Ejemplo n.º 1
        internal bool InsertAfter(GeneratorNode insert)
            if (insert == null)
                throw new DataGridInternalException("GeneratorNode is null.");

            var insertionCount = default(int);
            var chainLength    = default(int);
            var insertLast     = GeneratorNodeHelper.EvaluateChain(insert, out insertionCount, out chainLength);

            var nextNode = m_state.Node.Next;

            if (nextNode != null)
                nextNode.Previous = insertLast;

            insertLast.Next   = nextNode;
            insert.Previous   = m_state.Node;
            m_state.Node.Next = insert;

            // Move the current node to the last node inserted
            if (!this.MoveToNextBy(chainLength))
                throw new DataGridInternalException("Unable to move to the requested generator index.");

Ejemplo n.º 2
        internal static GeneratorNode EvaluateChain(GeneratorNode startNode, out int totalChildCount, out int chainLength)
            if (startNode == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("startNode");

            var current = new State(startNode, 0, 0);

            totalChildCount = startNode.ItemCount;
            chainLength     = 1;

            while (true)
                if (!GeneratorNodeHelper.MoveToNext(ref current))

                totalChildCount += current.Node.ItemCount;

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public bool InsertAfter(GeneratorNode insert)
            if (insert == null)
                throw new DataGridInternalException();

            int           insertionCount;
            int           chainLength;
            GeneratorNode insertLast = GeneratorNodeHelper.EvaluateChain(insert, out insertionCount, out chainLength);

            if (m_currentNode.Next != null)
                m_currentNode.Next.Previous = insertLast;

            insertLast.Next    = m_currentNode.Next;
            insert.Previous    = m_currentNode;
            m_currentNode.Next = insert;

            // Move the current node to the last node inserted
            if (!this.MoveToNextBy(chainLength))
                throw new DataGridInternalException();

Ejemplo n.º 4
        public bool MoveToFollowing()
            bool retval = false;
            GeneratorNodeHelper nodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper(m_currentNode, m_index, m_sourceDataIndex);

            while (!retval)
                retval = nodeHelper.MoveToNext();

                if (!retval)
                    if (!nodeHelper.MoveToParent())
                        //cannot move to parent and could not move to next, this is the end of the chain.

            if (retval)
                m_currentNode     = nodeHelper.CurrentNode;
                m_index           = nodeHelper.Index;
                m_sourceDataIndex = nodeHelper.SourceDataIndex;

Ejemplo n.º 5
        //Note: this function will not check for the presence of the item in the details for Items nodes.
        internal bool AbsoluteFindItem(object item)
            // This method will search through nodes, even those collapsed for the item.
            var current = m_state;

            while (true)
                var itemsNode = current.Node as CollectionGeneratorNode;
                if ((itemsNode != null) && itemsNode.Items.Contains(item))

                // If we reach this point, it's because the item we are looking
                // for is not in this node... Try to access the child
                if (!GeneratorNodeHelper.MoveToChild(ref current, false))
                    // Try "advancing" to the next item.
                    if (!GeneratorNodeHelper.MoveToFollowing(ref current))

            m_state = current;


Ejemplo n.º 6
        internal bool MoveBackward()
            var startNode = m_state.Node;

            while (true)
                if (!(m_state.Node is GroupGeneratorNode) && (m_state.Node != startNode) && (m_state.Node.ItemCount != 0))

                if (!GeneratorNodeHelper.MoveToChild(ref m_state))
                    if (!GeneratorNodeHelper.MoveToPreceding(ref m_state))
                    GeneratorNodeHelper.MoveToEnd(ref m_state);


Ejemplo n.º 7
        internal bool MoveToNextBy(int count)
            var success = GeneratorNodeHelper.MoveToNext(ref m_state, count);


Ejemplo n.º 8
        internal bool MoveToPrevious()
            var success = GeneratorNodeHelper.MoveToPrevious(ref m_state);


Ejemplo n.º 9
        internal bool MoveToChild(bool skipItemLessGroupNodes)
            var success = GeneratorNodeHelper.MoveToChild(ref m_state, skipItemLessGroupNodes);


Ejemplo n.º 10
        internal bool FindNodeForIndex(int index)
            var success = GeneratorNodeHelper.FindNodeForIndex(ref m_state, index);


Ejemplo n.º 11
        internal bool MoveToFirst()
            GeneratorNodeHelper.MoveToFirst(ref m_state);


Ejemplo n.º 12
        internal int FindItem(object item)
            var current = m_state;

            while (true)
                var itemsNode = current.Node as ItemsGeneratorNode;
                if (itemsNode != null)
                    var index = itemsNode.Items.IndexOf(item);
                    if (index >= 0)
                        index += itemsNode.CountDetailsBeforeDataIndex(index);

                        // Item is directly from this items node... then return the appropriate index!
                        m_state = current;


                        return(index + current.Index);

                    // If the item is from a detail, then I don't want to "use" it!!!
                    // but continue looping.... to find occurances of this item somewhere else in the tree.
                    var collectionNode = current.Node as CollectionGeneratorNode;
                    if (collectionNode != null)
                        var index = collectionNode.IndexOf(item);
                        if (index >= 0)
                            m_state = current;


                            return(index + current.Index);

                // If we reach this point, it's because the item we are looking
                // for is not in this node... Try to access the child
                if (!GeneratorNodeHelper.MoveToChild(ref current))
                    // Try "advancing" to the next item.
                    if (!GeneratorNodeHelper.MoveToFollowing(ref current))

Ejemplo n.º 13
        internal bool MoveToEnd()
            // We call MoveToNext instead of MoveToEnd because MoveToEnd includes the indexes of the last node.
            while (GeneratorNodeHelper.MoveToNext(ref m_state))


Ejemplo n.º 14
        private static bool MoveToFollowing(ref State state)
            while (!GeneratorNodeHelper.MoveToNext(ref state))
                if (!GeneratorNodeHelper.MoveToParent(ref state))

Ejemplo n.º 15
        private static bool MoveToPreceding(ref State state)
            while (!GeneratorNodeHelper.MoveToPrevious(ref state))
                if (!GeneratorNodeHelper.MoveToParent(ref state))

Ejemplo n.º 16
 private void NotifyImmediateChildren(bool value)
     if (this.Child != null)
         GeneratorNodeHelper nodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper(this.Child, 0, 0); //index not important
         }while(nodeHelper.MoveToPrevious() == true);
Ejemplo n.º 17
        internal bool FindNode(GeneratorNode node)
            if (node == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("node");

            var success = GeneratorNodeHelper.FindNode(ref m_state, node);


Ejemplo n.º 18
        //Note: this function will not check for the presence of the group in the details for Items nodes.
        internal bool FindGroup(CollectionViewGroup group)
            if (group == null)

            var current = m_state;

            while (true)
                var groupNode = current.Node as GroupGeneratorNode;
                if (groupNode != null)
                    if (groupNode.CollectionViewGroup == group)

                    if (!groupNode.CollectionViewGroup.IsBottomLevel)
                        if (!GeneratorNodeHelper.MoveToChild(ref current, false))
                        if (!GeneratorNodeHelper.MoveToFollowing(ref current))
                    // There is nothing under a non GroupGeneratorNode, try to move Next node in the list.
                    if (!GeneratorNodeHelper.MoveToFollowing(ref current))

            m_state = current;


Ejemplo n.º 19
        private static bool MoveToParent(ref State state)
            if (state.Node.Level == 0)

            GeneratorNodeHelper.MoveToFirst(ref state);

            state.Node = state.Node.Parent;
            Debug.Assert(state.Node != null);

        internal ReadOnlyCollection <Group> GetImmediateUIGroups(int generatorCurrentGeneration)
            if ((m_cachedGeneratorCurrentGeneration != generatorCurrentGeneration) ||
                (m_readOnlyImmediateUIGroups == null))
                Debug.WriteLineIf(((m_cachedGeneratorCurrentGeneration != generatorCurrentGeneration) && (m_readOnlyImmediateUIGroups == null)),
                                  "Creating Groups collection since generator version differs AND ReadOnlyCollection is null.");

                Debug.WriteLineIf(((m_cachedGeneratorCurrentGeneration != generatorCurrentGeneration) && (m_readOnlyImmediateUIGroups != null)),
                                  "Creating Groups collection since generator version differs.");

                Debug.WriteLineIf(((m_cachedGeneratorCurrentGeneration == generatorCurrentGeneration) && (m_readOnlyImmediateUIGroups == null)),
                                  "Creating Groups collection even if generator version is the same, since ReadOnlyCollection is null.");

                m_cachedGeneratorCurrentGeneration = generatorCurrentGeneration;

