Ejemplo n.º 1
        void handleKeyPressEvent(XKeyEvent e, XWindow window, XWindow root, XWindow subwindow)
            XKeySym ks = window.KeycodeToKeysym(e.keycode);

              if (ks==  XKeySym.NoSymbol)

            case XKeySym.XK_Delete:
              Console.WriteLine("Window manager is restarting...");

            case XKeySym.XK_End:
              Console.WriteLine("Window manager is quitting.");
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public XWindow(XDisplay dpy, XWindow parent, Rectangle geom, int border_width, int border_color, int background_color)
            display = dpy;

              Handle = XCreateSimpleWindow (display.Handle, parent.Handle, geom.X, geom.Y, geom.Width, geom.Height, border_width, border_color, background_color);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public int Reparent(XWindow p, Point pos)
     return XReparentWindow (display.Handle, Handle, p.Handle, pos.X, pos.Y);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public bool ReadFileToPixmap(XWindow d, string filename)
            IntPtr pixmap_return;
              int shapemask_return;

              XpmAttributes attr = new XpmAttributes ();
              attr.valuemask = XPixmapValueMask.XpmSize;

              if (XpmReadFileToPixmap (display.Handle, d.Handle, filename, out pixmap_return, out shapemask_return, ref attr) == 0) {
            Handle = pixmap_return;
            mask = shapemask_return;
            width = attr.width;
            height = attr.height;

            success = true;

            return true;

              return false;
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public XPointerQueryInfo Query(XWindow w)
            XPointerQueryInfo pi = new XPointerQueryInfo ();

              IntPtr root_return, child_return;
              int root_x_return, root_y_return, win_x_return, win_y_return, mask_return;

              XQueryPointer (display.Handle, w.Handle, out root_return, out child_return, out root_x_return, out root_y_return, out win_x_return, out win_y_return, out mask_return);

              pi.root = root_return;
              pi.child = child_return;
              pi.root_x = root_x_return;
              pi.root_y = root_y_return;
              pi.win_x = win_x_return;
              pi.win_y = win_y_return;
              pi.mask = mask_return;

              return pi;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public void DefineCursor(XWindow w)
     XDefineCursor (display.Handle, w.Handle, Handle);
       base.Dispose ();
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public XGC(XDisplay dpy, XWindow d, XGCValuesMask valuemask, XGCValues values)
     InitGC (dpy, d.Handle, valuemask, values);
Ejemplo n.º 8
 void sendWMDelete(XWindow window)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 int sendXMessage(XWindow w, XAtom a, long mask, long x)
     return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 void handleShapeEvent(XShapeEvent e, XWindow window)
Ejemplo n.º 11
 void handleUnmapNotifyEvent(XUnmapEvent e, XWindow window)
Ejemplo n.º 12
 void handlePropertyNotifyEvent(XPropertyEvent e, XWindow window)
Ejemplo n.º 13
 void handleMotionNotifyEvent(XMotionEvent e, XWindow window, XWindow root, XWindow subwindow)
Ejemplo n.º 14
 void handleMapRequestEvent(XMapRequestEvent e, XWindow parent, XWindow window)
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public void HandleMotionNotify(XMotionEvent e, XWindow window, XWindow root, XWindow subwindow)
            int xdiff = e.x_root - start.x_root;
              int ydiff = e.y_root - start.y_root;

              if ((e.window == resize_top_left_win.ID) || (e.window == resize_bottom_left_win.ID) || (e.window == resize_top_right_win.ID) || (e.window == resize_bottom_right_win.ID)) {
            if (e.window == resize_top_left_win.ID)
              ResizeTopLeft (xdiff, ydiff); else if (e.window == resize_bottom_left_win.ID)
              ResizeBottomLeft (xdiff, ydiff); else if (e.window == resize_top_right_win.ID)
              ResizeTopRight (xdiff, ydiff); else if (e.window == resize_bottom_right_win.ID)
              ResizeBottomRight (xdiff, ydiff);

            if (resize_win_width < min_size || resize_win_height < min_size)

            resize_main_win.MoveResize (new Rectangle (resize_win_x, resize_win_y, resize_win_width, resize_win_height));

            DrawClock ();

            PlaceHandles ();
              } else if (e.window == resize_main_win.ID) {

            int x = old_resize_x + (e.x_root - start.x_root);
            int y = old_resize_y + (e.y_root - start.y_root);

            resize_main_win.Move (new Point (x, y));

            resize_win_x = x;
            resize_win_y = y;
Ejemplo n.º 16
 void setWMState(XWindow window, XWindowState state)
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public WindowResizeTest()
            t = new Timer ();

              dpy = new XDisplay ();
              s = new XScreen (dpy);
              ev = new XEvent (dpy);
              pointer = new XPointer (dpy);
              gc = new XGC (dpy);

              //XShape shape = new XShape(dpy);
              //Console.WriteLine("Shape Event Type Number = {0}", shape.Type.ToString());

              //atom = new XAtom (dpy, "_MAJYK_HINT", false);

