Ejemplo n.º 1
		protected override void OnDraw (Context ctx, Rectangle dirtyRect)
			Image image = new CustomImage ();
			int x = 0;
			for (int n=4; n < 50; n += 4) {
				ctx.DrawImage (image.WithSize (n, n), x, 0);
				x += n;

			int maxSize = 48;
			var warn = StockIcons.Error;
			x = 0;
			for (int n=8; n <= maxSize; n += 2) {
				ctx.DrawImage (warn, x, 50, n, n);
				x += n;
			warn = StockIcons.Error.WithSize (maxSize).ToBitmap ();
			x = 0;
			for (int n=8; n <= maxSize; n += 2) {
				ctx.DrawImage (warn, x, 100, n, n);
				x += n;

			ctx.DrawImage (image.WithSize (1000), new Rectangle (400, 0, 200, 1000), new Rectangle (0, 200, 200, 200));
			ctx.DrawImage (image.WithSize (1000), new Rectangle (400, 0, 200, 50), new Rectangle (210, 200, 200, 200));
Ejemplo n.º 2
        protected override void OnDraw(Xwt.Drawing.Context ctx, Rectangle dirtyRect)
            if (!Sensitive)
                ctx.GlobalAlpha = .5d;
            if (image == null)
                ctx.DrawImage(image, new Rectangle(0, 0, WidthRequest, HeightRequest));

            if (mOver && Sensitive)

            if (mDown)

            //ctx.Rectangle(0, 0, WidthRequest, HeightRequest);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private void DrawAxisTests(Context ctx, Rectangle bounds)
            Rectangle boundingBox;
            Point tl = Point.Zero;
            Point br = Point.Zero;;

            tl.X = bounds.Left + 30;	tl.Y = bounds.Top + 20;
            br.X = bounds.Right - 30;	br.Y = bounds.Top + 20;

            LogAxis log = new LogAxis (1, 10000);

            log.Draw (ctx, tl, br, out boundingBox);

            log.Reversed = true;
            tl.Y += 50;	br.Y += 50;

            log.Draw (ctx, br, tl, out boundingBox);

            // Test for default TicksAngle on positive X-axis, ie Ticks below X-axis
            LogAxis lx = new LogAxis (100, 100000);
            lx.NumberFormat = "{0:0.0E+0}";

            tl.X = bounds.Left + 30;	tl.Y = bounds.Bottom - 60;
            br.X = bounds.Right - 30;	br.Y = bounds.Bottom - 60;

            lx.Draw (ctx, tl, br, out boundingBox);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        private void DrawAxisTests(Context ctx, Rectangle bounds)
            Rectangle boundingBox;
            Point tl = Point.Zero;
            Point br = Point.Zero;

            tl.X = bounds.Left + 30;	tl.Y = bounds.Top + 20;
            br.X = bounds.Right - 30;	br.Y = bounds.Top + 20;

            DateTime timeMin = new DateTime (2003, 10, 22, 15, 00, 00);
            DateTime timeMax = new DateTime (2004, 03, 12, 13, 30, 00);

            TradingDateTimeAxis axis = new TradingDateTimeAxis ();
            axis.WorldMin = (double)timeMin.Ticks;
            axis.WorldMax = (double)timeMax.Ticks;
            axis.Draw (ctx, tl, br, out boundingBox);

            timeMin = new DateTime (2013, 09, 17, 12, 30, 10);
            timeMax = new DateTime (2014, 01, 23, 12, 59, 30);
            axis.WorldMin = (double)timeMin.Ticks;
            axis.WorldMax = (double)timeMax.Ticks;

            tl.Y += 50;		br.Y += 50;
            axis.Draw (ctx, tl, br, out boundingBox);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 void ICanvasCellViewFrontend.Draw(object ctxBackend, Rectangle cellArea)
     using (var ctx = new Context (ctxBackend, Toolkit.CurrentEngine)) {
         ctx.Reset (null);
         OnDraw (ctx, cellArea);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        protected override void OnDraw(Context ctx, Rectangle dirtyRect)
            // Line arround

            // Drive line arround

            ctx.Rectangle(Bounds.Inflate(-margin, -margin));

            // Draw image
            ctx.DrawImage(Image.FromResource(Logo), 5.0, 5.0);

            // Draw text
            TextLayout _layout = new TextLayout();
            _layout.Font = Font.WithSize(22);
            _layout.Text = Label;
            _layout.SetFontWeight(FontWeight.Bold, 0, Label.Length);

            // Cocoa layouts
            ctx.DrawTextLayout(_layout, 45, ((Config.Cocoa || Config.Gtk) ? 5 : 2));
        TextLayout DrawText(Context ctx, Xwt.Rectangle cellArea, double x, string text, double padding, Font font, double width = 0, TextTrimming trimming = TextTrimming.WordElipsis, bool underline = false)
            if (width < 0)
                throw new Exception("width cannot be negative");

            var descriptionTextLayout = new TextLayout();

            descriptionTextLayout.Font     = font;
            descriptionTextLayout.Text     = text;
            descriptionTextLayout.Trimming = trimming;

            if (underline)
                descriptionTextLayout.SetUnderline(0, text.Length);

            if (width != 0)
                descriptionTextLayout.Width = width;

            descriptionTextLayout.Height = cellArea.Height;

            ctx.DrawTextLayout(descriptionTextLayout, x, cellArea.Y + padding);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        protected override void OnReallocate()

            int margin         = BorderVisible ? 1 : 0;
            var vwidth         = vScrollBar.Visible ? vScrollBar.WidthRequest : 0D;
            var hheight        = hScrollBar.Visible ? hScrollBar.HeightRequest : 0D;
            var childRectangle = new Xwt.Rectangle(Bounds.X + margin, Bounds.Y + margin, Bounds.Width - vwidth - margin * 2, Bounds.Height - hheight - margin * 2);

            if (vScrollBar.Visible)
                double vChildTopHeight = -1;
                foreach (var child in positions)
                    if (child.Value == ChildPosition.Top)
                        SetChildBounds(child.Key, new Rectangle(childRectangle.RightInside(), childRectangle.Y + vChildTopHeight, Bounds.Width - vwidth, child.Key.HeightRequest));
                        vChildTopHeight += child.Key.HeightRequest;
                var v = vScrollBar is Scrollbar && hScrollBar.Visible ? hScrollBar.HeightRequest : 0;
                SetChildBounds(vScrollBar, new Rectangle(childRectangle.X + childRectangle.Width + margin, childRectangle.Y + vChildTopHeight, vwidth, Bounds.Height - v - vChildTopHeight - margin));
                Vadjustment.Value = System.Math.Max(System.Math.Min(Vadjustment.UpperValue - Vadjustment.PageSize, Vadjustment.Value), Vadjustment.LowerValue);

