Ejemplo n.º 1
        public HttpResponseMessage getReporteDeFacturasMensual()
            if (!utilidades.validar_token(Request))
                HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "incorrecto");

            IEnumerable <string> headerValues_id_usuario = Request.Headers.GetValues("id_usuario");
            string id_usuario = headerValues_id_usuario.FirstOrDefault().ToString();

            IEnumerable <string> headerValues_id_tipo_de_usuario = Request.Headers.GetValues("id_tipo_de_usuario");
            string id_tipo_de_usuario = headerValues_id_tipo_de_usuario.FirstOrDefault().ToString();

            IEnumerable <string> headerValues_mes = Request.Headers.GetValues("mes");
            string mes_string = headerValues_mes.FirstOrDefault().ToString();

            if (id_tipo_de_usuario != "1")
                HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "incorrecto");

                //Hacemos el split del mes.
                string[] arreglo = mes_string.ToString().Replace("'", "''").Split('-');
                int      año     = int.Parse(arreglo[0]);
                int      mes     = int.Parse(arreglo[1]);

                DateTime primer_dia = new DateTime(año, mes, 1);
                DateTime ultimo_dia = primer_dia.AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1);

                string select_query = string.Format("select * from (select  " +
                                                    "a.id " +
                                                    ", a.folio as folio " +
                                                    ", date_format(a.fecha, '%d/%m/%Y') as fecha_de_emision  " +
                                                    ", a.concepto as concepto  " +
                                                    ", a.importe as importe " +
                                                    ", a.iva as iva " +
                                                    ", a.total as total  " +
                                                    ", c.rfc as rfc " +
                                                    ", c.razon_social as cliente " +
                                                    ", b.nombre as estado_de_factura " +
                                                    ", a.estado as estado " +
                                                    "from ft_facturas a  " +
                                                    "left join cf_estados_de_factura b on a.id_estado_de_factura=b.id  " +
                                                    " left join lu_clientes c on a.id_cliente=c.id   " +
                                                    "where a.fecha >= date_format('{0} 00:00:00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') " +
                                                    "and a.fecha <= date_format('{1} 23:59:59', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') " +
                                                    "union all  " +
                                                    "select  " +
                                                    "a.id " +
                                                    ", a.folio as folio " +
                                                    ", date_format(a.fecha, '%d/%m/%Y') as fecha_de_emision  " +
                                                    ", a.concepto as concepto  " +
                                                    ", a.importe as importe " +
                                                    ", a.iva as iva " +
                                                    ", a.total as total  " +
                                                    ", c.rfc as rfc " +
                                                    ", c.razon_social as cliente " +
                                                    ", b.nombre as estado_de_factura " +
                                                    ", a.estado as estado " +
                                                    " from ft_facturas a  " +
                                                    " left join cf_estados_de_factura b on a.id_estado_de_factura=b.id  " +
                                                    " left join lu_clientes c on a.id_cliente=c.id   " +
                                                    "where a.id_estado_de_factura=1  " +
                                                    "and a.fecha <= date_format('{1} 23:59:59', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')) a " +
                                                    "where a.estado=1 " +
                                                    "group by a.id " +
                                                    "order by a.id; "
                                                    , primer_dia.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
                                                    , ultimo_dia.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
                DataTable dt = Database.runSelectQuery(select_query);
                if (dt == null)
                    dt = new DataTable();
                if (dt.Columns.Contains("id"))
                if (dt.Columns.Contains("estado"))

                IWorkbook workbook = GenerateExcelFile(dt);

                var fileName = "Reporte_de_facturas_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm") + ".xls";

                //save the file to server temp folder
                string fullPath = Path.Combine(System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/temp"), fileName);

                using (var exportData = new MemoryStream())
                    //I don't show the detail how to create the Excel, this is not the point of this article,
                    //I just use the NPOI for Excel handler
                    FileStream file = new FileStream(fullPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);

                //Convirtiendo el archivo
                var dataBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(fullPath);
                //adding bytes to memory stream
                var dataStream = new MemoryStream(dataBytes);

                Descarga descarga = new Descarga(dataStream, Request, fileName);
                //Comenzamos la descarga.
            catch (Exception ex)
                HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, ex.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public HttpResponseMessage getComplementoDePago()
                if (!utilidades.validar_token(Request))
                    HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "incorrecto");

                IEnumerable <string> headerValues_id_usuario = Request.Headers.GetValues("id_usuario");
                string id_usuario = headerValues_id_usuario.FirstOrDefault().ToString();

                IEnumerable <string> headerValues_id_tipo_de_usuario = Request.Headers.GetValues("id_tipo_de_usuario");
                string id_tipo_de_usuario = headerValues_id_tipo_de_usuario.FirstOrDefault().ToString();

