public static void Delete(Employee employee)
            var context = new SoftUniEntities();

            context.Entry(employee).State = EntityState.Deleted;
        public static void PrintNamesWithLinqQuery()
            var context = new SoftUniEntities();
            var employee = context.Employees
            .Where(e => e.Projects.Any(p => p.StartDate.Year == 2002))
            .Select(e => e.FirstName);
            List<string> employees = employee.ToList();

            Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" | ", employees));
        public static void Add(Employee employee)
            var context = new SoftUniEntities();

            var entry = context.Entry(employee);
            entry.State = EntityState.Added;

        public static void ConcurrentEmployeeNameChanges(string firstConcurrent, string secondConcurrent)
            var context1 = new SoftUniEntities();

            var employee1 = context1.Employees.Find(1);
            employee1.FirstName = firstConcurrent;

            var context2 = new SoftUniEntities();

            var employee2 = context2.Employees.Find(1);
            employee2.FirstName = secondConcurrent;

            context2.SaveChanges(); //It will be executed
        public static void PrintNamesWithNativeQuery()
            var context = new SoftUniEntities();
            var employee = context.Database.SqlQuery<Employee>(
                "SELECT FirstName FROM Employees e" +
                "WHERE EXISTS(SELECT p.ProjectID FROM Projects p " +
                    "LEFT JOIN EmployeesProjects ep " +
                    "ON p.ProjectID = ep.ProjectID " +
                    "LEFT JOIN Employees em " +
                    "ON ep.EmployeeID = em.EmployeeID " +
                    "WHERE em.EmployeeID = e.EmployeeID " +
                    "AND YEAR(p.StartDate) = 2002)")

            Console.WriteLine(string.Join(" | ", employee));
 //3.Get an employee by id (e.g. 147). Select only his/her first name,
 //last name, job title and projects (only their names).
 //The projects should be ordered by name (ascending).
 public static void FindEmployeeById(int id)
     var context = new SoftUniEntities();
     var employeeById = context.Employees.Find(id);
     var employeeProject = employeeById.Projects
         .ToList().OrderBy(p => p.Name);
     Console.WriteLine("Id = {3} {0} {1} - ({2}) - Projects:",
     foreach (var pr in employeeProject)
        public static void Modify(Employee employee, string newName)
            var context = new SoftUniEntities();

            string[] name = Regex.Split(newName.Trim(), @"\s+");
            string firstName = Regex.Split(newName.Trim(), @"\s+")[0];
            employee.FirstName = firstName;

            if (name.Length == 2)
                string lastName = Regex.Split(newName.Trim(), @"\s+")[0];
                employee.LastName = lastName;

            var entry = context.Entry(employee);
            entry.State = EntityState.Modified;


        //4.Find all departments with more than 5 employees.
        //Order them by employee count (ascending).
        //Select the department name, manager name and first name, last name, hire date and job title
        //of every employee.
        public static void FindDepartmentByEmployeeCount()
            var context = new SoftUniEntities();
            var departments = context.Departments
            .Where(d => d.Employees.Count > 5)
            .OrderBy(d => d.Employees.Count)
            .Select(d => new
                DepartmentName = d.Name,
                ManagerName = d.Employee.FirstName + " " + d.Employee.LastName,
                EmployeesCount = d.Employees.Count

            foreach (var dep in departments)
                Console.WriteLine("--{0} - Manager: {1}, Employees: {2}",
        //2.Find all addresses, ordered by the number of employees who live there (descending),
        //then by town name (ascending).
        //Take only the first 10 addresses and select their address text, town name and employee count.
        public static void FindEmployeeByAddress()
            var context = new SoftUniEntities();
            var addresses = context.Addresses
                .OrderByDescending(a => a.Employees.Count)
                .ThenBy(a => a.Town.Name)
                .Select(a => new
                    TownName = a.Town.Name,
                    EmployeeCount = a.Employees.Count

            foreach (var address in addresses)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}, {1} - {2} employees ",
        //1.Find all employees who have projects started in the time period 2001 - 2003 (inclusive).
        //Select each employee's first name, last name and manager name and
        //each of their projects' name, start date, end date.
        public static void FindEmployeeByProjectInRange()
            var context = new SoftUniEntities();
            var employeesAndProjects = context.Employees
                .Where(e => e.Projects
                    .Any(p => p.StartDate.Year >= 2001 && p.StartDate.Year <= 2003))
                .Select(e => new
                    EmployeeFullName = e.FirstName + " " + e.LastName,
                    Projects = e.Projects.Select(p => new
                        ProjectName = p.Name,
                    ManagerFullName = e.Employee1.FirstName + " " + e.Employee1.LastName

            foreach (var emp in employeesAndProjects)
                Console.WriteLine(emp.EmployeeFullName + " - Manager - " + emp.ManagerFullName + "\n Projects:{");
                foreach (var project in emp.Projects)
                    Console.WriteLine("\tProjectName - " + project.ProjectName
                        + " - StartDate " + project.StartDate.ToShortDateString());
                Console.WriteLine(" }");