Ejemplo n.º 1
		/// <summary>
		/// Get protected and user-stored dictionary configurations to load into the dialog.
		/// Tests will override this to load the manager in their own fashion.
		/// </summary>
		private void LoadDataFromInventory(XmlNode current)
			// Tuples are <uniqueCode, dispName, IsProtected>
			var configList = new List<Tuple<string, string, bool>>();

			// put them in configList and feed them into the Manager's dictionary.
			foreach (var xnView in m_originalViewConfigNodes)
				var sLabel = XmlUtils.GetManditoryAttributeValue(xnView, "label");
				var sLayout = XmlUtils.GetManditoryAttributeValue(xnView, "layout");
				var fProtected = !sLayout.Contains(Inventory.kcMarkLayoutCopy);
				configList.Add(new Tuple<string, string, bool>(sLayout, sLabel, fProtected));


			var sLayoutCurrent = XmlUtils.GetManditoryAttributeValue(current, "layout");
			m_originalView = sLayoutCurrent;
			m_currentView = m_originalView;

			if (m_configList.Count == 0)

			// Now set up the actual dialog's contents
Ejemplo n.º 2
		public PossibilityAutoComplete(FdoCache cache, Mediator mediator, ICmPossibilityList list, Control control,
			string displayNameProperty, string displayWs)
			m_cache = cache;
			m_mediator = mediator;
			m_control = control;
			m_displayNameProperty = displayNameProperty;
			m_displayWs = displayWs;

			m_listBox = new ComboListBox {DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList, ActivateOnShow = false};
			m_listBox.SelectedIndexChanged += HandleSelectedIndexChanged;
			m_listBox.SameItemSelected += HandleSameItemSelected;
			m_listBox.StyleSheet = FontHeightAdjuster.StyleSheetFromMediator(mediator);
			m_listBox.WritingSystemFactory = cache.WritingSystemFactory;
			m_searcher = new StringSearcher<ICmPossibility>(SearchType.Prefix, cache.ServiceLocator.WritingSystemManager);
			m_possibilities = new List<ICmPossibility>();
			var stack = new Stack<ICmPossibility>(list.PossibilitiesOS);
			while (stack.Count > 0)
				ICmPossibility poss = stack.Pop();
				foreach (ICmPossibility child in poss.SubPossibilitiesOS)

			m_control.KeyDown += HandleKeyDown;
			m_control.KeyPress += HandleKeyPress;
Ejemplo n.º 3
		/// <summary>
		/// return an array of all of the objects which should
		/// 1) be queried when looking for someone to deliver a message to
		/// 2) be potential recipients of a broadcast
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public IxCoreColleague[] GetMessageTargets()
			List<IxCoreColleague> colleagues = new List<IxCoreColleague>();
			// Add current FindComboFiller & UsedByFiller.
			// Those
			return colleagues.ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 4
		public Control PopulateCtrlTabTargetCandidateList(List<Control> targetCandidates)
			if (targetCandidates == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("targetCandidates");
			return ContainsFocus ? this : null;
Ejemplo n.º 5
		public Control PopulateCtrlTabTargetCandidateList(List<Control> targetCandidates)
			if (targetCandidates == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("'targetCandidates' is null.");


			return ContainsFocus ? this : null;
Ejemplo n.º 6
		public void InitMacro_SurvivesTooManyMacros()
			var ml = new MacroListener();
			var macroImplementors = new List<IFlexMacro>();
			for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
				macroImplementors.Add(new MacroF4());
			var macros = ml.AssignMacrosToSlots(macroImplementors);
			Assert.That(macros[0], Is.EqualTo(macroImplementors[1])); // first free slot gets the second one
			Assert.That(macros[2], Is.EqualTo(macroImplementors[0])); // first one that wants to be a F4
			Assert.That(macros[1], Is.EqualTo(macroImplementors[2])); // can't put where it wants to be, put it in next free slot.
			Assert.That(macros[3], Is.EqualTo(macroImplementors[3])); // from here on they line up.
		/// <summary>
		/// Traverse a tree of objects.
		///	Put the appropriate descendant identifiers into collector.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="cache">data access to retrieve info</param>
		/// <param name="rootHvo">starting object</param>
		/// <param name="rootFlid">the children of rootHvo are in this property.</param>
		/// <param name="subFlid">grandchildren and great...grandchildren are in this one</param>
		/// <param name="itemFlid">want children where this is non-empty in the collector</param>
		/// <param name="flidName">multistring prop to get name of item from</param>
		/// <param name="wsName">multistring writing system to get name of item from</param>
		/// <param name="collector">Add for each item an HvoTreeNode with the name and id of the item.</param>
		internal static void GatherPartsOfSpeech(FdoCache cache,
			int rootHvo, int rootFlid, int subFlid, int itemFlid, int flidName, int wsName, List<HvoTreeNode> collector)
			ISilDataAccess sda = cache.MainCacheAccessor;
			int chvo = sda.get_VecSize(rootHvo, rootFlid);
			for (int ihvo = 0; ihvo < chvo; ihvo++)
				int hvoItem = sda.get_VecItem(rootHvo, rootFlid, ihvo);
				if (sda.get_VecSize(hvoItem, itemFlid) > 0)
					ITsString tssLabel = GetTssLabel(cache, hvoItem, flidName, wsName);
					collector.Add(new HvoTreeNode(tssLabel, hvoItem));
				GatherPartsOfSpeech(cache, hvoItem, subFlid, subFlid, itemFlid, flidName, wsName, collector);
Ejemplo n.º 8
		public List<ListView> GetControlsFromChoice(ListPropertyChoice choice)
			List<ListView> controls = new List<ListView>();
			if (choice.ParameterNode == null)
				return null;

			foreach(XmlNode panel in choice.ParameterNode.SelectNodes("panels/listPanel"))
				string listId = XmlUtils.GetManditoryAttributeValue(panel, "listId");
				string label = XmlUtils.GetManditoryAttributeValue(panel, "label");