                IEnumerable <string> headerValues_id_cliente = Request.Headers.GetValues("id_cliente");
                string id_cliente = headerValues_id_cliente.FirstOrDefault().ToString();

                IEnumerable <string> headerValues_fecha_inicial = Request.Headers.GetValues("fecha_inicial");
                string fecha_inicial_string = headerValues_fecha_inicial.FirstOrDefault().ToString();

                IEnumerable <string> headerValues_fecha_final = Request.Headers.GetValues("fecha_final");
                string fecha_final_string = headerValues_fecha_final.FirstOrDefault().ToString();

                if (id_tipo_de_usuario != "1")
                    HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "incorrecto");

                //Hacemos el split del mes.
                string[] arreglo = fecha_inicial_string.ToString().Replace("'", "''").Split('-');
                int      año     = int.Parse(arreglo[0]);
                int      mes     = int.Parse(arreglo[1]);
                int      dia     = int.Parse(arreglo[2]);

                string[] arreglo_final = fecha_final_string.ToString().Replace("'", "''").Split('-');
                int      año_final     = int.Parse(arreglo_final[0]);
                int      mes_final     = int.Parse(arreglo_final[1]);
                int      dia_final     = int.Parse(arreglo_final[2]);

                DateTime fecha_inicial = new DateTime(año, mes, dia);
                DateTime fecha_final   = new DateTime(año_final, mes_final, dia_final);

                 * "select  " +
                 * "b.folio as folio " +
                 * ", b.fecha as fecha_de_factura " +
                 * ", b.concepto as concepto  " +
                 * ", b.total as importe_de_factura " +
                 * ", a.fecha as fecha_de_pago " +
                 * ", a.importe as importe_de_pago " +
                 * ", c.nombre as banco " +
                 * ", round(ceiling((b.total - a.importe)*100)*1.0/100, 2) as saldo  " +
                 * "from ft_pagos a  " +
                 * "left join ft_facturas b on b.id=a.id_factura " +
                 * "left join cf_bancos c on c.id=a.id_banco " +
                 * "where a.fecha>=date_format('{0} 00:00:00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') " +
                 * "and a.fecha<=date_format('{1} 23:59:59', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s') " +
                 * "and a.estado=1 " +

                string select_query = string.Format("select  a.folio as `Folio`  " +
                                                    ", date_format(a.fecha , '%d/%m/%Y') as `Fecha de emisión de factura` " +
                                                    ", a.concepto as `Concepto` " +
                                                    ", a.total as `Importe de factura`  " +
                                                    ", date_format(b.fecha , '%d/%m/%Y') as `Fecha de pago` " +
                                                    ", b.importe as `Importe de pago` " +
                                                    ", c.nombre as `Banco`  " +
                                                    ", round(ceiling((a.total - b.importe)*100)*1.0/100 , 2) as `Saldo`  " +
                                                    "from ft_facturas a   " +
                                                    "left join ft_pagos b on (a.id=b.id_factura and b.estado=1)" +
                                                    "left join cf_bancos c on c.id=b.id_banco  " +
                                                    "where a.fecha>=date_format('{0} 00:00:00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')  " +
                                                    "and a.fecha<=date_format('{1} 23:59:59', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:%s')  " +
                                                    "and a.estado=1  " +
                                                    "and a.id_cliente='{2}'; "
                                                    , fecha_inicial.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
                                                    , fecha_final.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")
                                                    , id_cliente);
                DataTable dt = Database.runSelectQuery(select_query);
                if (dt == null)
                    dt = new DataTable();
                if (dt.Columns.Contains("id"))

                //Obtenemos el nombre del cliente
                string    query_cliente = string.Format("Select razon_social from lu_clientes where id='{0}';", id_cliente);
                DataTable cliente       = Database.runSelectQuery(query_cliente);
                string    titulo_excel  = string.Format("Complemento de Pago de {0} del {1} al {2}"
                                                        , cliente.Rows[0]["razon_social"].ToString()
                                                        , fecha_inicial.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")
                                                        , fecha_final.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"));

                IWorkbook workbook = GenerateExcelFileWithTitle(dt, titulo_excel);

                var fileName = "Complemento_de_pago" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm") + ".xls";

                //save the file to server temp folder
                string fullPath = Path.Combine(System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/temp"), fileName);

                using (var exportData = new MemoryStream())
                    //I don't show the detail how to create the Excel, this is not the point of this article,
                    //I just use the NPOI for Excel handler
                    FileStream file = new FileStream(fullPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);