            if (hScrollBar.Visible)
                var v = vScrollBar.Visible ? vScrollBar.WidthRequest : 0;
                SetChildBounds(hScrollBar, new Rectangle(Bounds.X, childRectangle.Y + childRectangle.Height + margin, Bounds.Width - v, hheight));
                hScrollBar.Value = System.Math.Max(System.Math.Min(Hadjustment.UpperValue - Hadjustment.PageSize, hScrollBar.Value), Hadjustment.LowerValue);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        internal static Rect GetLocation(PopupStyles style, Size desiredSize, Rect spanRectInScreenCoordinates, Rect reservedRect, Rect screenRect)
            if ((style & PopupStyles.PositionLeftOrRight) != 0)
                //Position left or right
                double xPosition = ((style & PopupStyles.PreferLeftOrTopPosition) != 0)
                                   ? (reservedRect.Left - desiredSize.Width)                    //To the left
                                   : reservedRect.Right;                                        //To the right

                double yPosition = ((style & PopupStyles.RightOrBottomJustify) != 0)
                                   ? (spanRectInScreenCoordinates.Bottom - desiredSize.Height)  //Bottom justified
                                   : spanRectInScreenCoordinates.Top;                           //Top justified

                return(ShiftVerticallyToFitScreen(xPosition, yPosition,
                                                  desiredSize, screenRect));
                //Position above or below.
                double xPosition = ((style & PopupStyles.RightOrBottomJustify) != 0)
                                   ? (spanRectInScreenCoordinates.Right - desiredSize.Width)    //Right justified
                                   : spanRectInScreenCoordinates.Left;                          //Left justified

                double yPosition = ((style & PopupStyles.PreferLeftOrTopPosition) != 0)
                                   ? (reservedRect.Top - desiredSize.Height)                    //Above
                                   : reservedRect.Bottom;                                       //Below

                return(ShiftHorizontallyToFitScreen(xPosition, yPosition,
                                                    desiredSize, screenRect));
Ejemplo n.º 10
        private void DrawAxisTests(Context ctx, Rectangle bounds)
            Rectangle boundingBox;
            Point tl = Point.Zero;
            Point br = Point.Zero;;

            tl.X = bounds.Left + 30;	tl.Y = bounds.Top + 10;
            br.X = tl.X;				br.Y = bounds.Bottom - 100;

            LinearAxis a = new LinearAxis (0, 10);

            a.Draw (ctx, tl, br, out boundingBox);

            a.Reversed = true;
            a.Draw (ctx, new Point (60,10), new Point (60, 200), out boundingBox);

            a.SmallTickSize = 0;
            a.Draw (ctx, new Point(90,10), new Point(90, 200), out boundingBox);

            a.LargeTickStep = 2.5;
            a.Draw (ctx, new Point(120,10), new Point(120,200), out boundingBox);

            a.NumberOfSmallTicks = 5;
            a.SmallTickSize = 2;
            a.Draw (ctx, new Point(150,10), new Point(150,200), out boundingBox);

            a.LineColor = Colors.DarkBlue;
            a.Draw (ctx, new Point(180,10), new Point(180,200), out boundingBox);

            a.TickTextColor= Colors.DarkBlue;
            a.Draw (ctx, new Point(210,10), new Point(210,200), out boundingBox);

            a.TickTextColor = Colors.Black;
            a.Draw (ctx, new Point(240,10), new Point(300,200), out boundingBox);

            a.WorldMax = 100000;
            a.WorldMin = -3;
            a.LargeTickStep = double.NaN;
            a.Draw (ctx, new Point(330,10), new Point(330,200), out boundingBox);

            a.NumberFormat = "{0:0.0E+0}";
            a.Draw (ctx, new Point(380,10), new Point(380,200), out boundingBox);

            // Test for default TicksAngle (+90) on positive X-axis, ie Ticks below X-axis
            LinearAxis aX = new LinearAxis (0, 10);

            tl.X = bounds.Left + 30;	tl.Y = bounds.Bottom - 60;
            br.X = bounds.Right - 20;	br.Y = bounds.Bottom - 60;

            aX.Draw (ctx, tl, br, out boundingBox);

            // Set TicksAngle to -45 anti-clockwise from positive X-axis direction
            aX.TicksAngle = Math.PI / 4.0;
            tl.Y += 50;		br.Y += 50;

            aX.Draw (ctx, tl, br, out boundingBox);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 protected override void OnDrawOverlay(Context ctx, Rectangle dirtyArea)
     // check if sufficiently inside Canvas
     // only draw once inside focusRadius
     if (lastCursor.X > focusRadius && lastCursor.X < Bounds.Right  - focusRadius &&
         lastCursor.Y > focusRadius && lastCursor.Y < Bounds.Bottom - focusRadius) {
         DrawFocus (ctx, lastCursor);
Ejemplo n.º 12
		protected override void OnDraw (Context ctx, Rectangle dirtyRect)
			var w = Math.Truncate (Bounds.Width / 2);
			var h = Math.Truncate (Bounds.Height / 2);
			ctx.DrawImage (img_ss, new Rectangle (0, 0, w, h).Inflate (-10, -10));
			ctx.DrawImage (img_tt, new Rectangle (w, 0, w, h).Inflate (-10, -10));
			ctx.DrawImage (img_st, new Rectangle (0, h, w, h).Inflate (-10, -10));
			ctx.DrawImage (img_ts, new Rectangle (w, h, w, h).Inflate (-10, -10));
Ejemplo n.º 13
 protected override void OnDraw(Context ctx, Rectangle dirtyRect)
     ctx.SetLineWidth (5);
     ctx.SetColor (new Color (1.0f, 0f, 0.5f));
     ctx.Rectangle (5, 5, 200, 100);
     ctx.FillPreserve ();
     ctx.SetColor (new Color (0f, 0f, 1f));
     ctx.Stroke ();
Ejemplo n.º 14
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles OnDraw Events by drawing AxisTests to the canvas
        /// </summary>
        protected override void OnDraw(Context ctx, Rectangle dirtyRect)
            // Get Canvas Bounds as region to draw into
            Rectangle bounds = this.Bounds;

            DrawAxisTests (ctx, bounds);

            base.OnDraw (ctx, dirtyRect);
Ejemplo n.º 15
        protected override void OnDraw(Xwt.Drawing.Context ctx, Rectangle dirtyRect)
            base.OnDraw(ctx, dirtyRect);

            ctx.SetLineDash(0, 4d, 4d);
            ctx.Rectangle(0, 0, PluginWidget.Size.Width, PluginWidget.Size.Height);
Ejemplo n.º 16
 protected override void OnDraw(Context ctx, Rectangle dirtyRect)
     if (Window?.DrawRedDebugOutline ?? false)
         ctx.Rectangle(0, 0, Bounds.Width, Bounds.Height);
Ejemplo n.º 17
		protected override void OnDraw (Context ctx, Rectangle dirtyRect)
			base.OnDraw (ctx, dirtyRect);
			for (int y = 0; y < img.Size.Height / 50; ++y) {
				for (int x = 0; x < img.Size.Width / 50; ++x) {
					ctx.DrawImage (img, new Rectangle (x*50, y*50, 50, 50), new Rectangle (x*55, y*55, 50, 50));
		static TextLayout DrawText (Context ctx, Xwt.Rectangle cellArea, double x, string text, double padding, Font font, double width = 0, TextTrimming trimming = TextTrimming.WordElipsis, bool underline = false) 
			if (width < 0) {
				throw new Exception ("width cannot be negative");

