Ejemplo n.º 1
        public JObject GetChange()
            sqlHelper = new SQLHelper();
            JObject dataArray = new JObject
                ["t_id"] = t_id
            String queryString = "SELECT DISTINCT @t_id AS t_id,sc_t_id, STUFF((SELECT  ',' + org_t.t_id " +
                                 "FROM ntust.teacher_group as org_tg join ntust.teacher as org_t " +
                                 "on org_t.t_id = org_tg.t_id " +
                                 "WHERE hsc.hsc_origin_tg_id = org_tg.tg_id FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '') " +
                                 "AS org_t_id " +
                                 ", STUFF ((SELECT  ',' + new_t.t_id " +
                                 "FROM ntust.teacher_group as new_tg join ntust.teacher as new_t " +
                                 "on new_t.t_id = new_tg.t_id " +
                                 "WHERE sc.sc_tg_id = new_tg.tg_id FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '') AS new_t_id," +
                                 "sc.sc_s_id, s.s_name, hsc.hsc_create_datetime" +
                                 ", sc.sc_tg_id, hsc.hsc_origin_tg_id," +
                                 "STUFF((SELECT  ',' + new_t.t_name FROM ntust.teacher_group as new_tg join ntust.teacher as new_t " +
                                 "on new_t.t_id = new_tg.t_id WHERE sc.sc_tg_id = new_tg.tg_id FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '') " +
                                 "AS new_teacher," +
                                 "STUFF ((SELECT  ',' + org_t.t_name FROM ntust.teacher_group as org_tg join ntust.teacher as org_t " +
                                 "on org_t.t_id = org_tg.t_id " +
                                 "WHERE hsc.hsc_origin_tg_id = org_tg.tg_id FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '') AS org_teacher," +
                                 "sc.sc_all_approval, scota.scota_state, sc.sc_state, p.p_id " +
                                 "FROM ntust.student_change as sc " +
                                 "join ntust.teacher_group as tg on sc.sc_tg_id = tg.tg_id " +
                                 "join ntust.student as s on s.s_id = sc.sc_s_id " +
                                 "join ntust.history_student_change " +
                                 "as hsc on hsc.hsc_s_id = s.s_id AND hsc.hsc_end_datetime IS NULL AND hsc.hsc_tg_id = sc.sc_tg_id " +
                                 "join ntust.teacher_group as org_tg on org_tg.tg_id = hsc.hsc_origin_tg_id " +
                                 "left join ntust.student_change_origin_teacher_approval " +
                                 "as scota on scota.scota_tg_id = org_tg.tg_id AND scota.scota_t_id = @t_id " +
                                 "left join ntust.pair as p on p.p_tg_id = sc.sc_tg_id " +
                                 "WHERE((org_tg.t_id = @t_id AND sc.sc_state = 0 AND hsc.hsc_end_datetime IS NULL) " +
                                 "OR(sc.sc_t_id = @t_id AND sc.sc_all_approval = 1 AND hsc.hsc_end_datetime IS NULL)) AND p.p_tg_id is NULL";

            //String queryString = "SELECT DISTINCT  sc.sc_id, scota.scota_t_id,sc.sc_t_id, sc.sc_s_id, s.s_name, hsc.hsc_create_datetime, sc.sc_tg_id, hsc.hsc_origin_tg_id, " +
            //                    "sc.sc_tg_id, hsc.hsc_origin_tg_id, " +
            //                    "STUFF ((SELECT  ', ' + new_t.t_name " +
            //                    "FROM ntust.teacher_group as new_tg join ntust.teacher as new_t " +
            //                    "on new_t.t_id = new_tg.t_id " +
            //                    "WHERE sc.sc_tg_id = new_tg.tg_id FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '') AS new_teacher, " +
            //                    "STUFF " +
            //                    "((SELECT  ', ' + org_t.t_name " +
            //                    "FROM ntust.teacher_group as org_tg " +
            //                    "join ntust.teacher as org_t on org_t.t_id = org_tg.t_id " +
            //                    "WHERE hsc.hsc_origin_tg_id = org_tg.tg_id " +
            //                    "FOR XML PATH('')), 1, 1, '') AS org_teacher, sc.sc_all_approval, scota.scota_state, sc.sc_state, p.p_id " +
            //                    "FROM ntust.student_change as sc " +
            //                    "join ntust.teacher_group as tg on sc.sc_tg_id = tg.tg_id " +
            //                    "join ntust.teacher as t on t.t_id = sc.sc_t_id " +
            //                    "join ntust.student as s on s.s_id = sc.sc_s_id " +
            //                    "join ntust.history_student_change as hsc on hsc.hsc_s_id = s.s_id AND hsc.hsc_end_datetime IS NULL AND hsc.hsc_tg_id = sc.sc_tg_id " +
            //                    "join ntust.teacher_group as org_tg on org_tg.tg_id = hsc.hsc_origin_tg_id " +
            //                    "left join ntust.student_change_origin_teacher_approval as scota on scota.scota_tg_id = org_tg.tg_id AND scota.scota_t_id = @t_id " +
            //                    "left join ntust.pair as p on p.p_tg_id = sc.sc_tg_id " +
            //                    "WHERE((org_tg.t_id = @t_id AND sc.sc_state = 0 AND hsc.hsc_end_datetime IS NULL) OR(t.t_id = @t_id AND sc.sc_all_approval = 1 AND hsc.hsc_end_datetime IS NULL)) AND p.p_tg_id is NULL";
            return(sqlHelper.query(queryString, dataArray));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public TeacherHelper()
     sqlHelper = new SQLHelper();