Ejemplo n.º 1
 private void AfterCleanup()
     InstallActions.UpdateUserStatus("All tasks completed. Press close to exit.");
     closeButton.Enabled = true;
     MainForm._MainForm.closebutton.Enabled = true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public void InstallStart()
     InstallActionWorker    = new Thread(InstallAction);
     this.EULApanel.Visible = false;
     InstallActions.UpdateUserStatus("Starting ZiboMod Install Operation...");
     MainForm._MainForm.closebutton.Enabled = false;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void InstallAction()
            bool ziboModSkipped    = false;
            bool audioBirdSkipped  = false;
            bool texturemodSkipped = false;

            int taskLength = determineTaskLength();

            xplaneDir = Regex.Match(InstallOptionsPage._InstallOptionsPage.xplaneDirTextBox.Text, @"([\s\S]*?)(X-Plane\.exe)").Groups[1].Value;
            InstallActions.UpdateUserStatus("Finding the latest Zibo Update...");
            string DownloadIDZibo = "";

                DownloadIDZibo = InstallActions.FindLatestGDriveFile("0B-tdl3VvPeOOYm12Wm80V04wdDQ", true); //Get Drive ID of the latest zibo release. The string is the Drive ID for the zibomod download folder.
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Zibo has changed his means of distribution. Please wait for an update of this application or update it.");
                ziboModSkipped = true;
            if (DownloadIDZibo != InstallOptionsPage.installedZibo || InstallOptionsPage._InstallOptionsPage.forceInstallCheckbox.Checked) //This compares the drive ID of the currently installed version to the newest known version
                    InstallActions.UpdateUserStatus("Downloading ZiboMod... (1/" + Convert.ToString(taskLength) + ")");
                    InstallActions.ZiboDownload(DownloadIDZibo); //Download the selected file
                    InstallActions.UpdateUserStatus("Extracting ZiboMod to temporary directory... (2/" + Convert.ToString(taskLength) + ")");
                    InstallActions.ZiboExtract(xplaneDir);       //Extract into temp dir
                        InstallActions.UpdateUserStatus("Preparing directory...");
                        //InstallActions.ZiboPrepareDir(xplaneDir); //Copy Laminar's 737. Not required anymore. Zibo distributes the entire plane in one package
                    catch (DirectoryNotFoundException)
                        InstallActions.UpdateUserStatus("Could not find a valid X-Plane installation at this directory");
                        MessageBox.Show("Could not find a valid X-Plane installation at this directory");
                        goto AfterException;
                    InstallActions.UpdateUserStatus("Installing ZiboMod...(2/" + Convert.ToString(taskLength) + ")");
                    InstallActions.ZiboInstall(xplaneDir); // move files into xplane
                    InstallOptionsPage.installedZibo       = DownloadIDZibo;
                    InstallOptionsPage.texturemodInstalled = false;
                    InstallActions.UpdateUserStatus("Done installing Zibomod");
                } catch (Exception ex)
                    ziboModSkipped = true;
                ziboModSkipped = true;
                InstallActions.UpdateUserStatus("Zibomod is already up to date! Skipping...");