			var textLayout = CreateTextLayout (cellArea, text, font, trimming, underline);
			DrawText (ctx, textLayout, cellArea, x, padding);
			return textLayout;
Ejemplo n.º 19
        protected override void OnDraw(Xwt.Drawing.Context ctx, Rectangle dirtyRect)
            base.OnDraw(ctx, dirtyRect);

            ctx.MoveTo(0, 0);
            ctx.LineTo(0, Bounds.Height);
Ejemplo n.º 20
 public void SetAllocation(IWidgetBackend[] widgets, Rectangle[] rects)
     bool changed = false;
     for (int n=0; n<widgets.Length; n++) {
         var w = GetWidget (widgets[n]);
         if (Widget.SetAllocation (w, rects[n]))
             changed = true;
     if (changed && !Widget.IsReallocating)
         Widget.QueueResize ();
Ejemplo n.º 21
 protected override void OnMouseMoved(MouseMovedEventArgs args)
     // Clear previous overlay
     Rectangle focus = new Rectangle (lastCursor.X - 32, lastCursor.Y - 32, 64, 64);
     QueueDraw (focus);
     lastCursor.X = args.X;
     lastCursor.Y = args.Y;
     // Queue new overlay drawing
     focus = new Rectangle (lastCursor.X - 32, lastCursor.Y - 32, 64, 64);
     QueueDraw (focus);
     base.OnMouseMoved (args);
Ejemplo n.º 22
Archivo: Canvas.cs Proyecto: m13253/xwt
			public void OnDraw (object context, Rectangle dirtyRect)
				Context ctx = null;
				try {
					ctx = new Context (context, ToolkitEngine);
					ctx.Reset (Parent);
					((Canvas)Parent).OnDraw (ctx, dirtyRect);
				finally {
					ctx.Dispose ();
Ejemplo n.º 23
 protected override void OnDraw(Context ctx, Rectangle dirtyRect)
     ctx.SetColor(new Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.5));
     ctx.SetColor(new Color(0.8, 0.8, 0.8));
     ctx.Rectangle(Bounds.Inflate(-margin, -margin));
     ctx.SetColor(highlight ? Color.BlendWith(Xwt.Drawing.Colors.White, 0.5) : Color);
     ctx.Rectangle(Bounds.Width / 2 - coreSize.Width / 2, Bounds.Height / 2 - coreSize.Height / 2, coreSize.Width, coreSize.Height);
Ejemplo n.º 24
		protected override void OnDraw (Context ctx, Rectangle cellArea)
			PackageViewModel packageViewModel = GetValue (PackageField);
			if (packageViewModel == null) {

			FillCellBackground (ctx);
			UpdateTextColor (ctx);

			DrawCheckBox (ctx, packageViewModel, cellArea);
			DrawPackageImage (ctx, cellArea);

			double packageIdWidth = cellArea.Width - packageDescriptionPadding.HorizontalSpacing - packageDescriptionLeftOffset;

			// Package download count.
			if (packageViewModel.HasDownloadCount) {
				var downloadCountTextLayout = new TextLayout ();
				downloadCountTextLayout.Text = packageViewModel.GetDownloadCountOrVersionDisplayText ();
				Size size = downloadCountTextLayout.GetSize ();
				Point location = new Point (cellArea.Right - packageDescriptionPadding.Right, cellArea.Top + packageDescriptionPadding.Top);
				Point downloadLocation = location.Offset (-size.Width, 0);
				ctx.DrawTextLayout (downloadCountTextLayout, downloadLocation);

				packageIdWidth = downloadLocation.X - cellArea.Left - packageIdRightHandPaddingWidth - packageDescriptionPadding.HorizontalSpacing - packageDescriptionLeftOffset;

			// Package Id.
			var packageIdTextLayout = new TextLayout ();
			packageIdTextLayout.Font = packageIdTextLayout.Font.WithSize (12);
			packageIdTextLayout.Markup = packageViewModel.GetNameMarkup ();
			packageIdTextLayout.Trimming = TextTrimming.WordElipsis;
			Size packageIdTextSize = packageIdTextLayout.GetSize ();
			packageIdTextLayout.Width = packageIdWidth;
			ctx.DrawTextLayout (
				cellArea.Left + packageDescriptionPadding.Left + packageDescriptionLeftOffset,
				cellArea.Top + packageDescriptionPadding.Top);

			// Package description.
			var descriptionTextLayout = new TextLayout ();
			descriptionTextLayout.Font = descriptionTextLayout.Font.WithSize (11);
			descriptionTextLayout.Width = cellArea.Width - packageDescriptionPadding.HorizontalSpacing - packageDescriptionLeftOffset;
			descriptionTextLayout.Height = cellArea.Height - packageIdTextSize.Height - packageDescriptionPadding.VerticalSpacing;
			descriptionTextLayout.Text = packageViewModel.Summary;
			descriptionTextLayout.Trimming = TextTrimming.Word;

			ctx.DrawTextLayout (
				cellArea.Left + packageDescriptionPadding.Left + packageDescriptionLeftOffset,
				cellArea.Top + packageIdTextSize.Height + packageDescriptionPaddingHeight + packageDescriptionPadding.Top);
Ejemplo n.º 25
        protected override void OnDraw(Context ctx, Rectangle cellArea)
            var pct = GetValue (ValueField);
            var size = (cellArea.Width * pct) / 100f;
            cellArea.Width = (int) size;

            ctx.SetLineWidth (1);
            ctx.Rectangle (cellArea.Inflate (-0.5, -0.5));
            ctx.SetColor (Colors.LightBlue);
            ctx.FillPreserve ();
            ctx.SetColor (Colors.Gray);
            ctx.Stroke ();
Ejemplo n.º 26
        protected override void OnDraw(Context ctx, Rectangle dirtyRect)
            base.OnDraw(ctx, dirtyRect);


            RenderMargins(ctx, dirtyRect);
Ejemplo n.º 27
        protected override void OnBoundsChanged()
            bounds = this.Bounds;

            if (plotCache != null ) {
                plotCache.Dispose ();
            plotCache = new ImageBuilder ((int)bounds.Width, (int)bounds.Height, ImageFormat.ARGB32);
            cacheContext = plotCache.Context;
            UpdateCache (cacheContext);
            plotImage = plotCache.ToImage ();

            base.OnBoundsChanged ();
Ejemplo n.º 28
        private Xwt.Rectangle RecalibrateChildRectangle(Xwt.Rectangle bounds)
            switch (this.arrowPosition)
            case Popover.Position.Top:
                return(new Xwt.Rectangle(bounds.X, bounds.Y + 10.0, bounds.Width, bounds.Height - 10.0));

            case Popover.Position.Bottom:
                return(new Xwt.Rectangle(bounds.X, bounds.Y, bounds.Width, bounds.Height - 10.0));

