Ejemplo n.º 1
        public ConnectionsViewModel(EntityReference parentRecordId, Dictionary<string, string> connectToTypes)
            ParentRecordId = parentRecordId;
            ObservableConnection connection = new ObservableConnection(connectToTypes);
            ConnectionEdit = (Observable<ObservableConnection>)ValidatedObservableFactory.ValidatedObservable(connection);

            ConnectionEdit.GetValue().OnSaveComplete += ConnectionsViewModel_OnSaveComplete;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private static void CheckForSaved()
     // Check if we have the id yet
     EntityReference parent = new EntityReference(new Guid(ParentPage.Data.Entity.GetId()), ParentPage.Data.Entity.GetEntityName(), null);
     if (ParentPage.Ui.GetFormType() != FormTypes.Create && parent.Id != null)
         Window.SetTimeout(CheckForSaved, 1000);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        private static void InitLocalisedContent()
            Dictionary<string, string> entityTypes;
            string id;
            string logicalName;

            #if DEBUG
            id = "C489707F-B5E2-E411-80D5-080027846324";
            logicalName = "account";
            entityTypes = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            entityTypes["account"] = "name";
            entityTypes["contact"] = "fullname";
            entityTypes["opportunity"] = "name";
            entityTypes = PageEx.GetWebResourceData(); // The allowed lookup types for the connections - e.g. account, contact, opportunity. This must be passed as a data parameter to the webresource 'account=name&contact=fullname&opportunity=name
            id = ParentPage.Data.Entity.GetId();
            logicalName =  ParentPage.Data.Entity.GetEntityName();
            EntityReference parent = new EntityReference(new Guid(id), logicalName, null);
            vm = new ConnectionsViewModel(parent, entityTypes);
            // Bind Connections grid
            GridDataViewBinder contactGridDataBinder = new GridDataViewBinder();
            List<Column> columns = GridDataViewBinder.ParseLayout(String.Format("{0},record1id,250,{1},record1roleid,250", ResourceStrings.ConnectTo, ResourceStrings.Role));

            // Role2Id Column
            XrmLookupEditor.BindColumn(columns[1], vm.RoleSearchCommand, "connectionroleid", "name", "");

            connectionsGrid = contactGridDataBinder.DataBindXrmGrid(vm.Connections, columns, "container", "pager", true, false);

            connectionsGrid.OnActiveCellChanged.Subscribe(delegate(EventData e, object data)
                OnCellChangedEventData eventData = (OnCellChangedEventData)data;

            // Let's not use a hover button because it get's n the way of the editable grid!
            //RowHoverPlugin rowButtons = new RowHoverPlugin("gridButtons");



        void jobsViewModel_OnSelectedRowsChanged()
            // Get the selected bulk delete
            SelectedRange[] selectedRows = JobsViewModel.GetSelectedRows();
            if (selectedRows.Length > 0)
                ScheduledJob job = SelectedJob.GetValue();

                dev1_ScheduledJob item = (dev1_ScheduledJob)JobsViewModel.GetItem(selectedRows[0].FromRow.Value);

                RecurrancePatternMapper.DeSerialise(job, item.dev1_RecurrancePattern);
                EntityReference entityName = new EntityReference(null,null,item.dev1_WorkflowName);

                // Update the dependant data grid
                string fetchXml = @"<fetch version='1.0' output-format='xml-platform' mapping='logical' returntotalrecordcount='true' no-lock='true' distinct='false' count='{0}' paging-cookie='{1}' page='{2}'>
                            <entity name='bulkdeleteoperation'>
                            <attribute name='name' />
                            <attribute name='createdon' />
                            <attribute name='asyncoperationid' />
                            <filter type='and'>
                            <condition attribute='name' operator='like' value='%" + item.dev1_ScheduledJobId.Value + @"%' />
                            <link-entity name='asyncoperation' to='asyncoperationid' from='asyncoperationid' link-type='inner' alias='a0'>
                            <attribute name='postponeuntil' alias='asyncoperation_postponeuntil' />
                            <attribute name='statecode' alias='asyncoperation_statecode' />
                            <attribute name='statuscode'  alias='asyncoperation_statuscode' />
                            <attribute name='recurrencepattern'  alias='asyncoperation_recurrencepattern' />

                bulkDeleteJobsViewModel.FetchXml = fetchXml;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// When an activity row is selected in the 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityReference"></param>
        public void SetCurrentActivity(EntityReference entityReference, int day)
            bool hasChanged = (entityReference!=null && entityReference.Id!=null? entityReference.Id.Value : null) != (this.SelectedActivity!=null && this.SelectedActivity.Id!=null? this.SelectedActivity.Id.Value : null);
            hasChanged = hasChanged || (day != GetSelectedDayIndex());
            if (!hasChanged)

            if (day > 0)
                this.SelectedDay = DateTimeEx.DateAdd(DateInterval.Days, day - 1, this.WeekStart);
                this.SelectedDay = null;

            this.SelectedActivity = entityReference;
            if (entityReference != null && entityReference.Id != null)
                this.SelectedActivityID = entityReference.Id;
                this.SelectedActivityID = null;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks for an existing N:N relationship between two records by executing a fetch against the relationship
        /// association table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="relationship">The Relationship to evaluate.</param>
        /// <param name="Entity1">EntityReference for the one of the entities to test.</param>
        /// <param name="Entity2">EntityReference for the second entity to test.</param>
        /// <returns>Boolean true if Entity1 and Entity2 have an existing relationship.</returns>
        public static bool DoesNNAssociationExist(Relationship relationship, EntityReference Entity1, EntityReference Entity2)
            string fetchXml = "<fetch mapping='logical'>"
              + "  <entity name='" + relationship.SchemaName + "'>"
              + "    <all-attributes />"
              + "    <filter>"
              + "      <condition attribute='" + Entity1.LogicalName + "id' operator='eq' value ='" + Entity1.Id.Value + "' />"
              + "      <condition attribute='" + Entity2.LogicalName + "id' operator='eq' value='" + Entity2.Id.Value + "' />"
              + "    </filter>"
              + "  </entity>"
              + "</fetch>";

            EntityCollection result = OrganizationServiceProxy.RetrieveMultiple(fetchXml);

            if (result.Entities.Count > 0)
                return true;

            return false;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public ConnectionsViewModel(EntityReference parentRecordId, string[] connectToTypes, int pageSize, FetchQuerySettings view)
            Connections = new EntityDataViewModel(pageSize, typeof(Connection), true);
            if (view != null)
                _viewFetchXml = QueryParser.GetFetchXmlParentFilter(view, "record1id");
                // Set initial sort
                _defaultSortCol=new SortCol(view.OrderByAttribute, !view.OrderByDesending);
            ObservableConnection connection = new ObservableConnection(connectToTypes);
            ConnectionEdit = (Observable<ObservableConnection>)ValidatedObservableFactory.ValidatedObservable(connection);