            //if (InstallOptionsPage._InstallOptionsPage.audioBirdCheck.Checked)
            //    try
            //    {
            //        InstallActions.UpdateUserStatus("Finding latest AudioBirdXP update... (3/" + Convert.ToString(taskLength) + ")");
            //        string DownloadIDAudio = InstallActions.FindLatestGDriveFile("1Yv8vK6mjZ3OIf239xy34ECiOuX2-b1Iy", false);
            //        if (DownloadIDAudio != InstallOptionsPage.installedAudioB || InstallOptionsPage._InstallOptionsPage.forceInstallCheckbox.Checked)
            //        {
            //            string AudioBirdEULA = "(C) 2017/2018 by audiobirdxp / o. schmidt\n" +
            //                                    "\n" +
            //                                    "================================\n" +
            //                                    "LICENSE / TERMS OF USE \n" +
            //                                    "================================\n" +
            //                                    "\n" +
            //                                    "\n" +
            //                                    "contact: [email protected]\n" +
            //                                    "\n" +
            //                                    "http://audiobirdxp.boards.net/\n" +
            //                                    "\n" +
            //                                    "This product is provided for free, but it is copyrighted and is shared with some rights reserved:\n" +
            //                                    "\n" +
            //                                    "By installing this sound pack, you acknowledge that it is not permitted to reupload any file in \n" +
            //                                    "the download to any other site or to modify, re-use, reverse-engineer or share any file in this pack. \n" +
            //                                    "This also includes any configuration files and scripts that are provided with this immersion pack. \n" +
            //                                    "\n" +
            //                                    "You install and use this pack at your own risk. Should you damage your software or hardware in any \n" +
            //                                    "way I will not be held responsible.\n" +
            //                                    "\n" +
            //                                    "Click the title above this textbox to unlock the install button."; //TODO: Put this in it's own file
            //            ShowEULA(AudioBirdEULA);
            //            InstallActions.UpdateUserStatus("Downloading AudioBirdXP package... (4/" + Convert.ToString(taskLength) + ")");
            //            InstallActions.AudioDownload(DownloadIDAudio);
            //            InstallActions.UpdateUserStatus("Installing FMOD into aircraft... (5/" + Convert.ToString(taskLength) + ")");
            //            InstallActions.AudioExtract();
            //            InstallActions.AudioInstall(xplaneDir);
            //            InstallOptionsPage.installedAudioB = DownloadIDAudio;
            //            InstallActions.UpdateUserStatus("Done installing AudioBirdXP Sound Mod.");
            //        }
            //        else
            //        {
            //            audioBirdSkipped = true;
            //            InstallActions.UpdateUserStatus("AudioBirdXP is already up to date! Skipping...");
            //            Thread.Sleep(2000);
            //        }
            //    }
            //    catch (Exception ex)
            //    {
            //        if (ex is ThreadAbortException) { return; };
            //        MessageBox.Show("AXP has changed it's means of distribution. Please wait for an update of this application or update it.");
            //        InstallActions.AppendLogText(ex.Message);
            //        audioBirdSkipped = true;
            //    }
            //This code is not intended for official release, due to licencing issues
            //if (InstallOptionsPage._InstallOptionsPage.RGModCheckbox.Checked) //It is not necessary to reinstall the textures if zibomod isn't updated, however this causes a problem when the user already has the latest zibomod but has not installed the texturemod
            //    if (!ziboModSkipped || !InstallOptionsPage.texturemodInstalled || InstallOptionsPage._InstallOptionsPage.forceInstallCheckbox.Checked)
            //    {
            //        try
            //        {

            //            bool RGModTextureOnly = true; //Latest free RGMod isn't compatible with the latest zibo, so the user option is removed. Only textures are compatible.
            //            InstallActions.UpdateUserStatus("Finding latest texture mod update... (" + GetCurrentTaskTexturemod(1) + "/" + Convert.ToString(taskLength) + ")");
            //            string DownloadIDRGMod = InstallActions.FindLatestRG();
            //            InstallActions.UpdateUserStatus("Downloading texture mod... (" + GetCurrentTaskTexturemod(2) + "/" + Convert.ToString(taskLength) + ")");
            //            InstallActions.TextureDownload(DownloadIDRGMod);
            //            InstallActions.UpdateUserStatus("Installing texture mod into aircraft... (" + GetCurrentTaskTexturemod(3) + "/" + Convert.ToString(taskLength) + ")");
            //            InstallActions.RGExtract(RGModTextureOnly, xplaneDir);
            //            InstallOptionsPage.texturemodInstalled = true;
            //            InstallActions.UpdateUserStatus("Done installing RG Mod texture mod.");
            //        }
            //        catch (Exception ex)
            //        {
            //            InstallActions.AppendLogText(ex.Message);
            //            texturemodSkipped = true;
            //        }
            //    } else
            //    {
            //        texturemodSkipped = true;
            //    }
            InstallActions.UpdateUserStatus("Cleaning up...");