Ejemplo n.º 1
        private void SetupCollectionGeneratorNode(CollectionGeneratorNode newNode, GeneratorNode parent, GeneratorNode previous, GeneratorNode next)
            if (previous != null)
                previous.Next = newNode;
            newNode.Previous = previous;

            if (next != null)
                next.Previous = newNode;
            newNode.Next = next;

                ( INotifyCollectionChanged )newNode.Items,
                new NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler(newNode.OnCollectionChanged));

            newNode.CollectionChanged     += m_itemsChangedHandler;
            newNode.ExpansionStateChanged += m_expansionStateChangedHandler;

            if (parent != null)
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public object FindIndex(int index)
            //WARNING: this method only searches forward

            GeneratorNode originalNode            = m_currentNode;
            int           originalIndex           = m_index;
            int           originalSourceDataIndex = m_sourceDataIndex;

                if (index < (m_index + m_currentNode.ItemCount))
                    CollectionGeneratorNode itemsNode = m_currentNode as CollectionGeneratorNode;

                    if (itemsNode != null)
                        return(itemsNode.GetAt(index - m_index));
                    else // not an Items Node, then try to move to child...
                        //if it fails, then quit loop with failure
                        if (!this.MoveToChild())
                    //if we reach this point, it's because the item we are looking
                    //for is not in this node... Try to access the child

                    //No need to check for childs, since the condition above would catch it (childs part of ItemCount).

                    if (this.MoveToNext())

                    //final try, try "advancing" to the next item.
                    if (this.MoveToFollowing())

                    //up to this, we are in an endpoint, we failed.

            m_currentNode     = originalNode;
            m_index           = originalIndex;
            m_sourceDataIndex = originalSourceDataIndex;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        //Note: this function will not check for the presence of the item in the details for Items nodes.
        public bool AbsoluteFindItem(object item)
            //this method will search through nodes, even those collapsed for the item
            //finding items can only be done in "forward" direction
            GeneratorNode originalNode            = m_currentNode;
            int           originalIndex           = m_index;
            int           originalSourceDataIndex = m_sourceDataIndex;

                CollectionGeneratorNode itemsNode = m_currentNode as CollectionGeneratorNode;

                if (itemsNode != null)
                    if (itemsNode.Items.Contains(item))

                //if we reach this point, it's because the item we are looking
                //for is not in this node... Try to access the child
                if (this.MoveToChild())

                //if we reach this point, it's because we have no child...
                if (this.MoveToNext())

                //final try, try "advancing" to the next item.
                if (this.MoveToFollowing())

                //up to this, we are in an endpoint, we failed.
            } while(true);

            m_currentNode     = originalNode;
            m_index           = originalIndex;
            m_sourceDataIndex = originalSourceDataIndex;
Ejemplo n.º 4
        //This method cannot be used for groups.
        //This method will search for items independently of the Expanded/Collpased status of GroupGeneratorNodes
        public bool Contains(object item)
            bool skipCollectionGeneratorNodeCheck = false;

                HeadersFootersGeneratorNode headersFootersNode = m_currentNode as HeadersFootersGeneratorNode;
                skipCollectionGeneratorNodeCheck = false;

                //If the node is a HeadersFootersGeneratorNode, do some specific handling.
                if (headersFootersNode != null)
                    //If the item passed to the function is a GroupHeaderFooterItem, then its because we are looking for a GroupHeader/Footer
                    if (item.GetType() == typeof(GroupHeaderFooterItem))
                        GroupHeaderFooterItem groupHeaderFooterItem = ( GroupHeaderFooterItem )item;

                        //Determine the parent node/collectionViewGroup
                        GroupGeneratorNode parentGroup = headersFootersNode.Parent as GroupGeneratorNode;

                        if (parentGroup != null)
                            if (groupHeaderFooterItem.Group == parentGroup.CollectionViewGroup)
                                if (headersFootersNode.Items.Contains(groupHeaderFooterItem.Template))
                        //If there is no parent node, then its because the current HeadersFootersGeneratorNode is not a GroupHeaders/Footers node (FixedHeaders/Fotoers or Headers/Footers).

                        skipCollectionGeneratorNodeCheck = true; //force skip CollectionGeneratorNode verification, this is to limit amount of job done by loop body.