            ConnectionEdit.GetValue().OnSaveComplete += ConnectionsViewModel_OnSaveComplete;
            AllowAddNew = Knockout.DependentObservable<bool>(AllowAddNewComputed);
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public static EntityReference GetOppositeRole(EntityReference role, EntityReference record)
            EntityReference oppositeRole = null;
            int? etc = GetEntityTypeCodeFromName(record.LogicalName);

            // Add the opposite connection role
            string getOppositeRole = String.Format(@"<fetch version='1.0' output-format='xml-platform' mapping='logical' distinct='true' count='1'>
                          <entity name='connectionrole'>
                            <attribute name='category' />
                            <attribute name='name' />
                            <attribute name='connectionroleid' />
                            <attribute name='statecode' />
                            <filter type='and'>
                              <condition attribute='statecode' operator='eq' value='0' />
                            <link-entity name='connectionroleassociation' from='connectionroleid' to='connectionroleid' intersect='true'>
                                  <link-entity name='connectionrole' from='connectionroleid' to='associatedconnectionroleid' alias='ad'>
                                    <filter type='and'>
                                      <condition attribute='connectionroleid' operator='eq' value='{0}' />
                                 <link-entity name='connectionroleobjecttypecode' from='connectionroleid' to='connectionroleid' intersect='true' >
                                    <filter type='or' >
                                        <condition attribute='associatedobjecttypecode' operator='eq' value='{1}' />
                                        <condition attribute='associatedobjecttypecode' operator='eq' value='0' /> <!-- All types-->
                        </fetch>", role.Id.ToString(), etc);

            EntityCollection results = (EntityCollection)OrganizationServiceProxy.RetrieveMultiple(getOppositeRole);

            if (results.Entities.Count > 0)
                oppositeRole = results.Entities[0].ToEntityReference();
            return oppositeRole;
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public UserOrTeam GetUserOrTeamReference(EntityReference userOrTeamId)
            UserOrTeam user;
            // Add to the list of users if not already
            if (!userOrTeamIds.ContainsKey(userOrTeamId.Id.ToString()))

                user = new UserOrTeam();
                user.Id = userOrTeamId.Id.ToString();
                user.IsTeam = (userOrTeamId.LogicalName == "team");
                user.LogicalName = user.IsTeam ? "team" : "systemuser";
                user.FullName = null;
                user.Parties = new Dictionary<string, EntityReference>();
                userOrTeamIds[user.Id] = user;

                user = userOrTeamIds[userOrTeamId.Id.ToString()];
            return user;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 private bool IsAlsoAUserFromEntityReference(EntityReference record)
     Entity entityRecord = new Entity(record.LogicalName);
     entityRecord.Id = record.Id.Value;
     return IsAlsoAUser(entityRecord);
Ejemplo n.º 11
        private PendingLink AddPendingLink(EntityNode newNode, EntityReference pendingEntity)
            Trace("Add Pending Link {0} {1} -> {2} {3}", new object[] { ((Entity)newNode.SourceData).LogicalName, newNode.Name, pendingEntity.LogicalName, pendingEntity.Id });
            PendingLink pending = new PendingLink();
            pending.Source = newNode;
            pending.Target = pendingEntity;

            if (!pendingLinks.ContainsKey(pendingEntity.LogicalName))
                pendingLinks[pendingEntity.LogicalName] = new Dictionary<string, PendingLink>();

            if (!IsAlsoAUserFromEntityReference(pendingEntity))
                pendingLinks[pendingEntity.LogicalName][pendingEntity.Id.ToString()] = pending;


            return pending;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public override void LoadValue(Dictionary<string, object> item)
     _originalValue = (EntityReference)item[_args.Column.Field];
     if (_originalValue != null)
         _value = new EntityReference(_originalValue.Id, _originalValue.LogicalName, _originalValue.Name);
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// When an activity row is selected in the 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityReference"></param>
        public void SetCurrentActivity(EntityReference entityReference, int day)
            if (day > 0)
                this.SelectedDay = DateTimeEx.DateAdd(DateInterval.Days, day - 1, this.WeekStart);
                this.SelectedDay = null;

            this.SelectedActivity = entityReference;
            if (entityReference != null && entityReference.Id != null)
                this.SelectedActivityID = entityReference.Id;
                this.SelectedActivityID = null;
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets an instance of a <c>EntityReference</c> type that has its type property set.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="field">The current <c>DefinitionField</c> being mapped.  This determines the type property when creating a <c>Lookup</c> instance.</param>
 /// <returns>A new instance of a <c>EntityReference</c> type object.</returns>
 private EntityReference GetReferenceInstanceType(FieldDefinition field)
     // set the returned reference to a Lookup initialy, since that is the most common crm reference entity
     EntityReference reference = new EntityReference();
     this.SetLookupType(field, reference);
     return reference;
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the type property on a given <c>Lookup</c> instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="field">The field who's name will determine that type of the <c>Lookup</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="returnedLookup">The <c>Lookup</c> to set the type property on.</param> 
        protected virtual void SetLookupType(FieldDefinition field, EntityReference returnedLookup)
            if (field == null || returnedLookup == null)
                throw new AdapterException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.ArgumentNullExceptionMessage)) { ExceptionId = AdapterException.SystemExceptionGuid };

            returnedLookup.LogicalName = field.FindAttribute(CRM2011AdapterUtilities.LookupType).Value;
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public static string getCurrencySymbol(EntityReference currencyid)
            if (currencyid != null && currencyid.Id!=null && currencyid.Id.Value!=null)
                return NumberEx.GetCurrencySymbol(currencyid.Id);

            return string.Empty;
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public XrmLookupEditor(EditorArguments args)
            : base(args)
            XrmLookupEditor self = this;

            _args = args;
            _container = jQuery.FromHtml("<div><table class='inline-edit-container' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr><td><INPUT type=text class='sparkle-input-inline' /></td><td class='lookup-button-td'><input type=button class='sparkle-lookup-button' /></td></tr></table></div>");

            jQueryObject inputField = _container.Find(".sparkle-input-inline");
            jQueryObject selectButton = _container.Find(".sparkle-lookup-button");
            _input = inputField;

            _autoComplete = inputField.Plugin<AutoCompleteObject>();