                // Ensure collections.
                if (m_immediateUIGroups == null)
                    Debug.Assert(m_readOnlyImmediateUIGroups == null);
                    m_immediateUIGroups         = new Collection <Group>();
                    m_readOnlyImmediateUIGroups = new ReadOnlyCollection <Group>(m_immediateUIGroups);
                    Debug.Assert(m_readOnlyImmediateUIGroups != null);

                // Recalculate.
                GeneratorNodeHelper nodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper(this, 0, 0); //index is not important

                while (nodeHelper.MoveToNext())
                    GroupGeneratorNode groupGeneratorNode = nodeHelper.CurrentNode as GroupGeneratorNode;

                    if (groupGeneratorNode == null)


Ejemplo n.º 21
        public bool ReverseCalculateIndex()
            // index need to be 0, as I will use the value from the index once I backtracked all the way to the root.
            GeneratorNodeHelper nodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper(this.CurrentNode, 0, 0);

            while ((nodeHelper.CurrentNode.Previous != null) || (nodeHelper.CurrentNode.Parent != null))
                if (!nodeHelper.MoveToPrevious())

            m_index           = Math.Abs(nodeHelper.Index);
            m_sourceDataIndex = Math.Abs(nodeHelper.SourceDataIndex);
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public static GeneratorNode EvaluateChain(GeneratorNode chainStart, out int totalChildCount, out int chainLength)
            //if we insert a chain of nodes, this GeneratorNodeHelper will help us
            GeneratorNodeHelper newHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper(chainStart, 0, 0);

            //first determine the total number of childs from this "node"
            totalChildCount = 0;
            chainLength     = 0;

                totalChildCount += newHelper.CurrentNode.ItemCount;

            //then, since we moved at the end of the "chain"
Ejemplo n.º 23
        private static State FindNodeLocation(GeneratorNode node)
            var state = new State(node, 0, 0);

            while (true)
                GeneratorNodeHelper.MoveToFirst(ref state);

                if (!GeneratorNodeHelper.MoveToParent(ref state))

            Debug.Assert(state.Index <= 0);
            Debug.Assert(state.DataIndex <= 0);

            return(new State(node, -state.Index, -state.DataIndex));
Ejemplo n.º 24
        private static bool FindNode(ref State state, GeneratorNode node)
            if (state.Node == node)

            var from      = state;
            var fromLevel = state.Node.Level;
            var to        = new State(node, 0, 0);
            var toLevel   = node.Level;

            while (from.Node != to.Node)
                if (fromLevel > toLevel)
                    if (!GeneratorNodeHelper.MoveToParent(ref from))

                    fromLevel = from.Node.Level;
                    if (!GeneratorNodeHelper.MoveToPrevious(ref to))
                        if (!GeneratorNodeHelper.MoveToParent(ref to))

                        toLevel = to.Node.Level;

            state.Node      = node;
            state.Index     = from.Index - to.Index;
            state.DataIndex = from.DataIndex - to.DataIndex;

Ejemplo n.º 25
        public bool MoveBackward()
            bool recurseGroup = true;
            GeneratorNodeHelper nodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper(m_currentNode, m_index, m_sourceDataIndex);

                GroupGeneratorNode groupNode = nodeHelper.CurrentNode as GroupGeneratorNode;

                if ((groupNode == null) && (nodeHelper.CurrentNode != m_currentNode) && (nodeHelper.CurrentNode.ItemCount != 0))
                    m_currentNode     = nodeHelper.CurrentNode;
                    m_index           = nodeHelper.Index;
                    m_sourceDataIndex = nodeHelper.SourceDataIndex;

                if ((recurseGroup) && (nodeHelper.MoveToChild()))

                recurseGroup = true;

                if (nodeHelper.MoveToPrevious())

                if (nodeHelper.MoveToParent())
                    recurseGroup = false;


    internal static HeadersFootersGeneratorNode GetSameLevelFirstHeaderNode( GroupGeneratorNode generatorNode )
      HeadersFootersGeneratorNode headerGeneratorNode = null;

      GroupGeneratorNode parentGroupGeneratorNode = generatorNode.Parent as GroupGeneratorNode;

      if( parentGroupGeneratorNode == null )
        GeneratorNodeHelper nodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper( generatorNode, 0, 0 ); //index is not important

        if( nodeHelper.MoveToFirst() )
          headerGeneratorNode = nodeHelper.CurrentNode as HeadersFootersGeneratorNode;
        headerGeneratorNode = parentGroupGeneratorNode.Child as HeadersFootersGeneratorNode;

      return headerGeneratorNode;
Ejemplo n.º 27
        internal bool InsertBefore(GeneratorNode insert)
            if (insert == null)
                throw new DataGridInternalException("GeneratorNode is null");

            var insertionCount = default(int);
            var chainLength    = default(int);
            var insertLast     = GeneratorNodeHelper.EvaluateChain(insert, out insertionCount, out chainLength);

            var previousNode = m_state.Node.Previous;

            if (previousNode != null)
                previousNode.Next = insert;

            insert.Previous       = previousNode;
            m_state.Node.Previous = insertLast;
            insertLast.Next       = m_state.Node;

            var parentGroup = insert.Parent as GroupGeneratorNode;

            if (parentGroup != null)
                if (parentGroup.Child == m_state.Node)
                    parentGroup.Child = insert;

            // Move the current to the first item inserted.
            // No need to update the indexes since they will still be with the correct value.
            m_state.Node = insert;


Ejemplo n.º 28
        private static bool FindNodeForIndex(ref State state, int index)
            var current = state;

            // The algo is a single drill-down... for optimized performance..
            // It first tries to go horizontally in the tree and then drills-down if it can.
            while (true)
                var itemCount = current.Node.ItemCount;

                // Verify if the current node contains ( directly or its children ) the required index
                if (index < current.Index + itemCount)
                    // A Group node is the only node that can have children is by definition empty... let's dig deeper.
                    // If we cannot travel deeper, then this node is the closest we get.
                    if (!GeneratorNodeHelper.MoveToChild(ref current))
                else if ((index == current.Index) && (itemCount != 0))
                    if (!GeneratorNodeHelper.MoveToNext(ref current))

            state.Node      = current.Node;
            state.Index     = current.Index;
            state.DataIndex = current.DataIndex;

        internal static HeadersFootersGeneratorNode GetSameLevelFirstHeaderNode(GroupGeneratorNode generatorNode)
            HeadersFootersGeneratorNode headerGeneratorNode = null;

            GroupGeneratorNode parentGroupGeneratorNode = generatorNode.Parent as GroupGeneratorNode;

            if (parentGroupGeneratorNode == null)
                GeneratorNodeHelper nodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper(generatorNode, 0, 0); //index is not important

                if (nodeHelper.MoveToFirst())
                    headerGeneratorNode = nodeHelper.CurrentNode as HeadersFootersGeneratorNode;
                headerGeneratorNode = parentGroupGeneratorNode.Child as HeadersFootersGeneratorNode;

Ejemplo n.º 30
        public bool InsertBefore(GeneratorNode insert)
            if (insert == null)
                throw new DataGridInternalException();

            int           insertionCount;
            int           chainLength;
            GeneratorNode insertLast = GeneratorNodeHelper.EvaluateChain(insert, out insertionCount, out chainLength);
            GeneratorNode previous   = m_currentNode.Previous;

            if (previous != null)
                previous.Next = insert;

            insert.Previous        = previous;
            m_currentNode.Previous = insertLast;
            insertLast.Next        = m_currentNode;

            GroupGeneratorNode parentGroup = insert.Parent as GroupGeneratorNode;

            if (parentGroup != null)
                if (parentGroup.Child == m_currentNode)
                    parentGroup.Child = insert;

            // Move the current to the first item inserted.
            // No need to change m_index, m_sourceDataIndex since they will still be with the correct value.
            m_currentNode = insert;
Ejemplo n.º 31
        internal object FindIndex(int index)
            var current = m_state;

            while (true)
                if (index < current.Index + current.Node.ItemCount)
                    var itemsNode = current.Node as CollectionGeneratorNode;
                    if (itemsNode != null)
                        m_state = current;


                        return(itemsNode.GetAt(index - current.Index));

                    if (!GeneratorNodeHelper.MoveToChild(ref current))
                    // If we reach this point, it's because the item we are looking for is not in this node... Try to access the child.
                    // No need to check for childs, since the condition above would catch it (childs part of ItemCount).
                    if (!GeneratorNodeHelper.MoveToFollowing(ref current))

    private bool TryGetParentGroupFromItemHelper( object item, out CollectionViewGroup collectionViewGroup )
      //This helper method is used to simplify previous code flow of the TryGetParentGroupFromItem method.
      collectionViewGroup = null;