                //Convirtiendo el archivo
                var dataBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(fullPath);
                //adding bytes to memory stream
                var dataStream = new MemoryStream(dataBytes);

                Descarga descarga = new Descarga(dataStream, Request, fileName);
                //Comenzamos la descarga.
            catch (Exception ex)
                HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, ex.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public HttpResponseMessage getEtiquetas()
            if (!utilidades.validar_token(Request))
                HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "incorrecto");

            IEnumerable <string> headerValues_id_usuario = Request.Headers.GetValues("id_usuario");
            string id_usuario = headerValues_id_usuario.FirstOrDefault().ToString();

            IEnumerable <string> headerValues_id_tipo_de_usuario = Request.Headers.GetValues("id_tipo_de_usuario");
            string id_tipo_de_usuario = headerValues_id_tipo_de_usuario.FirstOrDefault().ToString();

            if (id_tipo_de_usuario != "1")
                HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "incorrecto");

            string select_query = string.Format("SELECT calibre, " +
                                                "color_e as Color, " +
                                                "cliente as Cliente, " +
                                                "clave_producto as ClaveProducto, " +
                                                "turno as Turno, " +
                                                "fecha_de_impresion as FechaImpresion, " +
                                                "embobinadora as Embobinadora, " +
                                                "etiquetas as Etiquetas, " +
                                                "carrete_inicial as CarreteInicial, " +
                                                "carrete_final as CarreteFinal, " +
                                                "linea as Linea, " +
                                                "numero_envio as Envio, " +
                                                "hilos as Hilos " +
                                                "FROM ft_etiquetas " +
                                                "where estado=1 " +
                                                "order by embobinadora asc;  ");
            DataTable dt       = Database.runSelectQuery(select_query);
            IWorkbook workbook = GenerateExcelFile(dt);

            var fileName = "exportacion_etiquetas_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm") + ".xls";

            //save the file to server temp folder
            string fullPath = Path.Combine(System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/temp"), fileName);

            using (var exportData = new MemoryStream())
                //I don't show the detail how to create the Excel, this is not the point of this article,
                //I just use the NPOI for Excel handler
                FileStream file = new FileStream(fullPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);

            //Convirtiendo el archivo
            var dataBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(fullPath);
            //adding bytes to memory stream
            var dataStream = new MemoryStream(dataBytes);

            Descarga descarga = new Descarga(dataStream, Request, fileName);

            //Comenzamos la descarga.
            //return descarga;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        // GET api/clientesdescargas
        public HttpResponseMessage getReporteDeClientes()
            if (!utilidades.validar_token(Request))
                HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "incorrecto");

            IEnumerable <string> headerValues_id_usuario = Request.Headers.GetValues("id_usuario");
            string id_usuario = headerValues_id_usuario.FirstOrDefault().ToString();

            IEnumerable <string> headerValues_id_tipo_de_usuario = Request.Headers.GetValues("id_tipo_de_usuario");
            string id_tipo_de_usuario = headerValues_id_tipo_de_usuario.FirstOrDefault().ToString();

            if (id_tipo_de_usuario != "1")
                HttpResponseMessage response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "incorrecto");

            string select_query = string.Format("select  " +
                                                "a.razon_social as Cliente  " +
                                                ", (CASE  " +
                                                "when sum(b.total) is null then 0 " +
                                                "else sum(b.total) " +
                                                "end) as Facturado " +
                                                ", (CASE  " +
                                                "when sum(c.importe) is null then 0 " +
                                                "else sum(c.importe)  " +
                                                "end) as Pagado " +
                                                "from lu_clientes a  " +
                                                "LEFT JOIN ft_facturas b on (a.id=b.id_cliente and b.estado=1)  " +
                                                "LEFT JOIN ft_pagos c on (c.id_factura=b.id and c.estado=1)  " +
                                                "where a.estado=1  " +
                                                "group by a.id;  ");
            DataTable dt       = Database.runSelectQuery(select_query);
            IWorkbook workbook = GenerateExcelFile(dt);

            var fileName = "Reporte_de_clientes" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm") + ".xls";

            //save the file to server temp folder
            string fullPath = Path.Combine(System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath("~/temp"), fileName);

            using (var exportData = new MemoryStream())
                //I don't show the detail how to create the Excel, this is not the point of this article,
                //I just use the NPOI for Excel handler
                FileStream file = new FileStream(fullPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write);

            //Convirtiendo el archivo
            var dataBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(fullPath);
            //adding bytes to memory stream
            var dataStream = new MemoryStream(dataBytes);

            Descarga descarga = new Descarga(dataStream, Request, fileName);

            //Comenzamos la descarga.