Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void registerButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            name = nameTextBox.Text; //gets the name entered in textbox 
            surname = surnameTextBox.Text; //gets the surname entered in textbox
           //throws a format exception where the format or type is different from expected
           // in this case an integer!
                id = Convert.ToInt32(idTextBox.Text);
            catch (FormatException exceptionObject) //catches the exception showingan error message!
                MessageBox.Show("Typing Error: re-enter a valid id number!");
                count--; //if the wrong data was put in, user needs to re-enter the details,
                         //the number of employees entered correctly should remain the same!
            //throws a format exception where the format or type is different from expected
            // in this case a double!
                salary = Convert.ToDouble(salaryTextBox.Text);
            catch (FormatException exceptionObject)
                MessageBox.Show("Typing Error: re-enter a valid salary!");
                count--;//if the wrong data was put in, user needs to re-enter the details,
                        //the number of employees entered correctly should remain the same!

                workers[count] = new Employee(id, name,surname, salary); 
                count++; //increases for next employee
                label6.Text = Convert.ToString(count);//Shows the number of employees typed in 
                                                      //so far 
               //text boxes are cleared for next input
                idTextBox.Text = "";                
                nameTextBox.Text = "";
                surnameTextBox.Text = "";
                salaryTextBox.Text = "";
Ejemplo n.º 2
        //Method that receives the array of workers and prints the ones with the lowest salary
        private void PrintLowestSalary(Employee[] workers)
            DisplayForm dForm = new DisplayForm(); //instance of display form

            dForm.richTextBox2.AppendText("Lowest salary workers:" + "\r\n" + "\r\n");
            double minSalary = workers[0].Salary;  //sets the the first element of the array
                                                   //as the default minimum salary

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                if (workers[i].Salary < minSalary) //compares the minimum salary with other salaries
                    minSalary = workers[i].Salary; //saves the new minimum salary

            //prints the employees with the lowest salary
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)  //checks every employee in the array
                if (workers[i].Salary == minSalary) // if his salary is the same as the 
                                                    //minimum salary 
                    string workerString = workers[i].employeeToString() + "\r\n";
                    dForm.richTextBox2.AppendText(workerString);//it sends the string to the 
                                                                //display form

                    dForm.Show();                              //shows the display form