				ListView list = MakeList(listId, label);
			return controls;
Ejemplo n.º 9
		static FLExBridgeListener()
			OldLiftBridgeProjects = new List<string>();
			var repoMapFile = Path.Combine(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "LiftBridge"),
			// look for old liftbridge repo info in path similar to C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\LiftBridge\LanguageProject_Repository_Map.xml
				var repoMapDoc = new XmlDocument();
				var mappingNodes = repoMapDoc.SelectNodes("//Mapping");
				if(mappingNodes != null)
					foreach(XmlElement mappingNode in mappingNodes)
Ejemplo n.º 10
		public bool OnMoveReversalPOS(object cmd)
			FdoCache cache = Cache;
			var labels = new List<ObjectLabel>();
			foreach (IPartOfSpeech pos in MergeOrMoveCandidates)
				if (!pos.SubPossibilitiesOS.Contains(POS))
					labels.Add(ObjectLabel.CreateObjectLabelOnly(cache, pos, "ShortNameTSS", "best analysis"));
			using (SimpleListChooser dlg = new SimpleListChooser(cache, null, m_mediator.HelpTopicProvider, labels, null,
				LexEdStrings.ksCategoryToMoveTo, null))
				if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
					IPartOfSpeech currentPOS = POS;
					IPartOfSpeech newOwner = (IPartOfSpeech)dlg.ChosenOne.Object;
						LexEdStrings.ksRedoMoveRevCategory, cache.ActionHandlerAccessor,
						() =>
								newOwner.MoveIfNeeded(currentPOS); //important when an item is moved into it's own subcategory
								if (!newOwner.SubPossibilitiesOS.Contains(currentPOS)) //this is also prevented in the interface, but I'm paranoid
					// Note: PropChanged should happen on the old owner and the new in the 'Add" method call.
					// Have to jump to a main PartOfSpeech, as RecordClerk doesn't know anything about subcategories.
					m_mediator.BroadcastMessageUntilHandled("JumpToRecord", newOwner.MainPossibility.Hvo);

			return true;
Ejemplo n.º 11
		private static void AddHvoPOStoResults(ISilDataAccess sda, List<int> results, int hvoMsa, int flidPos)
			int hvoPOS;
			hvoPOS = sda.get_ObjectProp(hvoMsa, flidPos);
			if (hvoPOS != 0)
Ejemplo n.º 12
		/// <summary>
		/// Get the occurrences of a particular analysis in the currently interesting texts.
		/// </summary>
		private int[] GetAnalysisOccurrences(int hvo, bool includeChildren)
			int[] values;
			if (m_values.TryGetValue(hvo, out values))
				return values;
			var analysis = (IAnalysis)m_services.GetObject(hvo);
			var wf = analysis.Wordform;
			var bag = wf.OccurrencesBag;
			var valuesList = new List<int>(bag.Count);
			foreach (var seg in from item in bag.Items where BelongsToInterestingText(item) select item)
				foreach (var occurrence in seg.GetOccurrencesOfAnalysis(analysis, bag.Occurrences(seg), includeChildren))
					var hvoOcc = m_nextId--;
					m_occurrences[hvoOcc] = occurrence;
			AddAdditionalOccurrences(hvo, m_occurrences, ref m_nextId, valuesList);
			values = valuesList.ToArray();
			m_values[hvo] = values;
			return values;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the one (and should be only) handler for the user Refresh command.
        /// Refresh wants to first clean up the cache, then give things like Clerks a
        /// chance to reload stuff (calling the old OnRefresh methods), then give
        /// windows a chance to redisplay themselves.
        /// </summary>
        public void OnMasterRefresh(object sender)
            // TODO: This is no longer called by the Mediator, since this class
            // is no longer an xcore colleague. But, it can't be removed either,
            // since it is used by another method on this clsss. :-(

            // Susanna asked that refresh affect only the currently active project, which is
            // what the string and List variables below attempt to handle.  See LT-6444.
            FwXWindow activeWnd = ActiveForm as FwXWindow;

            List<FwXWindow> rgxw = new List<FwXWindow>();
            foreach (IFwMainWnd wnd in MainWindows)
                FwXWindow xwnd = wnd as FwXWindow;
                if (xwnd != null)
            if (activeWnd != null)

            foreach (FwXWindow xwnd in rgxw)

            // LT-3963: active window changes as a result of a refresh.
            // Make sure focus doesn't switch to another FLEx application / window also
            // make sure the application focus isn't lost all together.
            // ALSO, after doing a refresh with just a single application / window,
            // the application would loose focus and you'd have to click into it to
            // get that back, this will reset that too.
            if (activeWnd != null)
                // Refresh it last, so its saved settings get restored.
Ejemplo n.º 14
		public void HandleIncomingLink(FwLink link)

