Ejemplo n.º 1
 //fill the list "maps" with the maps read from the corresponding text files
 static void loadMaps()
     for (int room = 0; room < (int)RoomsManager.Rooms.total; room++)
         string             line    = "";
         List <List <int> > tileMap = new List <List <int> >();
         string[]           row;
             StreamReader inputStream = new StreamReader("mapFiles\\mapRoom_" + (RoomsManager.Rooms)room + ".txt");
             using (inputStream)
                 line = inputStream.ReadLine();
                 int count = 0;
                 while (line != null)
                     tileMap.Add(new List <int>());
                     row = line.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                     foreach (string tile in row)
                     line = inputStream.ReadLine();
                 maps[room] = new RoomMap(tileMap.Count, tileMap[0].Count);
                 for (int i = 0; i < tileMap.Count; i++)
                     for (int j = 0; j < tileMap[0].Count; j++)
                         if (tileMap[i][j] != 0)
                             maps[room].array[i, j].tileType = (Tile.TileType)tileMap[i][j];
         catch (IOException)
             maps[room] = new RoomMap(
                 (Game1.gameHeight + 2 * CameraManager.maxOffsetY + (int)(Tile.tileSize) - 1) / (int)(Tile.tileSize),
                 (Game1.gameWidth + (int)(Tile.tileSize) - 1) / (int)(Tile.tileSize));
         catch (System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
             maps[room] = new RoomMap(
                 (Game1.gameHeight + 2 * CameraManager.maxOffsetY + (int)(Tile.tileSize) - 1) / (int)(Tile.tileSize),
                 (Game1.gameWidth + (int)(Tile.tileSize) - 1) / (int)(Tile.tileSize));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        //fill the list "maps" with the maps read from the corresponding text files
        public static void resetMap(RoomsManager.Rooms roomName)
            string             line    = "";
            List <List <int> > tileMap = new List <List <int> >();

            string[] row;
                StreamReader inputStream = new StreamReader("mapFiles\\mapRoom_" + roomName + ".txt");
                using (inputStream)
                    line = inputStream.ReadLine();
                    int count = 0;
                    while (line != null)
                        tileMap.Add(new List <int>());
                        row = line.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        foreach (string tile in row)
                        line = inputStream.ReadLine();
                    maps[(int)roomName] = new RoomMap(tileMap.Count, tileMap[0].Count);
                    for (int i = 0; i < tileMap.Count; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < tileMap[0].Count; j++)
                            if (tileMap[i][j] != 0)
                                maps[(int)roomName].array[i, j].tileType = (Tile.TileType)tileMap[i][j];
            catch (IOException)
            catch (System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
Ejemplo n.º 3
        //state machine that allows to traverse the menus
        void MenuLoop(MouseState mouseState, MouseState previousMouseState, int tilesPerRow, int infoBoxHeighPx)
            switch (menu)
            case MenuState.start:
                if (Game1.currentKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Enter))
                    menu    = MenuState.none;
                    message = "";

            case MenuState.none:
                if (Game1.currentKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.M))
                    menu    = MenuState.main;
                    message = "Main Menu (backspace to exit). Press:\nR-Room Options\nT-Tile options\nV-View options\nS-Save maps";

            case MenuState.main:
                if (Game1.currentKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.R))
                    menu    = MenuState.rooms;
                    message = "Press:\nA-Change room\nB-Change room size";
                else if (Game1.currentKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.T))
                    menu    = MenuState.tiles;
                    message = "Press:\nA-Change tile type\nB-Random tile mode";
                else if (Game1.currentKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.V))
                    menu    = MenuState.view;
                    message = "Press:\nA-Highlight solid tiles\nB-Highlight deadly tiles";
                else if (Game1.currentKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.S))
                    menu    = MenuState.none;
                    message = "";
                else if (Game1.currentKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Back) && !Game1.previousKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Back))
                    menu    = MenuState.none;
                    message = "";

            case MenuState.rooms:
                if (Game1.currentKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.A))
                    menu         = MenuState.pickRoom;
                    message      = "Room index: ";
                    userInputInt = 0;
                else if (Game1.currentKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.B))
                    menu            = MenuState.pickRoomSize;
                    message         = "Room size in tiles (format: width,height): ";
                    userInputString = "";
                else if (Game1.currentKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Back) && !Game1.previousKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Back))
                    menu    = MenuState.main;
                    message = "Main Menu (backspace to exit). Press:\nR-Room Options\nT-Tile options\nV-View options\nS-Save maps";

