Ejemplo n.º 1
        public async Task<ActionResult> ManageRolesForUser(string id , string[] role , FormCollection collection) {
            MyIdentityManager myIdentityManager = new MyIdentityManager();

            var user = myIdentityManager.SearchUserById(id);
            #region safety checks
            if (user == null) { return HttpNotFound("User with id " + id + "not found!"); }
            if (role == null) //list emptied out
            { // all roles must be removed
                return Json(new { success = true });
            //delete all roles form user, and add the new roles in the table 
            if (!myIdentityManager.RemoveUserFromRoles(id).Succeeded) { return HttpNotFound("removeRolesError"); }
            var result = false;
            foreach (var r in role) {
                if (r.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { return HttpNotFound("AddNewRoleToUser: a role in the roles table is null or whitespace!"); }
                //if role exists and we are not trying to add the user to an non existing role in the db
                if (!myIdentityManager.RoleExist(r)) { return HttpNotFound("AddNewRoleToUser: system roles not representing roles table"); }
                //if user is already in this role
                result = myIdentityManager.AddUserToRole(id , r);
            //add user to every role
            //var result = myIdentityManager.AddUserToRoles(id, role);
            if (result == true) {
                return Json(new { success = true });
            return HttpNotFound("AddNewRoleToUser: Error adding role: " + role + " to user with id " + id);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public async Task<ActionResult> ManageComboItemsforUser(string id , string[] ComboItems , FormCollection collection) {
            MyIdentityManager myIdentityManager = new MyIdentityManager();
            MyComboItemManager myComboItemManager = new MyComboItemManager();
            if (ComboItems != null) {
                foreach (var comboItem in ComboItems) {
                    if (comboItem.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) {
                        return HttpNotFound("AddNewRoleToUser: a role in the roles table is null or whitespace!");
                    //if role exists and we are not trying to add the user to an non existing role in the db
            }// if ComboItems==null is checked by UpdateComboItemsforUser, and there is an action for that

            if (id.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) return HttpNotFound("User Id Is null! 4956");

            //find user
            var user = myIdentityManager.SearchUserById(id);
            if (user == null) { return HttpNotFound("User with id " + id + "not found!"); }
            //if (ComboItems == null) { return HttpNotFound("ManageRolesForUser: ComboItems table zero"); }

            //Logic to update with new selection of ComboItems
            bool result = myComboItemManager.UpdateComboItemsforUser(id , ComboItems);

            if (result == true) {
                return Json(new { success = true });
            return HttpNotFound("AddNewRoleToUser: Error adding role: " + " to user with id " + id);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public async Task<ActionResult> UserEdit([Bind
            (Include = "EnrollmentDate,Email,Id,EmailConfirmed," +
                       "PhoneNumber,PhoneNumberConfirmed," +
                       "TwoFactorEnabled,LockoutEnabled," +
                       "AccessFailedCount,UserName," +
                       "Address," +
                                        ApplicationUser applicationUser , string[] ComboItems) {
            if (ModelState.IsValid) {
                MyIdentityManager myIdentityManager = new MyIdentityManager();
                MyComboItemManager myComboItemManager = new MyComboItemManager();
                //get the user based on the id
                var userEdited = myIdentityManager.SearchUserById(applicationUser.Id);

                myComboItemManager.UpdateComboItemsforUser(applicationUser.Id , ComboItems);

                userEdited.EnrollmentDate = applicationUser.EnrollmentDate;
                userEdited.Email = applicationUser.Email;
                userEdited.Address = applicationUser.Address;
                userEdited.EmailConfirmed = applicationUser.EmailConfirmed;
                userEdited.PhoneNumber = applicationUser.PhoneNumber;
                userEdited.PhoneNumberConfirmed = applicationUser.PhoneNumberConfirmed;
                userEdited.TwoFactorEnabled = applicationUser.TwoFactorEnabled;
                userEdited.LockoutEnabled = applicationUser.LockoutEnabled;
                userEdited.LockoutEndDateUtc = applicationUser.LockoutEndDateUtc;
                userEdited.AccessFailedCount = applicationUser.AccessFailedCount;
                userEdited.UserName = applicationUser.UserName;
                var userEditResult = myIdentityManager.UpdateUser(userEdited);

                if (!userEditResult.Succeeded) {
                    return HttpNotFound("not updated");

                return Json(new { success = true });
            return HttpNotFound("Not Valid mod");