            AutoCompleteOptions options = new AutoCompleteOptions();
            options.Position = new Dictionary<string, object>("collision", "fit");
            options.MinLength = 100000;
            options.Delay = 0; // TODO- set to something that makes sense
            XrmLookupEditorOptions editorOptions = (XrmLookupEditorOptions)args.Column.Options;

            bool justSelected = false;
            options.Select = delegate(jQueryEvent e, AutoCompleteSelectEvent uiEvent)
                if (_value == null) _value = new EntityReference(null,null,null);

                // Note we assume that the binding has added an array of string items
                AutoCompleteItem item = (AutoCompleteItem)uiEvent.Item;
                EntityReference itemRef = (EntityReference)item.Value;
                if (itemRef.LogicalName == "footerlink")
                    XrmLookupEditorButton button = editorOptions.footerButton;
                    string value = item.Label;
                    _value.Id = itemRef.Id;
                    _value.Name = itemRef.Name;
                    _value.LogicalName = ((EntityReference)item.Value).LogicalName;
                    justSelected = true;
                Script.Literal("return false;");


            options.Focus = delegate(jQueryEvent e, AutoCompleteFocusEvent uiEvent)
                // Prevent the value being updated in the text box as we scroll through the results
                Script.Literal("return false;");

            options.Open = delegate(jQueryEvent e, jQueryObject o)
                self._searchOpen = true;
                if (editorOptions.showFooter && totalRecordsReturned>0)
                    WidgetObject menu = (WidgetObject)Script.Literal("{0}.autocomplete({1})", _input, "widget");

            options.Close = delegate(jQueryEvent e, jQueryObject o)
                self._searchOpen = false;
                WidgetObject menu = (WidgetObject)Script.Literal("{0}.autocomplete({1})", _input, "widget");
                jQueryObject footer = menu.Next();
                if (footer.Length > 0 || footer.HasClass("sparkle-menu-footer"))

            // If there multiple names, add them to the columnAttributes
            string[] columns = editorOptions.nameAttribute.Split(",");

            if (columns.Length > 1)
                editorOptions.columns = columns;
                editorOptions.nameAttribute = columns[0];

            // wire up source to CRM search
            Action<AutoCompleteRequest, Action<AutoCompleteItem[]>> queryDelegate = delegate(AutoCompleteRequest request, Action<AutoCompleteItem[]> response)
                 // Get the option set values
                editorOptions.queryCommand(request.Term, delegate(EntityCollection fetchResult)
                    if (fetchResult.TotalRecordCount > fetchResult.Entities.Count)
                        totalRecordsReturned = fetchResult.TotalRecordCount;
                        totalRecordsReturned = fetchResult.Entities.Count;

                    int recordsFound = fetchResult.Entities.Count;
                    bool noRecordsFound = recordsFound == 0;
                    XrmLookupEditorButton button = editorOptions.footerButton;
                    bool footerButton = (button != null);

                    AutoCompleteItem[] results = new AutoCompleteItem[recordsFound + (footerButton ? 1 : 0) + (noRecordsFound ? 1 :0) ];

                    for (int i = 0; i < recordsFound; i++)
                        results[i] = new AutoCompleteItem();
                        results[i].Label = (string)fetchResult.Entities[i].GetAttributeValue(editorOptions.nameAttribute);
                        EntityReference id = new EntityReference(null, null, null);
                        id.Name = results[i].Label;
                        id.LogicalName = fetchResult.Entities[i].LogicalName;
                        id.Id = (Guid)fetchResult.Entities[i].GetAttributeValue(editorOptions.idAttribute);
                        results[i].Value = id;
                        XrmLookupBinding.GetExtraColumns(editorOptions.columns, fetchResult, results, i);
                        string typeCodeName = fetchResult.Entities[i].LogicalName;

                        // Get the type code from the name to find the icon
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(editorOptions.typeCodeAttribute))
                            typeCodeName = fetchResult.Entities[i].GetAttributeValue(editorOptions.typeCodeAttribute).ToString();

                        if (editorOptions.showImage)
                            results[i].Image = MetadataCache.GetSmallIconUrl(typeCodeName);

                    int itemsCount = recordsFound;
                    if (noRecordsFound)
                        AutoCompleteItem noRecordsItem = new AutoCompleteItem();
                        noRecordsItem.Label = SparkleResourceStrings.NoRecordsFound;
                        results[itemsCount] = noRecordsItem;

                    if (footerButton)
                        // Add the add new
                        AutoCompleteItem addNewLink = new AutoCompleteItem();
                        addNewLink.Label = button.Label;
                        addNewLink.Image = button.Image;
                        addNewLink.ColumnValues = null;
                        addNewLink.Value = new Entity("footerlink");
                        results[itemsCount] = addNewLink;

                    // Disable it now so typing doesn't trigger a search
                    AutoCompleteOptions disableOption = new AutoCompleteOptions();
                    disableOption.MinLength = 100000;


            options.Source = queryDelegate;
            inputField = _autoComplete.AutoComplete(options);
            RenderItemDelegate autoCompleteDelegates = ((RenderItemDelegate)Script.Literal("{0}.data('ui-autocomplete')", inputField));
            autoCompleteDelegates._renderItem = delegate(object ul, AutoCompleteItem item)
                    return (object)jQuery.Select("<li class='ui-state-disabled'>"+item.Label+"</li>").AppendTo((jQueryObject)ul);

                string itemHtml = "<a class='sparkle-menu-item'>";
                // Allow for no image by passing false to 'ShowImage' on the XrmLookupEditorOptions options
                if (item.Image != null)
                    itemHtml += "<span class='sparkle-menu-item-img'><img src='" + item.Image + "'/></span>";
                itemHtml += "<span class='sparkle-menu-item-label'>" + item.Label + "</span><br/>";
                if (item.ColumnValues != null && item.ColumnValues.Length > 0)
                    foreach (string value in item.ColumnValues)
                        itemHtml += "<span class='sparkle-menu-item-moreinfo'>" + value + "</span>";
                itemHtml += "</a>";
                return (object)jQuery.Select("<li>").Append(itemHtml).AppendTo((jQueryObject)ul);

            // Add the click binding to show the drop down
            selectButton.Click(delegate(jQueryEvent e)
                AutoCompleteOptions enableOption = new AutoCompleteOptions();
                enableOption.MinLength = 0;
                _autoComplete.AutoComplete(AutoCompleteMethod.Search, inputField.GetValue());