      //1 - First check is to see of the item is a CVG.
      CollectionViewGroup groupItem = item as CollectionViewGroup;
      if( groupItem != null )
        Group group = this.GetGroupFromCollectionViewGroup( groupItem );
        if( group != null )
          GroupGeneratorNode groupGeneratorNode = group.GeneratorNode;
          if( groupGeneratorNode.Parent == null )
            //no parent for speficied item.
            return true;
          //if the nodeHelper was able to locate the content, use the nodeHelper's CurrentNode as the node for the item.
          collectionViewGroup = ( ( GroupGeneratorNode )groupGeneratorNode.Parent ).CollectionViewGroup;
          return true;

        //item is a CVG, but is not present in the generator!
        return false;

      //2 - Second check is to see if the item is already in the generated list

      //item might be in the "generated" list... much quicker to find-out if it is!
      //note: if the item belongs to a detail, then it will be excluded from the "fast" algo.
      int itemGenPosIndex = this.FindFirstGeneratedIndexForLocalItem( item );
      if( itemGenPosIndex != -1 )
        //item was generated and was not from a DetailGeneratorNode
        if( m_genPosToNode[ itemGenPosIndex ].Parent == null )
          //no parent for speficied item.
          return true;
        collectionViewGroup = ( ( GroupGeneratorNode )m_genPosToNode[ itemGenPosIndex ].Parent ).CollectionViewGroup;
        return true;

      //3 - Third check is to check of the item is a GroupHeaderFooterItem
      if( item.GetType() == typeof( GroupHeaderFooterItem ) )
        GroupHeaderFooterItem groupHeaderFooterItem = ( GroupHeaderFooterItem )item;
        CollectionViewGroup parentGroup = groupHeaderFooterItem.Group;

        if( this.GetGroupFromCollectionViewGroup( parentGroup ) != null )
          //since the goal is the find the parentGroup from the item passed (which is a GroupHeader or GroupFooter), then the Group
          //is what I am looking for.
          collectionViewGroup = parentGroup;

          return true;

        //Item was a GroupHeaderFooterItem but was not part of the genreator!
        return false;

      //4 - Final Check

      //if the item was not generated, then try to find the item as is within the generator's content  
      GeneratorNodeHelper finalNodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper( m_startNode, 0, 0 );
      if( finalNodeHelper.AbsoluteFindItem( item ) )
        //item was not generated but was part of this generator
        if( finalNodeHelper.CurrentNode.Parent == null )
          //no parent for speficied item.
          return true;
        collectionViewGroup = ( ( GroupGeneratorNode )finalNodeHelper.CurrentNode.Parent ).CollectionViewGroup;
        return true;
        return false;

      //Default function behavior, if nobody else returned, then the function did not work as intended... as each "block" is supposed to return a value...
      throw new DataGridInternalException();
    private void OnGeneratorNodeGroupsCollectionChanged( object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e )
      if( this.Status == GeneratorStatus.GeneratingContainers )
        throw new InvalidOperationException( "Cannot perform this operation while the generator is busy generating items" );

      GroupGeneratorNode node = sender as GroupGeneratorNode;

      if( node != null )
        switch( e.Action )
          case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add:
            int addCount;
            GeneratorNode addNode = this.HandleParentGroupAddition( node, out addCount, e );

            if( node.IsComputedExpanded )
              GeneratorNodeHelper nodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper( addNode, 0, 0 );//index not important, will reserve find it.


              GeneratorPosition genPos = this.GeneratorPositionFromIndex( nodeHelper.Index );

              this.SendAddEvent( genPos, nodeHelper.Index, addCount );
          case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Move:
            if( node.Child == null )
              throw new DataGridInternalException();
              Debug.Assert( e.OldStartingIndex != e.NewStartingIndex, "An attempt was made to move a group to the same location." );
#if LOG
              Log.Assert( this, e.OldStartingIndex != e.NewStartingIndex, "An attempt was made to move a group to the same location." );

              this.HandleSameLevelGroupMove( node.Child, e );
          case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove:
            if( node.Child == null )
              throw new DataGridInternalException();
              int remCount;
              int generatedRemCount;
              int removeIndex;
              List<DependencyObject> removedContainers = new List<DependencyObject>();
              GeneratorPosition remPos = this.HandleParentGroupRemove( node, out remCount, out generatedRemCount, out removeIndex, e, removedContainers );

              if( node.IsComputedExpanded )

                this.SendRemoveEvent( remPos, removeIndex, remCount, generatedRemCount, removedContainers );

          case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace:
            //if( node.Child == null )
            //  throw new DataGridInternalException();
            //  this.HandleGroupReplace( node.Child, e );

            throw new DataGridInternalException();
          case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset:
            throw new DataGridInternalException();
            throw new DataGridInternalException();


    private int FindGlobalIndexForDetailNode( DetailGeneratorNode detailNode )
      int retval = -1;

      //first thing, loop through the details for the 
      foreach( KeyValuePair<object, List<DetailGeneratorNode>> masterItemToDetails in m_masterToDetails )
        //in each master to details entry, try to find the detail node passed
        int detailIndex = masterItemToDetails.Value.IndexOf( detailNode );
        if( detailIndex != -1 )
          //if the desired detailNode is present for this master item... then evaluate it...
          int detailNodeOffset = 0;
          for( int i = 0; i < detailIndex; i++ )
            detailNodeOffset += masterItemToDetails.Value[ i ].ItemCount - 1;

          int index = m_genPosToItem.IndexOf( masterItemToDetails.Key );
          int masterItemIndex;

          if( index > -1 )
            masterItemIndex = m_genPosToIndex[ index ];
            GeneratorNodeHelper nodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper( m_startNode, 0, 0 );
            masterItemIndex = nodeHelper.FindItem( masterItemToDetails.Key );

          if( masterItemIndex == -1 )
            throw new DataGridInternalException();

          retval = detailNodeOffset + masterItemIndex + detailIndex + 1;

          //leave the top level loop

      return retval;
    private void HandleDetailMoveRemove( object masterItem, DetailGeneratorNode detailNode, CustomGeneratorChangedEventArgs e )
      GeneratorNodeHelper nodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper( m_startNode, 0, 0 );
      int masterIndex = nodeHelper.FindItem( masterItem );

      //If the masterItem is part of an ItemsGeneratorNode which is below a collapsed group, masterIndex will be -1
      if( masterIndex == -1 )
        //in that case, I need to determine the appropriate masterNode another way
        nodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper( m_startNode, 0, 0 );
        if( !nodeHelper.Contains( masterItem ) )
          throw new DataGridInternalException();

      ItemsGeneratorNode masterNode = nodeHelper.CurrentNode as ItemsGeneratorNode;

      Debug.Assert( masterNode != null, "masterNode != null" );
#if LOG
      Log.Assert( this, masterNode != null, "masterNode != null" );

      int globalIndex = -1;
      GeneratorPosition convertedGeneratorPosition = ( masterIndex != -1 ) ? this.ConvertDetailGeneratorPosition( e.OldPosition, masterItem, detailNode, out globalIndex ) : new GeneratorPosition( -1, 1 );

      if( masterIndex != -1 )
        this.RemoveDetailContainers( convertedGeneratorPosition, e.ItemUICount );

      if( e.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove )
        masterNode.AdjustItemCount( -e.ItemCount );



      if( masterIndex != -1 )
        this.SendRemoveEvent( convertedGeneratorPosition, globalIndex, e.ItemCount, e.ItemUICount, e.RemovedContainers );
    public int GetGroupIndex( Group group )
      if( group == null )
        throw new ArgumentNullException( "group" );


      GeneratorNodeHelper nodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper( m_startNode, 0, 0 );

      if( nodeHelper.FindGroup( group.CollectionViewGroup ) )
        return nodeHelper.Index;

      //the item was not found in this generator's content... check all the detail generators
      foreach( KeyValuePair<object, List<DetailGeneratorNode>> itemToDetails in m_masterToDetails )
        foreach( DetailGeneratorNode detailNode in itemToDetails.Value )
          int groupIndex = detailNode.DetailGenerator.GetGroupIndex( group );

          if( groupIndex > -1 )
            return groupIndex + this.FindGlobalIndexForDetailNode( detailNode );

      return -1;
    public Group GetGroupFromItem( object item )
      Group retval = null;

      GeneratorNode nodeForItem = null;


      //item might be in the "generated" list... much quicker to find-out if it is!
      int itemGenPosIndex = this.FindFirstGeneratedIndexForLocalItem( item );
      if( itemGenPosIndex != -1 )
        //item is generated...
        nodeForItem = m_genPosToNode[ itemGenPosIndex ];
        //only try to find the item is the generator has some content...
        if( m_startNode != null )
          GeneratorNodeHelper nodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper( m_startNode, 0, 0 );
          if( nodeHelper.Contains( item ) ) //NOTE: this will only return items directly contained in this generator (not from details )
            //if the nodeHelper was able to locate the content, use the nodeHelper's CurrentNode as the node for the item.
            nodeForItem = nodeHelper.CurrentNode;
            throw new InvalidOperationException( "An attempt was made to retrieve the group of an item that does not belong to the generator." );

      if( nodeForItem != null )
        GroupGeneratorNode parentGroup = nodeForItem.Parent as GroupGeneratorNode;
        if( parentGroup != null )
          retval = parentGroup.UIGroup;

      return retval;
    private GeneratorNode HandleParentGroupAddition( GeneratorNode parent, out int countAdded, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e )
      GeneratorNodeHelper nodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper( parent, 0, 0 ); //do not care about index (for now).

