Ejemplo n.º 1
        void ProcessEnumDetail(Enumeration @enum, CXCursor cursor, CXCursor parent)
            // unscoped name
            @enum.UnscopedName = clang.getCursorSpelling(cursor).ToString();

            // underlying type
            CXType    underlyingType = clang.getEnumDeclIntegerType(cursor);
            BasicType type           = ClangTraits.ToBasicType(underlyingType);

            @enum.Type = type;

            // is scoped
            @enum.IsEnumClass = clang.EnumDecl_isScoped(cursor) != 0;

            // check is parent is a class
            if (OwnerClass_ != null)
                OwnerClass_.AddSubEnum(new SubEnum
                    Access = ClangTraits.ToAccessSpecifier(clang.getCXXAccessSpecifier(cursor)),
                    Enum   = @enum
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void ProcessMethod(NativeClass thisClass, CXCursor cursor, CXCursor parent)
            string name       = clang.getCursorSpelling(cursor).ToString();
            bool   isStataic  = clang.CXXMethod_isStatic(cursor) != 0;
            bool   isConst    = clang.CXXMethod_isConst(cursor) != 0;
            bool   isVirtual  = clang.CXXMethod_isVirtual(cursor) != 0;
            bool   isAbastrct = clang.CXXMethod_isPureVirtual(cursor) != 0;

            // create method
            Method memberFunc = new Method(thisClass,
                                           name, isStataic, isConst, isVirtual, isAbastrct);
            OnVisitFunctionParameter func = (FunctionParameter param) =>

            // proces result type
            CXType resultType = clang.getCursorResultType(cursor);

            memberFunc.ResultType = TypeVisitorHelper.GetNativeType(AST_, resultType);

            // deep visit children
            GCHandle delegateHandler = GCHandle.Alloc(func);

            clang.visitChildren(cursor, ParameterVisitor, new CXClientData((IntPtr)delegateHandler));

            // process access specifier
            memberFunc.Access = ClangTraits.ToAccessSpecifier(clang.getCXXAccessSpecifier(cursor));

            // register method
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void ProcessClassDetail(
            NativeClass thisClass,              // this class to parse
            CXCursor cursor,                    // current cursor
            CXType type,                        // current cursor type
            CXCursor parent                     // parent cursor
            // set unscoped name
            thisClass.UnscopedName = clang.getCursorSpelling(cursor).ToString();

            // set struct or class
            thisClass.ClassTag = ClangTraits.ToStructOrClass(cursor.kind);

            // abstract
            thisClass.IsAbstract = clang.CXXRecord_isAbstract(cursor) != 0;

            // virtual base
            thisClass.IsVirtualBase = clang.isVirtualBase(cursor) != 0;

            // set template instance info
            if (TemplateHelper.VisitTemplate(cursor, thisClass, AST_))
                thisClass.IsFullSpecialization = true;

                TypeVisitContext context = new TypeVisitContext(cursor);
                TemplateHelper.VisitTemplateParameter(cursor, type, thisClass, AST_, context);

            // set subclass
            if (ClangTraits.IsUserDefinedTypeDecl(parent))
                Debug.Assert(OwnerClass_ != null);
                thisClass.IsEmbedded = true;
                thisClass.OwnerClass = OwnerClass_;

                SubClass subClass = new SubClass
                    Access = ClangTraits.ToAccessSpecifier(clang.getCXXAccessSpecifier(cursor)),
                    Class  = thisClass

Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void ProcessTypeExport(NativeClass thisClass, CXCursor cursor, CXCursor parent)
            // createfield context
            TypeVisitContext context = new TypeVisitContext(cursor);

            // get field type
            CXType     type       = clang.getCursorType(cursor);
            NativeType nativeType = TypeVisitorHelper.GetNativeType(AST_, type, context);

            // get field access specifier
            AccessSpecifier access = ClangTraits.ToAccessSpecifier(clang.getCXXAccessSpecifier(cursor));

            // create the exported member type
            MemberType memberType = new MemberType
                Access = access,
                Type   = nativeType

Ejemplo n.º 5
        private void ProcessBaseClass(NativeClass thisClass, CXCursor cursor, CXCursor parent)
            // get class name
            CXType type = clang.getCursorType(cursor);

            // type visit context
            TypeVisitContext context = new TypeVisitContext(cursor);

            // create the base class
            BaseClass baseClass = new BaseClass
                // check access specifier
                Access = ClangTraits.ToAccessSpecifier(clang.getCXXAccessSpecifier(cursor)),
                // native class type
                Type = TypeVisitorHelper.GetNativeType(AST_, type, context),
                // check is virtual base
                IsVirtual = clang.isVirtualBase(cursor) != 0

            // register base class
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private void ProcessField(NativeClass thisClass, CXCursor cursor, CXCursor parent, bool isStatic = false)
            // get field name
            string fieldName = clang.getCursorSpelling(cursor).ToString();

            // get field type
            CXType     type       = clang.getCursorType(cursor);
            NativeType nativeType = TypeVisitorHelper.GetNativeType(AST_, type);

            // get field access specifier
            AccessSpecifier access = ClangTraits.ToAccessSpecifier(clang.getCXXAccessSpecifier(cursor));

            // create field object
            Field f = new Field
                Name     = fieldName,
                Access   = access,
                Type     = nativeType,
                IsStatic = isStatic
