Ejemplo n.º 1
        static SignaturePart ApplyParamAttributes([NotNull] SignaturePart part, [NotNull] ParameterInfo pi)
            // TODO: also handle VariableAttribute?

            if (pi.IsDefined(typeof(TableAttribute), false))
                part = SignatureBuilder.Constrained(part, Constraint.OfPrimType(PrimType.TABLE));

            if (pi.IsDefined(typeof(ObjectAttribute), false))
                part = SignatureBuilder.Constrained(part, Constraint.OfType(StdAtom.OBJECT));

            if (pi.IsOptional)
                part = SignatureBuilder.Optional(part);

Ejemplo n.º 2
        static SignaturePart ConvertForSubr(
            [NotNull] Type paramType,
            [NotNull] string name,
            // ReSharper disable once SuggestBaseTypeForParameter
            [NotNull][ItemNotNull] object[] attrs,
            bool isOptional,
            // ReSharper disable once UnusedParameter.Local
            object defaultValue)
            // [Either], [Required], and [Decl] go on the parameter
            var isRequired = attrs.OfType <RequiredAttribute>().Any();

            if (isRequired && isOptional)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("A parameter can't be both required and optional");

            var eitherAttr = attrs.OfType <EitherAttribute>().SingleOrDefault();
            var declAttr   = attrs.OfType <DeclAttribute>().SingleOrDefault();

            // [ZilStructuredParam] and [ZilSequenceParam] go on the element type
            var(isArray, elementType) = CheckArray(paramType);
            var structAttr = elementType.GetCustomAttribute <ZilStructuredParamAttribute>(false);
            var seqAttr    = elementType.GetCustomAttribute <ZilSequenceParamAttribute>(false);

            int attrCount =
                (eitherAttr != null ? 1 : 0) +
                (declAttr != null ? 1 : 0) +
                (structAttr != null ? 1 : 0) +
                (seqAttr != null ? 1 : 0);

            if (attrCount > 1)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(
                          nameof(EitherAttribute) + ", " +
                          nameof(DeclAttribute) + ", " +
                          nameof(ZilStructuredParamAttribute) + ", or " +
                          nameof(ZilSequenceParamAttribute) + ": pick at most one");

            SignaturePart elemPart = null;

            if (eitherAttr != null)
                elemPart = ConvertEither(eitherAttr.Types, eitherAttr.DefaultParamDesc ?? name);
            else if (declAttr != null)
                elemPart = SignatureBuilder.MaybeConvertDecl(declAttr);
            else if (structAttr != null)
                elemPart = ConvertStruct(elementType, structAttr, name);
            else if (seqAttr != null)
                elemPart = ConvertSequence(elementType, name);

            if (elemPart == null)
                elemPart = SignatureBuilder.Identifier(name);

                if (elementType != typeof(ZilObject))
                    elemPart = ConstrainByType(elemPart, elementType);

            if (isArray)
                elemPart = SignatureBuilder.VarArgs(elemPart, isRequired);

            if (isOptional)
                //XXX use defaultValue somehow?
                elemPart = SignatureBuilder.Optional(elemPart);

Ejemplo n.º 3
 static SignaturePart ConvertSequence([NotNull] Type seqType, [NotNull] string name)
     // TODO: cache the result?
     return(SignatureBuilder.Sequence(ConvertFields(seqType), name));