Ejemplo n.º 1
 internal void CloseSMatrixSet()
     if (Pole.Length == 4)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private void CreateTwistMaps()
            PermByMatr perm = new PermByMatr(Axes.Length, Faces.Length);

            foreach (PBaseAxis Ax in BaseAxes)
                foreach (PBaseTwist tw in Ax.Twists)
                    double[,] matr = PGeom.ApplyTwist(tw.Dir, PGeom.MatrixIdentity(Dim));
                    int[][] R  = ConvertStickersFromLayers(Ax, matr, perm);
                    int[][] R1 = new int[Ax.NLayers][];
                    for (int i = 0; i < Ax.NLayers; i++)
                        if (R[i] != null)
                            R1[i] = new int[R[i].Length];
                            for (int j = 0; j < R[i].Length; j++)
                                int h = Array.BinarySearch <int>(Ax.Layers[i], R[i][j]);
                                if (h < 0)
                                    throw new Exception("Can't find sticker image in twist");
                                R[i][j] = h; R1[i][h] = j;
                    tw.Map = R; tw.InvMap = R1;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        internal double[,] GetBestMatrix(int f0, double[] p0, int f1, double[] p1)
            // move from (f0,p0) to (f1,p1); point p is on the cell surface.
            PFace F0 = Faces[f0], F1 = Faces[f1];

            if (F0.Base.Id != F1.Base.Id)
            double[] q0    = PGeom.ApplyInvMatrix(F0.Matrix, p0);
            double[] q1    = PGeom.ApplyInvMatrix(F1.Matrix, p1);
            double   dbest = double.MaxValue;

            double[,] mr = null;
            foreach (double[,] m in F0.Base.SMatrices)
                double[] qq = PGeom.ApplyMatrix(m, q0);
                double   v  = PGeom.Dist2(qq, q1);
                if (v < dbest)
                    dbest = v; mr = m;
            return(PGeom.MatrixMulInv2(F0.Matrix, PGeom.MatrixMul(mr, F1.Matrix)));
Ejemplo n.º 4
        internal PFace(PBaseFace bas)
            Base = bas;
            Pole = bas.Pole;
            int dim = Pole.Length;

            Matrix  = PGeom.MatrixIdentity(dim);
            RefAxis = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 internal int FindTwist(double[] p, double[,] matr, out bool qrev)
     double[] q = PGeom.ApplyMatrixToTwist(matr, p);
     qrev = false;
     for (int i = 0; i < Twists.Length; i++)
         if (PGeom.TwistsEqual(q, Twists[i], out qrev))
     throw new Exception("Can't fing twist");
Ejemplo n.º 6
        internal PAxis(PAxis src, double [] tw)
            Base   = src.Base;
            Dir    = PGeom.ApplyTwist(tw, src.Dir);
            Matrix = PGeom.ApplyTwist(tw, src.Matrix);
            int ntw = src.Twists.Length;

            Twists = new double[ntw][];
            for (int i = 0; i < ntw; i++)
                Twists[i] = PGeom.ApplyTwist(tw, src.Twists[i]);
Ejemplo n.º 7
        internal void AddSMatrix(double[,] mf, double[,] p)
            // Pole*mf=Pole*p => Pole*(mf*p')=Pole

            double[,] mr = PGeom.MatrixMulInv(mf, p);
            foreach (double[,] m in SMatrices)
                if (PGeom.MatrixEqual(m, mr))
Ejemplo n.º 8
        internal PAxis(PBaseAxis bas)
            Base = bas;
            Dir  = bas.Dir;
            int dim = Dir.Length;

            Matrix = PGeom.MatrixIdentity(dim);
            int ntw = bas.Twists.Length;

            Twists = new double[ntw][];
            for (int i = 0; i < ntw; i++)
                Twists[i] = bas.Twists[i].Dir;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        private void ExpandFaces()
            PFace[] CFaces = new PFace[MaxNVert];
            int     NRefl = Group.Length;
            int     p, q = BaseFaces.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < q; i++)
                BaseFaces[i].Id = i;
                CFaces[i]       = new PFace(BaseFaces[i]);
            for (p = 0; p < q; p++)
                foreach (double [] G in Group)
                    double[] v = PGeom.ApplyTwist(G, CFaces[p].Pole);
                    int      j;
                    for (j = 0; j < q; j++)
                        if (PGeom.VertEqual(v, CFaces[j].Pole))
                            double[,] mf = PGeom.ApplyTwist(G, CFaces[p].Matrix);
                            CFaces[p].Base.AddSMatrix(mf, CFaces[j].Matrix);
                    if (j == q)
                        if (q == MaxNVert)
                            throw new Exception("Too many vertices");
                        CFaces[q] = new PFace(CFaces[p], G);
            Faces = new PFace[q];
            for (int i = 0; i < q; i++)
                Faces[i]    = CFaces[i];
                Faces[i].Id = i;
            foreach (PBaseFace BF in BaseFaces)
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private int FindFace(double[] p, double[,] matr)
            p = PGeom.ApplyMatrix(matr, p);
            int    r0 = 0;
            double d0 = double.MaxValue;