      //start by moving to the first child... of the node (GroupHeaders node, most probably).
      if( !nodeHelper.MoveToChild( false ) ) //case 120137: false parameter is to prevent skipping over a collapsed node (item count 0 )
        //could not advance to the child item so there is no items to be removed...

        throw new DataGridInternalException();

      return this.HandleSameLevelGroupAddition( nodeHelper.CurrentNode, out countAdded, e );
    private void HandleItemRemoveMoveReplace( ItemsGeneratorNode node, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e )
      GeneratorNodeHelper nodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper( node, 0, 0 ); //index not important for now.

      node.AdjustItemCount( -e.OldItems.Count );
      node.AdjustLeafCount( -e.OldItems.Count );

      int nodeStartIndex = e.OldStartingIndex;
      int nodeEndIndex = nodeStartIndex + e.OldItems.Count - 1;
      int detailCountToRemove = CustomItemContainerGenerator.ComputeDetailsCount( node, nodeStartIndex, nodeEndIndex );
      int detailCountBeforeRemovedItems = 0;
      if( nodeStartIndex > 0 )
        detailCountBeforeRemovedItems = CustomItemContainerGenerator.ComputeDetailsCount( node, 0, nodeStartIndex - 1 );

      int startIndex = nodeHelper.Index + e.OldStartingIndex + detailCountBeforeRemovedItems;
      int endIndex = startIndex + detailCountToRemove + e.OldItems.Count - 1;

      int removeCount = e.OldItems.Count + detailCountToRemove;
      int replaceCount = ( e.Action == NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace ) ? e.NewItems.Count : 0;

      // *** RemoveDetails must be done before GeneratorPositionFromIndex, since GeneratorPositionFromIndex will indirectly do a RemapFloatingDetails
      // *** that will cause the index to already be rectified and make a double rectification to occurs.

      //Remove the details from the ItemsGeneratorNode and re-index the other details appropriatly.
      this.RemoveDetails( node, nodeStartIndex, nodeEndIndex, replaceCount );

      GeneratorPosition removeGenPos = this.GeneratorPositionFromIndex( startIndex );

      //Try to remap the old item for detail remapping (will do nothing if item has no details )
      foreach( object oldItem in e.OldItems )
        this.QueueDetailItemForRemapping( oldItem );

      //if the node is totally expanded
      if( node.IsComputedExpanded )
        List<DependencyObject> removedContainers = new List<DependencyObject>();
        int genRemCount = this.RemoveGeneratedItems( startIndex, endIndex, removedContainers );


        this.SendRemoveEvent( removeGenPos, startIndex, removeCount, genRemCount, removedContainers );

      //then, based on the action that was performed (move, replace or remove)
      switch( e.Action )
        case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Move:
          this.OffsetDetails( node, e.NewStartingIndex, e.NewItems.Count );
          this.HandleItemMoveRemoveReplaceHelper( node, e, nodeHelper.Index );

        case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace:
          this.HandleItemMoveRemoveReplaceHelper( node, e, nodeHelper.Index );

        case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove:
          // Do nothing!

        case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add:
        case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset:
          throw new DataGridInternalException();

    private void HandleSameLevelGroupMove( GeneratorNode node, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e )
      GroupGeneratorNode parentGroup = node.Parent as GroupGeneratorNode;

      //Start a NodeHelper on the first child of the node where the move occured.
      GeneratorNodeHelper nodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper( node, 0, 0 );
      nodeHelper.ReverseCalculateIndex(); //determine index of the node.

      //Advance to the first "Group" node (skip the GroupHEaders)
      while( !( nodeHelper.CurrentNode is GroupGeneratorNode ) )
        if( !nodeHelper.MoveToNext() )
          throw new DataGridInternalException();

      //then move up to the removal start point.
      if( !nodeHelper.MoveToNextBy( e.OldStartingIndex ) )
        throw new DataGridInternalException();

      //remember the current node as the start point of the move (will be used when "extracting the chain")
      GeneratorNode startNode = nodeHelper.CurrentNode;
      //also remember the index of the node, to calculate range of elements to remove (containers )
      int startIndex = nodeHelper.Index;

      //then, cumulate the total number of items in the groups concerned
      int totalCountRemoved = 0;

      node = this.ProcessGroupRemoval( startNode, e.OldItems.Count, false, out totalCountRemoved );

      //send a message to the panel to remove the visual elements concerned 
      GeneratorPosition removeGenPos = this.GeneratorPositionFromIndex( startIndex );

      List<DependencyObject> removedContainers = new List<DependencyObject>();
      int genCountRemoved = this.RemoveGeneratedItems( startIndex, startIndex + totalCountRemoved - 1, removedContainers );

      this.SendRemoveEvent( removeGenPos, startIndex, totalCountRemoved, genCountRemoved, removedContainers );

      //reset the node parameter for the "re-addition"
      node = ( parentGroup != null ) ? parentGroup.Child : m_firstItem;

      if( node == null )
        throw new DataGridInternalException();

      //Once the chain was pulled out, re-insert it at the appropriate location.
      nodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper( node, 0, 0 ); //do not care about the index for what I need

      //Advance to the first "Group" node (skip the GroupHEaders)
      while( !( nodeHelper.CurrentNode is GroupGeneratorNode ) )
        if( !nodeHelper.MoveToNext() )
          throw new DataGridInternalException();

      bool insertBefore = nodeHelper.MoveToNextBy( e.NewStartingIndex );

      if( insertBefore )
        if( nodeHelper.CurrentNode == m_firstItem )
          if( m_startNode == m_firstItem )
            m_startNode = startNode;

          m_firstItem = startNode;

        //reinsert the chain at the specified location.
        nodeHelper.InsertBefore( startNode );
        nodeHelper.InsertAfter( startNode );

      //and finally, call to increment the generation count for the generator content
    private void OnGeneratorNodeExpansionStateChanged( object sender, ExpansionStateChangedEventArgs e )
      //throw an error is the Generator is actually busy generating!
      if( this.Status == GeneratorStatus.GeneratingContainers )
        throw new InvalidOperationException( "Cannot perform this operation while the generator is busy generating items" );

      GeneratorNode node = sender as GeneratorNode;

      Debug.Assert( node != null, "node != null" );
#if LOG
      Log.Assert( this, node != null, "node != null" );

      if( node == null )

      GroupGeneratorNode changedNode = node.Parent as GroupGeneratorNode;

      Debug.Assert( changedNode != null, "changedNode != null" ); //should never be null, as the "node" is supposed to be the child node of this one.
#if LOG
      Log.Assert( this, changedNode != null, "changedNode != null" ); //should never be null, as the "node" is supposed to be the child node of this one.