            // Bind return to searching
            _input.Keydown(delegate(jQueryEvent e)
                if (e.Which == 13 && !justSelected) // Return pressed - but we want to do a search not move to the next cell
                    if (inputField.GetValue().Length > 0)
                        // Set value to null
                        _value = null;
                else if (e.Which == 13)
                if (self._searchOpen)
                    switch (e.Which)
                        case 9:
                        case 13: // Return
                        case 38: // Up - don't navigate - but use the dropdown to select search results
                        case 40: // Down - don't navigate - but use the dropdown to select search results
                    switch (e.Which)
                        case 13: // Return

                justSelected = false;
Ejemplo n.º 18
 private void UnSelectEntity(EntityReference entity)
     string key = GetID(entity.Id.ToString());
     EntityNode node = vm.idIndex[key];
     D3.Select("#" + key).SelectAll(".entityImage").Attr("filter", "url(#no-glow)");
     D3.Select("#" + key).SelectAll(".entityImage").Transition().Attr("transform", "scale(1)");
Ejemplo n.º 19
 private void SelectEntity(EntityReference entity)
     string key =  GetID(entity.Id.ToString());
     D3.Select("#" + key).SelectAll(".entityImage").Attr("filter", "url(#selected-glow)");
     D3.Select("#" + key).SelectAll(".entityImage").Transition().Attr("transform", "scale(0.6)").Transition().Attr("transform", "scale(2)");
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public override void Init(System.Html.Element element, Func<object> valueAccessor, Func<System.Collections.Dictionary> allBindingsAccessor, object viewModel, object context)
            jQueryObject container = jQuery.FromElement(element);
            jQueryObject inputField = container.Find(".sparkle-input-lookup-part");
            jQueryObject selectButton = container.Find(".sparkle-input-lookup-button-part");
            EntityReference _value = new EntityReference(null, null, null);
            AutoCompleteOptions options = new AutoCompleteOptions();
            options.MinLength = 100000; // Don't enable type down - use search button (or return)
            options.Delay = 0;
            options.Position = new Dictionary<string, object>("collision", "fit");

            bool justSelected = false;

            // Set the value when selected
            options.Select = delegate(jQueryEvent e, AutoCompleteSelectEvent uiEvent)

                // Note we assume that the binding has added an array of string items
                AutoCompleteItem item = (AutoCompleteItem)uiEvent.Item;
                if (_value == null) _value = new EntityReference(null, null, null);
                string value = item.Label;
                _value.Id = ((Guid)item.Value);
                _value.Name = item.Label;
                _value.LogicalName = (string)item.Data;
                justSelected = true;
                TrySetObservable(valueAccessor, inputField, _value);
                Script.Literal("return false;");


            // Get the query command
            Action<string, Action<EntityCollection>> queryCommand = (Action<string, Action<EntityCollection>>)((object)allBindingsAccessor()["queryCommand"]);
            string nameAttribute = ((string)allBindingsAccessor()["nameAttribute"]);
            string idAttribute = ((string)allBindingsAccessor()["idAttribute"]);
            string typeCodeAttribute = ((string)allBindingsAccessor()["typeCodeAttribute"]);
            string[] columnAttributes = null;
            // If there multiple names, add them to the columnAttributes
            string[] columns = nameAttribute.Split(",");

            if (columns.Length > 1)
                columnAttributes = columns;
                nameAttribute = columnAttributes[0];

            // wire up source to CRM search
            Action<AutoCompleteRequest, Action<AutoCompleteItem[]>> queryDelegate = delegate(AutoCompleteRequest request, Action<AutoCompleteItem[]> response)
                Action<EntityCollection> queryCallBack = delegate(EntityCollection fetchResult)
                        AutoCompleteItem[] results = new AutoCompleteItem[fetchResult.Entities.Count];

                        for (int i = 0; i < fetchResult.Entities.Count; i++)
                            results[i] = new AutoCompleteItem();
                            results[i].Label = (string)fetchResult.Entities[i].GetAttributeValue(nameAttribute);
                            results[i].Value = fetchResult.Entities[i].GetAttributeValue(idAttribute);
                            results[i].Data = fetchResult.Entities[i].LogicalName;
                            GetExtraColumns(columnAttributes, fetchResult, results, i);

                            string typeCodeName = fetchResult.Entities[i].LogicalName;
                            // Get the type code from the name to find the icon
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeCodeAttribute))
                                typeCodeName = fetchResult.Entities[i].GetAttributeValue(typeCodeAttribute).ToString();

                            results[i].Image = MetadataCache.GetSmallIconUrl(typeCodeName);


                        // Disable it now so typing doesn't trigger a search
                        AutoCompleteOptions disableOption = new AutoCompleteOptions();
                        disableOption.MinLength = 100000;

                // Call the function with the correct 'this' context
                Script.Literal("{0}.call({1}.$parent,{2},{3})",queryCommand, context, request.Term, queryCallBack);


            options.Source = queryDelegate;
            options.Focus = delegate(jQueryEvent e, AutoCompleteFocusEvent uiEvent)
                // Prevent the value being updated in the text box we scroll through the results
                Script.Literal("return false;");
            inputField = inputField.Plugin<AutoCompleteObject>().AutoComplete(options);

            // Set render template
            ((RenderItemDelegate)Script.Literal("{0}.data('ui-autocomplete')", inputField))._renderItem = delegate(object ul, AutoCompleteItem item)
                string html = "<a class='sparkle-menu-item'><span class='sparkle-menu-item-img'><img src='" + item.Image + "'/></span><span class='sparkle-menu-item-label'>" + item.Label + "</span><br>";
                if (item.ColumnValues != null && item.ColumnValues.Length > 0)
                    foreach (string value in item.ColumnValues)
                        html += "<span class='sparkle-menu-item-moreinfo'>" + value + "</span>";
                html += "</a>";
                return (object)jQuery.Select("<li>").Append(html).AppendTo((jQueryObject)ul);


            // Add the click binding to show the drop down
            selectButton.Click(delegate(jQueryEvent e)
                AutoCompleteOptions enableOption = new AutoCompleteOptions();
                enableOption.MinLength = 0;


            // handle the field changing
            inputField.Change(delegate(jQueryEvent e)
                if (inputField.GetValue() != _value.Name)
                    TrySetObservable(valueAccessor, inputField, null);

            Action disposeCallBack = delegate()
                if ((bool)Script.Literal("$({0}).data('ui-autocomplete')!=undefined", inputField))
                    Script.Literal("$({0}).autocomplete(\"destroy\")", inputField);

            //handle disposal (if KO removes by the template binding)
            Script.Literal("ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback({0}, {1})", element, (object)disposeCallBack);
            Knockout.BindingHandlers["validationCore"].Init(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, null, null);

            // Bind return to searching
            inputField.Keydown(delegate(jQueryEvent e)

                if (e.Which == 13 && !justSelected) // Return pressed - but we want to do a search not move to the next cell
                else if (e.Which == 13)
                switch (e.Which)
                    case 13: // Return
                    case 38: // Up - don't navigate - but use the dropdown to select search results
                    case 40: // Down - don't navigate - but use the dropdown to select search results

                justSelected = false;