                    //If the item passed is not a GroupHeaderFooterItem, not need to do specific processing, reverting to "Common" algo.

                if (!skipCollectionGeneratorNodeCheck)
                    CollectionGeneratorNode collectionNode = m_currentNode as CollectionGeneratorNode;

                    if (collectionNode != null)
                        // When dealing with a DataView, the DataView's IList's Contains implementation will return false
                        // for a dataRowView which is in edition and was modified even though it is really part of the collection.
                        // Therefore, we must use a for loop of Object.Equals method calls.
                        System.Data.DataRowView dataRowViewItem = item as System.Data.DataRowView;

                        if (dataRowViewItem != null)
                            IList items      = collectionNode.Items;
                            int   itemsCount = items.Count;

                            System.Data.DataRow itemDataRow = dataRowViewItem.Row;

                            for (int i = 0; i < itemsCount; i++)
                                System.Data.DataRowView currentDataRowView = items[i] as System.Data.DataRowView;

                                if ((currentDataRowView != null) && (itemDataRow == currentDataRowView.Row))
                            //Since the GetAt() methods can be overriden to compensate for the Expand/Collapse status of Groups
                            // AND the details features, accessing the collection directly prevent pre-processing of the content of the collection node.
                            if (collectionNode.Items.Contains(item))
                                //if the item is from a detail, then I don't want to "use" it!!!

                //if we reach this point, it's because the item we are looking
                //for is not in this node... Try to access the child
                //Note: Since I want to search independently of the Expand/Collapse status,
                //pass false to the method to systematically visit childs.
                if (this.MoveToChild(false))

                //if we reach this point, it's because we have no child...
                if (this.MoveToNext())

                //final try, try "advancing" to the next item.
                if (this.MoveToFollowing())

                //up to this, we are in an endpoint, we failed.
            } while(true);

Ejemplo n.º 5
        //FindItem skips over itemless nodes.
        public int FindItem(object item)
            //finding items can only be done in "forward" direction
            int retval = -1;

            GeneratorNode originalNode            = m_currentNode;
            int           originalIndex           = m_index;
            int           originalSourceDataIndex = m_sourceDataIndex;

            while (retval == -1)
                ItemsGeneratorNode itemsNode = m_currentNode as ItemsGeneratorNode;

                if (itemsNode != null)
                    int tmpIndex = itemsNode.Items.IndexOf(item);
                    if (tmpIndex > -1)
                        tmpIndex += itemsNode.CountDetailsBeforeDataIndex(tmpIndex);
                        //item is directly from this items node... then return the appropriate index!
                        retval = m_index + tmpIndex;
                        //if the item is from a detail, then I don't want to "use" it!!!
                        retval = -1;
                        //but continue looping.... to find occurances of this item somewhere else in the tree
                    CollectionGeneratorNode collectionNode = m_currentNode as CollectionGeneratorNode;

                    if (collectionNode != null)
                        int tmpIndex = collectionNode.IndexOf(item);

                        if (tmpIndex != -1)
                            retval = m_index + tmpIndex;

                //if we reach this point, it's because the item we are looking
                //for is not in this node... Try to access the child
                if (this.MoveToChild())

                //if we reach this point, it's because we have no child...
                if (this.MoveToNext())

                //final try, try "advancing" to the next item.
                if (this.MoveToFollowing())

                //up to this, we are in an endpoint, we failed.

            if (retval == -1)
                m_currentNode     = originalNode;
                m_index           = originalIndex;
                m_sourceDataIndex = originalSourceDataIndex;

    private void SetupCollectionGeneratorNode( CollectionGeneratorNode newNode, GeneratorNode parent, GeneratorNode previous, GeneratorNode next )
      if( previous != null )
        previous.Next = newNode;
      newNode.Previous = previous;

      if( next != null )
        next.Previous = newNode;
      newNode.Next = next;

      this.RegisterNodeCollectionChanged( ( INotifyCollectionChanged )newNode.Items, new NotifyCollectionChangedEventHandler( newNode.OnCollectionChanged ) );

      newNode.CollectionChanged += m_itemsChangedHandler;
      newNode.ExpansionStateChanged += m_expansionStateChangedHandler;

      if( parent != null )
        newNode.AdjustItemCount( newNode.ItemCount );