			FwXWindow fwxwnd = null;
			string server = link.Server.Replace(".", Environment.MachineName);
			// = FwLink.RestoreServerFromURL(link.Server).Replace(".", Environment.MachineName);
			Debug.Assert(server != null && server != String.Empty);
			string database = link.Database;
			Debug.Assert(database != null && database != String.Empty);
			string key = MakeKey(server, database);
			if (!m_caches.ContainsKey(key))
				// Add command line info.
				Dictionary<string, List<String>> oldTable = m_commandLineArgs; // Save original args.
				m_commandLineArgs = new Dictionary<string, List<String>>();
				List<String> list = new List<String>();
				m_commandLineArgs.Add("c", list);
				list = new List<String>();
				m_commandLineArgs.Add("db", list);
				list = new List<String>();
				m_commandLineArgs.Add("link", list);
				Form frm = ActiveForm;
				fwxwnd = (FwXWindow)NewMainWindow(null, false);
				AdjustNewWindowPosition(fwxwnd, frm);
				m_commandLineArgs = oldTable; // Restore oringinal args.
				FdoCache cache = m_caches[key];
				// Get window that uses the given DB.
				foreach (FwXWindow wnd in m_rgMainWindows)
					if (wnd.Cache == cache)
						fwxwnd = wnd;
			fwxwnd.Mediator.SendMessage("FollowLink", link);
			bool topmost = fwxwnd.TopMost;
			fwxwnd.TopMost = true;
			fwxwnd.TopMost = topmost;
Ejemplo n.º 15
		private void m_btnDuplicate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
			Debug.Assert(m_current.Level > 0);
			StoreNodeData();	// Ensure duplicate has current data.
			LayoutTreeNode ltnDup = (LayoutTreeNode)m_current.Clone();
			ltnDup.IsDuplicate = true;
			// Generate a unique label to identify this as the n'th duplicate in the list.
			List<string> rgsLabels = new List<string>();
			string sBaseLabel = null;
			for (int i = 0; i < m_current.Parent.Nodes.Count; ++i)
				LayoutTreeNode ltn = (LayoutTreeNode)m_current.Parent.Nodes[i];
				if (ltn.Configuration == m_current.Configuration &&
					ltn.LayoutName == m_current.LayoutName &&
					ltn.PartName == m_current.PartName)
					if (!ltn.IsDuplicate)
						sBaseLabel = ltn.Label;
			if (sBaseLabel == null)
				sBaseLabel = m_current.Label;
			int cDup = 1;
			string sLabel = String.Format("{0} ({1})", sBaseLabel, cDup);
			while (rgsLabels.Contains(sLabel))
				sLabel = String.Format("{0} ({1})", sBaseLabel, cDup);
			ltnDup.Label = sLabel;		// sets Text as well.
			string sDup = ltnDup.DupString;
			if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(sDup))
				sDup = cDup.ToString();
				sDup = String.Format("{0}-{1}", sDup, cDup);
			ltnDup.DupString = sDup;
			int idx = m_current.Index;
			m_current.Parent.Nodes.Insert(idx + 1, ltnDup);
			m_tvParts.SelectedNode = ltnDup;
Ejemplo n.º 16
			internal bool GetModifiedLayouts(List<XmlNode> rgxn)
				List<XmlNode> rgxnDirtyLayouts = new List<XmlNode>();
				for (int i = 0; i < Nodes.Count; ++i)
					LayoutTreeNode ltn = (LayoutTreeNode)Nodes[i];
					if (ltn.GetModifiedLayouts(rgxn))
						XmlNode xn = ltn.ParentLayout;
						if (xn != null && !rgxnDirtyLayouts.Contains(xn))
						foreach (LayoutTreeNode ltnMerged in ltn.MergedNodes)
							xn = ltnMerged.ParentLayout;
							if (xn != null && !rgxnDirtyLayouts.Contains(xn))
				if (Level == 0 && OverallLayoutVisibilityChanged())
					if (!rgxnDirtyLayouts.Contains(m_xnParentLayout))
				foreach (XmlNode xnDirtyLayout in rgxnDirtyLayouts)
					// Create a new layout node with all its parts in order.  This is needed
					// to handle arbitrary reordering and possible addition or deletion of
					// duplicate nodes.  This is complicated by the presence (or rather absence)
					// of "hidden" nodes, and by "merged" nodes.
					XmlNode xnLayout = xnDirtyLayout.Clone();
					if (xnDirtyLayout == m_xnParentLayout && Level == 0 && OverallLayoutVisibilityChanged())
						UpdateAttribute(xnLayout, "visibility", this.Checked ? "always" : "never");
					XmlAttribute[] rgxa = new XmlAttribute[xnLayout.Attributes.Count];
					xnLayout.Attributes.CopyTo(rgxa, 0);
					List<XmlNode> rgxnGen = new List<XmlNode>();
					List<int> rgixn = new List<int>();
					int cChildren = xnLayout.ChildNodes.Count;
					for (int i = 0; i < xnLayout.ChildNodes.Count; ++i)
						XmlNode xn = xnLayout.ChildNodes[i];
						if (xn.Name != "part")
					for (int i = 0; i < rgxa.Length; ++i)
					for (int i = 0; i < Nodes.Count; ++i)
						LayoutTreeNode ltn = (LayoutTreeNode)Nodes[i];
						if (ltn.ParentLayout == xnDirtyLayout)
						else if (ltn.HiddenParent == xnDirtyLayout)
							for (int itn = 0; itn < ltn.MergedNodes.Count; itn++)
								LayoutTreeNode ltnMerged = ltn.MergedNodes[itn];
								if (ltnMerged.ParentLayout == xnDirtyLayout)
					XmlNode xnRef;
					for (int i = 0; i < rgxnGen.Count; ++i)
						if (rgixn[i] <= xnLayout.ChildNodes.Count / 2)
							xnRef = xnLayout.ChildNodes[rgixn[i]];
							xnLayout.InsertBefore(rgxnGen[i], xnRef);
							if (rgixn[i] < xnLayout.ChildNodes.Count)
								xnRef = xnLayout.ChildNodes[rgixn[i]];
								xnRef = xnLayout.LastChild;
							xnLayout.InsertAfter(rgxnGen[i], xnRef);
					if (!rgxn.Contains(xnLayout))
				if (Level == 0)
					return UpdateLayoutVisibilityIfChanged();
				bool fDirty = Level > 0 && IsNodeDirty();
				if (fDirty)
				return fDirty;
Ejemplo n.º 17
		private List<LayoutTreeNode> BuildLayoutTree(XmlNode xnLayoutType)
			List<LayoutTreeNode> rgltn = new List<LayoutTreeNode>();
			foreach (XmlNode config in xnLayoutType.ChildNodes)
				if (config is XmlComment || config.Name != "configure")
			return rgltn;
Ejemplo n.º 18
		/// <summary>
		/// Adjust our height (but, since we're changing the height to hide a panel at the bottom,
		/// do NOT move controls docked bottom).
		/// </summary>
		void AdjustHeightAndMinSize(int newHeight, Size newMinSize)
			var bottomControls = new List<Control>();
			foreach (Control c in Controls)
				if (((int) c.Anchor & (int) AnchorStyles.Bottom) == 0)