            //Script.Literal("return { controlsDescendantBindings: true };");
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public override void Init(System.Html.Element element, Func<object> valueAccessor, Func<System.Collections.Dictionary> allBindingsAccessor, object viewModel, object context)
            XrmLookupEditorButton footerButton = (XrmLookupEditorButton)allBindingsAccessor()["footerButton"];
            bool showFooter = (bool)allBindingsAccessor()["showFooter"];
            jQueryObject container = jQuery.FromElement(element);
            jQueryObject inputField = container.Find(".sparkle-input-lookup-part");
            jQueryObject selectButton = container.Find(".sparkle-input-lookup-button-part");
            EntityReference _value = new EntityReference(null, null, null);
            AutoCompleteOptions options = new AutoCompleteOptions();
            options.MinLength = 100000; // Don't enable type down - use search button (or return)
            options.Delay = 0;
            options.Position = new Dictionary<string, object>("collision", "fit");
            bool justSelected = false;
            int totalRecordsReturned = 0;
            Action<AutoCompleteItem,bool> setValue = delegate(AutoCompleteItem item,bool setFocus)
                if (_value == null) _value = new EntityReference(null, null, null);
                string value = item.Label;
                _value.Id = ((Guid)item.Value);
                _value.Name = item.Label;
                _value.LogicalName = (string)item.Data;
                justSelected = true;
                TrySetObservable(valueAccessor, inputField, _value, setFocus);

            // Set the value when selected
            options.Select = delegate(jQueryEvent e, AutoCompleteSelectEvent uiEvent)
                // Note we assume that the binding has added an array of string items
                AutoCompleteItem item = (AutoCompleteItem)uiEvent.Item;
                string data = ((string)item.Data);
                if (data == "footerlink" || data==null)
                    Script.Literal("return false;");
                    setValue(item, true);
                    Script.Literal("return false;");

            options.Open = delegate(jQueryEvent e, jQueryObject o)

                if (showFooter && totalRecordsReturned>0)
                    WidgetObject menu = (WidgetObject)Script.Literal("{0}.autocomplete({1})", inputField, "widget");
                    XrmLookupEditor.AddFooter(menu, totalRecordsReturned);

            options.Close = delegate(jQueryEvent e, jQueryObject o)

                WidgetObject menu = (WidgetObject)Script.Literal("{0}.autocomplete({1})", inputField, "widget");
                jQueryObject footer = menu.Next();
                if (footer.Length > 0 || footer.HasClass("sparkle-menu-footer"))
            // Get the query command
            Action<string, Action<EntityCollection>> queryCommand = (Action<string, Action<EntityCollection>>)((object)allBindingsAccessor()["queryCommand"]);
            string nameAttribute = ((string)allBindingsAccessor()["nameAttribute"]);
            string idAttribute = ((string)allBindingsAccessor()["idAttribute"]);
            string typeCodeAttribute = ((string)allBindingsAccessor()["typeCodeAttribute"]);
            string[] columnAttributes = null;
            // If there multiple names, add them to the columnAttributes
            string[] columns = nameAttribute.Split(",");

            if (columns.Length > 1)
                columnAttributes = columns;
                nameAttribute = columnAttributes[0];

            // wire up source to CRM search
            Action<AutoCompleteRequest, Action<AutoCompleteItem[]>> queryDelegate = delegate(AutoCompleteRequest request, Action<AutoCompleteItem[]> response)
                Action<EntityCollection> queryCallBack = delegate(EntityCollection fetchResult)
                        int recordsFound = fetchResult.Entities.Count;
                        bool noRecordsFound = recordsFound == 0;
                        AutoCompleteItem[] results = new AutoCompleteItem[recordsFound + (footerButton!=null ? 1 : 0) + (noRecordsFound ? 1 : 0)];

                        for (int i = 0; i < recordsFound; i++)
                            results[i] = new AutoCompleteItem();
                            results[i].Label = (string)fetchResult.Entities[i].GetAttributeValue(nameAttribute);
                            results[i].Value = fetchResult.Entities[i].GetAttributeValue(idAttribute);
                            results[i].Data = fetchResult.Entities[i].LogicalName;
                            GetExtraColumns(columnAttributes, fetchResult, results, i);

                            string typeCodeName = fetchResult.Entities[i].LogicalName;
                            // Get the type code from the name to find the icon
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(typeCodeAttribute))
                                typeCodeName = fetchResult.Entities[i].GetAttributeValue(typeCodeAttribute).ToString();

                            results[i].Image = MetadataCache.GetSmallIconUrl(typeCodeName);

                        if (fetchResult.TotalRecordCount > fetchResult.Entities.Count)
                            totalRecordsReturned = fetchResult.TotalRecordCount;
                            totalRecordsReturned = fetchResult.Entities.Count;
                        int itemsCount = recordsFound;
                        if (noRecordsFound)
                            AutoCompleteItem noRecordsItem = new AutoCompleteItem();
                            noRecordsItem.Label = SparkleResourceStrings.NoRecordsFound;
                            results[itemsCount] = noRecordsItem;
                        if (footerButton != null)
                            // Add the add new
                            AutoCompleteItem addNewLink = new AutoCompleteItem();
                            addNewLink.Label = footerButton.Label;
                            addNewLink.Image = footerButton.Image;
                            addNewLink.ColumnValues = null;
                            addNewLink.Data = "footerlink";
                            results[itemsCount] = addNewLink;

                        // Disable it now so typing doesn't trigger a search
                        AutoCompleteOptions disableOption = new AutoCompleteOptions();
                        disableOption.MinLength = 100000;

                // Call the function with the correct 'this' context
                Script.Literal("{0}.call({1}.$parent,{2},{3})",queryCommand, context, request.Term, queryCallBack);

            options.Source = queryDelegate;
            options.Focus = delegate(jQueryEvent e, AutoCompleteFocusEvent uiEvent)
                // Prevent the value being updated in the text box we scroll through the results
                Script.Literal("return false;");
            inputField = inputField.Plugin<AutoCompleteObject>().AutoComplete(options);

            // Set render template
            ((RenderItemDelegate)Script.Literal("{0}.data('ui-autocomplete')", inputField))._renderItem = delegate(object ul, AutoCompleteItem item)
                if (item.Data==null)
                    return (object)jQuery.Select("<li class='ui-state-disabled'>" + item.Label + "</li>").AppendTo((jQueryObject)ul);

                string html = "<a class='sparkle-menu-item'><span class='sparkle-menu-item-img'>";
                if (item.Image!=null)
                    html += @"<img src='" + item.Image + "'/>";
                html += @"</span><span class='sparkle-menu-item-label'>" + item.Label + "</span><br>";

                if (item.ColumnValues != null && item.ColumnValues.Length > 0)
                    foreach (string value in item.ColumnValues)
                        html += "<span class='sparkle-menu-item-moreinfo'>" + value + "</span>";
                html += "</a>";
                return (object)jQuery.Select("<li>").Append(html).AppendTo((jQueryObject)ul);