            case MenuState.tiles:
                if (Game1.currentKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.A))
                    menu         = MenuState.pickTileIndex;
                    message      = "Tile index: ";
                    userInputInt = 0;
                else if (Game1.currentKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.B))
                    menu    = MenuState.selectRandomTiles;
                    message = "Enter the indexes of the tiles you want to\nrandomly select from (format: index1,index2...)\n" +
                              "You can also click the tiles displayed on the right.\nIndexes: ";
                    userInputString = "";
                else if (Game1.currentKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Back) && !Game1.previousKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Back))
                    menu    = MenuState.main;
                    message = "Main Menu (backspace to exit). Press:\nR-Room Options\nT-Tile options\nV-View options\nS-Save maps";

            case MenuState.view:
                if (Game1.currentKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.A))
                    menu      = MenuState.none;
                    message   = "";
                    solidView = !solidView;
                else if (Game1.currentKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.B))
                    menu       = MenuState.none;
                    message    = "";
                    deadlyView = !deadlyView;
                else if (Game1.currentKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Back) && !Game1.previousKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Back))
                    menu    = MenuState.main;
                    message = "Main Menu (backspace to exit). Press:\nR-Room Options\nT-Tile options\nV-View options\nS-Save maps";

            case MenuState.pickRoom:
                if (Game1.currentKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Back) && !Game1.previousKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Back))
                    menu    = MenuState.main;
                    message = "Main Menu (backspace to exit). Press:\nR-Room Options\nT-Tile options\nV-View options\nS-Save maps";
                else if (GetIntInput())
                    message = "Room index: " + userInputInt;
                else if (Game1.currentKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Enter))
                    currentRoomNumber = userInputInt < (int)RoomsManager.Rooms.total ? userInputInt : ((int)RoomsManager.Rooms.total - 1);
                    CameraManager.SwitchCamera((RoomsManager.Rooms)currentRoomNumber, 0);
                    CameraManager.pointLocked = new Vector2(0, 0);
                    userInputInt = 0;
                    menu         = MenuState.none;
                    message      = "";

            case MenuState.pickRoomSize:
                if (Game1.currentKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Back) && !Game1.previousKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Back))
                    menu    = MenuState.main;
                    message = "Main Menu (backspace to exit). Press:\nR-Room Options\nT-Tile options\nV-View options\nS-Save maps";
                else if (GetStringInput())
                    message = "Room size in tiles (format: width,height): " + userInputString;
                else if (Game1.currentKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Enter))
                    string[] arr = userInputString.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                    if (arr.Length != 2)
                    widthTiles = int.Parse(arr[0]);
                    widthTiles = MathHelper.Clamp(
                        (Game1.gameWidth + (int)(Tile.tileSize) - 1) / (int)(Tile.tileSize),
                    heightTiles = int.Parse(arr[1]);
                    heightTiles = MathHelper.Clamp(
                        (Game1.gameHeight + 2 * CameraManager.maxOffsetY + (int)(Tile.tileSize) - 1) / (int)(Tile.tileSize),
                    menu            = MenuState.pickResizingDirection;
                    userInputString = "U,R";
                    message         = "Use the arrows to select\nthe edges (top/bottom and left/right)\n" +
                                      "to shift to resize the room.\n" + userInputString;