				c.Anchor = (AnchorStyles)((int)c.Anchor & ~((int)AnchorStyles.Bottom));
			if (newHeight < Height)
				// Adjust minsize first, lest new height is less than old minimum.
				MinimumSize = newMinSize;
				Height = newHeight;
			else // increasing height
				// Adjust height first, lest old height is less than new minimum.
				Height = newHeight;
				MinimumSize = newMinSize;
			foreach (var c in bottomControls)
				c.Anchor = (AnchorStyles)((int)c.Anchor | ((int)AnchorStyles.Bottom));
Ejemplo n.º 19
		/// <summary>
		/// This is the one (and should be only) handler for the user Refresh command.
		/// Refresh wants to first clean up the cache, then give things like Clerks a
		/// chance to reload stuff (calling the old OnRefresh methods), then give
		/// windows a chance to redisplay themselves.
		/// </summary>
		public void OnMasterRefresh(object sender)
			// Susanna asked that refresh affect only the currently active project, which is
			// what the string and List variables below attempt to handle.  See LT-6444.
			string sDatabase = null;
			string sServer = null;
			FwXWindow activeWnd = ActiveForm as FwXWindow;
			if (activeWnd != null)
				sDatabase = activeWnd.Cache.DatabaseName.ToLowerInvariant();
				sServer = activeWnd.Cache.ServerName.ToLowerInvariant();
			List<FwXWindow> rgxw = new List<FwXWindow>();
			foreach (IFwMainWnd wnd in MainWindows)
				FwXWindow xwnd = wnd as FwXWindow;
				if (xwnd != null)
					if (sDatabase == null ||
						(xwnd.Cache.DatabaseName.ToLowerInvariant() == sDatabase &&
						xwnd.Cache.ServerName.ToLowerInvariant() == sServer))
			FwApp.App.ClearAllCaches(sDatabase, sServer);
			foreach (FwXWindow xwnd in rgxw)
				if (activeWnd != xwnd)

			// LT-3963: active window changes as a result of a refresh.
			// Make sure focus doesn't switch to another FLEx application / window also
			// make sure the application focus isn't lost all together.
			// ALSO, after doing a refresh with just a single application / window,
			// the application would loose focus and you'd have to click into it to
			// get that back, this will reset that too.
			if (activeWnd != null)
				// Refresh it last, so its saved settings get restored.
Ejemplo n.º 20
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Update all the changed wordforms to point at the new Wf.
		/// Must be called before we change the text of the paragraph, as it
		/// depends on offsets into the old string.
		/// This is usually redundant, since updating the text of the paragraph automatically updates the
		/// segment analysis. However, this can be used to force an upper case occurrence to be analyzed
		/// as the lower-case wordform (FWR-3134). The paragraph adjustment does not force this back
		/// (at least not immediately).
		/// </summary>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		private void UpdateInstanceOf(ProgressDialogWorkingOn progress)
				@"use of this method was causing very unpleasant data corruption in texts, the bug it fixed needs addressing though.");
			var analysesToChange = new List<Tuple<ISegment, int>>();
			RespellingSda sda = m_action.RespellSda;
			foreach (var hvoFake in m_changes)
				int hvoSeg = sda.get_ObjectProp(hvoFake, ConcDecorator.kflidSegment);
				int beginOffset = sda.get_IntProp(hvoFake, ConcDecorator.kflidBeginOffset);
				if (hvoSeg > 0)
					ISegment seg = m_action.RepoSeg.GetObject(hvoSeg);
					int canal = seg.AnalysesRS.Count;
					for (int i = 0; i < canal; ++i)
						IAnalysis anal = seg.AnalysesRS[i];
						if (anal.HasWordform && anal.Wordform.Hvo == m_action.OldWordform)
							if (seg.GetAnalysisBeginOffset(i) == beginOffset)
								// Remember that we want to change it, but don't do it yet,
								// because there may be other occurrences in this paragraph,
								// and changing the analysis to something which may have a different
								// length could mess things up.
								analysesToChange.Add(new Tuple<ISegment, int>(seg, i));
			if (analysesToChange.Count > 0)
				var newVal = new[] { m_action.RepoWf.GetObject(m_action.NewWordform) };
				foreach (var change in analysesToChange)
					change.Item1.AnalysesRS.Replace(change.Item2, 1, newVal);
Ejemplo n.º 21
		/// <summary>
		/// Initialize an Concorder dlg.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="xwindow">The main window for this modeless dlg.</param>
		/// <param name="configurationNode">The XML node to control the ConcorderControl.</param>
		internal void SetDlgInfo(XWindow xwindow, XmlNode configurationNode)

