var actionBuild = _abs[threadIndex];
            int pasteId     = PASTE_INDEX_MULTIPLIER * pasteIndex + belt.originalId;

            if (!BlueprintManager.pastedEntities.TryGetValue(pasteId, out PastedEntity pastedEntity))
                BuildPreview bp = BuildPreview.CreateSingle(belt.itemProto, belt.itemProto.prefabDesc, false);

                pastedEntity = new PastedEntity()
                    pasteIndex   = pasteIndex,
                    pasteId      = pasteId,
                    status       = EPastedStatus.NEW,
                    type         = EPastedType.BELT,
                    sourceBelt   = belt,
                    buildPreview = bp,

                BlueprintManager.pastedEntities.TryAdd(pasteId, pastedEntity);

                lock (actionBuild.buildPreviews)
                pastedEntity.status = EPastedStatus.UPDATE;

            Vector2 newRelative = belt.cursorRelativePos.Rotate(yaw * Mathf.Deg2Rad, belt.originalSegmentCount);
            Vector2 sprPos      = newRelative + targetSpr;

            int   newSegmentCount = Util.GetSegmentsCount(sprPos);
            float sizeDeviation   = belt.originalSegmentCount / (float)newSegmentCount;

            sprPos = new Vector2(newRelative.x, newRelative.y * sizeDeviation) + targetSpr;

            Vector3 absoluteBeltPos = sprPos.SnapToGrid(belt.altitude * 1.3333333f / 2);

            // belts have always 0 yaw
            Quaternion absoluteBeltRot = Maths.SphericalRotation(absoluteBeltPos, 0f);

            Pose pose = new Pose(absoluteBeltPos, absoluteBeltRot);

            pastedEntity.objId = InserterPoses.AddOverride(pose, belt.itemProto);
            pastedEntity.pose  = pose;

            pastedEntity.buildPreview.lpos = absoluteBeltPos;
            pastedEntity.buildPreview.lrot = absoluteBeltRot;

            pastedEntity.buildPreview.condition = EBuildCondition.Ok;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static void PasteBelt(int index, BeltCopy belt, Vector2 targetSpr, float yaw)
            Vector2 newRelative = belt.cursorRelativePos.Rotate(yaw * Mathf.Deg2Rad, belt.originalSegmentCount);
            Vector2 sprPos      = newRelative + targetSpr;

            float rawLatitudeIndex = (sprPos.x - Mathf.PI / 2) / 6.2831855f * 200;
            int   latitudeIndex    = Mathf.FloorToInt(Mathf.Max(0f, Mathf.Abs(rawLatitudeIndex) - 0.1f));
            int   newSegmentCount  = PlanetGrid.DetermineLongitudeSegmentCount(latitudeIndex, 200);

            float sizeDeviation = belt.originalSegmentCount / (float)newSegmentCount;

            sprPos = new Vector2(newRelative.x, newRelative.y * sizeDeviation) + targetSpr;

            Vector3 absoluteBeltPos = sprPos.SnapToGrid(belt.altitude * 1.3333333f / 2);

            // belts have always 0 yaw
            Quaternion absoluteBeltRot = Maths.SphericalRotation(absoluteBeltPos, 0f);

            BuildPreview bp = BuildPreview.CreateSingle(belt.itemProto, belt.itemProto.prefabDesc, false);

            bp.lpos           = absoluteBeltPos;
            bp.lrot           = absoluteBeltRot;
            bp.outputToSlot   = -1;
            bp.outputFromSlot = 0;

            bp.inputFromSlot = -1;
            bp.inputToSlot   = 1;

            bp.outputOffset = 0;
            bp.inputOffset  = 0;

            Pose pose = new Pose(absoluteBeltPos, absoluteBeltRot);

            int objId = InserterPoses.AddOverride(pose, belt.itemProto);

            pastedEntities.Add(belt.originalId, new PastedEntity()
                type         = EPastedType.BELT,
                index        = index,
                pose         = pose,
                objId        = objId,
                buildPreview = bp,

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public static BeltCopy CopyBelt(EntityData sourceEntity, EntityData referenceEntity)
            PlanetFactory factory = GameMain.data.localPlanet.factory;

            ItemProto sourceEntityProto = LDB.items.Select(sourceEntity.protoId);

            if (!sourceEntityProto.prefabDesc.isBelt)

            BeltComponent belt         = factory.cargoTraffic.beltPool[sourceEntity.beltId];
            Vector2       sourceSprPos = sourceEntity.pos.ToSpherical();

            BeltCopy copiedBelt = new BeltCopy()
                originalId   = sourceEntity.id,
                protoId      = sourceEntityProto.ID,
                itemProto    = sourceEntityProto,
                altitude     = Mathf.RoundToInt(2 * (sourceEntity.pos.magnitude - GameMain.localPlanet.realRadius - 0.2f) / 1.3333333f),
                backInputId  = factory.cargoTraffic.beltPool[belt.backInputId].entityId,
                leftInputId  = factory.cargoTraffic.beltPool[belt.leftInputId].entityId,
                rightInputId = factory.cargoTraffic.beltPool[belt.rightInputId].entityId,
                outputId     = factory.cargoTraffic.beltPool[belt.outputId].entityId,

            factory.ReadObjectConn(sourceEntity.id, 0, out bool isOutput, out int otherId, out int otherSlot);
            if (otherId > 0 && factory.entityPool[otherId].beltId == 0)
                copiedBelt.connectedBuildingId       = otherId;
                copiedBelt.connectedBuildingIsOutput = isOutput;
                copiedBelt.connectedBuildingSlot     = otherSlot;

            factory.ReadObjectConn(sourceEntity.id, 1, out isOutput, out otherId, out otherSlot);
            if (otherId > 0 && factory.entityPool[otherId].beltId == 0)
                copiedBelt.connectedBuildingId       = otherId;
                copiedBelt.connectedBuildingIsOutput = isOutput;
                copiedBelt.connectedBuildingSlot     = otherSlot;

            if (sourceEntity.id == referenceEntity.id)
                data.referencePos = sourceSprPos;
                copiedBelt.originalSegmentCount = sourceSprPos.GetSegmentsCount();
                copiedBelt.cursorRelativePos    = (sourceSprPos - data.referencePos).Clamp();


            factory.ReadObjectConn(sourceEntity.id, 4, out _, out otherId, out _);

            if (otherId != 0)
                // only copy belt to belt inserter if both belts are part fo the blueprint
                factory.ReadObjectConn(otherId, 0, out _, out int endId, out _);
                factory.ReadObjectConn(otherId, 1, out _, out int startId, out _);

                int idToFind = sourceEntity.id == endId ? startId : endId;

                if (data.copiedBelts.FindIndex(x => x.originalId == idToFind) != -1)
                    EntityData inserterEntity = factory.entityPool[otherId];
                    CopyInserter(inserterEntity, sourceEntity);

            hasData = true;