            case MenuState.pickResizingDirection:
                if (Game1.currentKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Back) && !Game1.previousKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Back))
                    menu            = MenuState.main;
                    message         = "Main Menu (backspace to exit). Press:\nR-Room Options\nT-Tile options\nV-View options\nS-Save maps";
                    userInputString = "";
                    heightTiles     = 0;
                    widthTiles      = 0;
                else if (getDirectionalInput())
                    message = "Use the arrows to select\nthe edges (top/bottom and left/right)\n" +
                              "to shift to resize the room.\n" + userInputString;
                else if (Game1.currentKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Enter) && !Game1.previousKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Enter))
                    RoomMap newMap         = new RoomMap(heightTiles, widthTiles);
                    int     oldHeightTiles = MapsManager.maps[currentRoomNumber].roomHeightTiles;
                    int     oldWidthTiles  = MapsManager.maps[currentRoomNumber].roomWidthTiles;
                    for (int row = 0; row < Math.Min(oldHeightTiles, heightTiles); row++)
                        for (int col = 0; col < Math.Min(oldWidthTiles, widthTiles); col++)
                            if (userInputString == "D,R")
                                newMap.array[row, col].tileType = MapsManager.maps[currentRoomNumber].array[row, col].tileType;
                            else if (userInputString == "U,R")
                                newMap.array[heightTiles - 1 - row, col].tileType = MapsManager.maps[currentRoomNumber].array[oldHeightTiles - 1 - row, col].tileType;
                            else if (userInputString == "D,L")
                                newMap.array[row, widthTiles - 1 - col].tileType = MapsManager.maps[currentRoomNumber].array[row, oldWidthTiles - 1 - col].tileType;
                            else if (userInputString == "U,L")
                                newMap.array[heightTiles - 1 - row, widthTiles - 1 - col].tileType = MapsManager.maps[currentRoomNumber].array[oldHeightTiles - 1 - row, oldWidthTiles - 1 - col].tileType;
                    MapsManager.maps[currentRoomNumber] = newMap;
                    CameraManager.SwitchCamera((RoomsManager.Rooms)currentRoomNumber, 0);
                    menu            = MenuState.none;
                    message         = "";
                    userInputString = "";
                    heightTiles     = 0;
                    widthTiles      = 0;

            case MenuState.pickTileIndex:
                if (Game1.currentKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Back) && !Game1.previousKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Back))
                    menu    = MenuState.main;
                    message = "Main Menu (backspace to exit). Press:\nR-Room Options\nT-Tile options\nV-View options\nS-Save maps";
                else if (GetIntInput())
                    message = "Tile index: " + userInputInt;
                else if (Game1.currentKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Enter))
                    currentTileType     = userInputInt < (int)Tile.TileType.total ? userInputInt : ((int)Tile.TileType.total - 1);
                    userInputInt        = 0;
                    menu                = MenuState.none;
                    message             = "";
                    randomMode          = false;
                    PreviousTileHovered = new Point(-1, -1);

            case MenuState.selectRandomTiles:
                if (Game1.currentKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Back) && !Game1.previousKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Back))
                    menu    = MenuState.main;
                    message = "Main Menu (backspace to exit). Press:\nR-Room Options\nT-Tile options\nV-View options\nS-Save maps";
                else if (GetStringInput())
                    message = "Enter the indexes of the tiles you want to\nrandomly select from (format: index1,index2...)\n" +
                              "You can also click the tiles displayed on the right.\nIndexes: " + userInputString;
                else if (mouseState.X >= Game1.gameWidth * Game1.scale && mouseState.X < Game1.viewportRectangle.Width &&
                         mouseState.Y >= 0 && mouseState.Y < Game1.viewportRectangle.Height &&
                         mouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed &&
                         previousMouseState.LeftButton != ButtonState.Pressed)
                    int newTileType = (mouseState.X - Game1.gameWidth * Game1.scale) / (Tile.tileSize * Game1.scale) + (mouseState.Y / (Tile.tileSize * Game1.scale) * tilesPerRow);
                    userInputString += ("," + newTileType + ",");
                    message          = "Enter the indexes of the tiles you want to\nrandomly select from (format: index1,index2...)\n" +
                                       "You can also click the tiles displayed on the right.\nIndexes: " + userInputString;
                else if (Game1.currentKeyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.Enter))
                    string[] arr = userInputString.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    userInputString = "";
                    if (arr.Length == 0)
                    else if (arr.Length == 1)
                        menu                = MenuState.none;
                        message             = "";
                        randomMode          = false;
                        PreviousTileHovered = new Point(-1, -1);
                        int tile = int.Parse(arr[0]);
                        currentTileType = tile < (int)Tile.TileType.total ? tile : ((int)Tile.TileType.total - 1);
                    foreach (string s in arr)
                        int tile = int.Parse(s);
                        tile = tile < (int)Tile.TileType.total ? tile : ((int)Tile.TileType.total - 1);
                    randomMode = true;
                    menu       = MenuState.none;
                    message    = "";