			if (xwindow == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("Main window is missing.");

			if (m_myOwnPrivateMediator != null)
				throw new InvalidOperationException("It is not legal to call this method more than once.");

			m_xwindow = xwindow;
			m_cache = m_xwindow.Mediator.PropertyTable.GetValue("cache") as FdoCache;
			m_myOwnPrivateMediator = new Mediator();
			// The extension XML files should be stored in the data area, not in the code area.
			// This reduces the need for users to have administrative privileges.
			string dir = DirectoryFinder.GetFWDataSubDirectory(@"Language Explorer\Configuration\Extensions\Concorder");
			m_myOwnPrivateMediator.StringTbl = new StringTable(dir);
			m_myOwnPrivateMediator.PropertyTable.SetProperty("cache", m_cache, false);
			m_myOwnPrivateMediator.PropertyTable.SetPropertyPersistence("cache", false);
			m_myOwnPrivateMediator.PropertyTable.SetPropertyDispose("cache", false);
			m_myOwnPrivateMediator.SpecificToOneMainWindow = true;
			//FwStyleSheet styleSheet = m_xwindow.Mediator.PropertyTable.GetValue("FwStyleSheet") as FwStyleSheet;
			//m_myOwnPrivateMediator.PropertyTable.SetProperty("FwStyleSheet", styleSheet);
			//m_myOwnPrivateMediator.PropertyTable.SetPropertyPersistence("FwStyleSheet", false);
			//m_myOwnPrivateMediator.PropertyTable.SetPropertyPersistence("FwStyleSheet", false);
			List<ConcorderControl.FindComboFillerBase> fcfList = new List<ConcorderControl.FindComboFillerBase>();
			ConcorderControl.FindComboFillerBase fcf = null;

			// Find: main POS:
			// UsedBy:  MSAs, senses, entries, analyses (x2), wordforms, compound rules
			fcf = new ConcorderControl.FindPossibilityComboFiller(m_cache.LangProject.PartsOfSpeechOA);
			fcf.Init(m_myOwnPrivateMediator, configurationNode.SelectSingleNode("sourcecontrols/control[@id='srcGrammaticalCategory']"));

			// Find: sense
			// UsedBy: Analyses, Sentences
			fcf = new ConcorderControl.FindComboFiller();
			fcf.Init(m_myOwnPrivateMediator, configurationNode.SelectSingleNode("sourcecontrols/control[@id='srcSense']"));
			// Find: allomorph (main and alternates)
			// UsedBy: Analyses, Sentences, Ad hoc rules
			fcf = new ConcorderControl.FindComboFiller();
			fcf.Init(m_myOwnPrivateMediator, configurationNode.SelectSingleNode("sourcecontrols/control[@id='srcAllomorph']"));

			// Find: entry
			// UsedBy: Analyses, Sentences
			fcf = new ConcorderControl.FindComboFiller();
			fcf.Init(m_myOwnPrivateMediator, configurationNode.SelectSingleNode("sourcecontrols/control[@id='srcEntry']"));

			// Find: Wordform
			// UsedBy: Sentences
			fcf = new ConcorderControl.FindComboFiller();
			fcf.Init(m_myOwnPrivateMediator, configurationNode.SelectSingleNode("sourcecontrols/control[@id='srcWordform']"));

			//// Find: MSA
			//// UsedBy: Senses, Analyses, Sentences
			//fcf = new ConcorderControl.FindComboFiller();
			//fcf.Init(m_myOwnPrivateMediator, configurationNode.SelectSingleNode("sourcecontrols/control[@id='srcGrammaticalFunction']"));

			//// Find: Analysis
			//// UsedBy: Sentences
			//fcf = new ConcorderControl.FindComboFiller();
			//fcf.Init(m_myOwnPrivateMediator, configurationNode.SelectSingleNode("sourcecontrols/control[@id='srcAnalysis']"));

			//// Find: Environment
			//// UsedBy: Allomorphs
			//fcf = new ConcorderControl.FindComboFiller();
			//fcf.Init(m_myOwnPrivateMediator, configurationNode.SelectSingleNode("sourcecontrols/control[@id='srcEnvironment']"));

			//// Find: Word-level gloss
			//// UsedBy: Sentences
			//fcf = new ConcorderControl.FindComboFiller();
			//fcf.Init(m_myOwnPrivateMediator, configurationNode.SelectSingleNode("sourcecontrols/control[@id='srcWordLevelGloss']"));

			// Find: Phonemes
			// UsedBy:

			// Find: Natural Classes
			// UsedBy:

