//写入数据库 private void writeToDB() { string user_name = textBox1.Text.Trim(); string user_pass = textBox2.Text.Trim(); ToMD5 md5 = new ToMD5();//将密码加密为md5 user_pass = md5.Encrypt(user_pass); string user_realname = textBox4.Text.Trim(); string user_bankAccount = bankAccount.Text.Trim(); string user_id = textBox5.Text.Trim(); string user_phone = textBox9.Text.Trim(); string user_qq = textBox10.Text.Trim(); string user_province = ""; string province = textBox7.Text.Trim(); string city = textBox6.Text.Trim(); if (province.Contains("省")) { province = province.Substring(0, province.IndexOf("省")); } if (city.Contains("市")) { city = city.Substring(0, city.IndexOf("市")); } user_province = province + "省" + city + "市"; if (textBox7.Text.Trim().Equals("") && textBox6.Text.Trim() != "") { user_province = textBox6.Text.Trim() + "市"; } if (user_province.Equals("省市")) { user_province = "暂无"; } if (user_province.IndexOf("市") - user_province.IndexOf("省") == 1) { user_province = user_province.Substring(0, user_province.IndexOf("省") + 1); } string machinecode = textBox8.Text.Trim(); string registtime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); try { DataTable dtMCode = LinkMySql.MySqlQuery("select * from " + Global.sqlUserTable + " where user_name='" + user_name + "'"); if (dtMCode.Rows.Count == 0) { LinkMySql.MySqlExcute("insert into " + Global.sqlUserTable + "(user_name,user_pass,user_realname,user_bankAccount,user_id,user_phone,user_qq,user_province,machinecode,registtime,registplace) values('" + user_name + "','" + user_pass + "','" + user_realname + "','" + user_bankAccount + "','" + user_id + "','" + user_phone + "','" + user_qq + "','" + user_province + "','" + machinecode + "','" + registtime + "','" + getIP.GetWebCity() + "')"); MessageBox.Show("申请成功,请联系管理等待开通。", "恭喜"); this.Close(); } else { MessageBox.Show("用户名已存在,请换一个用户名再试!", "温馨提示"); } } catch { MessageBox.Show("申请失败,请稍后重试!", "温馨提示"); } }
private Boolean userPassVali() { bool tf = false; DataSet ds1 = lms.conn("select * from " + Global.sqlUserTable + " where user_name='" + Global.user_name + "'"); DataTable dt1 = ds1.Tables[0]; DataRow dr1 = dt1.Rows[0]; string oldPass = textBox2.Text; string newPass = textBox3.Text; ToMD5 md5 = new ToMD5(); oldPass = md5.Encrypt(oldPass); newPass = md5.Encrypt(newPass); if (oldPass.Equals(dr1["user_pass"].ToString())) { label5.Text = ""; if (label5.Text.Equals("") && label6.Text.Equals("") && label7.Text.Equals("")) { DataSet dsNewPass = lms.conn("update " + Global.sqlUserTable + " set user_pass='******' where user_name='" + Global.user_name + "'"); tf = true; } } else { label5.ForeColor = Color.Red; label5.Text = "原密码输入有误,请检查!"; } return(tf); }
//点击“登录”按钮以后的文本框输入验证操作 private Boolean loginValidate(string user_name, string user_pass) { ToMD5 md5 = new ToMD5(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user_name)) { setLabel3Text("请输入用户名!"); setLoginResult("请输入用户名!"); return(false); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user_pass)) { setLabel4Text("请输入密码!"); setLoginResult("请输入密码!"); return(false); } user_pass = md5.Encrypt(user_pass); DataTable dt1 = LinkMySql.MySqlQuery("select * from " + Global.sqlUserTable + " where user_name='" + user_name + "' and isdel='1'"); if (dt1 == null || dt1.Rows.Count == 0)//如果没有返回来数据,证明用户名错了 { setLabel3Text("用户名错误或者该用户未找到,请检查!"); setLoginResult("用户名错误或者该用户未找到,请检查!"); return(false); } setLabel3Text(""); DataRow dr1 = dt1.Rows[0]; if (!dr1["user_pass"].Equals(user_pass)) { setLabel4Text("密码不正确,请检查!"); setLoginResult("密码不正确,请检查!"); return(false); } setLabel4Text(""); if (dr1["allowlogin"].Equals("0")) { setLabel3Text("您没有使用权限!"); setLoginResult("您没有使用权限!"); return(false); } if (dr1["online"].Equals("1") || dr1["online"].Equals("2")) { setLabel3Text("该账号已在别处登录!"); setLoginResult("该账号已在别处登录!"); return(false); } Global.user_name = dr1["user_name"].ToString(); Global.user_realname = dr1["user_realname"].ToString(); Global.user_province = dr1["user_province"].ToString(); Global.user_vali = dr1["user_vali"].ToString(); Global.allowlogin = dr1["allowlogin"].ToString(); Global.loginType = "1"; return(true); }