            foreach (PFace F in Faces)
                double v = PGeom.Dist2(p, F.Pole);
                if (v < d0)
                    d0 = v; r0 = F.Id;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private void ExpandAxes()
            int q = BaseAxes.Length;

            PAxis[] CAxes = new PAxis[MaxNAxes];
            for (int i = 0; i < q; i++)
                PBaseAxis ax = BaseAxes[i];
                ax.Id = i;
                CAxes[i] = new PAxis(ax); // matrix=id
            for (int p = 0; p < q; p++)
                double[] R = CAxes[p].Dir;
                foreach (double [] G in Group)
                    double[] v = PGeom.ApplyTwist(G, R);
                    int      j;
                    bool     qr;
                    for (j = 0; j < q; j++)
                        if (PGeom.AxisEqual(v, CAxes[j].Dir, out qr))
                    if (j == q)
                        if (q == MaxNAxes)
                            throw new Exception("Too many axes");
                        CAxes[q] = new PAxis(CAxes[p], G);
            Axes = new PAxis[q];
            for (int i = 0; i < q; i++)
                Axes[i]    = CAxes[i];
                Axes[i].Id = i;
Ejemplo n.º 12
        internal void ExpandPrimaryTwists()
            const int MaxNTwists = 256;

            NPrimaryTwists = Twists.Length;
            PBaseTwist[] twst = new PBaseTwist[MaxNTwists];
            int          q    = 0;

            foreach (PBaseTwist tw in Twists)
                twst[q++] = tw;
            for (int p = 0; p < q; p++)
                double[] v = twst[p].Dir;
                for (int i = 0; i < q; i++)
                    double[] w = PGeom.ApplyTwist(twst[i].Dir, v);
                    int      k;
                    bool     qr;
                    for (k = 0; k < q; k++)
                        if (PGeom.TwistsEqual(w, twst[k].Dir, out qr))
                    if (k == q)
                        if (q == MaxNTwists)
                            throw new Exception("Too many planes");
                        twst[q] = new PBaseTwist(w);
            Twists = new PBaseTwist[q];
            for (int i = 0; i < q; i++)
                Twists[i] = twst[i];
Ejemplo n.º 13
        internal double GetRad()
            double R = 0;

            foreach (PBaseFace F in BaseFaces)
                foreach (PMesh M in F.StickerMesh)
                    if (M.MinBDim == 0)
                        double r = PGeom.VLength(M.Ctr);
                        if (r > R)
                            R = r;
Ejemplo n.º 14
        private int FindAxis(double[] dir)
            int    r0 = 0;
            double d0 = double.MaxValue;

            foreach (PAxis Ax in Axes)
                double v = PGeom.Dist2(dir, Ax.Dir);
                if (v < d0)
                    d0 = v; r0 = Ax.Id + 1;
                v = PGeom.Dist2Rev(dir, Ax.Dir);
                if (v < d0)
                    d0 = v; r0 = -Ax.Id - 1;
Ejemplo n.º 15
        internal int FindNearestAxis(double[] pt, bool qexact)
            double tbest = qexact ? 0.999999 : -1;
            int    res   = 0;
            double ld    = PGeom.DotProd(pt, pt);

            for (int i = 0; i < Axes.Length; i++)
                double[] v = Axes[i].Dir;
                double   x = PGeom.DotProd(pt, v) / Math.Sqrt(ld * PGeom.DotProd(v, v));
                if (x > tbest)
                    res = i + 1; tbest = x;
                if (x < -tbest)
                    res = -i - 1; tbest = -x;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        internal bool FindTwist(int nf, double[] pt, out int ax, out int tw) // 4D only
            ax = Faces[nf].RefAxis;
            tw = 0;
            if (ax == 0)
            int iax = Math.Abs(ax) - 1;

