protected async override void OnElementChanged (VisualElementChangedEventArgs e)
			base.OnElementChanged (e);

			navigation = NavigationController;

			window = new UIWindow(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);

			//This is the class which actually implements the component a couple of elements to make it work
			viewController = new JSQmessages(); 

			//sender is a public field of JSQmessages and it is populated using the public fields we defined in the orginal forms ChatPage.
			viewController.sender = new User (){ Id = ChatPage.senderID, DisplayName = ChatPage.senderName };

			viewController.View.Frame = this.View.Frame;

			navigationController = new UINavigationController();
			navigationController.PushViewController(viewController, false);

			AddChildViewController (viewController);

			/*the Frame is smaller than the entire screen, this lets us still retain the original Navigation bar from Xamarin Forms, 
			 * so it's easy to dismiss the page from the view hierarchy if we retain the navbar that forms created for us */
			viewController.View.Frame = new CGRect(this.View.Frame.X,this.View.Frame.Y,this.View.Bounds.Width,this.View.Bounds.Height - 64f);
			this.View.AddSubview (viewController.View);
			this.DidMoveToParentViewController (viewController); 

        protected async override void OnElementChanged(VisualElementChangedEventArgs e)

            navigation = NavigationController;

            window = new UIWindow(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);

            //This is the class which actually implements the component a couple of elements to make it work
            viewController = new JSQmessages();

            //sender is a public field of JSQmessages and it is populated using the public fields we defined in the orginal forms ChatPage.
            viewController.sender = new User()
                Id = ChatPage.senderID, DisplayName = ChatPage.senderName

            viewController.View.Frame = this.View.Frame;

            navigationController = new UINavigationController();
            navigationController.PushViewController(viewController, false);


            /*the Frame is smaller than the entire screen, this lets us still retain the original Navigation bar from Xamarin Forms,
             * so it's easy to dismiss the page from the view hierarchy if we retain the navbar that forms created for us */
            viewController.View.Frame = new CGRect(this.View.Frame.X, this.View.Frame.Y, this.View.Bounds.Width, this.View.Bounds.Height - 64f);