Ejemplo n.º 29
		internal protected override void Draw (Context ctx, Rectangle area, long line, double x, double y)
			ctx.Rectangle (x, y, Width, Editor.LineHeight);
			ctx.SetColor (Style.HexOffsetBg);
			ctx.Fill ();

			if (line >= 0 && line * Editor.BytesInRow < Data.Length) {
				LayoutWrapper layout = GetLayout (line);
				var sz = layout.Layout.GetSize ();
				ctx.SetColor (line != Caret.Line ? Style.HexOffset : Style.HexOffsetHighlighted);
				ctx.DrawTextLayout (layout.Layout, x + Width - sz.Width - 4, y);
				if (layout.IsUncached)
					layout.Dispose ();
Ejemplo n.º 30
        protected override void OnDraw(Xwt.Drawing.Context ctx, Rectangle dirtyRect)
            ctx.Rectangle (0, 0, Bounds.Width, Bounds.Height);
            var g = new LinearGradient (0, 0, Bounds.Width, Bounds.Height);
            g.AddColorStop (0, new Color (1, 0, 0));
            g.AddColorStop (1, new Color (0, 1, 0));
            ctx.Pattern = g;
            ctx.Fill ();

            Rectangle r = rect.Inflate (5, 5);
            ctx.Rectangle (r);
            ctx.SetColor (new Color (0,0,1));
            ctx.SetLineWidth (1);
            ctx.Stroke ();
Ejemplo n.º 31
        public void Show(Widget reference)
            Gdk.Window    parentWindow = reference.ParentWindow;
            Xwt.Rectangle rectangle1   = new Xwt.Rectangle(this.ConvertToScreenCoordinates(reference, new Xwt.Point(0.0, 0.0)), new Xwt.Size((double)reference.Allocation.Width, (double)reference.Allocation.Height));
            Xwt.Rectangle rectangle2   = new Xwt.Rectangle(Xwt.Point.Zero, rectangle1.Size);
            rectangle2 = rectangle2.Offset(rectangle1.Location);
            Xwt.Point position = rectangle2.Location;
            int width;
            int height;

            this.GetSize(out width, out height);
            this.Move((int)(position.X + this.margin.Left), (int)(position.Y + this.margin.Top));
            this.SizeAllocated += (SizeAllocatedHandler)((o, args) => this.Move((int)position.X, (int)position.Y));
Ejemplo n.º 32
        private void RoundRectangle(Context ctx, Xwt.Rectangle rect, double radius)
            double num    = Math.PI / 180.0;
            double x      = rect.X;
            double y      = rect.Y;
            double height = rect.Height;
            double width  = rect.Width;

            ctx.Arc(x + width - radius, y + radius, radius, -90.0 * num, 0.0 * num);
            ctx.Arc(x + width - radius, y + height - radius, radius, 0.0 * num, 90.0 * num);
            ctx.Arc(x + radius, y + height - radius, radius, 90.0 * num, 180.0 * num);
            ctx.Arc(x + radius, y + radius, radius, 180.0 * num, 270.0 * num);
Ejemplo n.º 33
			protected override void OnDraw (Context ctx, Rectangle dirtyRect)
				base.OnDraw (ctx, dirtyRect);

				ctx.Rectangle (0, 0, Size.Width, Size.Height);
				ctx.SetColor (Colors.LightGray);
				ctx.Fill ();

				ctx.SetColor (Colors.Black);
				using (var layout = new TextLayout (this))
					layout.Text = text;
					ctx.DrawTextLayout (layout, new Point (0, 20));
Ejemplo n.º 34
        void ResizeChild(Rectangle allocation, EditorContainerChild child)
            var req            = child.Child.Surface.GetPreferredSize();
            var childRectangle = new Xwt.Rectangle(Bounds.X + child.X, Bounds.Y + child.Y, req.Width, req.Height);

            if (!child.FixedPosition)
                double zoom = Options.Zoom;
                childRectangle.X = Bounds.X + (int)(child.X * zoom - HAdjustment.Value);
                childRectangle.Y = Bounds.Y + (int)(child.Y * zoom - VAdjustment.Value);
            //			childRectangle.X += allocation.X;
            //			childRectangle.Y += allocation.Y;
            SetChildBounds(child.Child, childRectangle);
Ejemplo n.º 35
        protected override void OnDraw(Xwt.Drawing.Context ctx, Rectangle dirtyRect)
            base.OnDraw(ctx, dirtyRect);

            if (HasBorder)

                if (HasBorderLineDash)
                    ctx.SetLineDash(0, 4d, 4d);

                ctx.Rectangle(0, 0, WidthRequest, HeightRequest);
Ejemplo n.º 36
        internal static bool DisjointWithPadding(Geometry reserved, Rect location)
            double left   = location.Left + 0.1;
            double top    = location.Top + 0.1;
            double width  = location.Right - 0.1 - left;
            double height = location.Bottom - 0.1 - top;

            if ((width > 0.0) && (height > 0.0))
                Geometry insetLocation = new RectangleGeometry(new System.Windows.Rect(left, top, width, height));
                return(!reserved.Bounds.IntersectsWith(insetLocation.Bounds));//TODO: This was simpliefied
Ejemplo n.º 37
		internal protected override void Draw (Context win, Rectangle area, long line, double x, double y)
			win.Rectangle (x, y, Width, Editor.LineHeight);
			win.SetColor (Style.IconBarBg);
			win.Fill ();
			win.MoveTo (x + Width - 1, y);
			win.LineTo (x + Width - 1, y + Editor.LineHeight);
			win.SetColor (Style.IconBarSeperator);
			win.Stroke ();

			foreach (long bookmark in Data.Bookmarks) {
				if (line * Editor.BytesInRow <= bookmark && bookmark < line * Editor.BytesInRow + Editor.BytesInRow) {
					DrawBookmark (win, x, y);
Ejemplo n.º 38
        private void DrawAxisTests(Context ctx, Rectangle bounds)
            LinearAxis a = new LinearAxis (0, 10);
            Rectangle boundingBox;

            a.Draw (ctx, new Point (30,10), new Point (30, 200), out boundingBox);

            a.Reversed = true;
            a.Draw (ctx, new Point (60,10), new Point (60, 200), out boundingBox);

            a.SmallTickSize = 0;
            a.Draw (ctx, new Point(90,10), new Point(90, 200), out boundingBox);

            a.LargeTickStep = 2.5;
            a.Draw (ctx, new Point(120,10), new Point(120,200), out boundingBox);

            a.NumberOfSmallTicks = 5;
            a.SmallTickSize = 2;
            a.Draw (ctx, new Point(150,10), new Point(150,200), out boundingBox);

            a.LineColor = Colors.DarkBlue;
            a.Draw (ctx, new Point(180,10), new Point(180,200), out boundingBox);

            a.TickTextColor= Colors.DarkBlue;
            a.Draw (ctx, new Point(210,10), new Point(210,200), out boundingBox);

            a.TickTextColor = Colors.Black;
            a.Draw (ctx, new Point(240,10), new Point(300,200), out boundingBox);

            a.WorldMax = 100000;
            a.WorldMin = -3;
            a.LargeTickStep = double.NaN;
            a.Draw (ctx, new Point(330,10), new Point(330,200), out boundingBox);

            a.NumberFormat = "{0:0.0E+0}";
            a.Draw (ctx, new Point(380,10), new Point(380,200), out boundingBox);