              // Used to test the XPM function that reads a pixmap from a char**
            //      pix_data = new string[] {
            //            "16 16 16 1",
            //            "   c None",
            //            ". c #323232",
            //            "+  c #535353",
            //            "@  c #4A8A8E",
            //            "#  c #DEE2E2",
            //            "$  c #7E827A",
            //            "%  c #8A9292",
            //            "&  c #D6D6D6",
            //            "*  c #36767E",
            //            "=  c #9E9E9E",
            //            "-  c #FAFAFA",
            //            ";  c #B2B2B2",
            //            ">  c #DEEEEA",
            //            ",  c #464646",
            //            "'  c #5EA2A2",
            //            ")  c #52969A",
            //            "                ",
            //            "                ",
            //            " --#>>>>>>#-#-; ",
            //            " -&%')))))=&=&+ ",
            //            " >;$@*****=;%;+ ",
            //            " &$$$$$$$$$$$$, ",
            //            " &;;;;;;;;;;;;+ ",
            //            " &;;;;;;;;;;;;+ ",
            //            " #;;;;;;;;;;;;+ ",
            //            " &;;;;;;;;;;;;+ ",
            //            " #;;;;;;;;;;;;+ ",
            //            " #;;;;;;;;;;;;+ ",
            //            " &;;;;;;;;;;;;+ ",
            //            " $............. ",
            //            "                ",
            //            "                "
            //      };

              bg_color = new XColor (dpy, "#AAAAAA");
              handle_color = new XColor (dpy, "#FF0000");

              //bg_color = new XColor(dpy, Color.FromArgb(200, 200, 200));
              //handle_color = new XColor(dpy, Color.FromArgb(0, 255, 0));

              main_win = new XWindow (dpy, new Rectangle (5, 5, 640, 480), 0, s.BlackPixel (), s.WhitePixel ());

              main_win.Name = "Window Resize Test";
              main_win.SelectInput (XEventMask.KeyPressMask | XEventMask.ExposureMask);

              resize_main_win = new XWindow (dpy, main_win, new Rectangle (resize_win_x, resize_win_y, resize_win_width, resize_win_height), 1, s.BlackPixel (), bg_color.Pixel);
              resize_top_left_win = new XWindow (dpy, resize_main_win, new Rectangle (0, 0, resize_handle_width, resize_handle_height), 1, s.BlackPixel (), handle_color.Pixel);
              resize_top_right_win = new XWindow (dpy, resize_main_win, new Rectangle (0, 0, resize_handle_width, resize_handle_height), 1, s.BlackPixel (), handle_color.Pixel);
              resize_bottom_left_win = new XWindow (dpy, resize_main_win, new Rectangle (0, 0, resize_handle_width, resize_handle_height), 1, s.BlackPixel (), handle_color.Pixel);
              resize_bottom_right_win = new XWindow (dpy, resize_main_win, new Rectangle (0, 0, resize_handle_width, resize_handle_height), 1, s.BlackPixel (), handle_color.Pixel);

              //string foo="MAJYK!";
              //resize_main_win.ChangeProperty(atom, atom, 8, PropMode.PropModeReplace, Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi(foo), foo.Length);

              //int return_type=0;
              //int actual_format=0;
              //int nitems=0;
              //int bytes_return=0;
              //IntPtr data = IntPtr.Zero;

              //resize_main_win.GetProperty(atom, 0, 2, false, atom, out return_type, out actual_format, out nitems, out bytes_return, out data);

              //string z = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(data);
              //Console.WriteLine("nitems = {0}, z = {1}", nitems, z);

              //pix = new XPixmap (dpy);

              //if (pix.ReadPixmapFromData (resize_main_win, pix_data)) {
              //  resize_main_win.SetBackgroundPixmap (pix);

              //  Console.WriteLine ("pixmap w = {0} | h = {1}", pix.Width.ToString (), pix.Height.ToString ());

              resize_main_win.SetBackgroundColor (Color.Gray);

              // Test TransientFor
              //Window foo = resize_main_win.GetTransientForHint();
              //Console.WriteLine("resize_main_win = {0} | foo.transient_for = {1} | main_win = {2}", resize_main_win.ID.ToString(), foo.ID.ToString(), main_win.ID.ToString());

              XEventMask mask = XEventMask.ButtonPressMask | XEventMask.ButtonReleaseMask;

              resize_main_win.SelectInput (mask);
              resize_top_left_win.SelectInput (mask);
              resize_top_right_win.SelectInput (mask);
              resize_bottom_left_win.SelectInput (mask);
              resize_bottom_right_win.SelectInput (mask);