            double[] actr = Axes[iax].Dir;
            double[] rtw  = new double[Dim];
            double   l1   = PGeom.DotProd(pt, actr) / PGeom.DotProd(actr, actr);

            for (int i = 0; i < Dim; i++)
                rtw[i] = pt[i] - l1 * actr[i];
            double tbest = -1;

            double[] p = new double[4];
            for (int i = 0; i < Axes[iax].Twists.Length; i++)
                double[] u = Axes[iax].Twists[i];
                p[0] = actr[1] * (u[2] * u[7] - u[3] * u[6]) + actr[2] * (u[3] * u[5] - u[1] * u[7]) + actr[3] * (u[1] * u[6] - u[2] * u[5]);
                p[1] = actr[0] * (u[3] * u[6] - u[2] * u[7]) + actr[2] * (u[0] * u[7] - u[3] * u[4]) + actr[3] * (u[2] * u[4] - u[0] * u[6]);
                p[2] = actr[0] * (u[1] * u[7] - u[3] * u[5]) + actr[1] * (u[3] * u[4] - u[0] * u[7]) + actr[3] * (u[0] * u[5] - u[1] * u[4]);
                p[3] = actr[0] * (u[2] * u[5] - u[1] * u[6]) + actr[1] * (u[0] * u[6] - u[2] * u[4]) + actr[2] * (u[1] * u[4] - u[0] * u[5]);
                l1   = -PGeom.DotProd(p, rtw) / Math.Sqrt(PGeom.DotProd(p, p));
                if (l1 < -tbest)
                    tbest = -l1; tw = -i - 1;
                if (l1 > tbest)
                    tbest = l1; tw = i + 1;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 private int FindAxisInv(double[] dir, double[,] matr)
     dir = PGeom.ApplyInvMatrix(matr, dir);
Ejemplo n.º 18
 internal int FindAxis(double[] dir, double[,] matr)
     dir = PGeom.ApplyMatrix(matr, dir);
Ejemplo n.º 19
        private void FillFromStrings(string[] descr)
            int       naxis = 0;
            int       caxis = 0;
            PBaseAxis ax    = null;
            int       state = 0;
            int       nv;
            int       fline = 0;

            QSimplified = false;
            try {
                while (state >= 0)
                    if (fline == descr.Length)
                        if (state != 7)
                            throw new Exception("Unexpected end");
                    string line = descr[fline++];
                    if (line == "" || line == null || line[0] == '#')
                    string[] str = line.Split(' ', '\t');
                    if (str.Length == 0 || str[0] == "" || str[0] == null)
                    string cmd = str[0].ToLowerInvariant();
                    switch (state)
                    case 0:
                        if (cmd != "dim")
                            throw new Exception("'Dim' required");
                        Dim = int.Parse(str[1]);

                    case 1:
                        if (cmd != "naxis")
                            throw new Exception("'NAxis' required");
                        naxis    = int.Parse(str[1]);
                        BaseAxes = new PBaseAxis[naxis];

                    case 2:
                        if (cmd != "faces")
                            throw new Exception("'Faces' required");
                        nv        = str.Length - 1;
                        BaseFaces = new PBaseFace[nv];
                        for (int i = 0; i < nv; i++)
                            BaseFaces[i] = new PBaseFace(GetVector(str[i + 1], Dim));

                    case 3:
                        if (cmd == "simplified")
                            QSimplified = true; state--; break;
                        if (cmd != "group")
                            throw new Exception("'Group' required");
                        nv    = str.Length - 1;
                        Group = new double[nv][];
                        for (int i = 0; i < nv; i++)
                            Group[i] = GetVector(str[i + 1], 2 * Dim);
                        if (naxis == 0)
                            state = -2;

                    case 4:
                        if (cmd != "axis")
                            throw new Exception("'Axis' required");
                        ax = new PBaseAxis(GetVector(str[1], Dim));

                    case 5:
                        if (cmd != "twists")
                            throw new Exception("'Twists' required");
                        nv        = str.Length - 1;
                        ax.Twists = new PBaseTwist[nv];
                        for (int i = 0; i < nv; i++)
                            ax.Twists[i] = new PBaseTwist(GetVector(str[i + 1], 2 * Dim));