            // Test for default TicksAngle on positive X-axis, ie Ticks below X-axis
            LinearAxis aX = new LinearAxis (0, 10);
            aX.Draw (ctx, new Point(30,240), new Point(380, 240), out boundingBox);

            // Set TicksAngle to PI/4 anti-clockwise from positive X-axis direction
            aX.TicksAngle = Math.PI / 4.0;
            aX.Draw (ctx, new Point (30,280), new Point (380, 280), out boundingBox);
Ejemplo n.º 39
        protected override void OnDraw(Context ctx, Rectangle dirtyRect)
            base.OnDraw(ctx, dirtyRect);

            if (Image != null) {
                double width = Bounds.Width == 1 ? Image.Width : Bounds.Width;
                if (Bounds.Width == 1)
                    WidthRequest = width;

                // Scale height respect width
                double height = (Bounds.Width / Image.Width) * Image.Height;
                if (HeightRequest != height)
                    HeightRequest = height;
                    height = Bounds.Height;

                ctx.DrawImage(Image, 0, 0, width, height);
		static TextLayout CreateTextLayout (Xwt.Rectangle cellArea, string text, Font font, TextTrimming trimming = TextTrimming.WordElipsis, bool underline = false, double width = 0) 
			var descriptionTextLayout = new TextLayout {
				Font = font,
				Text = text,
				Trimming = trimming

			if (underline) {
				descriptionTextLayout.SetUnderline (0, text.Length);

			if (width != 0) {
				descriptionTextLayout.Width = width;

			descriptionTextLayout.Height = cellArea.Height;

			return descriptionTextLayout;
Ejemplo n.º 41
        public void Show(Xwt.Popover.Position orientation, Xwt.Widget referenceWidget, Xwt.Rectangle positionRect, Xwt.Widget child)
            popover = MakePopover(child);
            ViewBackend backend   = (ViewBackend)Toolkit.GetBackend(referenceWidget);
            var         reference = backend.Widget;

 void DrawImage(Context ctx, Xwt.Rectangle cellArea, Image image, double x, int imageSize, bool isSelected, double topPadding = 0)
     ctx.DrawImage(isSelected ? image.WithStyles("sel") : image, x, cellArea.Top + (cellArea.Height / 2 - imageSize / 2), imageSize, imageSize);
 static void DrawText(Context ctx, TextLayout textLayout, Xwt.Rectangle cellArea, double x, double padding)
     ctx.DrawTextLayout(textLayout, x, cellArea.Y + padding);
Ejemplo n.º 44
 public virtual void QueueDraw(Xwt.Rectangle rect)
Ejemplo n.º 45
 void DrawImage(Context ctx, Xwt.Rectangle cellArea, Image image, double x, int imageSize, bool isSelected)
     DrawImage(ctx, cellArea, image, x, imageSize, isSelected, (cellArea.Height / 2 - imageSize / 2));
Ejemplo n.º 46
 public virtual void QueueDraw(Xwt.Rectangle rect)
Ejemplo n.º 47
        internal static Rect ShiftVerticallyToFitScreen(double x, double y, Size desiredSize, Rect screenRect)
            if ((y + desiredSize.Height) > screenRect.Bottom)
                y = screenRect.Bottom - desiredSize.Height;

            if (y < screenRect.Top)
                y = screenRect.Top;

            return(new Rect(x, y, desiredSize.Width, desiredSize.Height));
Ejemplo n.º 48
        internal static Rect ShiftHorizontallyToFitScreen(double x, double y, Size desiredSize, Rect screenRect)
            if ((x + desiredSize.Width) > screenRect.Right)
                x = screenRect.Right - desiredSize.Width;

            if (x < screenRect.Left)
                x = screenRect.Left;

            return(new Rect(x, y, desiredSize.Width, desiredSize.Height));
Ejemplo n.º 49
 static System.Windows.Rect FromXwtRect(Xwt.Rectangle r) => new System.Windows.Rect(r.X, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height);
Ejemplo n.º 50
        public void Show(Xwt.Popover.Position orientation, Xwt.Widget referenceWidget, Xwt.Rectangle positionRect, Xwt.Widget child)
            var controller = new FactoryViewController(child);

            popover          = new NSPopover();
            popover.Behavior = NSPopoverBehavior.Transient;
            popover.ContentViewController = controller;
            ViewBackend backend   = (ViewBackend)Toolkit.GetBackend(referenceWidget);
            var         reference = backend.Widget;

Ejemplo n.º 51
 internal static bool ContainsWithPadding(Rect outer, Rect inner)
     return((outer.Left - 0.01 <= inner.Left) && (inner.Right <= outer.Right + 0.01) &&
            (outer.Top - 0.01 <= inner.Top) && (inner.Bottom <= outer.Bottom + 0.01));
Ejemplo n.º 52
        private Rect?GetViewSpanRect(ITrackingSpan viewSpan)
            var view = WpfTextView;

            if (view == null || view.TextViewLines == null || view.IsClosed)

            SnapshotSpan visualSpan = viewSpan.GetSpan(view.TextSnapshot);

            Rect?spanRectangle = null;

            if (visualSpan.Length > 0)
                double left   = double.MaxValue;
                double top    = double.MaxValue;
                double right  = double.MinValue;
                double bottom = double.MinValue;

                var bounds = view.TextViewLines.GetNormalizedTextBounds(visualSpan);
                foreach (var bound in bounds)
                    left   = Math.Min(left, bound.Left);
                    top    = Math.Min(top, bound.TextTop);
                    right  = Math.Max(right, bound.Right);
                    bottom = Math.Max(bottom, bound.TextBottom + ToolTipVerticalOffset);

                // If the start of the span lies within the view, use that instead of the left-bound of the span as a whole.
                // This will cause popups to be left-aligned with the start of their span, if at all possible.
                var startLine = view.TextViewLines.GetTextViewLineContainingBufferPosition(visualSpan.Start);
                if (startLine != null)
                    var startPointBounds = startLine.GetExtendedCharacterBounds(visualSpan.Start);
                    if ((startPointBounds.Left < right) &&
                        (startPointBounds.Left >= view.ViewportLeft) &&
                        (startPointBounds.Left < view.ViewportRight))
                        left = startPointBounds.Left;

                //Special case handling for when the end of the span is at the start of a line.
                ITextViewLine line = view.TextViewLines.GetTextViewLineContainingBufferPosition(visualSpan.End);
                if ((line != null) && (line.Start == visualSpan.End))
                    bottom = Math.Max(bottom, line.TextBottom + ToolTipVerticalOffset);

                if (left < right)
                    spanRectangle = new Rect(left, top, right - left, bottom - top);
                // visualSpan is zero length so the default MarkerGeometry will be null. Create a custom marker geometry based on
                // the location.
                ITextViewLine line = view.TextViewLines.GetTextViewLineContainingBufferPosition(visualSpan.Start);
                if (line != null)
                    TextBounds bounds = line.GetCharacterBounds(visualSpan.Start);
                    spanRectangle = new Rect(bounds.Left, bounds.TextTop, 0.0, bounds.TextHeight + ToolTipVerticalOffset);

            if (spanRectangle.HasValue && !spanRectangle.Value.IsEmpty)
                //Get the portion of the span geometry that is inside the view.
                Rect viewRect = new Rect(view.ViewportLeft,

                Rect spanRect = spanRectangle.Value;

                Rect spanRectInScreenCoordinates =
                    new Rect(this.GetScreenPointFromTextXY(spanRect.Left, spanRect.Top),
                             this.GetScreenPointFromTextXY(spanRect.Right, spanRect.Bottom));


Ejemplo n.º 53
        public Geometry PositionAndDisplay(Geometry reservedSpace)
            //This method should only be called from the popup manager (which should never call it when the containing
            //view is hidden or in the middle of a layout).