			// Find: Features
			// UsedBy:

			// Find: Exception Features
			// UsedBy:

//			// Find: eng rev POS
//			// UsedBy: rev entries
//			ubfList = new List<ConcorderControl.UsedByFiller>();
//			fcfConfigNode = configurationNode.SelectSingleNode("sourcecontrols/control[@id='srcXX']");
//			fcf = new ConcorderControl.FindComboFiller("Grammatical Category: English Reversal", ubfList);
//			fcfList.Add(fcf);
//			ubfList.Add(new ConcorderControl.UsedByFiller("Reversal Entries" ));

//			// Find: spn rev POS
//			// UsedBy: rev entries
//			ubfList = new List<ConcorderControl.UsedByFiller>();
//			fcfConfigNode = configurationNode.SelectSingleNode("sourcecontrols/control[@id='srcXX']");
//			fcf = new ConcorderControl.FindComboFiller("Grammatical Category: Spanish Reversal", ubfList);
//			fcfList.Add(fcf);
//			ubfList.Add(new ConcorderControl.UsedByFiller("Reversal Entries" ));

			//// Find: Academic Domain
			//// UsedBy: Senses
			//ubfList = new List<ConcorderControl.UsedByFiller>();
			//fcf = new ConcorderControl.FindPossibilityComboFiller(
			//    configurationNode.SelectSingleNode("sourcecontrols/control[@id='srcAcademicDomain']"),
			//    ubfList,
			//    m_cache.LangProject.LexDbOA.DomainTypesOA);
			//ubfList.Add(new ConcorderControl.UsedByFiller(
			//    configurationNode.SelectSingleNode("targetcontrols/control[@id='Senses']")));

			//// Find: Anthropology Category
			//// UsedBy: Senses
			//ubfList = new List<ConcorderControl.UsedByFiller>();
			//fcf = new ConcorderControl.FindPossibilityComboFiller(
			//    configurationNode.SelectSingleNode("sourcecontrols/control[@id='srcAnthropologyCategory']"),
			//    ubfList,
			//    m_cache.LangProject.AnthroListOA);
			//ubfList.Add(new ConcorderControl.UsedByFiller(
			//    configurationNode.SelectSingleNode("targetcontrols/control[@id='Senses']")));

			// Find: Confidence Level
			// UsedBy:

			// Find: Education Level
			// UsedBy:

			//// Find: Entry Type
			//// UsedBy: Entries
			//ubfList = new List<ConcorderControl.UsedByFiller>();
			//fcf = new ConcorderControl.FindPossibilityComboFiller(
			//    configurationNode.SelectSingleNode("sourcecontrols/control[@id='srcEntryType']"),
			//    ubfList,
			//    m_cache.LangProject.LexDbOA.EntryTypesOA);
			//ubfList.Add(new ConcorderControl.UsedByFiller(
			//    configurationNode.SelectSingleNode("targetcontrols/control[@id='Entries']")));

			// Find: Feature Type
			// UsedBy:

			// Find: Lexical Reference Type
			// UsedBy:

			// Find: Location
			// UsedBy:

			// Find: Minor Entry Condition
			// UsedBy: Entries
			//ubfList = new List<ConcorderControl.UsedByFiller>();
			//// TODO: Where is its pos list?
			//fcf = new ConcorderControl.FindComboFiller(
			//    configurationNode.SelectSingleNode("sourcecontrols/control[@id='srcMinorEntryCondition']"),
			//    ubfList);
			//ubfList.Add(new ConcorderControl.UsedByFiller("Entries" ));

			//// Find: Morpheme Type
			//// UsedBy: Allomorphs
			//ubfList = new List<ConcorderControl.UsedByFiller>();
			//fcf = new ConcorderControl.FindPossibilityComboFiller(
			//    configurationNode.SelectSingleNode("sourcecontrols/control[@id='srcMorphemeType']"),
			//    ubfList,
			//    m_cache.LangProject.LexDbOA.MorphTypesOA);
			//ubfList.Add(new ConcorderControl.UsedByFiller(
			//    configurationNode.SelectSingleNode("targetcontrols/control[@id='Allomorphs']")));

			// Find: People
			// UsedBy:

			// Find: Positions
			// UsedBy:

			// Find: Restrictions
			// UsedBy:

			//// Find: Semantic Domain
			//// UsedBy: Senses
			//ubfList = new List<ConcorderControl.UsedByFiller>();
			//fcf = new ConcorderControl.FindPossibilityComboFiller(
			//    configurationNode.SelectSingleNode("sourcecontrols/control[@id='srcSemanticDomain']"),
			//    ubfList,
			//    m_cache.LangProject.SemanticDomainListOA);
			//ubfList.Add(new ConcorderControl.UsedByFiller(
			//    configurationNode.SelectSingleNode("targetcontrols/control[@id='Senses']")));

			// Find: Sense Status
			// UsedBy: Senses
			//ubfList = new List<ConcorderControl.UsedByFiller>();
			//// TODO: Where is the pos list?
			//fcf = new ConcorderControl.FindComboFiller(
			//    configurationNode.SelectSingleNode("sourcecontrols/control[@id='srcSenseStatus']"),
			//    ubfList);
			//ubfList.Add(new ConcorderControl.UsedByFiller("Senses" ));