                    case 6:
                        if (cmd != "cuts")
                            throw new Exception("'Cuts' required");
                        nv     = str.Length - 1;
                        ax.Cut = new double[nv];
                        for (int i = 0; i < nv; i++)
                            ax.Cut[i] = double.Parse(str[i + 1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        BaseAxes[caxis++] = ax;
                        ax = null;

                    case 7: {
                        if (cmd == "fixedmask")
                            BaseAxes[caxis - 1].FixedMask = int.Parse(str[1]);
                            if (caxis == naxis)
                                state = -2;
                                state = 3;
                        if (caxis != naxis)
                            state = 4; goto case 4;
                        state = -2;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new Exception("Error: " + e.Message + " in line " + fline + ": " + (descr[fline] ?? "{null}"));
Ejemplo n.º 20
        internal void SetStickers(LMesh M, CutNetwork CN, PAxis[] Axes, double[][] fctrs)
            int dim = Pole.Length;

            NCutAxes = 0;
            int nax = Axes.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < nax; i++)
                if (AxisLayers[i] < 0)
            CutAxes = new int[NCutAxes];
            int d   = 0;
            int rnk = 0;

            for (int u = 0; u < nax; u++)
                if (AxisLayers[u] < 0)
                    CutAxes[d++] = u;
                    rnk += Axes[u].Base.GetRank(AxisLayers[u]);

            NStickers   = CN.Nodes.Length;
            StickerMask = new byte[NStickers, NCutAxes];
            StickerMesh = new PMesh[NStickers];
            int nstk = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < NStickers; i++)
                PMesh xx = CN.GetPMesh(i);
                if (fctrs != null)
                    bool qg = false;
                    foreach (double[] p in fctrs)
                        if (PGeom.VertEqual(p, xx.Ctr))
                            qg = true;
                    if (!qg)

                xx.FCtr = Pole;
                double[] ctr  = xx.GetMCtr();
                int      rnk1 = rnk;
                for (int j = 0; j < NCutAxes; j++)
                    PAxis    ax = Axes[CutAxes[j]];
                    double[] h  = ax.Dir;
                    double   lh = PGeom.DotProd(h, h);
                    double   s  = 0;
                    for (int k = 0; k < dim; k++)
                        s += ctr[k] * h[k];
                    s /= lh;
                    int lv = ax.Base.NLayers - 1;
                    for (int g = 0; g < lv; g++)
                        if (s > ax.Base.Cut[g])
                            lv = g; break;
                    rnk1 += ax.Base.GetRank(lv);
                    StickerMask[nstk, j] = (byte)lv;
                xx.Rank             = rnk1;
                StickerMesh[nstk++] = xx;
            if (nstk != NStickers)
                PMesh[] stkm = new PMesh[nstk];
                byte[,] stkmsk = new byte[nstk, NCutAxes];
                for (int i = 0; i < nstk; i++)
                    stkm[i] = StickerMesh[i];
                    for (int j = 0; j < NCutAxes; j++)
                        stkmsk[i, j] = StickerMask[i, j];
                StickerMask = stkmsk;
                StickerMesh = stkm;
                NStickers   = nstk;
Ejemplo n.º 21
        private void CutFaces()
            double RMax = 0;

            foreach (PBaseFace F in BaseFaces)
                RMax = Math.Max(RMax, PGeom.VLength(F.Pole));
            int minrank = int.MaxValue;

            foreach (PBaseFace F in BaseFaces)
                CutNode  face = CutNode.GenCube(Dim, RMax * Dim);
                double[] hpln = CutNetwork.GetPlane(F.Pole, 1);
                face.Split(1, hpln, false);
                face = face.ZeroNode;
                int opgen = 1;
                foreach (PFace FF in Faces)
                    if (F.Id != FF.Id)
                        hpln = CutNetwork.GetPlane(FF.Pole, 1);
                        face.Split(++opgen, hpln, true);
                        if (face.Status != CutNode.STAT_PLUS)
                            throw new Exception("Empty face: Id=" + F.Id);

                int        nff   = face.Children.Length;
                double[][] ffpol = new double[nff][];
                for (int i = 0; i < nff; i++)
                    ffpol[i] = face.Children[i].Pole;
                F.FPoles = ffpol;