      //Determine if the changedNode is "below" a collapsed group (because if so, I don't need any sort of notification or removal ).
      GroupGeneratorNode parentGroupNode = changedNode.Parent as GroupGeneratorNode;
      if( ( parentGroupNode != null ) && ( !parentGroupNode.IsComputedExpanded ) )

      GeneratorNodeHelper nodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper( node, 0, 0 );

      //if the node was "Collapsed"
      if( !e.NewExpansionState )
        int removeCount = e.Count;
        int startIndex = nodeHelper.Index + e.IndexOffset;

        GeneratorPosition removeGenPos = this.GeneratorPositionFromIndex( startIndex );

        List<DependencyObject> removedContainers = new List<DependencyObject>();
        //remove the Generated items between the appropriate indexes
        int removeUICount = this.RemoveGeneratedItems( startIndex, startIndex + removeCount - 1, removedContainers );

        if( removeCount > 0 )
          //send the event so the panel can remove the group elements
          this.SendRemoveEvent( removeGenPos, startIndex, removeCount, removeUICount, removedContainers );
      //if the node was "Expanded" 
        int addCount = e.Count;
        int startIndex = nodeHelper.Index + e.IndexOffset;
        GeneratorPosition addGenPos = this.GeneratorPositionFromIndex( startIndex );

        if( addCount > 0 )
          //send the event so the panel can add the group elements
          this.SendAddEvent( addGenPos, startIndex, addCount );
    private void OnGroupsChanged( object sender, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e )
      // Avoid re-entrance when processing a global reset
      if( m_isProcessingGlobalResetOrRemovingAllGeneratedItemsDisposableCount > 0 )

      if( this.Status == GeneratorStatus.GeneratingContainers )
        throw new InvalidOperationException( "Cannot perform this operation while the generator is busy generating items" );

      //this fonction is only used to process the content of the DataGridControl.Items.Groups collection...
      // for the CollectionChanged event of branch groups ( IsBottomLevel = false ), refer to the 
      // OnBranchGroupsChanged fonction

      switch( e.Action )
        case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add:
          int addCount = e.NewItems.Count;

          GeneratorPosition genPos = new GeneratorPosition( -1, 1 ); //this would map to the first item in the list if not generated.

          int addIndex = -1;

          //if the first item is empty, do not do anything, the structure will be generated when the generator is started!
          if( m_firstItem != null )
            //The only moment where the m_firstItem is null is typically when a reset occured...
            //other moments is when there are 0 items (in which case, the.

            GeneratorNode addNode = this.HandleSameLevelGroupAddition( m_firstItem, out addCount, e );


            GeneratorNodeHelper nodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper( addNode, 0, 0 );//index not important, will reserve find it.
            addIndex = nodeHelper.Index;

            genPos = this.GeneratorPositionFromIndex( addIndex );

          this.SendAddEvent( genPos, addIndex, addCount );

        case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Move:
          if( m_firstItem != null )
            if( !( m_firstItem is GroupGeneratorNode ) )
              throw new DataGridInternalException();

            Debug.Assert( e.OldStartingIndex != e.NewStartingIndex, "An attempt was made to move a group to the same location." );
#if LOG
            Log.Assert( this, e.OldStartingIndex != e.NewStartingIndex, "An attempt was made to move a group to the same location." );

            this.HandleSameLevelGroupMove( m_firstItem, e );
        case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove:
          if( m_firstItem != null )
            if( !( m_firstItem is GroupGeneratorNode ) )
              throw new DataGridInternalException();

            int remCount;
            int generatedRemCount;
            int removeIndex;
            List<DependencyObject> removedContainers = new List<DependencyObject>();
            GeneratorPosition remPos = this.HandleSameLevelGroupRemove( m_firstItem, out remCount, out generatedRemCount, out removeIndex, e, removedContainers );

            //there is no need to check if the parent node is expanded or not... since the first level of group cannot be collapsed.


            this.SendRemoveEvent( remPos, removeIndex, remCount, generatedRemCount, removedContainers );

        case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace:
          throw new NotSupportedException( "Replace not supported at the moment on groups!!!" );
        case NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset:
          //I'm forced to handle it specifically since the Panel will AUTOMATICALLY clear its children
          throw new DataGridInternalException();

    void ICustomItemContainerGenerator.SetCurrentIndex( int newCurrentIndex )
      // This method enables the possibility for the "ItemsHost" panels to set the current item of the 
      // DataGridControl. This is required for scenarios such as the CardflowItemsHost.

      GeneratorNodeHelper nodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper( m_startNode, 0, 0 );

      //First, locate the item within the Generator.
      object newCurrentItem = nodeHelper.FindIndex( newCurrentIndex );

      if( newCurrentItem == null )
        throw new InvalidOperationException( "An attempt was made to access an item at an index that does not correspond to an item." );

      //Then, if the item is within an ItemsNode, check if it belongs to a detail
      ItemsGeneratorNode itemsNode = nodeHelper.CurrentNode as ItemsGeneratorNode;
      if( itemsNode != null )
        int masterIndex;
        int detailIndex;
        int detailNodeIndex;

        DetailGeneratorNode detailNode = itemsNode.GetDetailNodeForIndex( newCurrentIndex - nodeHelper.Index, out masterIndex, out detailIndex, out detailNodeIndex );
        //If it belongs to a detail
        if( detailNode != null )
          //call recursively the SetCurrentIndex method on the detail generator to ensure that if the item
          //belongs to a sub-generator of the detail generator, then the appropriate DataGridContext will get invoked.
          ICustomItemContainerGenerator detailGenerator = detailNode.DetailGenerator;
          detailGenerator.SetCurrentIndex( detailIndex );

      //If the item is not within an ItemsNode or not within a detail
      //then set it current within its context.
      m_dataGridContext.SetCurrentItemCore( newCurrentItem, false, false );
    internal int GetStickyFooterCountForIndex(
      int index,
      bool areFootersSticky,
      bool areGroupFootersSticky )
      int stickyFooterCount = 0;

      GeneratorNodeHelper nodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper( m_startNode, 0, 0 );

      if( !nodeHelper.FindNodeForIndex( index ) )
        // Unable to find the node, no sticky header for this node
        return 0;

      GeneratorNode indexNode = nodeHelper.CurrentNode;

      ItemsGeneratorNode itemsGeneratorNode = indexNode as ItemsGeneratorNode;

      // We found an ItemsGeneratorNode
      if( itemsGeneratorNode != null )
        GeneratorNode innerNode = itemsGeneratorNode.GetDetailNodeForIndex( index - nodeHelper.Index );

        DetailGeneratorNode detailNode = innerNode as DetailGeneratorNode;

        if( detailNode != null )
          int detailFirstRealizedIndex = this.FindGlobalIndexForDetailNode( detailNode );
          int correctedIndex = index - detailFirstRealizedIndex;

          Debug.Assert( correctedIndex >= 0, "correctedIndex >= 0 .. 2" );
#if LOG
          Log.Assert( this, correctedIndex >= 0, "correctedIndex >= 0 .. 2" );

          stickyFooterCount +=
            detailNode.DetailGenerator.GetStickyFooterCountForIndex( correctedIndex,
                                                                     areGroupFootersSticky );

      // We want to find the HeaderFooterGeneratorNode for the container 
      // node. This is to find the footers for the container.
      HeadersFootersGeneratorNode footersNode = nodeHelper.CurrentNode as HeadersFootersGeneratorNode;

      // There is no footers to generate if the item count of the node is 0.
      if( footersNode.ItemCount > 0 )
        if( ( ( footersNode.Parent == null ) && ( areFootersSticky ) )
          || ( ( footersNode.Parent is GroupGeneratorNode ) && ( areGroupFootersSticky ) ) )
          // We are generating sticky footers for a container that is already 
          // part of the footers, we need to handle it differently.
          stickyFooterCount += this.GetStickyFooterCountForNode( footersNode,
                                                                 ( footersNode != indexNode ) );

      // We must also find the bottom most footers for our level of detail and, if they need to be sticky,
      // we will generate the containers and add them the to list.
      HeadersFootersGeneratorNode bottomFootersNode = this.GetDetailFootersNode( nodeHelper );

      if( ( bottomFootersNode != null )
        && ( bottomFootersNode != footersNode )
        && ( bottomFootersNode.ItemCount > 0 )
        && ( areFootersSticky ) )
        stickyFooterCount += this.GetStickyFooterCountForNode( bottomFootersNode, nodeHelper.Index );

      return stickyFooterCount;
    private GeneratorNode HandleSameLevelGroupAddition( GeneratorNode firstChild, out int countAdded, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e )

      Debug.Assert( ( ( firstChild.Parent == null ) || ( firstChild.Parent is GroupGeneratorNode ) ), "parent of the node should be a GroupGeneratorNode" );
#if LOG
      Log.Assert( this, ( ( firstChild.Parent == null ) || ( firstChild.Parent is GroupGeneratorNode ) ), "parent of the node should be a GroupGeneratorNode" );

      GeneratorNode newNodeChain = this.CreateGroupListFromCollection( e.NewItems, firstChild.Parent );

      countAdded = 0;
      if( newNodeChain != null )
        int chainLength;
        GeneratorNodeHelper.EvaluateChain( newNodeChain, out countAdded, out chainLength );

        GeneratorNodeHelper nodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper( firstChild, 0, 0 ); //do not care about index.