            // Add the click binding to show the drop down
            selectButton.Click(delegate(jQueryEvent e)
                AutoCompleteOptions enableOption = new AutoCompleteOptions();
                enableOption.MinLength = 0;

            // handle the field changing
            inputField.Change(delegate(jQueryEvent e)
                string inputValue = inputField.GetValue();
                if (inputValue != _value.Name)
                    // The name is different from the name of the lookup reference
                    // search to see if we can auto resolve it
                    TrySetObservable(valueAccessor, inputField, null,false);
                    AutoCompleteRequest lookup = new AutoCompleteRequest();
                    lookup.Term = inputValue;
                    Action<AutoCompleteItem[]> lookupResults = delegate(AutoCompleteItem[] results)
                        int selectableItems =0;
                        // If there is only one, then auto-set
                        if (results != null)
                            foreach (AutoCompleteItem item in results)
                                if (isItemSelectable(item))
                                if (selectableItems > 2)

                        if (selectableItems == 1)
                            // There is only a single value so set it now
                            setValue(results[0], false);

                    queryDelegate(lookup, lookupResults);

            Action disposeCallBack = delegate()
                if ((bool)Script.Literal("$({0}).data('ui-autocomplete')!=undefined", inputField))
                    Script.Literal("$({0}).autocomplete(\"destroy\")", inputField);

            //handle disposal (if KO removes by the template binding)
            Script.Literal("ko.utils.domNodeDisposal.addDisposeCallback({0}, {1})", element, (object)disposeCallBack);
            Knockout.BindingHandlers["validationCore"].Init(element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, null, null);

            // Bind return to searching
            inputField.Keydown(delegate(jQueryEvent e)
                if (e.Which == 13 && !justSelected) // Return pressed - but we want to do a search not move to the next cell
                else if (e.Which == 13)
                switch (e.Which)
                    case 13: // Return
                    case 38: // Up - don't navigate - but use the dropdown to select search results
                    case 40: // Down - don't navigate - but use the dropdown to select search results
                justSelected = false;

            //Script.Literal("return { controlsDescendantBindings: true };");
Ejemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks for an existing N:N relationship between two records by executing a fetch against the relationship
        /// association table.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="relationship">The Relationship to evaluate.</param>
        /// <param name="Entity1">EntityReference for the one of the entities to test.</param>
        /// <param name="Entity2">EntityReference for the second entity to test.</param>
        /// <returns>Boolean true if Entity1 and Entity2 have an existing relationship.</returns>
        public static bool DoesNNAssociationExist(Relationship relationship, EntityReference Entity1, EntityReference Entity2)
            string fetchXml = "<fetch mapping='logical'>"
                              + "  <entity name='" + relationship.SchemaName + "'>"
                              + "    <all-attributes />"
                              + "    <filter>"
                              + "      <condition attribute='" + Entity1.LogicalName + "id' operator='eq' value ='" + Entity1.Id.Value + "' />"
                              + "      <condition attribute='" + Entity2.LogicalName + "id' operator='eq' value='" + Entity2.Id.Value + "' />"
                              + "    </filter>"
                              + "  </entity>"
                              + "</fetch>";

            EntityCollection result = OrganizationServiceProxy.RetrieveMultiple(fetchXml);

            if (result.Entities.Count > 0)

Ejemplo n.º 23
 public override void LoadValue(Dictionary<string, object> item)
     _originalValue = (EntityReference)item[_args.Column.Field];
     _value = _originalValue;
     if (_originalValue!=null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Assigns an object to be the value for a property on a <c>Entity</c>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reference">The <c>object</c> be assigned as the value</param>
        /// <param name="entity">The <c>Entity</c> to be assigned to</param>
        /// <param name="propertyToBeAssignedValue">The name of the property on the <c>Entity</c> to assign the supplied object to</param>
        /// <remarks>If the <c>object</c> is null, nothing is assigned to the property</remarks>
        protected static void AssignReferencePropertyValue(EntityReference reference, Entity entity, string propertyToBeAssignedValue)
            if (entity == null)
                throw new AdapterException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.ArgumentNullExceptionMessage), new ArgumentNullException("entity")) { ExceptionId = AdapterException.SystemExceptionGuid };

            // These checks are only for updates
            if (entity.Contains(CRM2011AdapterUtilities.IsNew) && !(bool)entity[CRM2011AdapterUtilities.IsNew])
                if (entity.Contains(propertyToBeAssignedValue))
                    if (reference == null)
                        // Since the reference entity supplied is null, remove the property from the retrieved entity to avoid a potential update storm
                    else if (((EntityReference)entity[propertyToBeAssignedValue]).Id == reference.Id)
                        // Since this property has the same value we are trying to assign it, remove it to avoid a potential update storm
                        entity[propertyToBeAssignedValue] = reference;


            // This is a new instance or the existing instance did not contain this property when it was retrieved
            if (reference != null)
                entity[propertyToBeAssignedValue] = reference;
Ejemplo n.º 25
 private EntityLink AddLinkIfLoaded(EntityNode target, EntityReference source, bool delayAdd)
     EntityNode sourceNode = GetEntityFromReference(source);
     if (sourceNode != null)
         // Create Link
         EntityLink link = AddLink(sourceNode, target, delayAdd);
         return link;
     return null;
Ejemplo n.º 26
        private static void TrySetObservable(Func<object> valueAccessor, jQueryObject inputField, EntityReference value, bool setFocus)
            Observable<EntityReference> observable = (Observable<EntityReference>)valueAccessor();
            bool isValid = true;

            if (((string)Script.Literal("typeof({0}.isValid)", observable)) != "undefined")
                isValid = ((IValidatedObservable)observable).IsValid() == true;

            if (isValid && setFocus)
                // Ensure the field is reinitialised
        /// <summary>
        /// Used to actually create instances of the child entities in an inherited class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentKey">The <c>Key</c> of the parent entity.</param>
        /// <param name="childEntity">The child entity to be created in the form of a <c>Entity</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="collectionFieldName">The name of the field in the <c>ObjectProvider</c>'s configuration file that is being mapped currently.</param>
        protected virtual void CreateUpdateChildInstanceForField(Guid parentKey, Entity childEntity, string collectionFieldName)
            if (parentKey == null || childEntity == null)
                throw new AdapterException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.ArgumentNullExceptionMessage)) { ExceptionId = AdapterException.SystemExceptionGuid };

            if (!childEntity.Contains(childEntity.LogicalName + "id"))
                // Set a default value of parnet entity name + id
                string parentAttribName = this.ProvidedEntityName + "id";