			//// Find: Sense Type
			//// UsedBy: Senses
			//ubfList = new List<ConcorderControl.UsedByFiller>();
			//fcf = new ConcorderControl.FindPossibilityComboFiller(
			//    configurationNode.SelectSingleNode("sourcecontrols/control[@id='srcSenseType']"),
			//    ubfList,
			//    m_cache.LangProject.LexDbOA.SenseTypesOA);
			//ubfList.Add(new ConcorderControl.UsedByFiller(
			//    configurationNode.SelectSingleNode("targetcontrols/control[@id='Senses']")));

			// Find: Status
			// UsedBy: Senses
			//ubfList = new List<ConcorderControl.UsedByFiller>();
			//// TODO: Where is the pos list?
			//fcf = new ConcorderControl.FindComboFiller(
			//    configurationNode.SelectSingleNode("sourcecontrols/control[@id='srcStatus']"),
			//    ubfList);
			//ubfList.Add(new ConcorderControl.UsedByFiller("Senses" ));

			// Find: Translation Type
			// UsedBy:

			//// Find: Usages
			//// UsedBy: Senses
			//ubfList = new List<ConcorderControl.UsedByFiller>();
			//fcf = new ConcorderControl.FindPossibilityComboFiller(
			//    configurationNode.SelectSingleNode("sourcecontrols/control[@id='srcUsages']"),
			//    ubfList,
			//    m_cache.LangProject.LexDbOA.UsageTypesOA);
			//ubfList.Add(new ConcorderControl.UsedByFiller(
			//    configurationNode.SelectSingleNode("targetcontrols/control[@id='Senses']")));

			m_concorderControl.SetupDlg(m_myOwnPrivateMediator, fcfList, fcfList[0]);
Ejemplo n.º 22
 internal IFlexMacro[] AssignMacrosToSlots(List<IFlexMacro> macroImplementors)
     IFlexMacro[] macros = new IFlexMacro[MacroCount];
     var conflicts = new List<IFlexMacro>();
     // Put each at its preferred key if possible
     foreach (var macro in macroImplementors)
         int index = GetMacroIndex(macro.PreferredFunctionKey);
         if (macros[index] == null)
             macros[index] = macro;
     // Put any conflicts in remaining slots; if too many, arbitrary ones will be left out.
     foreach (var macro in conflicts)
         for (int index = 0; index < MacroCount; index++)
             if (macros[index] == null)
                 macros[index] = macro;
     return macros;
Ejemplo n.º 23
		private List<string> GetExcludedFlexStyleNames()
			List<string> styles = new List<string>();
			switch (m_cboTypes.SelectedIndex)
				case 0:	// basic -- use current table of styles to obtain names
					foreach (var style in m_styleTable.Keys)
						if (style.StartsWith("Dictionary") || style.StartsWith("Classified"))

				case 1:	// all

				case 2:	// custom -- styleSheet contains all built-in styles (can't change names)
					foreach (var style in m_styleSheet.Styles)
						if (style.IsBuiltIn)

				case 3: // dictionary -- use current table of styles to obtain names
					foreach (var style in m_styleTable.Keys)
						if (!style.StartsWith("Dictionary") && !style.StartsWith("Classified"))
			return styles;
Ejemplo n.º 24
		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="argument">The xCore Command object.</param>
		/// <returns>true</returns>
		public bool OnAddApprovedAnalysis(object argument)
			var mainWnd = (FwXWindow)m_dataEntryForm.FindForm();
			using (EditMorphBreaksDlg dlg = new EditMorphBreaksDlg(mainWnd.Mediator.HelpTopicProvider))
				IWfiWordform wf = Wordform;
				if (wf == null)
					return true;
				ITsString tssWord = Wordform.Form.BestVernacularAlternative;
				string morphs = tssWord.Text;
				var cache = Cache;
				dlg.Initialize(tssWord, morphs, cache.MainCacheAccessor.WritingSystemFactory,
					cache, m_dataEntryForm.Mediator.StringTbl, m_dataEntryForm.StyleSheet);
				// Making the form active fixes problems like LT-2619.
				// I'm (RandyR) not sure what adverse impact might show up by doing this.
				if (dlg.ShowDialog(mainWnd) == DialogResult.OK)
					morphs = dlg.GetMorphs().Trim();
					if (morphs.Length == 0)
						return true;

					string[] prefixMarkers = MorphServices.PrefixMarkers(cache);
					string[] postfixMarkers = MorphServices.PostfixMarkers(cache);

					List<string> allMarkers = new List<string>();
					foreach (string s in prefixMarkers)

					foreach (string s in postfixMarkers)
						if (!allMarkers.Contains(s))
					allMarkers.Add(" ");

					string[] breakMarkers = new string[allMarkers.Count];
					for (int i = 0; i < allMarkers.Count; ++i)
						breakMarkers[i] = allMarkers[i];

					string fullForm = SandboxBase.MorphemeBreaker.DoBasicFinding(morphs, breakMarkers, prefixMarkers, postfixMarkers);

