Ejemplo n.º 1
            public async void ShouldDisposeConnectionOnNewBeginTxIfBeginTxFailed()
                // Given
                var mockConn = new Mock <IConnection>();

                mockConn.Setup(x => x.IsOpen).Returns(true);
                var calls = 0;

                mockConn.Setup(x => x.Run("BEGIN", null, null, true))
                .Callback(() =>
                    // only throw exception on the first beginTx call
                    if (calls == 1)
                        throw new IOException("Triggered an error when beginTx");
                var session = NewSession(mockConn.Object);
                var exc     = await Record.ExceptionAsync(() => session.BeginTransactionAsync());

                exc.Should().BeOfType <IOException>();

                // When
                await session.BeginTransactionAsync();

                // Then
                mockConn.Verify(x => x.CloseAsync(), Times.Once);
Ejemplo n.º 2
            public async void ShouldDisposeConnectionOnNewBeginTxIfBeginTxFailed()
                // Given
                var mockProtocol = new Mock <IBoltProtocol>();
                var mockConn     = NewMockedConnection(mockProtocol.Object);
                var calls        = 0;

                mockProtocol.Setup(x =>
                                   x.BeginTransactionAsync(It.IsAny <IConnection>(), It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <Bookmark>(),
                                                           It.IsAny <TransactionConfig>()))
                .Returns(Task.CompletedTask).Callback(() =>
                    // only throw exception on the first beginTx call
                    if (calls == 1)
                        throw new IOException("Triggered an error when beginTx");

                var session = NewSession(mockConn.Object);
                var exc     = await Record.ExceptionAsync(() => session.BeginTransactionAsync());

                exc.Should().BeOfType <IOException>();

                // When
                await session.BeginTransactionAsync();

                // Then
                mockConn.Verify(x => x.CloseAsync(), Times.Once);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public async Task SingleInvalidRequestAsync()
            AmazonDynamoDBConfig config = new AmazonDynamoDBConfig
                RegionEndpoint = Amazon.RegionEndpoint.USEast1
            CSMTestUtilities testUtils = new CSMTestUtilities
                Service             = "DynamoDB",
                ApiCall             = "DeleteTable",
                AttemptCount        = 1,
                Domain              = "dynamodb.us-east-1.amazonaws.com",
                Region              = "us-east-1",
                AWSException        = "ResourceNotFoundException",
                AWSExceptionMessage = "Requested resource not found",
                HttpStatusCode      = 400,
                MaxRetriesExceeded  = 0,
                StashCount          = 3
            var task = Task.Run(() => testUtils.UDPListener());
            AmazonDynamoDBClient client = new AmazonDynamoDBClient(config);
            var exception = await Record.ExceptionAsync(async() => await client.DeleteTableAsync(new DeleteTableRequest
                TableName = "foobar"

            Assert.IsType <ResourceNotFoundException>(exception);
Ejemplo n.º 4
            public async void ShouldDisposeConnectionOnRunIfBeginTxFailed()
                // Given
                var mockConn = new Mock <IConnection>();

                mockConn.Setup(x => x.IsOpen).Returns(true);
                mockConn.Setup(x => x.Run(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <IDictionary <string, object> >(),
                                          It.IsAny <IMessageResponseCollector>(), It.IsAny <bool>())).Callback <string, IDictionary <string, object>, IMessageResponseCollector, bool>(
                    (s, d, c, b) =>
                mockConn.Setup(x => x.Run("BEGIN", null, null, true))
                .Throws(new IOException("Triggered an error when beginTx"));
                var session = NewSession(mockConn.Object);
                var exc     = await Record.ExceptionAsync(() => session.BeginTransactionAsync());

                exc.Should().BeOfType <IOException>();

                // When
                await session.RunAsync("lala");

                // Then
                mockConn.Verify(x => x.CloseAsync(), Times.Once);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public async void ShouldNotAllowNewTxWhileOneIsRunning()
     var mockConn = NewMockedConnection();
     var session = NewSession(mockConn.Object);
     await session.BeginTransactionAsync();
     var error = await Record.ExceptionAsync(() => session.BeginTransactionAsync());
Ejemplo n.º 6
            public async void ShouldNotBeAbleToUseSessionWhileOngoingTransaction()
                var mockConn = NewMockedConnection();
                var session = NewSession(mockConn.Object);
                var tx = await session.BeginTransactionAsync();

                var error = await Record.ExceptionAsync(() => session.RunAsync("lalal"));
Ejemplo n.º 7
            public async void ShouldNotAllowNewTxWhileOneIsRunning()
                var mockConn = new Mock <IConnection>();

                mockConn.Setup(x => x.IsOpen).Returns(true);
                var session = NewSession(mockConn.Object);
                await session.BeginTransactionAsync();

                var error = await Record.ExceptionAsync(() => session.BeginTransactionAsync());

                error.Should().BeOfType <ClientException>();
Ejemplo n.º 8
            public async Task ShouldThrowWhenNoRecord()
                // Given
                var connMock = SetupSocketConnection(new List <object[]>());
                var manager  = new ClusterDiscovery(null, null);