                // Select the child entity's type def
                TypeDefinition childType = this.ObjectDefinition.Types.SingleOrDefault(td => td.Name == childEntity.LogicalName);
                if (childType != null)
                    // Query to limit the number of fields on the child type we iterate over when looking for the parent field
                    var childFields = from childField in childType.Children
                                      where childField.AdditionalAttributes != null
                                      select childField;
                    foreach (FieldDefinition fieldDef in childFields)
                        XmlAttribute attrib = fieldDef.AdditionalAttributes.FirstOrDefault(at => at.Name == CRM2011AdapterUtilities.IsParentField);
                        if (attrib != null && attrib.Value.ToUpperInvariant() == true.ToString().ToUpperInvariant())
                            // Set the parent field's name and break out of the foreach loop
                            parentAttribName = fieldDef.Name;

                childEntity[parentAttribName] = new EntityReference(this.ProvidedEntityName, parentKey);
Ejemplo n.º 28
        private static void InitLocalisedContent()
            Dictionary<string, string> parameters;
            string id;
            string logicalName;
            int pageSize = 10;
            string defaultView=null;            

            id = "C489707F-B5E2-E411-80D5-080027846324";
            logicalName = "account";
            parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>();         
            parameters = PageEx.GetWebResourceData(); // The allowed lookup types for the connections - e.g. account, contact, opportunity. This must be passed as a data parameter to the webresource 'account=name&contact=fullname&opportunity=name
            id = ParentPage.Data.Entity.GetId();  
            logicalName =  ParentPage.Data.Entity.GetEntityName();
            EntityReference parent = new EntityReference(new Guid(id), logicalName, null);
            string entities = "account,contact,opportunity,systemuser";
            foreach (string key in parameters.Keys)
                switch (key.ToLowerCase())
                    case "entities":
                        entities = parameters[key];
                    case "pageSize":
                        pageSize = int.Parse(parameters[key]);
                    case "view":
                        defaultView = parameters[key];
                    case "category":
                        category = int.Parse(parameters[key]);
            // Get the view
            QueryParser queryParser = new QueryParser(new string[] {"connection"});
            queryParser.GetView("connection", defaultView);
            EntityQuery connectionViews = queryParser.EntityLookup["connection"];
            string viewName = connectionViews.Views.Keys[0];
            FetchQuerySettings view = connectionViews.Views[viewName];

            vm = new ConnectionsViewModel(parent, entities.Split(","), pageSize, view);
            // Bind Connections grid
            GridDataViewBinder connectionsGridDataBinder = new GridDataViewBinder();
            List<Column> columns = view.Columns;

            // Role2Id Column - provided it is in the view!
            foreach (Column col in columns)
                switch (col.Field)
                    case "record2roleid":
                        XrmLookupEditor.BindColumn(col, vm.RoleSearchCommand, "connectionroleid", "name,category", "");
                    case "description":
                    case "effectivestart":
                    case "effectiveend":
                        XrmDateEditor.BindColumn(col, true);

            connectionsGrid = connectionsGridDataBinder.DataBindXrmGrid(vm.Connections, columns, "container", "pager", true, false);

            connectionsGrid.OnActiveCellChanged.Subscribe(delegate(EventData e, object data)
                OnCellChangedEventData eventData = (OnCellChangedEventData)data;

            // Let's not use a hover button because it get's in the way of the editable grid!
            //RowHoverPlugin rowButtons = new RowHoverPlugin("gridButtons");



        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a new <c>EntityReference</c> object that represents an instance of an entity within the target system.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="field">The field that is currently being set to a <c>EntityReference</c>.</param>
        /// <param name="mappedLookupObject">The <c>Dictionary</c> that contains the data for populating the returned <c>EntityReference</c>.</param>
        /// <returns>A new instance of a <c>EntityReference</c> object initialized with the proper values from the target system or null
        /// if the dynamics_integrationkey in the supplied <c>Dictionary</c> is null or empty.</returns> 
        protected EntityReference MapEntityReference(FieldDefinition field, Dictionary<string, object> mappedLookupObject)
            if (field == null)
                throw new AdapterException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.ArgumentNullExceptionMessage), new ArgumentNullException("field")) { ExceptionId = AdapterException.SystemExceptionGuid };

            if (mappedLookupObject == null)
                throw new AdapterException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.ArgumentNullExceptionMessage), new ArgumentNullException("mappedLookupObject")) { ExceptionId = AdapterException.SystemExceptionGuid };

            EntityReference reference = this.GetReferenceInstanceType(field);

            var lookupField = field.AdditionalAttributes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "LookupField");
            var lookupEntity = field.AdditionalAttributes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "LookupType");

            var typeSplit = lookupEntity.Value.Split(',');
            var fieldSplit = lookupField.Value.Split(',');
            var typeFieldList = new List<KeyValuePair<string, string>>();

            if (typeSplit.Count() > 1 && fieldSplit.Count() > 1)
                for (int i = 0; i < typeSplit.Count(); i++)
                    typeFieldList.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, string>(typeSplit[i], fieldSplit[i]));

                lookupEntity.Value = mappedLookupObject["LogicalName"].ToString();
                lookupField.Value = typeFieldList.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Key == lookupEntity.Value).Value;

            if (lookupField != null && lookupEntity != null)
                var entityCollection = this.RetrieveEntityReferenceValue(field, lookupEntity, lookupField, mappedLookupObject);
                if (entityCollection != null)
                    if (entityCollection.Entities.Count != 0)
                        var integrationKeyValue = entityCollection.Entities.First().Id;

                        if (integrationKeyValue != Guid.Empty && integrationKeyValue != null)
                            return new EntityReference(lookupEntity.Value, integrationKeyValue);
                CRM2011AdapterUtilities.SetRelationshipValuesFromDictionary(mappedLookupObject, reference);

            if (reference.Id == Guid.Empty)
                if (field.Name.Contains("pricelevelid"))
                    reference = new EntityReference("pricelevel", (Guid)this.GetBaseCurrencyPriceLevel()["pricelevelid"]);
                    return reference;

                if (field.Name == "transactioncurrencyid")
                    reference = new EntityReference("transactioncurrency", this.CrmAdapter.BaseCurrencyId);
                    return reference;

                return null;

            if (reference.Id == Guid.Empty)
                return null;

            return reference;
Ejemplo n.º 30
        public XrmLookupEditor(EditorArguments args)
            : base(args)
            _args = args;
            _container = jQuery.FromHtml("<div ><table class='inline-edit-container' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0'><tr><td><INPUT type=text class='sparkle-input-inline' /></td><td class='lookup-button-td'><input type=button class='sparkle-lookup-button' /></td></tr></table></div>");

            jQueryObject inputField = _container.Find(".sparkle-input-inline");
            jQueryObject selectButton = _container.Find(".sparkle-lookup-button");
            _input = inputField;