        //Advance to the first "Group" node (skip the GroupHEaders)
        while( !( nodeHelper.CurrentNode is GroupGeneratorNode ) )
          if( !nodeHelper.MoveToNext() )
            //if there are no items and no groups in the Group Node, then we will never find a GroupGeneratorNode...
            //However, the structure of the group/headers/footers/group headers/groups footers makes it so 
            //that inserting before the last item (footer/group footer) will place the group at the appropriate location.

        bool insertAfter = false;
        //If there is 0 group in the parent group, then this loop will exit without executing the control block once...
        for( int i = 0; i < e.NewStartingIndex; i++ )
          if( !nodeHelper.MoveToNext() )
            insertAfter = true;

        //if we are inserting past the end of the linked list level.
        if( insertAfter )
          nodeHelper.InsertAfter( newNodeChain );
          //we are inserting in the middle of the list
          nodeHelper.InsertBefore( newNodeChain );

        //If the insertion point is the beginning, check that the node pointers are updated properly
        if( ( e.NewStartingIndex == 0 ) && ( ( firstChild.Parent == null ) ) )
          if( m_startNode == m_firstItem )
            m_startNode = newNodeChain;
          m_firstItem = newNodeChain;


      return newNodeChain;
    private void UpdateHeaders( IList headers )

      //if there was no header prior this udpate.
      if( m_firstHeader == null )
        //create the node(s) that would contain the headers
        m_firstHeader = this.CreateHeaders( headers );

        int count;
        int chainLength;
        GeneratorNodeHelper.EvaluateChain( m_firstHeader, out count, out chainLength );

        //if there was items present in the linked list.
        if( m_startNode != null )
          //headers are automatically inserted at the beginning
          GeneratorNodeHelper nodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper( m_startNode, 0, 0 );
          nodeHelper.InsertBefore( m_firstHeader );
#if LOG
          Log.WriteLine( this, "UpdateHeaders - new tree" );

        //set the start node as the first header node.
        m_startNode = m_firstHeader;

      //If the m_firstHeader is not NULL, then there is nothing to do, since the Header node contains an  observable collection
      //which we monitor otherwise.
    private void HandleItemAddition( GeneratorNode node, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e )
      GeneratorNodeHelper nodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper( node, 0, 0 ); //index not important for now.

      node.AdjustItemCount( e.NewItems.Count );

      ItemsGeneratorNode itemsNode = node as ItemsGeneratorNode;
      if( itemsNode != null )
        itemsNode.AdjustLeafCount( e.NewItems.Count );
        this.OffsetDetails( itemsNode, e.NewStartingIndex, e.NewItems.Count );

      //if the node is totally expanded
      if( node.IsComputedExpanded )

        //invalidate the indexes

        int startIndex = nodeHelper.Index + e.NewStartingIndex;
        GeneratorPosition addGenPos = this.GeneratorPositionFromIndex( startIndex );

        //and send notification message
        this.SendAddEvent( addGenPos, startIndex, e.NewItems.Count );
    private void UpdateFooters( IList footers )

      //if there was no header prior this udpate.
      if( m_firstFooter == null )
        //create the node(s) that would contain the footers
        m_firstFooter = this.CreateFooters( footers );

        //if there are no footers, then the m_firstFooter will remain null
        if( m_firstFooter != null )
          int count;
          int chainLength;
          GeneratorNodeHelper.EvaluateChain( m_firstFooter, out count, out chainLength );

          //if there was items present in the linked list.
          if( m_startNode != null )
            //since we called ClearFooters earlier, I can just go at the end of the list of items
            GeneratorNodeHelper nodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper( m_startNode, 0, 0 );

            nodeHelper.InsertAfter( m_firstFooter );
            m_startNode = m_firstFooter;
#if LOG
            Log.WriteLine( this, "UpdateFooters - new tree" );

      //If the m_firstHeader is not NULL, then there is nothing to do, since the Header node contains an  observable collection
      //which we monitor otherwise.
    public object ItemFromIndex( int index )
      object retval = null;


      GeneratorNodeHelper nodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper( m_startNode, 0, 0 );

      retval = nodeHelper.FindIndex( index );

      return retval;
    private GeneratorNode SetupInitialItemsNodes( out int addCount )
      //TODO ( case 117275 ): Check the amount of time this is executed for a single grid being populated!
      GeneratorNode newItemNode = null;

      addCount = 0;


      //this function should only be called when the m_firstItem is null.
      if( m_groupsCollection != null )
        newItemNode = this.CreateGroupListFromCollection( m_groupsCollection, null );
        newItemNode = this.CreateStandaloneItemsNode();

      //if the node is non-null, then that's because there was items in the collection
      if( newItemNode != null )
        m_firstItem = newItemNode;

        int chainLength;
        GeneratorNodeHelper.EvaluateChain( m_firstItem, out addCount, out chainLength );

        //find the appropriate point to inject the Items nodes...
        if( m_startNode != null )
          //if there is a footer node, then the insertion point is just before the footer node (if there is anything before!)
          if( m_firstFooter != null )
            GeneratorNode originalPrevious = m_firstFooter.Previous;
            GeneratorNodeHelper nodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper( m_firstFooter, 0, 0 ); //do not care about index!

            nodeHelper.InsertBefore( m_firstItem );

            if( originalPrevious == null ) //that means that the first footer is the first item
              m_startNode = newItemNode;
          else if( m_firstHeader != null ) //if there is no footer but some headers, add it at the end.
            GeneratorNodeHelper nodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper( m_firstHeader, 0, 0 ); //do not care about index!

            nodeHelper.InsertAfter( m_firstItem );
            throw new DataGridInternalException(); //this case should not be possible: no header, no footers but there is a startNode
          m_startNode = m_firstItem;
#if LOG
          Log.WriteLine( this, "SetupInitialItemsNodes - new tree" );

      return newItemNode;
    private void HandleHeaderFooterRemove( HeadersFootersGeneratorNode node, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e )
      bool itemsRemoved = false;

      node.AdjustItemCount( -e.OldItems.Count );

      //if the node is totally expanded
      if( node.IsComputedExpanded )
        GroupGeneratorNode parentGroup = node.Parent as GroupGeneratorNode;

        int removeGenPosIndex;
        int removeIndex;

        foreach( object item in e.OldItems )
          object realItem = ( parentGroup != null )
                              ? new GroupHeaderFooterItem( parentGroup.CollectionViewGroup, item )
                              : item;

          removeGenPosIndex = m_genPosToItem.IndexOf( realItem );
          GeneratorPosition removeGenPos;
          // If the value is -1, it means the Header/Footer was not realized when the remove occured.
          if( removeGenPosIndex != -1 )
            removeIndex = m_genPosToIndex[ removeGenPosIndex ];
            removeGenPos = new GeneratorPosition( removeGenPosIndex, 0 );
            //Since there is no way to get the item's index from the list of generated items, then
            //compute it based on the node's index and the event args parameters.

            GeneratorNodeHelper nodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper( node, 0, 0 );

            removeIndex = nodeHelper.Index + e.OldStartingIndex;

            removeGenPos = this.GeneratorPositionFromIndex( removeIndex );

          List<DependencyObject> removedContainers = new List<DependencyObject>();
          this.RemoveGeneratedItems( node, realItem, removedContainers );

          this.SendRemoveEvent( removeGenPos, removeIndex, 1, removedContainers.Count, removedContainers );
          itemsRemoved = true;

        this.IncrementCurrentGenerationCount( itemsRemoved );
    private GeneratorNode CreateGroupListFromCollection( IList collection, GeneratorNode parentNode )
      GeneratorNode rootNode = null;
      GeneratorNode previousNode = null;
      GroupGeneratorNode actualNode = null;

      GeneratorNode childNode = null;
      int level = ( parentNode == null ) ? 0 : parentNode.Level + 1;
      GroupConfiguration groupConfig;
      bool initiallyExpanded;

      ObservableCollection<GroupDescription> groupDescriptions = DataGridContext.GetGroupDescriptionsHelper( m_collectionView );
      GroupConfigurationSelector groupConfigurationSelector = m_dataGridContext.GroupConfigurationSelector;

      foreach( CollectionViewGroup group in collection )
        groupConfig = GroupConfiguration.GetGroupConfiguration( m_dataGridContext, groupDescriptions, groupConfigurationSelector, level, group );

        Debug.Assert( groupConfig != null, "groupConfig != null" );
#if LOG
        Log.Assert( this, groupConfig != null, "groupConfig != null" );

        if( groupConfig.UseDefaultHeadersFooters )

        initiallyExpanded = groupConfig.InitiallyExpanded;

        actualNode = ( GroupGeneratorNode )this.NodeFactory.CreateGroupGeneratorNode( group, parentNode, previousNode, null, groupConfig );
        m_groupNodeMappingCache.Add( group, actualNode );

        if( rootNode == null )
          rootNode = actualNode;

        previousNode = actualNode;

        actualNode.UIGroup = new Group( actualNode, group, m_dataGridContext.GroupLevelDescriptions, m_dataGridContext );

        //Independently if the Group is the bottom level or not, we need to setup GroupHeaders
        childNode = this.SetupGroupHeaders( groupConfig, actualNode );
        actualNode.Child = childNode;

        GeneratorNodeHelper childNodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper( childNode, 0, 0 ); //do not care about index.
        childNodeHelper.MoveToEnd(); //extensibility, just in case SetupGroupHeaders() ever return a node list.