                // When
                var exception = await Record.ExceptionAsync(() => manager.DiscoverAsync(connMock.Object));

                // Then
                exception.Should().BeOfType <InvalidOperationException>().Which.Message.Should()
                .Be("The result is empty.");
                connMock.Verify(x => x.CloseAsync(), Times.Once);
Ejemplo n.º 9
            public async Task ShouldThrowWhenRecordUnparsable()
                // Given
                var connMock = SetupSocketConnection(new object[] { 1 });
                var manager  = new ClusterDiscovery(null, null);

                // When
                var exception = await Record.ExceptionAsync(() => manager.DiscoverAsync(connMock.Object));

                // Then
                exception.Should().BeOfType <ProtocolException>().Which.Message.Should()
                .Be("keys (2) does not equal to values (1)");
                connMock.Verify(x => x.CloseAsync(), Times.Once);
Ejemplo n.º 10
            public async void ShouldDisposeConnectionIfBeginTxFailed()
                var mockConn = new Mock <IConnection>();

                mockConn.Setup(x => x.IsOpen).Returns(true);
                mockConn.Setup(x => x.Run("BEGIN", null, null, true))
                .Throws(new IOException("Triggered an error when beginTx"));
                var session = NewSession(mockConn.Object);
                var error   = await Record.ExceptionAsync(() => session.BeginTransactionAsync());

                error.Should().BeOfType <IOException>();
                await session.CloseAsync();

                mockConn.Verify(x => x.CloseAsync(), Times.Once);
            public async void ShouldThrowIOExceptionIfFailedToReadOnHandshakeAsync()
                var bufferSettings = new BufferSettings(Config.Default);

                var connMock = new Mock <ITcpSocketClient>();


                var client = new SocketClient(FakeUri, null, bufferSettings, socketClient: connMock.Object);

                var ex = await Record.ExceptionAsync(() => client.ConnectAsync(new Dictionary <string, string>()));

                ex.Should().NotBeNull().And.BeOfType <IOException>();
Ejemplo n.º 12
            public async Task ShouldThrowExceptionIfReaderIsEmpty()
                // Given
                var procedureReplyRecordFields = CreateGetServersResponseRecordFields(3, 1, 0);
                var connMock = SetupSocketConnection(procedureReplyRecordFields);
                var manager  = new ClusterDiscovery(null, null);

                // When
                var exception = await Record.ExceptionAsync(() => manager.DiscoverAsync(connMock.Object));

                // Then
                exception.Should().BeOfType <ProtocolException>().Which.Message.Should()
                .Contain("3 routers, 1 writers and 0 readers.");
                connMock.Verify(x => x.CloseAsync(), Times.Once);
Ejemplo n.º 13
            public async Task ShouldThrowClientErrorIfFailedToConnectToServerWithinTimeout()
                // Given
                var mockClient = new Mock <ISocketClient>();

                mockClient.Setup(x => x.ConnectAsync())
                .Throws(new IOException("I will stop socket conn from initialization"));
                // ReSharper disable once ObjectCreationAsStatement
                var conn = new SocketConnection(mockClient.Object, AuthToken, UserAgent, Logger, Server);
                // When
                var error = await Record.ExceptionAsync(() => conn.InitAsync());

                // Then
                error.Should().BeOfType <IOException>();
                error.Message.Should().Be("I will stop socket conn from initialization");
Ejemplo n.º 14
            public async void ShouldDisposeConnectionIfBeginTxFailed()
                var mockProtocol = new Mock <IBoltProtocol>();
                var mockConn     = NewMockedConnection(mockProtocol.Object);

                mockProtocol.Setup(x => x.BeginTransactionAsync(It.IsAny <IConnection>(), It.IsAny <Bookmark>()))
                .Throws(new IOException("Triggered an error when beginTx"));
                var session = NewSession(mockConn.Object);
                var error   = await Record.ExceptionAsync(() => session.BeginTransactionAsync());

                error.Should().BeOfType <IOException>();
                await session.CloseAsync();

                mockConn.Verify(x => x.SyncAsync(), Times.Once);
                mockConn.Verify(x => x.CloseAsync(), Times.Once);
        public async Task WebExceptionRetryableRequestsWithHttpStatusCodeTestAsync()
            AmazonDynamoDBConfig config = new AmazonDynamoDBConfig
                RegionEndpoint = Amazon.RegionEndpoint.USEast1,
                MaxErrorRetry  = 2
            CSMTestUtilities testUtils = new CSMTestUtilities
                Service             = "DynamoDB",
                ApiCall             = "PutItem",
                Domain              = "dynamodb.us-east-1.amazonaws.com",
                Region              = "us-east-1",
                AttemptCount        = config.MaxErrorRetry + 1,
                SdkException        = "AmazonServiceException",
                SdkExceptionMessage = "WebException",
                HttpStatusCode      = 400,
                MaxRetriesExceeded  = 1,
                StashCount          = config.MaxErrorRetry + 3
            var task          = Task.Run(() => testUtils.UDPListener());
            var errorResponse = new Mock <HttpWebResponse>();

