Ejemplo n.º 1
 public Piece( int nRow, int nCol, bool bBlack, Table _parentTable )
     m_position = new Point( nRow, nCol );
     m_bBlack = bBlack;
     m_parentTable = _parentTable;
     m_vetPossibleMovements = new List<Point>( );
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public Play getCPUPlay(Table table)
            negamax(table, 2);
            if (m_winnerTable == null)
                return null;

            Play play = m_winnerTable - table;
            m_winnerTable = null;
            return play;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public Knight(int _posX, int _posY, bool bBlack, Table _parentTable)
     : base(_posX, _posY, bBlack, _parentTable)
Ejemplo n.º 4
 //protected   PieceMovement   m_movement;
 //        static Texture2D selfImageBlack;
 //        static Texture2D selfImageWhite;
 // Constructors
 public Piece( bool bBlack, Table _parentTable )
     : this(0, 0, bBlack, _parentTable)
Ejemplo n.º 5
        private int evaluateTable(Table table)
            int nValue = 0;

            for (int nRow = 0; nRow < table.TableSize; ++nRow)
                for (int nCol = 0; nCol < table.TableSize; ++nCol)
                    Piece piece = table.getTableSquare(nCol, nRow).Piece;
                    if (piece == null)

                    if (m_bBlack != piece.isBlack)
                        if (piece is Queen)
                            nValue += 50;
                        else if (piece is Bishop)
                            nValue += 25;
                        else if (piece is Rook)
                            nValue += 20;
                        else if (piece is Knight)
                            nValue += 10;
                        else if (piece is Pawn)
                            nValue += 5;
                        if (piece is Queen)
                            nValue += 30;
                        else if (piece is Bishop)
                            nValue += 15;
                        else if (piece is Rook)
                            nValue += 10;
                        else if (piece is Knight)
                            nValue += 5;
                        else if (piece is Pawn)
                            nValue += 2;

            return nValue;
Ejemplo n.º 6
        private int negamax(Table table, int depth)
            if (/*table.IsInCheckMate(m_bBlack) || */(depth == 0))
                //m_winnerTable = table;
                return evaluateTable(table);
                if ((depth % 2) == 1)
                    m_bTeamTemp = m_bBlack;
                    m_bTeamTemp = !m_bBlack;

                int alpha = int.MinValue;
                List<Table> lstTables = generateTables(table);
                foreach (Table childTable in lstTables)
                    int alphaTmp = Math.Max(alpha, -negamax(childTable, depth - 1));
                    if (alphaTmp > alpha)
                        alpha = alphaTmp;
                        m_winnerTable = childTable;

                return alpha;

            ROTINA minimax(nó, profundidade)
                SE nó é um nó terminal OU profundidade = 0 ENTÃO
                    RETORNE o valor da heurística do nó
                    α ← -∞                       { a avaliação é idêntica para ambos os jogadores }
                    PARA CADA filho DE nó
                        α ← max(α, -minimax(filho, profundidade-1))
                    FIM PARA
                    RETORNE α
                FIM SE
            FIM ROTINA
Ejemplo n.º 7
        private List<Table> generateTables(Table table)
            List<Table> lstTables = new List<Table>();

            for (int nRow = 0; nRow < table.TableSize; ++nRow)
                for (int nCol = 0; nCol < table.TableSize; ++nCol)
                    Table.TableSquare tableSquare = table.getTableSquare(nRow, nCol);

                    // Verify if the is a piece in this square.
                    if (tableSquare.Piece == null)

                    // Verify if the piece is mine.
                    if (tableSquare.Piece.isBlack != m_bTeamTemp)

                    List<Point> lstPositions = tableSquare.Piece.vetPossibleMovements;
                    foreach (Point position in lstPositions)
                        Play play = new Play();
                        play.oldPosition = new Point(nRow, nCol);
                        play.newPosition = position;
                        Table newTable = table + play;

            return lstTables;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public Bishop(int _posX, int _posY, bool bBlack, Table _parentTable )
     : base(_posX, _posY, bBlack, _parentTable)
     //m_movement = new PieceMovement();
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public Pawn(int _posX, int _posY, bool bBlack, Table _parentTable )
     : base(_posX, _posY, bBlack, _parentTable)
     m_bFirstMove = true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows the game to perform any initialization it needs to before starting to run.
        /// This is where it can query for any required services and load any non-graphic
        /// related content.  Calling base.Initialize will enumerate through any components
        /// and initialize them as well.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void Initialize()
            // TODO: Add your initialization logic here


            m_rectTable.X = 0;
            m_rectTable.Y = 0;
            m_rectTable.Width = 640;
            m_rectTable.Height = 640;

            m_graphics.PreferredBackBufferHeight = 640;
            m_graphics.PreferredBackBufferWidth = 640;

            m_listTargetsMovements = new List<Point>();

            m_gameTable = new Table();

            m_bPieceSelected = false;
            m_bResetGame = true;
            m_bInitGame = false;

            m_bCanBePressed = false;
            m_updateCounts = 0;

            m_stateSplash = SPLASH_STATES.OPEN;

            m_playTurn = Play_Turn.White_Turn;
            m_bPlayerBlackCPU = true;
            m_bPlayerWhiteCPU = false;
            m_cpuPlayer = new MiniMax();
            m_cpuPlayer.setTeam(m_bPlayerBlackCPU); // CPU is with Black pieces.

            m_DeadBlackSpaces = new Rectangle[TOTAL_BLACK_PIECES];
            m_DeadWhiteSpaces = new Rectangle[TOTAL_WHITE_PIECES];


            m_gameTable.calculateWhitePiecesPosition( false );

            m_rectPlayNow.Height = 100;
            m_rectPlayNow.Width = 20;
            m_rectPlayNow.X = (36 / 2) - (m_rectPlayNow.Width/2);
            m_rectPlayNow.Y = (640 / 2) - (m_rectPlayNow.Height/2);

            m_rectButton.Height = 20;
            m_rectButton.Width = m_rectPlayNow.Width;
            m_rectButton.X = (36 / 2) - (m_rectButton.Width / 2);
            m_rectButton.Y = ((m_rectPlayNow.Y + m_rectPlayNow.Height) + 4);

            m_rectSplashScreens.Height = 300;
            m_rectSplashScreens.Width = 400;
            m_rectSplashScreens.X = (m_rectTable.Width / 2) - (m_rectSplashScreens.Width / 2);
            m_rectSplashScreens.Y = (m_rectTable.Height / 2) - (m_rectSplashScreens.Height / 2);
Ejemplo n.º 11
 public Queen(int _posX, int _posY, bool bBlack, Table _parentTable)
     : base(_posX, _posY, bBlack, _parentTable)