        IList<object> subItems = group.GetItems();

        //if the node newly created is not the bottom level
        if( !group.IsBottomLevel )
          if( ( subItems != null ) && ( subItems.Count > 0 ) )
            GeneratorNode subGroupsNode = this.CreateGroupListFromCollection( subItems as IList, actualNode );
            if( subGroupsNode != null )
              childNodeHelper.InsertAfter( subGroupsNode );
          //this is the bottom level, create an Items node
          GeneratorNode itemsNode = this.NodeFactory.CreateItemsGeneratorNode( subItems as IList, actualNode, null, null, this );
          if( itemsNode != null )
            childNodeHelper.InsertAfter( itemsNode );

        childNodeHelper.InsertAfter( this.SetupGroupFooters( groupConfig, actualNode ) );

      return rootNode;
    private void UpdateGenPosToIndexList()
#if LOG
      int count = m_genPosToIndex.Count;
      int previousIndex = -1;

      for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
        int tempIndex = m_genPosToIndex[ i ];

        if( tempIndex >= previousIndex )
          previousIndex = tempIndex;
          Debug.Assert( false, "### none sequential index detected (before)" );
          Log.Assert( this, false, "### none sequential index detected (before)" );
      //after the modification to have the item count stored "locally" in the DetailGeneratorNodes,
      //it becomes important to have the nodes updated when the layout of the items changes.
      if( m_masterToDetails.Count > 0 )
        foreach( KeyValuePair<object, List<DetailGeneratorNode>> masterToDetails in m_masterToDetails )
          foreach( DetailGeneratorNode detailNode in masterToDetails.Value )

      if( m_startNode != null )
        GeneratorNodeHelper nodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper( m_startNode, 0, 0 ); //index is 0, since i'm beginning at the start 
        //(and I want to reindex the whole list)

        DetailGeneratorNode cachedDetailNode = null;
        int cachedDetailNodeIndex = -1;
        int previousDetailIndex = -1;

        //loop through the realized items. By design they are present sequentially in the linked list, so I do not need to reset the GeneratorNodeHelper
        for( int i = 0; i < m_genPosToItem.Count; i++ )
          object item = m_genPosToItem[ i ];

          DetailGeneratorNode detailNode = m_genPosToNode[ i ] as DetailGeneratorNode;
          if( detailNode == null )
            //find the Item 
            int tmpIndex = nodeHelper.FindItem( item );
            if( tmpIndex != -1 )
              //set the Index (new) for the item
              ItemsGeneratorNode itemsNode = nodeHelper.CurrentNode as ItemsGeneratorNode;
              if( itemsNode != null )
                tmpIndex = nodeHelper.Index + itemsNode.IndexOf( item );

              m_genPosToIndex[ i ] = tmpIndex;
#if LOG
              if( item == null )
                Log.WriteLine( this, "# UpdateGenPosToIndexList - item not found Dnull" );
                Log.WriteLine( this, "# UpdateGenPosToIndexList - Item not found D" + item.GetHashCode() );
              //a possible fix for this is to set the index of the "not found" element to the same index as previous item in the generated list...
              m_genPosToIndex[ i ] = ( i > 0 ) ? m_genPosToIndex[ i - 1 ] : 0;

              //item is not in the linked list... there is a problem, throw.
              //throw new DataGridInternalException();

          else //else is detailNode != null
            if( cachedDetailNode != detailNode )
              cachedDetailNodeIndex = this.FindGlobalIndexForDetailNode( detailNode );
              cachedDetailNode = detailNode;
              previousDetailIndex = -1;
            int detailIndex = detailNode.DetailGenerator.IndexFromRealizedItem( item, previousDetailIndex + 1, out previousDetailIndex );
            m_genPosToIndex[ i ] = cachedDetailNodeIndex + detailIndex;
        } //end for()

#if LOG
      count = m_genPosToIndex.Count;
      previousIndex = -1;

      for( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
        int tempIndex = m_genPosToIndex[ i ];

        if( tempIndex >= previousIndex )
          previousIndex = tempIndex;
          Debug.Assert( false, "### none sequential index detected (after)" );
          Log.Assert( this, false, "### none sequential index detected (after)" );
    private GeneratorPosition HandleParentGroupRemove( GeneratorNode parent, out int countRemoved, out int genCountRemoved, out int removeIndex, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e, IList<DependencyObject> removedContainers )
      GeneratorNodeHelper nodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper( parent, 0, 0 ); //do not care about index (for now).

      // start by moving to the first child... of the node (GroupHeaders node, most probably).
      // false parameter is to prevent skipping over a collapsed node (item count 0 )
      if( !nodeHelper.MoveToChild( false ) )
        //could not advance to the child item so there is no items to be removed...
        throw new DataGridInternalException();

      return this.HandleSameLevelGroupRemove( nodeHelper.CurrentNode, out countRemoved, out genCountRemoved, out removeIndex, e, removedContainers );
    private void StartGenerator( GeneratorPosition startPos, GeneratorDirection direction )
      if( this.Status == GeneratorStatus.GeneratingContainers )
        throw new InvalidOperationException( "Cannot perform this operation while the generator is busy generating items" );

      //set the GeneratorStatus to "Generating"
      m_generatorStatus = GeneratorStatus.GeneratingContainers;

      //Initialize the Direction
      m_generatorDirection = direction;

      //retrieve the Index for the GeneratorPosition retrieved
      m_generatorCurrentGlobalIndex = this.IndexFromGeneratorPosition( startPos );

      // case 117460: throw an exception if the GeneratorPosition is bad, but not if the itemcount is 0 
      //(and generator position maps to index 0 ).
      int itemCount = this.ItemCount;
      if( ( m_generatorCurrentGlobalIndex < 0 ) || ( ( itemCount > 0 ) && ( m_generatorCurrentGlobalIndex >= itemCount ) ) )
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException( "startPos", "The specified start position is outside the range of the Generator content." );

      //case 117460: if the item count is 0, return without doing any check, GenerateNext will never process any content in that case.
      //Since the GeneratorNodeHelper is never created.
      if( itemCount == 0 )

      //and create a node helper that will assist us during the Generation process...
      m_generatorNodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper( m_startNode, 0, 0 ); // start index is always 0

      //position the GeneratorNodeHelper to the appropriate node
      if( !m_generatorNodeHelper.FindNodeForIndex( m_generatorCurrentGlobalIndex ) ) //find index?!?!
        //there was a problem moving the Node helper... 
        throw new DataGridInternalException();

      //Calculate the offset
      m_generatorCurrentOffset = m_generatorCurrentGlobalIndex - m_generatorNodeHelper.Index;

      ItemsGeneratorNode itemsNode = m_generatorNodeHelper.CurrentNode as ItemsGeneratorNode;
      if( itemsNode != null )
        m_generatorCurrentDetail = itemsNode.GetDetailNodeForIndex( m_generatorCurrentOffset, out m_generatorCurrentOffset, out m_generatorCurrentDetailIndex, out m_generatorCurrentDetailNodeIndex );

      if( m_generatorCurrentDetail != null )
        m_generatorCurrentDetailDisposable = ( ( IItemContainerGenerator )m_generatorCurrentDetail.DetailGenerator ).StartAt( m_generatorCurrentDetail.DetailGenerator.GeneratorPositionFromIndex( m_generatorCurrentDetailIndex ), direction, true );
    private GeneratorPosition HandleSameLevelGroupRemove( GeneratorNode firstChild, out int countRemoved, out int genCountRemoved, out int removeIndex, NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e, IList<DependencyObject> removedContainers )
      GeneratorPosition retval;

      countRemoved = 0;
      genCountRemoved = 0;