            //This method does not support virtual whitespace positioning.  An attempt to support it by using caret position was introduced, but
            //regressed the behavior that popup should stay in place as the caret moves.  If in the future we need to support virtual whitespace,
            //consider using virtual span instead.

            //Update the visual span to the current snapshot.
            SnapshotSpan visualSpan = _visualSpan.GetSpan(_textView.TextSnapshot);

            // If the style indicates that we should dismiss when the mouse leaves the span of the text, then we should make an
            // initial check to make sure the mouse starts-off in the span.  If not, we should fail to position.
            if ((_style & (PopupStyles.DismissOnMouseLeaveText | PopupStyles.DismissOnMouseLeaveTextOrContent)) != 0)
                _textView.VisualElement.GetPointer(out int x, out int y);
                if (this.ShouldClearToolTipOnMouseMove(new Point(x, y)))

            Rect?spanRectangle = null;

            if (visualSpan.Length > 0)
                double left   = double.MaxValue;
                double top    = double.MaxValue;
                double right  = double.MinValue;
                double bottom = double.MinValue;

                var bounds = _textView.TextViewLines.GetNormalizedTextBounds(visualSpan);
                foreach (var bound in bounds)
                    left   = Math.Min(left, bound.Left);
                    top    = Math.Min(top, bound.TextTop);
                    right  = Math.Max(right, bound.Right);
                    bottom = Math.Max(bottom, bound.TextBottom);

                // If the start of the span lies within the view, use that instead of the left-bound of the span as a whole.
                // This will cause popups to be left-aligned with the start of their span, if at all possible.
                var startLine = _textView.TextViewLines.GetTextViewLineContainingBufferPosition(visualSpan.Start);
                if (startLine != null)
                    var startPointBounds = startLine.GetExtendedCharacterBounds(visualSpan.Start);
                    if ((startPointBounds.Left < right) && (startPointBounds.Left >= _textView.ViewportLeft) && (startPointBounds.Left < _textView.ViewportRight))
                        left = startPointBounds.Left;

                //Special case handling for when the end of the span is at the start of a line.
                ITextViewLine line = _textView.TextViewLines.GetTextViewLineContainingBufferPosition(visualSpan.End);
                if ((line != null) && (line.Start == visualSpan.End))
                    bottom = Math.Max(bottom, line.TextBottom);

                if (left < right)
                    spanRectangle = new Rect(left, top, right - left, bottom - top);
                //visualSpan is zero length so the default MarkerGeometry will be null. Create a custom marker geometry based on the location.
                ITextViewLine line = _textView.TextViewLines.GetTextViewLineContainingBufferPosition(visualSpan.Start);
                if (line != null)
                    TextBounds bounds = line.GetCharacterBounds(visualSpan.Start);
                    spanRectangle = new Rect(bounds.Left, bounds.TextTop, 0.0, bounds.TextHeight);

            if (spanRectangle.HasValue)
                //Get the portion of the span geometry that is inside the view.
                Rect viewRect = new Rect(_textView.ViewportLeft, _textView.ViewportTop, _textView.ViewportWidth, _textView.ViewportHeight);

                Rect spanRect = spanRectangle.Value;
                spanRect = spanRect.Intersect(viewRect);

                if (spanRect != default(Rect))
                    // Determine two different rectangles for the span.  One is the span in its raw form.  The other is a "guess" at
                    // what the already-reserved space around the span will be.  We have a very-prevalent space reservation agent (the
                    // current line agent) that reserves the current line plus a 3-pixel buffer below the line.  We'll optimistically
                    // guess that this agent might be in-play and attempt to avoid it.
                    Rect spanRectWithBuffer = new Rect(spanRect.Left, spanRect.Top, spanRect.Right - spanRect.Left, spanRect.Bottom - spanRect.Top + BelowTheLineBufferHint);

                    //Some of the text associated with the popup is visible, show the popup.
                    Rect spanRectInScreenCoordinates = new Rect(this.GetScreenPointFromTextXY(spanRect.Left, spanRect.Top),
                                                                this.GetScreenPointFromTextXY(spanRect.Right, spanRect.Bottom));
                    Rect spanRectWithBufferInScreenCoordinates = new Rect(this.GetScreenPointFromTextXY(spanRectWithBuffer.Left, spanRectWithBuffer.Top),
                                                                          this.GetScreenPointFromTextXY(spanRectWithBuffer.Right, spanRectWithBuffer.Bottom));
                    Rect screenRect = Xwt.Desktop.GetScreenAtLocation(spanRectInScreenCoordinates.TopLeft).Bounds;//TODO: Check if we should use VisualBounds

                    Size desiredSize = _popup.Size;
                    //The popup size specified in deivice pixels. Convert these to logical
                    //pixels for purposes of calculating the actual size of the popup.
                    //TODO desiredSize = new Size (desiredSize.Width / WpfHelper.DeviceScaleX, desiredSize.Height / WpfHelper.DeviceScaleY);
                    desiredSize = new Size(desiredSize.Width, desiredSize.Height);

                    PopupStyles alternateStyle = _style ^ PopupStyles.PreferLeftOrTopPosition;

                    var   tr      = reservedSpace.Bounds;
                    Point topLeft = new Point(Math.Min(spanRectInScreenCoordinates.Left, tr.Left),
                                              Math.Min(spanRectInScreenCoordinates.Top, tr.Top));
                    Point bottomRight = new Point(Math.Max(spanRectInScreenCoordinates.Right, tr.Right),
                                                  Math.Max(spanRectInScreenCoordinates.Bottom, tr.Bottom));
                    var reservedRect = new Rect(topLeft.X, topLeft.Y, bottomRight.X - topLeft.X, bottomRight.Y - topLeft.Y);

                    //There are 6 possible locations for the popup.  The order of preference is determined by the presence of the
                    //'PositionClosest' PopupStyle.
                    //  Without 'PositionClosest':
                    //  1 .. On the desired side of the span.
                    //  2 .. On the desired side of the span with a bit of buffer.
                    //  3 .. on the desired side of the reserved rectangle.
                    //  4 .. On the alternate side of the span.
                    //  5 .. On the alternate side of the span with a bit of buffer.
                    //  6 .. on the alternate side of the reserved rectangle.
                    //  With 'PositionClosest':
                    //  1 .. On the desired side of the span.
                    //  2 .. On the desired side of the span with a bit of buffer.
                    //  3 .. On the alternate side of the span.
                    //  4 .. On the alternate side of the span with a bit of buffer.
                    //  5 .. on the desired side of the reserved rectangle.
                    //  6 .. on the alternate side of the reserved rectangle.
                    //Try each location till we get a winner.
                    //  A location is a winner if it is disjoint from the original reserved rect and
                    //  the edges of the screen.

