Ejemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Start playback of the associated voice over <see
        /// cref="AudioClip"/> of the given <see cref="LocalizedLine"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dialogueLine"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override void RunLine(LocalizedLine dialogueLine, Action onDialogueLineFinished)
            interrupted = false;

            if (!(dialogueLine is AudioLocalizedLine audioLine))
                Debug.LogError($"Playing voice over failed because {nameof(RunLine)} expected to receive an {nameof(AudioLocalizedLine)}, but instead received a {dialogueLine?.GetType().ToString() ?? "null"}. Is your {nameof(DialogueRunner)} set up to use a {nameof(AudioLineProvider)}?", gameObject);

            // Get the localized voice over audio clip
            var voiceOverClip = audioLine.AudioClip;

            if (!voiceOverClip)
                Debug.Log("Playing voice over failed since the AudioClip of the voice over audio language or the base language was null.", gameObject);

            if (audioSource.isPlaying)
                // Usually, this shouldn't happen because the
                // DialogueRunner finishes and ends a line first

            StartCoroutine(DoPlayback(voiceOverClip, onDialogueLineFinished));

            IEnumerator DoPlayback(AudioClip clip, Action onFinished)
                // If we need to wait before starting playback, do this now
                if (waitTimeBeforeLineStart > 0)
                    yield return(new WaitForSeconds(waitTimeBeforeLineStart));

                // Start playing the audio.

                // Wait until either the audio source finishes playing, or the
                // interruption flag is set.
                while (audioSource.isPlaying && !interrupted)
                    yield return(null);

                // If the line was interrupted, we need to wrap up the playback
                // as quickly as we can. We do this here with a fade-out to
                // zero over fadeOutTimeOnLineFinish seconds.
                if (audioSource.isPlaying && interrupted)
                    // Fade out voice over clip
                    float lerpPosition    = 0f;
                    float volumeFadeStart = audioSource.volume;
                    while (audioSource.volume != 0)
                        lerpPosition      += Time.unscaledDeltaTime / fadeOutTimeOnLineFinish;
                        audioSource.volume = Mathf.Lerp(volumeFadeStart, 0, lerpPosition);
                        yield return(null);
                    audioSource.volume = volumeFadeStart;

                // We've finished our playback at this point, either by waiting
                // normally or by interrupting it with a fadeout. If we weren't
                // interrupted, and we have additional time to wait after the
                // audio finishes, wait now. (If we were interrupted, we skip
                // this wait, because the user has already indicated that
                // they're fine with things moving faster than sounds normal.)

                if (interrupted == false && waitTimeAfterLineComplete > 0)
                    yield return(new WaitForSeconds(waitTimeAfterLineComplete));

                // We can now signal that the line delivery has finished.
Ejemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Start playback of the associated voice over <see
        /// cref="AudioClip"/> of the given <see cref="LocalizedLine"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dialogueLine"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override void RunLine(LocalizedLine dialogueLine, Action onDialogueLineFinished)
            finishCurrentLine = false;

            if (!(dialogueLine is AudioLocalizedLine audioLine))
                Debug.LogError($"Playing voice over failed because {nameof(RunLine)} expected to receive an {nameof(AudioLocalizedLine)}, but instead received a {dialogueLine.GetType()}. Is your {nameof(DialogueRunner)} set up to use a {nameof(AudioLineProvider)}?", gameObject);

            // Get the localized voice over audio clip
            var voiceOverClip = audioLine.AudioClip;

            if (!voiceOverClip)
                Debug.Log("Playing voice over failed since the AudioClip of the voice over audio language or the base language was null.", gameObject);
            if (audioSource.isPlaying)
                // Usually, this shouldn't happen because the
                // DialogueRunner finishes and ends a line first