      GeneratorNodeHelper nodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper( firstChild, 0, 0 );

      //Advance to the first "Group" node (skip the GroupHEaders)
      while( !( nodeHelper.CurrentNode is GroupGeneratorNode ) )
        if( !nodeHelper.MoveToNext() )
          throw new DataGridInternalException();

      //then move up to the removal start point.
      if( !nodeHelper.MoveToNextBy( e.OldStartingIndex ) )
        throw new DataGridInternalException();

      GroupGeneratorNode startNode = nodeHelper.CurrentNode as GroupGeneratorNode;
      removeIndex = -1;

      //Only fetch the index if the group itself is not "collapsed" or under a collapsed group already
      if( ( startNode.IsExpanded == startNode.IsComputedExpanded ) && ( startNode.ItemCount > 0 ) )
        removeIndex = nodeHelper.Index;
        retval = this.GeneratorPositionFromIndex( removeIndex );
        retval = new GeneratorPosition( -1, 1 );

      //retrieve the generator position for the first item to remove.

      this.ProcessGroupRemoval( startNode, e.OldItems.Count, true, out countRemoved );

      //Clean the chain "isolated" previously
      this.NodeFactory.CleanGeneratorNodeTree( startNode );

      if( removeIndex != -1 )
        //remove the appropriate 
        genCountRemoved = this.RemoveGeneratedItems( removeIndex, removeIndex + countRemoved - 1, removedContainers );

      return retval;
    private void HandleDetailReset( object masterItem, DetailGeneratorNode detailNode )
      GeneratorNodeHelper nodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper( m_startNode, 0, 0 );
      int masterIndex = nodeHelper.FindItem( masterItem );

      // -1 means either taht the master item is below a collapsed group node, or that the item does not exists, validate.
      if( masterIndex == -1 )
        nodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper( m_startNode, 0, 0 );
        if( !nodeHelper.Contains( masterItem ) )
          throw new DataGridInternalException();

      ItemsGeneratorNode masterNode = nodeHelper.CurrentNode as ItemsGeneratorNode;

      Debug.Assert( masterNode != null, "masterNode != null" );
#if LOG
      Log.Assert( this, masterNode != null, "masterNode != null" );

      //start index will be ignored later on if the masterIndex is -1!!
      int startIndex = nodeHelper.Index + masterNode.IndexOf( masterItem ) + 1; //details start a master index + 1

      List<DetailGeneratorNode> detailsForMaster = null;

      //edge case, it is possible to receive a Reset from Floating details!
      if( masterNode.Details == null )
        //check for floating details, if not present, throw, this is an abnormal case.
        if( !m_floatingDetails.Contains( masterItem ) )
          throw new DataGridInternalException();
        masterNode.Details.TryGetValue( masterNode.Items.IndexOf( masterItem ), out detailsForMaster );

        Debug.Assert( detailsForMaster != null, "detailsForMaster != null" );
#if LOG
        Log.Assert( this, detailsForMaster != null, "detailsForMaster != null" );

      if( detailsForMaster != null )
        //this is required to ensure that if the details that resets is not the first one, the index is calculated appropriatly.
        foreach( DetailGeneratorNode node in detailsForMaster )
          if( node == detailNode )
            startIndex += node.ItemCount;

        //if there were 'items' in the detail node, process the remove of them
        int oldDetailCount = detailNode.ItemCount;
        if( oldDetailCount > 0 )
          int endIndex = startIndex + oldDetailCount - 1; //last detail index

          GeneratorPosition removeGenPos = ( masterIndex != -1 )
            ? this.GeneratorPositionFromIndex( startIndex )
            : new GeneratorPosition( -1, 1 );

          int genRemCount = 0;

          List<DependencyObject> removedContainers = new List<DependencyObject>();

          //this has no uses if the masterIndex is -1 ( collapsed master item )
          if( masterIndex != -1 )
            genRemCount = this.RemoveGeneratedItems( startIndex, endIndex, removedContainers );

          masterNode.AdjustItemCount( -oldDetailCount );


          //this has no uses if the masterIndex is -1 ( collapsed master item )
          if( masterIndex != -1 )
            this.SendRemoveEvent( removeGenPos, masterIndex + 1, oldDetailCount, genRemCount, removedContainers );


        int newDetailCount = detailNode.ItemCount;
        if( newDetailCount > 0 )
          GeneratorPosition addGenPos = new GeneratorPosition( -1, 1 );

          //this has no uses if the masterIndex is -1 ( collapsed master item )
          if( masterIndex != -1 )
            addGenPos = this.GeneratorPositionFromIndex( startIndex );

          masterNode.AdjustItemCount( newDetailCount );


          //this has no uses if the masterIndex is -1 ( collapsed master item )
          if( masterIndex != -1 )
            this.SendAddEvent( addGenPos, masterIndex + 1, newDetailCount );
    private GroupGeneratorNode ProcessGroupRemoval(
      GeneratorNode startNode,
      int removeCount,
      bool updateGroupNodeMappingCache,
      out int countRemoved )

      Debug.Assert( removeCount != 0, "remove count cannot be 0" );
#if LOG
      Log.Assert( this, removeCount != 0, "remove count cannot be 0" );

      GeneratorNodeHelper nodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper( startNode, 0, 0 );//index not important.
      GroupGeneratorNode parentGroup = startNode.Parent as GroupGeneratorNode;
      int i = 0;

      countRemoved = 0;

        GroupGeneratorNode group = nodeHelper.CurrentNode as GroupGeneratorNode;

        if( updateGroupNodeMappingCache )
          m_groupNodeMappingCache.Remove( group.CollectionViewGroup );

        Debug.Assert( group != null, "node to be removed must be a GroupGeneratorNode" );
#if LOG
        Log.Assert( this, group != null, "node to be removed must be a GroupGeneratorNode" );

        //add the total number of child to the count of items removed.
        countRemoved += group.ItemCount;


        if( i < removeCount )
          if( !nodeHelper.MoveToNext() )
            //could not advance to the last item to be removed...

            throw new DataGridInternalException();
      while( i < removeCount );

      //disconnect the node chain to be removed from the linked list.
      GeneratorNode previous = startNode.Previous;
      GeneratorNode next = nodeHelper.CurrentNode.Next;

      if( next != null )
        next.Previous = previous;

      if( previous != null )
        previous.Next = next;

      //if the first node removed was the first child of its parent
      if( ( parentGroup != null ) && ( parentGroup.Child == startNode ) )
        //set the next in line after the chain to be removed as the first child
        parentGroup.Child = next;

      //break the link between the chain and its same-level siblings.
      nodeHelper.CurrentNode.Next = null;
      startNode.Previous = null;

      //Here, I need a special handling case... If I remove the first group node, I need to set a new firstItem
      if( startNode == m_firstItem )
        if( next != m_firstFooter )
          m_firstItem = next;
          m_firstItem = null;

        if( m_startNode == startNode )
          m_startNode = next;

      Debug.Assert( nodeHelper.CurrentNode is GroupGeneratorNode, "last node is not a GroupGeneratorNode" );
#if LOG
      Log.Assert( this, nodeHelper.CurrentNode is GroupGeneratorNode, "last node is not a GroupGeneratorNode" );

      return ( GroupGeneratorNode )nodeHelper.CurrentNode;
    void IDataGridContextVisitable.AcceptVisitor( int minIndex, int maxIndex, IDataGridContextVisitor visitor, DataGridContextVisitorType visitorType, bool visitDetails, out bool visitWasStopped )
      visitWasStopped = false;

      if( m_startNode == null )

      GeneratorNodeHelper nodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper( m_startNode, 0, 0 );
      nodeHelper.ProcessVisit( m_dataGridContext, minIndex, maxIndex, visitor, visitorType, visitDetails, out visitWasStopped );
    public int IndexFromItem( object item )
      int retval = -1;

      if( item != null )

        if( m_startNode != null )
          //if item is generated
          int generatedIndex = this.FindFirstGeneratedIndexForLocalItem( item );
          if( generatedIndex != -1 )
            retval = m_genPosToIndex[ generatedIndex ];
          //if the item is not generated
            GeneratorNodeHelper nodeHelper = new GeneratorNodeHelper( m_startNode, 0, 0 );
            //Note: Under that specific case, I do not want to search through collapsed group nodes... Effectivelly, an item "below" a collapsed group node 
            // Have no index as per the "item to index" interface of the generator. 
            retval = nodeHelper.FindItem( item );

      return retval;