                LMesh m = new LMesh(Dim, true);
                face.FillLMesh(++opgen, m);
                F.FaceMesh      = new PMesh(m);
                F.FaceMesh.FCtr = F.Pole;

                double[]   verts  = m.pts;
                int        nverts = m.npts;
                CutNetwork CN     = new CutNetwork(face, Dim, opgen);
                double[][] fctrs  = null;
                if (QSimplified)
                    fctrs = CN.GetCtrs();
                F.AxisLayers = new int[Axes.Length];
                for (int u = 0; u < Axes.Length; u++)
                    PAxis    Ax = Axes[u];
                    double[] D = Ax.Dir;
                    double   lD = PGeom.Dist2(D, new double[Dim]);
                    double   smin = double.MaxValue, smax = double.MinValue;
                    for (int i = 0; i < nverts; i++)
                        double v = 0;
                        for (int j = 0; j < Dim; j++)
                            v += D[j] * verts[i * Dim + j];
                        if (v < smin)
                            smin = v;
                        if (v > smax)
                            smax = v;
                    smin /= lD; smax /= lD;
                    bool cs = false, cc = false;
                    int  k = Ax.Base.NLayers - 1;
                    for (int i = 0; i < Ax.Base.Cut.Length; i++)
                        double p = Ax.Base.Cut[i];
                        if (p >= smax - 0.0001)
                        if (!cs)
                            k = i; cs = true;
                        if (p <= smin + 0.0001)
                        hpln = CutNetwork.GetPlane(Ax.Dir, p);
                        CN.Split(hpln, false);
                        cc = true;
                    if (cc)
                        k = -1;
                    F.AxisLayers[u] = k;
                F.SetStickers(m, CN, Axes, fctrs);
                minrank = Math.Min(minrank, F.MinRank());
            foreach (PBaseFace F in BaseFaces)
Ejemplo n.º 22
 internal PBaseFace(double[] pole)
     Pole      = pole;
     SMatrices = new ArrayList();
Ejemplo n.º 23
 internal PFace(PFace src, double[] tw)
     Base   = src.Base;
     Pole   = PGeom.ApplyTwist(tw, src.Pole);
     Matrix = PGeom.ApplyTwist(tw, src.Matrix);
Ejemplo n.º 24
        internal void InitPuzzle(Puzzle cube)
            Cube = cube;
            int dim = Cube.Str.Dim;

            NF   = Cube.Str.Faces.Length;
            NStk = Cube.Str.NStickers;
            StFaces = new StkMesh[NF];
            FPoles  = new double[NF][];
            Stks    = new StkMesh[NStk];
            BPln    = new bool[NF];
            int[] vn = new int[100000 * 4];
            lVN = 0;

            double[][][] FFPoles = new double[NF][][];
            for (int i = 0; i < NF; i++)
                PFace F = Cube.Str.Faces[i];
                StFaces[i] = new StkMesh(F.Base.FaceMesh, i, F.Matrix);
                FPoles[i]  = F.Pole;
                int fstk = F.FirstSticker;
                for (int j = 0; j < F.Base.NStickers; j++)
                    Stks[fstk + j]      = new StkMesh(F.Base.StickerMesh[j], i, F.Matrix);
                    Stks[fstk + j].FCtr = F.Pole;
                double[][] baseFFP = F.Base.FPoles;
                FFPoles[i] = new double[baseFFP.Length][];
                for (int j = 0; j < baseFFP.Length; j++)
                    FFPoles[i][j] = PGeom.ApplyMatrix(F.Matrix, baseFFP[j]);
            for (int i = 0; i < NF; i++)
                StFaces[i].SetCoord(1, 1);

            for (int i = 1; i < NF; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                    double[][] pi = FFPoles[i], pj = FFPoles[j];
                    foreach (double[] vi in pi)
                        foreach (double[] vj in pj)
                            if (PtEq(vi, vj, dim))
                                goto _1;
                    StkMesh Fi = StFaces[i], Fj = StFaces[j];
                    float[] fpi = Fi.Coords, fpj = Fj.Coords;
                    for (int i1 = 0; i1 < fpi.Length; i1 += dim)
                        for (int j1 = 0; j1 < fpj.Length; j1 += dim)
                            if (PtEq(fpi, i1, fpj, j1, dim))
                                vn[lVN++] = i;
                                vn[lVN++] = i1;
                                vn[lVN++] = j;
                                vn[lVN++] = j1;
            VertNetwork = new int[lVN];
            Buffer.BlockCopy(vn, 0, VertNetwork, 0, lVN * sizeof(int));
Ejemplo n.º 25
 internal PBaseTwist(double[] dir)
     Dir   = dir;
     Order = PGeom.GetOrder(Dir);