Ejemplo n.º 1
 public void AddConnection(WebSocketConnection wsc)
     lock (conns)
         conns.Add(new ManagedConnection {
             WSC = wsc
         wsc.MessageReceived += async(sender, msg) => {
             try { await messageFrom(wsc, msg); }
             catch { await wsc.CloseIfNotClosedAsync("We messed up"); } // TO-DO: Log error
Ejemplo n.º 2
        private async Task messageFrom(WebSocketConnection wsc, string msg)
            ManagedConnection mc = null;

            lock (conns)
                mc = conns.Find(x => x.WSC.Id == wsc.Id);
            if (mc == null)
                await wsc.CloseIfNotClosedAsync("Where did this websocket connection come from?");

            mc.LastActiveUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
            // Diagnostic: see what happens when message handling code throws
            if (msg == "BOO")
                throw new Exception("up");
            // Client announcing their session key as the first message
            if (msg.StartsWith("SESSIONKEY "))
                if (mc.SessionKey != null)
                    await wsc.CloseIfNotClosedAsync("Client already sent their session key");

                var sessionKey = msg.Substring(11);
                var startStr   = docJuggler.StartSession(sessionKey);
                if (startStr == null)
                    await wsc.CloseIfNotClosedAsync("We're not expecting a session with this key");

                mc.SessionKey = sessionKey;
                await wsc.SendAsync("HELLO " + startStr, CancellationToken.None);

            // Anything else: client must be past sessionkey check
            if (mc.SessionKey == null)
                await wsc.CloseIfNotClosedAsync("Don't talk until you've announced your session key");

            // Just a keepalive ping: see if session is still open?
            if (msg == "PING")
                if (!docJuggler.IsSessionOpen(mc.SessionKey))
                    await wsc.CloseIfNotClosedAsync("This is not an open session");
            // Client announced a change
            if (msg.StartsWith("CHANGE "))
                int ix1 = msg.IndexOf(' ', 7);
                int ix2 = msg.IndexOf(' ', ix1 + 1);
                if (ix2 == -1)
                    ix2 = msg.Length;
                int    revId     = int.Parse(msg.Substring(7, ix1 - 7));
                string selStr    = msg.Substring(ix1 + 1, ix2 - ix1 - 1);
                string changeStr = null;
                if (ix2 != msg.Length)
                    changeStr = msg.Substring(ix2 + 1);
                if (!docJuggler.ChangeReceived(mc.SessionKey, revId, selStr, changeStr))
                    await wsc.CloseIfNotClosedAsync("We don't like this change; your session might have expired, the doc may be gone, or the change may be invalid.");
            // Anything else: No.
            await wsc.CloseIfNotClosedAsync("You shouldn't have said that");