Ejemplo n.º 1
        //Start with finalList that has the left and right most cities in it
        //Find the middle of an edge that each startList city is clostest to
        //and insert the city between the cities that create the edge
        public static void insertNode(newCity[] cityArray, List <int> startList, ref List <int> finalList)
            float tempDistance = 0;
            //newCorner object that stores data about the current startList city
            newCorner tempNode = new newCorner(float.MaxValue);

            //For each startList city
            for (int i = 0; i < startList.Count; i++)
                tempNode.coordinate = float.MaxValue;

                //Check the distance between the center of each
                //finalList edge and the startList city
                for (int j = 1; j < (finalList.Count); j++)
                    int xy1 = finalList[j - 1] - 1;     //City A in finalList
                    int xy2 = finalList[j] - 1;         //City B in finalList
                    int xy3 = startList[i] - 1;         //current startList city

                    //Finding x and y coordinates for each city
                    float x1 = cityArray[xy1].xCoordinate;
                    float x2 = cityArray[xy2].xCoordinate;
                    float x3 = cityArray[xy3].xCoordinate;
                    float y1 = cityArray[xy1].yCoordinate;
                    float y2 = cityArray[xy2].yCoordinate;
                    float y3 = cityArray[xy3].yCoordinate;

                    //Find middle between city A and B
                    float _x1 = ((x1 + x2) / 2);
                    float _y1 = ((y1 + y2) / 2);

                    //Calculate distance between the startList city and the middle between A and B
                    tempDistance = (float)Math.Sqrt((((x3 - _x1)) * (x3 - _x1)) + ((y3 - _y1) * (y3 - _y1)));

                    //Keep track of the which edge center was
                    //closest to the startList city
                    if (tempDistance < tempNode.coordinate)
                        tempNode.coordinate = tempDistance;
                        tempNode.id         = j;
                        tempNode.tempID     = cityArray[xy3].id;

                //Add the startList city between the cities it was closest to
                if (tempNode.coordinate < float.MaxValue)
                    finalList.Insert(tempNode.id, tempNode.tempID);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        //Same the Split function about but splits the map at x coordinates instead of y coordinates
        public static void splitX(newCity[] cityArray, float split, ref globalVars globalVars, ref List <newChild> childList)
            //Distance variables
            float distance      = 0;
            float totalDistance = 0;

            float distanceTL = 0;       //Top Left distance
            float distanceTR = 0;       //Top Right distance
            float distanceBR = 0;       //Bottom Right Distance
            float distanceBL = 0;       //Bottom Left distance

            //newCorner objects to find the 4 corners
            newCorner topLeft     = new newCorner(float.MaxValue);
            newCorner topRight    = new newCorner(float.MaxValue);
            newCorner bottomLeft  = new newCorner(float.MaxValue);
            newCorner bottomRight = new newCorner(float.MaxValue);

            //Lists to store the cities above and below the split point
            List <int> topList     = new List <int>();
            List <int> topFinal    = new List <int>();
            List <int> bottomList  = new List <int>();
            List <int> bottomFinal = new List <int>();

            //Check each city in the cityArray to see if it's
            //above or below the split point
            for (int c = 1; c < cityArray.Length + 1; c++)
                //Above the split point
                if (cityArray[c - 1].xCoordinate > split)
                    topList.Add(c);     //Add to the topList

                    //Find cities closest to (split, 0) and (split, 100)
                    float x1 = cityArray[c - 1].xCoordinate;
                    float y1 = cityArray[c - 1].yCoordinate;
                    float x2 = split;
                    float y2 = 0;
                    float y3 = 100;
                    distanceBR = (float)Math.Sqrt((((x2 - x1)) * (x2 - x1)) + ((y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1)));
                    distanceTR = (float)Math.Sqrt((((x2 - x1)) * (x2 - x1)) + ((y3 - y1) * (y3 - y1)));

                    //Check if the city is closest to (split, 0) and (split, 100)
                    if (distanceTL < topLeft.coordinate)
                        topLeft.id         = c;
                        topLeft.coordinate = distanceTL;
                    if (distanceTR < topRight.coordinate)
                        topRight.id         = c;
                        topRight.coordinate = distanceTR;

                //At or below the split point
                    bottomList.Add(c);  //Add to the bottom list

                    //Find cities closest to (split, 0) and (split, 100)
                    float x1 = cityArray[c - 1].xCoordinate;
                    float y1 = cityArray[c - 1].yCoordinate;
                    float x2 = split;
                    float y2 = 0;
                    float y3 = 100;
                    distanceBL = (float)Math.Sqrt((((x2 - x1)) * (x2 - x1)) + ((y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1)));
                    distanceTL = (float)Math.Sqrt((((x2 - x1)) * (x2 - x1)) + ((y3 - y1) * (y3 - y1)));

                    //Check if the city is closest to (split, 0) and (split, 100)
                    if (distanceBL < bottomLeft.coordinate)
                        bottomLeft.id         = c;
                        bottomLeft.coordinate = distanceBL;
                    if (distanceBR < bottomRight.coordinate)
                        bottomRight.id         = c;
                        bottomRight.coordinate = distanceBR;

            //Discard current split if it resulted in a single city being
            //both bottomRight/bottomLeft or topRight/topLeft
            if ((topList.Count <= 1) || (bottomList.Count <= 1))

            //Adding the corner cities to the top/bottomFinal lists
            //Removing the corner cities from the top/bottom lists

            //Call insertNode function to generate the new greedy paths
            InsertNode.insertNode(cityArray, topList, ref topFinal);
            InsertNode.insertNode(cityArray, bottomList, ref bottomFinal);

            //Combine the top and bottom paths to complete the tour

            //If the path's distance wasn't the most recent path to be computed
            //find the distance of the path
            if (topFinal.SequenceEqual(globalVars.lastPath) == false)
                for (int d = 1; d < topFinal.Count; d++)
                    int xy1 = topFinal[d - 1] - 1; //Location of city A in city List
                    int xy2 = topFinal[d] - 1;     //Location of city B in city List

                    //Find x and y coordinates of city A and B
                    float x1 = cityArray[xy1].xCoordinate;
                    float x2 = cityArray[xy2].xCoordinate;
                    float y1 = cityArray[xy1].yCoordinate;
                    float y2 = cityArray[xy2].yCoordinate;

                    //Use distance equation to find the distance between city A and B
                    //Add distance to totalDistance
                    distance      = (float)Math.Sqrt((((x2 - x1)) * (x2 - x1)) + ((y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1)));
                    totalDistance = totalDistance + distance;

                //Store the most recent path to avoid
                //computing the same path multiple times
                globalVars.lastPath = topFinal;

                //Create newChild with topFinal path and corresponding distance
                newChild tempChild = new newChild(totalDistance, topFinal);

                //Rearange the tempChilds path so that it starts and ends with "1"
                tempChild.path.RemoveAt(topFinal.Count - 1);
                for (int i = 0; i < tempChild.path.Count; i++)
                    i = 0;
                    if (tempChild.path[0] == 1)

                //If the new path distance is smaller than the
                //current smallest distance then replace
                //the smallest distance with the new distance
                if (tempChild.distance < globalVars.shortDistance)
                    globalVars.shortDistance = tempChild.distance; //Store the new shorter distance
                    globalVars.shortList.AddRange(tempChild.path); //Store the corresponding path
                    globalVars.shortSplit = split;                 //Store the current split value

                //Sort the tempChild
                SortChild.sortChild(tempChild, ref globalVars, ref childList);
                SortChild.sortChild(tempChild, ref globalVars, ref globalVars.wisdomList);