                    Tuple <PopupStyles, Rect>[] positionChoices;
                    if (reservedRect != default(Rect))
                        if ((_style & PopupStyles.PositionClosest) == 0)
                            positionChoices = new Tuple <PopupStyles, Rect>[]
                                new Tuple <PopupStyles, Rect>(_style, spanRectInScreenCoordinates),
                                new Tuple <PopupStyles, Rect>(_style, spanRectWithBufferInScreenCoordinates),
                                new Tuple <PopupStyles, Rect>(_style, reservedRect),
                                new Tuple <PopupStyles, Rect>(alternateStyle, spanRectInScreenCoordinates),
                                new Tuple <PopupStyles, Rect>(alternateStyle, spanRectWithBufferInScreenCoordinates),
                                new Tuple <PopupStyles, Rect>(alternateStyle, reservedRect),
                            positionChoices = new Tuple <PopupStyles, Rect>[]
                                new Tuple <PopupStyles, Rect>(_style, spanRectInScreenCoordinates),
                                new Tuple <PopupStyles, Rect>(_style, spanRectWithBufferInScreenCoordinates),
                                new Tuple <PopupStyles, Rect>(alternateStyle, spanRectInScreenCoordinates),
                                new Tuple <PopupStyles, Rect>(alternateStyle, spanRectWithBufferInScreenCoordinates),
                                new Tuple <PopupStyles, Rect>(_style, reservedRect),
                                new Tuple <PopupStyles, Rect>(alternateStyle, reservedRect),
                        positionChoices = new Tuple <PopupStyles, Rect>[]
                            new Tuple <PopupStyles, Rect>(_style, spanRectInScreenCoordinates),
                            new Tuple <PopupStyles, Rect>(_style, spanRectWithBufferInScreenCoordinates),
                            new Tuple <PopupStyles, Rect>(alternateStyle, spanRectInScreenCoordinates),
                            new Tuple <PopupStyles, Rect>(alternateStyle, spanRectWithBufferInScreenCoordinates),

                    Rect location = default;
                    foreach (var choice in positionChoices)
                        Rect locationToTry = GetLocation(choice.Item1, desiredSize, spanRectInScreenCoordinates, choice.Item2, screenRect);
                        if (DisjointWithPadding(reservedSpace, locationToTry) && ContainsWithPadding(screenRect, locationToTry))
                            location = locationToTry;
                            _style   = choice.Item1;

                    // If we couldn't locate a place to live, tell the manager we want to go away.
                    if (location == default)

                    if (!_popup.IsVisible)


                    GeometryGroup requestedSpace = new GeometryGroup();
                    requestedSpace.Children.Add(new RectangleGeometry(FromXwtRect(spanRectInScreenCoordinates)));
                    requestedSpace.Children.Add(new RectangleGeometry(FromXwtRect(location)));


            //The text associated with the popup visualSpan is not visible: tell the manager we want to go away.
        protected override void OnDraw(Context ctx, Xwt.Rectangle cellArea)
            var buildOutputNode = GetValue(BuildOutputNodeField);
            var isSelected      = Selected;

            var status = GetViewStatus(buildOutputNode);

            //Draw the node background
            FillCellBackground(ctx, buildOutputNode, status);

            //Draw the image row
            DrawImage(ctx, cellArea, buildOutputNode.GetImage(), cellArea.Left, ImageSize, isSelected, ImagePadding);

            // If the height required by the text is not the same as what was calculated in OnGetRequiredSize(), it means that
            // the required height has changed and CalcLayout will return false. In that case call QueueResize(),
            // so that OnGetRequiredSize() is called again and the row is properly resized.
            if (!status.CalculateLayout(cellArea, out var layout, out var layoutBounds, out var expanderRect))

            status.LastRenderBounds         = cellArea;
            status.LastRenderLayoutBounds   = layoutBounds;
            status.LastRenderExpanderBounds = expanderRect;

            ctx.SetColor(Styles.GetTextColor(buildOutputNode, UseStrongSelectionColor && isSelected));

            HighlightSearchResults(layout, contextProvider.SearchString, Styles.GetTextColor(buildOutputNode, false), Styles.GetSearchMatchBackgroundColor(isSelected));

            // Render the selection
            if (TextSelection?.IsShown(buildOutputNode) ?? false)
                layout.SetBackground(Styles.CellTextSelectionColorSecundary, TextSelection.Index, TextSelection.Length);

            // Draw the text
            ctx.DrawTextLayout(layout, layoutBounds.X, layoutBounds.Y);

            // Draw right hand expander
            if (!expanderRect.IsEmpty)
                // Draw the image
                Image icon;
                if (status.Expanded)
                    icon = isSelected ? BuildCollapseIconSel : BuildCollapseIcon;
                    icon = isSelected ? BuildExpandIconSel : BuildExpandIcon;
                ctx.DrawImage(icon, expanderRect.X, expanderRect.Y);

            //Information section
            if (!status.IsRootNode)
                DrawNodeInformation(ctx, cellArea, buildOutputNode, status.LayoutYPadding, isSelected, ImageSize, ImagePadding, status);
            else if (buildOutputNode.NodeType == BuildOutputNodeType.BuildSummary)
                // For build summary, display error/warning summary
                var startX = layoutBounds.X + layout.GetSize().Width + 24;

                status.ErrorsRectangle.X = startX;
                status.ErrorsRectangle.Y = cellArea.Y;
                DrawImage(ctx, cellArea, Resources.ErrorIconSmall, startX, ImageSize, isSelected, ImagePadding);

                startX += ImageSize + 2;
                var errors = GettextCatalog.GetString("{0} errors", buildOutputNode.ErrorCount.ToString());
                layout = DrawText(ctx, cellArea, startX, errors, status.LayoutYPadding, defaultFont, layoutBounds.Width);

                var size = layout.GetSize();
                //Our error rectangle includes text + image + margin
                status.ErrorsRectangle.Width  = size.Width + ImageSize + 2;
                status.ErrorsRectangle.Height = size.Height;

                startX += size.Width + 24;

                status.WarningsRectangle.X = startX;
                status.WarningsRectangle.Y = cellArea.Y;