              PlaceHandles ();

              resize_main_win.MapSubwindows ();
              main_win.MapSubwindows ();
              main_win.Map ();

              ev.KeyPressHandlerEvent += new KeyPressHandler (HandleKeyPress);
              ev.MotionNotifyHandlerEvent += new MotionNotifyHandler (HandleMotionNotify);
              ev.ButtonPressHandlerEvent += new ButtonPressHandler (HandleButtonPress);
              ev.ButtonReleaseHandlerEvent += new ButtonReleaseHandler (HandleButtonRelease);
              ev.ExposeHandlerEvent += new ExposeHandler (HandleExpose);

              t.Interval = 1000;
              t.Enabled = true;
              t.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler (UpdateClock);
              t.Start ();

              ev.Loop ();
Ejemplo n.º 18
 void ungrabKeys(XWindow w)
     foreach (XKeySym key in alt_keys)
     w.UngrabKey (key, (XModMask.Mod1Mask | XModMask.ControlMask));
Ejemplo n.º 19
        //    public int SendEvent (XWindow w, bool propagate, XEventMask event_mask)
        //    {
        //      return XSendEvent (display.Handle, w.Handle, propagate, event_mask, Handle);
        //    }
        public int SendClientMessage(XWindow w, XAtom a, bool propagate, XEventMask event_mask)
            //XEvent e;

              //e.type = XEventType.ClientMessage;
              //e.xclient.window = w;
              //e.xclient.message_type = a;
              //e.xclient.format = 32;
              //e.xclient.data.l[0] = x;
              //e.xclient.data.l[1] = CurrentTime;

              //FIXME: SendClientMessage
              //XClientMessageEvent cm = new XClientMessageEvent ();

              //cm.window = w.Handle;
              //cm.message_type = a;
              //cm.format = 32;
              //cm.data = new XClientMessageEvent.data ();

              //return XSendEvent (dpy, w, False, mask, &e);
            return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 static LinuxController()
     dsp = new XDisplay(null);
     root_window = new XWindow(dsp);
Ejemplo n.º 21
 public int CopyArea(XWindow src, XWindow dest, int src_x, int src_y, int width, int height, int dest_x, int dest_y)
     return XCopyArea (display.Handle, src.Handle, dest.Handle, Handle, src_x, src_y, width, height, dest_x, dest_y);
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public void HandleButtonPress(XButtonEvent e, XWindow window, XWindow root, XWindow subwindow)
            pointer.Grab (e.window, XEventMask.PointerMotionMask | XEventMask.ButtonReleaseMask);

              attr = resize_main_win.GetAttributes ();

              start = e;

              old_resize_x = resize_win_x;
              old_resize_y = resize_win_y;
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public bool ReadPixmapFromData(XWindow d, string[] data)
            IntPtr pixmap_return;
              int shapemask_return;

              XpmAttributes attr = new XpmAttributes ();
              attr.valuemask = XPixmapValueMask.XpmSize;

              if (XpmCreatePixmapFromData (display.Handle, d.Handle, data, out pixmap_return, out shapemask_return, ref attr) == 0) {
            Handle = pixmap_return;
            mask = shapemask_return;
            width = attr.width;
            height = attr.height;

            //Console.WriteLine ("PIXMAP: W={0} | H={1}", width, height);

            success = true;

            return true;

              return false;
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public void HandleButtonRelease(XButtonEvent e, XWindow window, XWindow root, XWindow subwindow)
     pointer.Ungrab ();
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public int Warp(XWindow src_w, XWindow dest_w, int src_x, int src_y, int src_width, int src_height, int dest_x, int dest_y)
     return XWarpPointer (display.Handle, src_w.Handle, dest_w.Handle, src_x, src_y, src_width, src_height, dest_x, dest_y);
Ejemplo n.º 26
 public void HandleExpose(XExposeEvent e, XWindow window)
     if (e.window == main_win.ID) {
     DrawClock ();
     main_win.DrawString (gc, new Point (10, 20), "Resize / Move test / Clock / Color test... Press 'Q' to quit...");
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public List<XWindow> QueryTree()
            IntPtr root_return;
              IntPtr parent_return;
              IntPtr children_return;
              int nchildren_return;

              XQueryTree (display.Handle, Handle, out root_return, out parent_return, out children_return, out nchildren_return);

              Console.WriteLine ("Total Windows = {0}", nchildren_return);

              IntPtr[] awins = new IntPtr[nchildren_return];

              Marshal.Copy (children_return, awins, 0, awins.Length);

              List<XWindow> wins = new List<XWindow> ();

              foreach (IntPtr wid in awins) {
            XWindow win = new XWindow (display, wid);
            wins.Add (win);

              return wins;
Ejemplo n.º 28
        public void HandleKeyPress(XKeyEvent e, XWindow window, XWindow root, XWindow subwindow)
            if (Convert.ToBoolean (main_win.LookupKeysym (ref e) == XKeySym.XK_q)) {
            Console.WriteLine ("Cleaning up and exiting...");

            //pix.Free ();

            gc.Dispose ();

            bg_color.Dispose ();
            handle_color.Dispose ();

            resize_top_left_win.Dispose ();
            resize_top_right_win.Dispose ();
            resize_bottom_left_win.Dispose ();
            resize_bottom_right_win.Dispose ();

            resize_main_win.Dispose ();

            main_win.Dispose ();
            ev.Dispose ();
            s.Dispose ();
            dpy.Dispose ();

            Environment.Exit (0);
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public int SetTransientForHint(XWindow prop_window)
     return XSetTransientForHint (display.Handle, Handle, prop_window.Handle);
Ejemplo n.º 30
 void handleFocusOutEvent(XFocusChangeEvent e, XWindow window)