Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw all the <see cref="JapaneseCandleStick"/>'s to the specified <see cref="Graphics"/>
        /// device as a candlestick at each defined point.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="g">
        /// A graphic device object to be drawn into.  This is normally e.Graphics from the
        /// PaintEventArgs argument to the Paint() method.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="pane">
        /// A reference to the <see cref="GraphPane"/> object that is the parent or
        /// owner of this object.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="curve">A <see cref="JapaneseCandleStickItem"/> object representing the
        /// <see cref="JapaneseCandleStick"/>'s to be drawn.</param>
        /// <param name="baseAxis">The <see cref="Axis"/> class instance that defines the base (independent)
        /// axis for the <see cref="JapaneseCandleStick"/></param>
        /// <param name="valueAxis">The <see cref="Axis"/> class instance that defines the value (dependent)
        /// axis for the <see cref="JapaneseCandleStick"/></param>
        /// <param name="scaleFactor">
        /// The scaling factor to be used for rendering objects.  This is calculated and
        /// passed down by the parent <see cref="GraphPane"/> object using the
        /// <see cref="PaneBase.CalcScaleFactor"/> method, and is used to proportionally adjust
        /// font sizes, etc. according to the actual size of the graph.
        /// </param>
        public override void Draw(Graphics g, GraphPane pane, OHLCBarItem curve,
                                  Axis baseAxis, Axis valueAxis, float scaleFactor)
            //ValueHandler valueHandler = new ValueHandler( pane, false );

            if (curve.Points == null)

            //float halfSize = _size * scaleFactor;
            var halfSize    = GetBarWidth(pane, baseAxis, scaleFactor);
            var dotHalfSize = Math.Max(curve.DotHalfSize, IsAutoSize ? Math.Max(2, halfSize / 4) : curve.DotHalfSize)
                              * scaleFactor;

            var tColor         = Color;
            var tFallingColor  = FallingColor;
            var tPenWidth      = Width;
            var tRisingFill    = RisingFill;
            var tFallingFill   = FallingFill;
            var tRisingBorder  = RisingBorder;
            var tFallingBorder = FallingBorder;

            if (curve.IsSelected)
                tColor         = Selection.Border.Color;
                tFallingColor  = Selection.Border.Color;
                tPenWidth      = Selection.Border.Width;
                tRisingFill    = Selection.Fill;
                tFallingFill   = Selection.Fill;
                tRisingBorder  = Selection.Border;
                tFallingBorder = Selection.Border;

            using (var risingPen = curve.IsSelected
                            ? new Pen(Selection.Border.Color, Selection.Border.Width)
                            : new Pen(tColor, tPenWidth))
                using (var fallingPen = curve.IsSelected
                            ? new Pen(Selection.Border.Color, Selection.Border.Width)
                            : new Pen(tFallingColor, tPenWidth))
                    // Loop over each defined point
                    for (int i = 0; i < curve.Points.Count; i++)
                        var    pt = curve.Points[i];
                        double date;
                        double open;
                        double high;
                        double low;
                        double close;
                        GetOHLC(pt, out date, out open, out high, out low, out close);

                        curve.OnBeforeDrawEvent(this, i);

                        // Any value set to double max is invalid and should be skipped
                        // This is used for calculated values that are out of range, divide
                        //   by zero, etc.
                        // Also, any value <= zero on a log scale is invalid

                        if (curve.Points[i].IsInvalid || (date <= 0 && baseAxis.Scale.IsLog) ||
                            ((high <= 0 || low <= 0) && valueAxis.Scale.IsLog))

                        float pixBase = (int)(baseAxis.Scale.Transform(curve.IsOverrideOrdinal, i, date) + 0.5);
                        //pixBase = baseAxis.Scale.Transform( curve.IsOverrideOrdinal, i, date );
                        var pixHigh = valueAxis.Scale.Transform(curve.IsOverrideOrdinal, i, high);
                        var pixLow  = valueAxis.Scale.Transform(curve.IsOverrideOrdinal, i, low);
                        var pixOpen = PointPair.IsValueInvalid(open)
                      ? float.MaxValue
                      : valueAxis.Scale.Transform(curve.IsOverrideOrdinal, i, open);

                        var pixClose = PointPair.IsValueInvalid(close)
                       ? float.MaxValue
                       : valueAxis.Scale.Transform(curve.IsOverrideOrdinal, i, close);

                        var rising = close > open;

                        if (this.GradientFill.IsGradientValueType)
                            using (var tPen = GetPen(pane, scaleFactor, pt))
                                Draw(g, pane, baseAxis is IXAxis,
                                     pixBase, pixHigh, pixLow, pixOpen,
                                     pixClose, halfSize, scaleFactor,
                                     (rising ? tRisingFill   : tFallingFill),
                                     (rising ? tRisingBorder : tFallingBorder), pt, dotHalfSize);
                            Draw(g, pane, baseAxis is IXAxis, pixBase, pixHigh, pixLow, pixOpen,
                                 pixClose, halfSize, scaleFactor,
                                 (rising ? risingPen     : fallingPen),
                                 (rising ? tRisingFill   : tFallingFill),
                                 (rising ? tRisingBorder : tFallingBorder), pt, dotHalfSize);