                DrawImage(ctx, cellArea, Resources.WarningIconSmall, startX, ImageSize, isSelected, ImagePadding);

                var warnings = GettextCatalog.GetString("{0} warnings", buildOutputNode.WarningCount.ToString());
                startX += ImageSize + 2;
                layout  = DrawText(ctx, cellArea, startX, warnings, status.LayoutYPadding, font: defaultFont);

                size = layout.GetSize();
                status.WarningsRectangle.Width  = size.Width + ImageSize + 2;
                status.WarningsRectangle.Height = size.Height;
            else if (buildOutputNode.NodeType == BuildOutputNodeType.Build)
                var textStartX = layoutBounds.X + layout.GetSize().Width + 24;
                DrawText(ctx, cellArea, textStartX, GetInformationMessage(buildOutputNode), status.LayoutYPadding, defaultFont, cellArea.Width - textStartX);
        void DrawNodeInformation(Context ctx, Xwt.Rectangle cellArea, BuildOutputNode buildOutputNode, double padding, bool isSelected, int imageSize, int imagePadding, ViewStatus status)
            if (!buildOutputNode.HasChildren)
                if (buildOutputNode.NodeType == BuildOutputNodeType.Error || buildOutputNode.NodeType == BuildOutputNodeType.Warning)
                    if (isSelected)
                    var text = string.Format("{0}, line {1}", buildOutputNode.File, buildOutputNode.LineNumber);

                    status.TaskLinkRenderRectangle.X = lastErrorPanelStartX + 5;
                    status.TaskLinkRenderRectangle.Y = cellArea.Y + padding;

                    //TODO: we can do a cache of the text layout and only resize
                    //Our link text layoud needs to be created with real size
                    var layout = CreateTextLayout(cellArea, text, defaultFont, trimming: TextTrimming.WordElipsis, underline: true);
                    status.TaskLinkRenderRectangle.Size = layout.GetSize();

                    //Now we calculate if fits the content and readjust
                    var maxSize = cellArea.Width + cellArea.X + padding - status.TaskLinkRenderRectangle.X;
                    status.TaskLinkRenderRectangle.Width = layout.Width = maxSize;

                    DrawText(ctx, layout, cellArea, status.TaskLinkRenderRectangle.X, padding);

            UpdateInformationTextColor(ctx, isSelected);

            var textStartX = cellArea.X + (cellArea.Width - DefaultInformationContainerWidth);

            Size size = Size.Zero;

            //Duration text
            var duration = status.Duration;

            if (duration != "")
                size        = DrawText(ctx, cellArea, textStartX, duration, padding, defaultFont, DefaultInformationContainerWidth).GetSize();
                textStartX += size.Width + 10;

            if (textStartX > lastErrorPanelStartX)
                lastErrorPanelStartX = textStartX;
                textStartX = lastErrorPanelStartX;

            status.TaskLinkRenderRectangle.X = status.TaskLinkRenderRectangle.Y = status.TaskLinkRenderRectangle.Width = status.TaskLinkRenderRectangle.Height = 0;

            //Error and Warnings count
            if (!IsRowExpanded(buildOutputNode) &&
                (buildOutputNode.NodeType == BuildOutputNodeType.Task || buildOutputNode.NodeType == BuildOutputNodeType.Target) &&
                (buildOutputNode.ErrorCount > 0 || buildOutputNode.WarningCount > 0))
                if (buildOutputNode.ErrorCount > 0)
                    DrawImage(ctx, cellArea, Resources.ErrorIconSmall, textStartX, imageSize, isSelected, imagePadding);
                    textStartX += ImageSize + 2;
                    var errors = buildOutputNode.ErrorCount.ToString();

                    var layout = DrawText(ctx, cellArea, textStartX, errors, padding, defaultFont, trimming: TextTrimming.Word);
                    textStartX += layout.GetSize().Width;

                if (buildOutputNode.WarningCount > 0)
                    DrawImage(ctx, cellArea, Resources.WarningIconSmall, textStartX, imageSize, isSelected, imagePadding);
                    textStartX += ImageSize + 2;
                    DrawText(ctx, cellArea, textStartX, buildOutputNode.WarningCount.ToString(), padding, defaultFont, 10, trimming: TextTrimming.Word);
        public void Show(Xwt.Popover.Position orientation, Xwt.Widget referenceWidget, Xwt.Rectangle positionRect, Xwt.Widget child)
            popover = MakePopover(child, BackgroundColor);
            ViewBackend backend   = (ViewBackend)Toolkit.GetBackend(referenceWidget);
            var         reference = backend.Widget;

            // If the position rect is empty, the coordinates of the rect will be ignored.
            // Width and Height of the rect must be > Epsilon, for the positioning to function correctly.
            if (Math.Abs(positionRect.Width) < double.Epsilon)
                positionRect.Width = 1;
            if (Math.Abs(positionRect.Height) < double.Epsilon)
                positionRect.Height = 1;

        void DrawNodeInformation(Context ctx, Xwt.Rectangle cellArea, BuildOutputNode buildOutputNode, double padding, bool isSelected, int imageSize, int imagePadding, ViewStatus status)
            if (!buildOutputNode.HasChildren)
                if (buildOutputNode.NodeType == BuildOutputNodeType.Error || buildOutputNode.NodeType == BuildOutputNodeType.Warning)
                    if (isSelected)
                    var text = string.Format("{0}, line {1}", buildOutputNode.File, buildOutputNode.LineNumber);

                    status.TaskLinkRenderRectangle.X = lastErrorPanelStartX + 5;
                    status.TaskLinkRenderRectangle.Y = cellArea.Y + padding;

                    var layout = DrawText(ctx, cellArea, status.TaskLinkRenderRectangle.X, text, padding, font: defaultFont, trimming: TextTrimming.Word, underline: true);
                    status.TaskLinkRenderRectangle.Size = layout.GetSize();

            UpdateInformationTextColor(ctx, isSelected);

            var textStartX = cellArea.X + (cellArea.Width - DefaultInformationContainerWidth);

            Size size = Size.Zero;

            //Duration text
            var duration = buildOutputNode.GetDurationAsString(contextProvider.IsShowingDiagnostics);

            if (duration != "")
                size        = DrawText(ctx, cellArea, textStartX, duration, padding, defaultFont, DefaultInformationContainerWidth).GetSize();
                textStartX += size.Width + 10;

            if (textStartX > lastErrorPanelStartX)
                lastErrorPanelStartX = textStartX;
                textStartX = lastErrorPanelStartX;

            status.TaskLinkRenderRectangle.X = status.TaskLinkRenderRectangle.Y = status.TaskLinkRenderRectangle.Width = status.TaskLinkRenderRectangle.Height = 0;

            //Error and Warnings count
            if (!IsRowExpanded(buildOutputNode) &&
                (buildOutputNode.NodeType == BuildOutputNodeType.Task || buildOutputNode.NodeType == BuildOutputNodeType.Target) &&
                (buildOutputNode.ErrorCount > 0 || buildOutputNode.WarningCount > 0))
                if (buildOutputNode.ErrorCount > 0)
                    DrawImage(ctx, cellArea, Resources.ErrorIconSmall, textStartX, imageSize, isSelected, imagePadding);
                    textStartX += ImageSize + 2;
                    var errors = buildOutputNode.ErrorCount.ToString();

                    var layout = DrawText(ctx, cellArea, textStartX, errors, padding, defaultFont, trimming: TextTrimming.Word);
                    textStartX += layout.GetSize().Width;

                if (buildOutputNode.WarningCount > 0)
                    DrawImage(ctx, cellArea, Resources.WarningIconSmall, textStartX, imageSize, isSelected, imagePadding);
                    textStartX += ImageSize + 2;
                    DrawText(ctx, cellArea, textStartX, buildOutputNode.WarningCount.ToString(), padding, defaultFont, 10, trimming: TextTrimming.Word);