//点击“用户名登录”按钮以后的文本框输入验证操作 private Boolean lValidate(string user_name, string user_pass) { ToMD5 md5 = new ToMD5(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user_name)) { setLabel3Text("请输入用户名!"); setLoginResult("请输入用户名!"); return(false); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user_pass)) { setLabel4Text("请输入密码!"); setLoginResult("请输入密码!"); return(false); } DataSet ds1 = lms.conn("select * from " + Global.sqlUserTable + " where user_name='" + user_name + "' and isdel='1'"); DataTable dt1 = ds1.Tables[0]; if (dt1 == null || dt1.Rows.Count == 0) { setLabel3Text("用户名不正确,请检查!"); setLoginResult("用户名不正确,请检查!"); return(false); } setLabel3Text(""); DataRow dr1 = dt1.Rows[0]; user_pass = md5.Encrypt(user_pass); if (!dr1["user_pass"].Equals(user_pass)) { setLabel4Text("密码不正确,请检查!"); setLoginResult("密码不正确,请检查!"); return(false); } setLabel4Text(""); if (dr1["allowlogin"].Equals("0")) { MessageBox.Show("您没有使用权限!"); setLoginResult("您没有使用权限!"); return(false); } Global.user_name = dr1["user_name"].ToString(); Global.user_realname = dr1["user_realname"].ToString(); Global.user_province = dr1["user_province"].ToString(); Global.user_vali = dr1["user_vali"].ToString(); Global.allowlogin = dr1["allowlogin"].ToString(); return(true); }
//第二个选项卡添加用户写入数据库 private void writeToDB() { string user_name = textBox1.Text; string user_pass = textBox2.Text; if (user_pass.Equals("")) { user_pass = "******"; } ToMD5 md5 = new ToMD5();//将密码加密为md5 user_pass = md5.Encrypt(user_pass); string user_realname = textBox4.Text; string user_bankAccount = bankAccount.Text.Trim(); string user_id = textBox5.Text; string user_phone = textBox9.Text; string user_qq = textBox10.Text; string user_province = textBox7.Text + "省" + textBox6.Text + "市"; if (textBox7.Text.Equals("") && textBox6.Text != "") { user_province = textBox6.Text + "市"; } if (user_province.Equals("省市")) { user_province = "暂无"; } string machinecode = textBox3.Text; string registtime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); string registplace = getIP.GetWebCity(); int i = registplace.LastIndexOf(":") + 1; int j = registplace.IndexOf("市"); registplace = registplace.Substring(i, j - i + 1); string allowlogin = ""; if (this.radioButton1.Checked == true) { allowlogin = "******"; } if (this.radioButton2.Checked == true) { allowlogin = "******"; } try { DataTable dtMCode = LinkMySql.MySqlQuery("select * from " + Global.sqlUserTable + " where user_name='" + user_name + "'"); if (dtMCode.Rows.Count == 0) { int res = LinkMySql.MySqlExcute("insert into " + Global.sqlUserTable + "(user_name,user_pass,user_realname,user_bankAccount,user_id,user_phone,user_qq,user_province,allowlogin,machinecode,registtime,registplace) values('" + user_name + "','" + user_pass + "','" + user_realname + "','" + user_bankAccount + "','" + user_id + "','" + user_phone + "','" + user_qq + "','" + user_province + "','" + allowlogin + "','" + machinecode + "','" + registtime + "','" + registplace + "')"); if (res == 0) { MessageBox.Show("添加失败,请检查输入然后重试此操作。", "提示"); return; } MessageBox.Show("添加成功", "温馨提示"); clrTbx(); } else { MessageBox.Show("用户名已存在,请换一个用户名再试", "温馨提示"); } } catch { MessageBox.Show("添加失败,请稍后重试。", "温馨提示"); } }
//写入数据库 private void writeToDB() { string user_name = textBox1.Text; string user_realname = textBox4.Text; string user_pass = textBox3.Text; if (!user_pass.Equals("")) { ToMD5 md5 = new ToMD5(); user_pass = md5.Encrypt(user_pass); } string user_bankAccount = bankAccount.Text.Trim(); string user_id = textBox5.Text; string user_phone = textBox9.Text; string user_qq = textBox10.Text; string allowlogin = ""; if (this.radioButton1.Checked) { allowlogin = "******"; } if (this.radioButton2.Checked) { allowlogin = "******"; } string user_province = ""; string province = textBox7.Text; string city = textBox6.Text; if (province.Contains("省")) { province = province.Substring(0, province.IndexOf("省")); } if (city.Contains("市")) { city = city.Substring(0, city.IndexOf("市")); } user_province = province + "省" + city + "市"; if (textBox7.Text.Equals("") && textBox6.Text != "") { user_province = textBox6.Text + "市"; } if (user_province.Equals("省市")) { user_province = "暂无"; } if (user_province.IndexOf("市") - user_province.IndexOf("省") == 1) { user_province = user_province.Substring(0, user_province.IndexOf("省") + 1); } try { if (!user_pass.Equals("")) { LinkMySql.MySqlExcute("update " + Global.sqlUserTable + " set user_name='" + user_name + "',user_pass='******',user_realname='" + user_realname + "',user_province='" + user_province + "',allowlogin='******',user_bankAccount='" + user_bankAccount + "',user_id='" + user_id + "',user_phone='" + user_phone + "',user_qq='" + user_qq + "' where user_name='" + un + "'"); MessageBox.Show("修改成功", "恭喜"); this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; this.Close(); } if (user_pass.Equals("")) { LinkMySql.MySqlExcute("update " + Global.sqlUserTable + " set user_name='" + user_name + "',user_realname='" + user_realname + "',user_province='" + user_province + "',allowlogin='******',user_bankAccount='" + user_bankAccount + "',user_id='" + user_id + "',user_phone='" + user_phone + "',user_qq='" + user_qq + "' where user_name='" + un + "'"); MessageBox.Show("修改成功", "恭喜"); this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; this.Close(); } } catch { MessageBox.Show("修改失败,请稍后重试。", "提示"); } }