            exceptionType = new WebException("Test exception", null, WebExceptionStatus.ConnectFailure, errorResponse.Object);
            errorResponse.SetupGet(foo => foo.StatusCode).Returns(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
            AmazonDynamoDBClient client = new MockDDBClient(config, exceptionType);
            Random generator            = new Random();
            Dictionary <string, AttributeValue> attributes = new Dictionary <string, AttributeValue>();

            attributes["TestAttribute"] = new AttributeValue {
                S = generator.Next(0, 999999).ToString("D6")
            PutItemRequest request = new PutItemRequest
                TableName = "TestTable",
                Item      = attributes
            var exception = await Record.ExceptionAsync(async() => await client.PutItemAsync(request));

            Assert.IsType <AmazonServiceException>(exception);
            Assert.IsType <WebException>(exception.InnerException);
Ejemplo n.º 16
            public async Task ShouldProtocolErrorWhenMultipleRecord()
                // Given
                var connMock = SetupSocketConnection(new List <object[]>
                    CreateGetServersResponseRecordFields(3, 2, 1),
                    CreateGetServersResponseRecordFields(3, 2, 1)
                var manager = new ClusterDiscovery(null, null);

                // When
                var exception = await Record.ExceptionAsync(() => manager.DiscoverAsync(connMock.Object));

                // Then
                exception.Should().BeOfType <InvalidOperationException>().Which.Message.Should()
                .Be("The result contains more than one element.");
                connMock.Verify(x => x.CloseAsync(), Times.Once);
        public async Task IoExceptionRetryableRequestsTestAsync()
            AmazonDynamoDBConfig config = new AmazonDynamoDBConfig
                RegionEndpoint = Amazon.RegionEndpoint.USEast1,
                MaxErrorRetry  = 0
            CSMTestUtilities testUtils = new CSMTestUtilities
                Service             = "DynamoDB",
                ApiCall             = "PutItem",
                Domain              = "dynamodb.us-east-1.amazonaws.com",
                Region              = "us-east-1",
                AttemptCount        = config.MaxErrorRetry + 1,
                SdkException        = "IOException",
                SdkExceptionMessage = "I/O",
                MaxRetriesExceeded  = 1,
                StashCount          = config.MaxErrorRetry + 3
            var task = Task.Run(() => testUtils.UDPListener());

            exceptionType = new IOException();
            AmazonDynamoDBClient client = new MockDDBClient(config, exceptionType);
            Random generator            = new Random();
            Dictionary <string, AttributeValue> attributes = new Dictionary <string, AttributeValue>();

            attributes["TestAttribute"] = new AttributeValue {
                S = generator.Next(0, 999999).ToString("D6")
            PutItemRequest request = new PutItemRequest
                TableName = "TestTable",
                Item      = attributes
            var exception = await Record.ExceptionAsync(async() => await client.PutItemAsync(request));

            Assert.IsType <IOException>(exception);
Ejemplo n.º 18
            public async void ShouldDisposeConnectionOnRunIfBeginTxFailed()
                // Given
                var mockProtocol = new Mock <IBoltProtocol>();
                var mockConn     = MockedConnectionWithSuccessResponse(mockProtocol.Object);

                mockProtocol.Setup(x => x.BeginTransactionAsync(It.IsAny <IConnection>(), It.IsAny <Bookmark>()))
                .Throws(new IOException("Triggered an error when beginTx"));
                var session = NewSession(mockConn.Object);
                var exc     = await Record.ExceptionAsync(() => session.BeginTransactionAsync());

                exc.Should().BeOfType <IOException>();

                // When
                await session.RunAsync("lala");

                // Then
                mockConn.Verify(x => x.CloseAsync(), Times.Once);
Ejemplo n.º 19
            public async Task ShouldThrowWhenProcedureNotFound()
                // Given
                var pairs = new List <Tuple <IRequestMessage, IResponseMessage> >
                        new RunMessage("CALL dbms.cluster.routing.getServers", new Dictionary <string, object>()),
                        new FailureMessage("Neo.ClientError.Procedure.ProcedureNotFound", "not found")),
                    MessagePair(PullAll, Ignored)

                var connMock = new MockedConnection(pairs).MockConn;
                var manager  = new ClusterDiscovery(null, null);

                // When
                var exception = await Record.ExceptionAsync(() => manager.DiscoverAsync(connMock.Object));

                // Then
                exception.Should().BeOfType <ClientException>().Which.Message.Should()
                .Contain("not found");
                connMock.Verify(x => x.CloseAsync(), Times.Once);