Ejemplo n.º 1
        public int Compare(object x, object y)
            Product_csh1 first  = (Product_csh1)x;
            Product_csh1 second = (Product_csh1)y;

Ejemplo n.º 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("\n\nArray List: \n");

            ArrayList arrayListOfProducts = Product_csh1.GetSampleProducts();

            foreach (var item in arrayListOfProducts)

            Console.WriteLine("\nSorted Array List: listing 1.5");

            arrayListOfProducts.Sort(new ProductNameComparerOne());

            foreach (var item in arrayListOfProducts)

            Console.WriteLine("\nFiltering products which price is above 10 Listing 1.10");
            foreach (Product_csh1 item in arrayListOfProducts)
                if (item.Price > 10)

            Console.WriteLine("\n\nGeneric List C#2: \n");

            List <Product_csh2> genericListOfProducts = Product_csh2.GetSampleProducts();

            foreach (var item in genericListOfProducts)

            Console.WriteLine("\nSorted Generic List C#2: ");

            genericListOfProducts.Sort(new ProductNameComparerTwo());

            foreach (var item in genericListOfProducts)

            Console.WriteLine("\nFiltering products which price is above 10 C#2 Listing 1.11");
            Predicate <Product_csh2> filterPredicateCsh2 = delegate(Product_csh2 x) { return(x.Price > 10m); };
            List <Product_csh2>      matches10mList      = genericListOfProducts.FindAll(filterPredicateCsh2);

            Action <Product_csh2> printResult = Console.WriteLine; // creating delegate from existing method


            Console.WriteLine("\nFiltering products which price is above 10 C#2 Listing 1.12");
            genericListOfProducts.FindAll(delegate(Product_csh2 x) { return(x.Price > 10); }).ForEach(Console.WriteLine);

            Console.WriteLine("\n\nGeneric List C#3: \n");

            List <Product_csh3> genericListOfProductsCs3 = Product_csh3.GetSampleProducts();

            foreach (var item in genericListOfProductsCs3)

            Console.WriteLine("\nSorted Generic List C#3: ");

            genericListOfProductsCs3.Sort(delegate(Product_csh3 x, Product_csh3 y) { return(x.Name.CompareTo(y.Name)); });

            foreach (var item in genericListOfProductsCs3)

            Console.WriteLine("\nFiltering products which price is above 10 C#3 Listing 1.13");
            foreach (var item in genericListOfProductsCs3.Where(p => p.Price > 10))

            Console.WriteLine("\nFiltering products which price is above 10 C#3 Listing 1.13 In One line");
            genericListOfProductsCs3.FindAll(p => p.Price > 10).ForEach(Console.WriteLine);

            Console.WriteLine("\n\nGeneric List C#4: \n");

            List <Product_csh4> genericListOfProductsCs4 = Product_csh4.GetSampleProducts();

            foreach (var item in genericListOfProductsCs4)

            Console.WriteLine("\nSorted Generic List C#4: ");

            genericListOfProductsCs4.Sort((x, y) => x.Name.CompareTo(y.Name));

            foreach (var item in genericListOfProductsCs4)

            Console.WriteLine("\nSorted Generic List C#4 using linq OrderBy extension method: ");

            foreach (var item in genericListOfProductsCs4.OrderBy(p => (p.Name, p.Price))) // in this way original list is not being modified

            Console.WriteLine("\nDisplaying products which price has null value: ");
            foreach (var item in genericListOfProductsCs4.Where(p => p.Price == null))

            Console.WriteLine("\nDisplaying products which price is bigger than 8, listing 1.15: ");
            IEnumerable <Product_csh4> biggerThanEightProducts = from Product_csh4 p in genericListOfProductsCs4
                                                                 where p.Price > 10
                                                                 orderby p.Price, p.Name
            select p;

            foreach (Product_csh4 item in biggerThanEightProducts)

            Console.WriteLine("\nCreating List Of suppliers and make connections between products and suppliers listing 1.16 ");

            List <Product_csh4> listOfProdForSuppliersCs4 = Product_csh4.GetSampleProducts();
            List <Supplier>     listOfSuppCs4             = Supplier.GetSampleSuppliers();

            var filtered = from product in listOfProdForSuppliersCs4
                           join supplier in listOfSuppCs4
                           on product.SupplierId equals supplier.SupplierId
                           orderby product.Name, supplier.Name
                select new { ProductName = product.Name, SupplierName = supplier.Name };

            foreach (var item in filtered)
                Console.WriteLine($"Product Name: {item.ProductName}, Supplier Name: {item.SupplierName}");

            Console.WriteLine("\nMake connections between products and suppliers from XML file listing 1.17 ");

            XDocument document    = XDocument.Load("dane.xml");
            var       filteredXml = from product in document.Descendants("Product")
                                    join supplier in document.Descendants("Supplier")
                                    on(int) product.Attribute("SupplierID") equals(int) supplier.Attribute("SupplierID")
                                    where (decimal)product.Attribute("Price") > 10
                                    orderby(string) product.Attribute("Name"), (string)supplier.Attribute("Name")
            select new { ProductName = product.Attribute("Name"), SupplierName = supplier.Attribute("Name") };

            foreach (var item in filteredXml)