					var command = (Command) argument;
					UndoableUnitOfWorkHelper.Do(command.UndoText, command.RedoText, cache.ActionHandlerAccessor,
						() =>
								IWfiAnalysis newAnalysis = Cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<IWfiAnalysisFactory>().Create();
								newAnalysis.ApprovalStatusIcon = 1; // Make it human approved.
								int vernWS = TsStringUtils.GetWsAtOffset(tssWord, 0);
								foreach (string morph in fullForm.Split(Unicode.SpaceChars))
									if (morph != null && morph.Length != 0)
										IWfiMorphBundle mb = cache.ServiceLocator.GetInstance<IWfiMorphBundleFactory>().Create();
										mb.Form.set_String(vernWS, Cache.TsStrFactory.MakeString(morph, vernWS));
			return true;
Ejemplo n.º 25
		/// <summary>
		/// Get the values we want for the occurrences of the specified LexSE HVO.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="hvo"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		int[] GetSenseOccurrences(int hvo)
			int[] values;
			if (m_values.TryGetValue(hvo, out values))
				return values;
			var sense = m_services.GetInstance<ILexSenseRepository>().GetObject(hvo);
			var bundles = m_services.GetInstance<IWfiMorphBundleRepository>().InstancesWithSense(sense);
			var valuesList = new List<int>();
			foreach (IWfiAnalysis wa in (from bundle in bundles select bundle.Owner).Distinct())
				var bag = ((IWfiWordform)wa.Owner).OccurrencesBag;
				foreach (var seg in from item in bag.Items where BelongsToInterestingText(item) select item)
					foreach (var occurrence in seg.GetOccurrencesOfAnalysis(wa, bag.Occurrences(seg), true))
						int hvoOcc = m_nextId--;
						m_occurrences[hvoOcc] = occurrence;
			values = valuesList.ToArray();
			m_values[hvo] = values;
			return values;
Ejemplo n.º 26
		public IxCoreColleague[] GetMessageTargets()

			List<IxCoreColleague> targets = new List<IxCoreColleague>();
			return targets.ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 27
		/// <summary>
		/// Add to excludedSenses (an array of HVOs) any value in property flid of object
		/// hvoBase (which might be entry or sense) which is not a member of includedSenses.
		/// Also any nested senses.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="hvoBase"></param>
		/// <param name="flid"></param>
		/// <param name="excludedSenses"></param>
		/// <param name="includedSenses"></param>
		void AddExcludedSenses(ISilDataAccess sda, int hvoBase, int flid, List<int> excludedSenses, List<int> includedSenses)
			int chvo = sda.get_VecSize(hvoBase, flid);
			for (int ihvo = 0; ihvo < chvo; ihvo++)
				int hvoSense = sda.get_VecItem(hvoBase, flid, ihvo);
				if (!includedSenses.Contains(hvoSense))
				AddExcludedSenses(sda, hvoSense, (int)LexSense.LexSenseTags.kflidSenses, excludedSenses, includedSenses);
Ejemplo n.º 28
		private List<IStText> GetScriptureTexts()
			var result = new List<IStText>();
			if (m_propertyTable == null)
				return result;
			var idList = m_propertyTable.GetStringProperty(PersistPropertyName, "");
			foreach (string id in idList.Split(','))
				if (id.Length == 0)
					continue; // we get one empty string even from splitting an empty one.
				Guid guid;
					guid = new Guid(Convert.FromBase64String(id));
				catch (FormatException)
					// Just ignore this one. (I'd like to Assert, but a unit test verifies we can handle garbage).
					Debug.WriteLine(PersistPropertyName + "contains invalid guid " + id);
				IStText item;
				if (m_stTextRepository.TryGetObject(guid, out item))
				// An invalid item is not an error, it may just have been deleted while the interesting
				// text list was not monitoring things.
			return result;
Ejemplo n.º 29
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		/// <summary>
		/// Get the possible message targets, i.e. the view(s) we are showing
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>Message targets</returns>
		/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
		public IxCoreColleague[] GetMessageTargets()

			// return list of view windows with focused window being the first one
			List<IxCoreColleague> targets = new List<IxCoreColleague>();
			return targets.ToArray();
Ejemplo n.º 30
		/// <summary>
		/// This routine is where InterlinMaster sends the results of running the IFilterTextsDialog.
		/// The list may include regular as well as scripture texts.
		/// We persist them separately because Scripture is excluded by default and regular texts are included by default.
		/// Thus, storing a list of the INCLUDED scripture means that originally, or if we clear all saved settings,
		/// NO scripture is included, and any newly created Scripture is also excluded until manually added.
		/// Storing a lis of EXCLUDED regular texts means that originally, or if we clear all saved settings,
		/// ALL regular texts are included, and if we add a new one, it is automatically included.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="stTexts"></param>
		public void SetInterestingTexts(IEnumerable<IStText> stTexts)
			var oldTexts = InterestingTexts.ToArray();
			m_scriptureTexts = new List<IStText>();
			var excludedGuids = new HashSet<Guid>(from obj in AllCoreTexts select obj.Guid);
			foreach (var obj in stTexts)
				if (obj.Owner is IText)
			m_coreTexts = null;
			m_interestingTests = null; // regenerate when next needed. (Before we raise changed, which may use it...)
			var newTexts = InterestingTexts.ToArray();
			int firstChange = 0;
			int minLength = Math.Min(oldTexts.Length, newTexts.Length);
			while (firstChange < minLength && newTexts[firstChange] == oldTexts[firstChange])
			int endMatchCount = 0;
			while (endMatchCount < minLength - firstChange && newTexts[newTexts.Length - endMatchCount - 1] == oldTexts[oldTexts.Length - endMatchCount - 1])
			// Enhance JohnT: could look for unchanged items in the list. But this is fairly rare,
			// typically when someone runs the configure dialog and OKs it.
			RaiseInterestingTextsChanged(firstChange, newTexts.Length - firstChange - endMatchCount, oldTexts.Length - firstChange - endMatchCount);