Ejemplo n.º 1
        //This function runs every frame
        public void Run(int x, int y, int shapeselect, Color Colour, int size1, int weight, bool clearbut)
            int size;

            if (clearbut == false)
                if (size1 == 200)
                    size = 200;
                else if (size1 == 100)
                    size = 100;
                    size = 50;
                if (shapeselect == 0)
                    Circle cir4 = new Circle(Colour, weight, x, y, size);
                    cir4.isFill = false;
                    Square squ = new Square(Colour, weight, x, y, size);
                    squ.isFill = false;
            counter1 = watch.Elapsed.ToString();

            Text count1 = new Text(counter1, Color.Red, 300, 0, 35);


            if (blood == 1)
                Circle cir = new Circle(Color.Red, 4, rnd.Next(0, 600), rnd.Next(0, 600), 50);
                cir.isFill = true;
                Circle cir1 = new Circle(Color.Red, 4, rnd.Next(0, 600), rnd.Next(0, 600), 50);
                cir1.isFill = true;
                Circle cir2 = new Circle(Color.Red, 4, rnd.Next(0, 600), rnd.Next(0, 600), 50);
                cir2.isFill = true;
            //Step 1: Let's draw a basic Square. Uncomment Lines 43-45 to draw a blue square. Then, press start.
            //Square sqr = new Square(Color.Blue, 4, squareX1, squareY1, 100);

            //Step 2: Now let's draw a filled circle. Uncomment Lines 47-50 to draw a purple
            //circle in the centre of the square we drew in step 1
            //Circle cir = new Circle(Color.Purple, 4, circleX1, circleY1, 50);
            //cir.isFill = true;

            //Step 3: It's time to animate! The following chunk of code
            //moves the circle side-to-side within the square. Uncomment lines 55-74 and comment out
            //the cir.Draw(g) in line 45.

             * if (cir.x1 + 25 >= sqr.size || cir.x1 - 25 <= sqr.x1)
             * {
             *  cirDir = !cirDir;
             * }
             * if (cirDir)
             * {
             *  circleX1 = circleX1 + speed;
             *  cir.x1 = circleX1;
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  circleX1 = circleX1 - speed;
             *  cir.x1 = circleX1;
             * }
             * cir.Draw(g);

            //Step 4: Let's animate the square this time. The following chunk of code
            //moves the square up and down the screen. Uncomment lines 79-98 and comment out
            //the sqr.Draw(g) in line 44.

             * if (sqr.y1 >= 300 || sqr.y1 < 0)
             * {
             *  sqrDir = !sqrDir;
             * }
             * if (sqrDir)
             * {
             *  squareY1 = squareY1 + speed;
             *  sqr.y1 = squareY1;
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  squareY1 = squareY1 - speed;
             *  sqr.y1 = squareY1;
             * }
             * sqr.Draw(g);

            //Step 5: Now let's try syncing the movement of the 2 primitives we created. Uncomment
            //lines 99-102 to group the 2 primitives into a single Shape. Make sure to comment out
            //the cir.Draw(); and the sqr.Draw(); in lines 73 and 97, respectively.

             * Shape shape = new Shape();
             * shape.Add(sqr);
             * shape.Add(cir);
             * shape.Draw(g);

            //Note that the FIRST primitive added with the shape.Add method is ALWAYS the root shape.
            //This means that the succeeding primitives are always positioned with respect to the x1 and y1
            //of the first primitive added.

            //Step 6: Now let's display text on the screen. Uncomment lines 115-116.
            //Text count = new Text(g, "Count: " + counter.ToString(), Color.Red, 300, 0, 35);

            //It's time to add user interactivity. Go to the GUI.cs form designer by double clicking beginner>GUI.cs
            //on the Solution Explorer to the right of your Visual Studio window. On the Form Designer, double click the
            //Tick button to proceed to step 7