            _autoComplete = inputField.Plugin<AutoCompleteObject>();

            AutoCompleteOptions options = new AutoCompleteOptions();

            options.MinLength = 100000;
            options.Delay = 0; // TODO- set to something that makes sense

            bool justSelected = false;
            options.Select = delegate(jQueryEvent e, AutoCompleteSelectEvent uiEvent)
                if (_value == null) _value = new EntityReference(null,null,null);

                // Note we assume that the binding has added an array of string items
                AutoCompleteItem item = (AutoCompleteItem)uiEvent.Item;
                string value = item.Label;
                _value.Id = ((EntityReference)item.Value).Id;
                _value.Name = ((EntityReference)item.Value).Name;
                _value.LogicalName = ((EntityReference)item.Value).LogicalName;
                justSelected = true;
                Script.Literal("return false;");

            options.Focus = delegate(jQueryEvent e, AutoCompleteFocusEvent uiEvent)
                // Prevent the value being updated in the text box we scroll through the results
                Script.Literal("return false;");

            XrmLookupEditorOptions editorOptions = (XrmLookupEditorOptions)args.Column.Options;

            // wire up source to CRM search
            Action<AutoCompleteRequest, Action<AutoCompleteItem[]>> queryDelegate = delegate(AutoCompleteRequest request, Action<AutoCompleteItem[]> response)

                 // Get the option set values
                editorOptions.queryCommand(request.Term, delegate(EntityCollection fetchResult)
                   AutoCompleteItem[] results = new AutoCompleteItem[fetchResult.Entities.Count];

                    for (int i = 0; i < fetchResult.Entities.Count; i++)
                        results[i] = new AutoCompleteItem();
                        results[i].Label = (string)fetchResult.Entities[i].GetAttributeValue(editorOptions.nameAttribute);
                        EntityReference id = new EntityReference(null, null, null);
                        id.Name = results[i].Label;
                        id.LogicalName = fetchResult.Entities[i].LogicalName;
                        id.Id = (Guid)fetchResult.Entities[i].GetAttributeValue(editorOptions.idAttribute);
                        results[i].Value = id;

                        string typeCodeName = fetchResult.Entities[i].LogicalName;

                        // Get the type code from the name to find the icon
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(editorOptions.typeCodeAttribute))
                            typeCodeName = fetchResult.Entities[i].GetAttributeValue(editorOptions.typeCodeAttribute).ToString();

                        results[i].Image = MetadataCache.GetSmallIconUrl(typeCodeName);


                    // Disable it now so typing doesn't trigger a search
                    AutoCompleteOptions disableOption = new AutoCompleteOptions();
                    disableOption.MinLength = 100000;


            options.Source = queryDelegate;
            inputField = _autoComplete.AutoComplete(options);
            ((RenderItemDelegate)Script.Literal("{0}.data('ui-autocomplete')", inputField))._renderItem = delegate(object ul, AutoCompleteItem item)
                return (object)jQuery.Select("<li>").Append( "<a class='sparkle-menu-item'><span class='sparkle-menu-item-img'><img src='" + item.Image + "'/></span><span class='sparkle-menu-item-label'>" + item.Label + "</span></a>").AppendTo((jQueryObject)ul);

            // Add the click binding to show the drop down
            selectButton.Click(delegate(jQueryEvent e)
                AutoCompleteOptions enableOption = new AutoCompleteOptions();
                enableOption.MinLength = 0;
                _autoComplete.AutoComplete(AutoCompleteMethod.Search, inputField.GetValue());


            // Bind return to searching
            _input.Keydown(delegate(jQueryEvent e)
                if (e.Which == 13 && !justSelected) // Return pressed - but we want to do a search not move to the next cell
                    if (inputField.GetValue().Length > 0)
                        // Set value to null
                        _value = null;
                else if (e.Which == 13)
                switch (e.Which)
                    case 13: // Return
                    case 38: // Up - don't navigate - but use the dropdown to select search results
                    case 40: // Down - don't navigate - but use the dropdown to select search results

                justSelected = false;
Ejemplo n.º 31
        public static object DeSerialise(XmlNode node,string overrideType)
            // Check if the value is null
            bool isNil = (XmlHelper.GetAttributeValue(node, "i:nil") == "true");
            object value = null;
            if (!isNil)

                string typeName = overrideType;
                if (typeName==null) typeName = _removeNsPrefix(XmlHelper.GetAttributeValue(node, "i:type"));

                string stringValue = XmlHelper.GetNodeTextValue(node);
                switch (typeName)
                    case AttributeTypes.EntityReference:
                        EntityReference entityReferenceValue = new EntityReference(
                            new Guid(XmlHelper.SelectSingleNodeValue(node, "Id")),
                            XmlHelper.SelectSingleNodeValue(node, "LogicalName"),
                            XmlHelper.SelectSingleNodeValue(node, "Name"));

                        value = entityReferenceValue;
                    case AttributeTypes.AliasedValue:
                        value = DeSerialise(XmlHelper.SelectSingleNode(node, "Value"),null);
                    case AttributeTypes.Boolean_:
                        value = (stringValue == "true");
                    case AttributeTypes.Decimal_:
                        value = decimal.Parse(stringValue);
                    case AttributeTypes.DateTime_:
                        DateTime dateValue = DateTimeEx.Parse(stringValue);

                        // We need it in the CRM Users timezone
                        UserSettings settings = OrganizationServiceProxy.UserSettings;
                        if (settings != null)
                            // Remove the local date formating so that it is in UTC irrespective of the local timezone
                            dateValue.SetTime(dateValue.GetTime() + (dateValue.GetTimezoneOffset() * 60 * 1000));

                            DateTime localDateValue = DateTimeEx.UTCToLocalTimeFromSettings(dateValue, settings);
                            value = localDateValue;
                            value = dateValue;

                    case "guid":
                        value = new Guid(stringValue);
                    case AttributeTypes.Int_:
                        value = int.Parse(stringValue);
                    case AttributeTypes.OptionSetValue:
                        value = OptionSetValue.Parse(XmlHelper.SelectSingleNodeValue(node, "Value"));
                    case AttributeTypes.Money:
                        value = new Money(decimal.Parse(XmlHelper.SelectSingleNodeValue(node, "Value")));
                        value = stringValue;

            return value;