Ejemplo n.º 1
        internal override void CommandOperation()
            movedChilds = new PSMAssociationChild[UnionLeftOut.Components.Count];
            UnionLeftOut.Components.CopyTo(movedChilds, 0);

            foreach (PSMAssociationChild child in movedChilds)

            delCmd = DeleteFromPSMDiagramCommandFactory.Factory().Create(Controller) as DeleteFromPSMDiagramCommand;
            delCmd.DeletedElements = new List <Element>();
Ejemplo n.º 2
        internal override void CommandOperation()
            // The context of each new association includes the entire context of the previous
            // created association + Parent path of the nesting join of the previous association
            // Therefore we progressively cumulate it in this collection.
            List <PIMPath> context = new List <PIMPath>();

            for (int i = 0; i < Associations.Count; ++i)
                // Get a reference to Ai and Ai+1 if defined.
                PSMAssociation association     = Associations[i];
                PSMAssociation nextAssociation = null;
                if (i < Associations.Count - 1)
                    nextAssociation = Associations[i + 1];

                // Remove Ai from the model
                DeleteFromPSMDiagramCommand cmdDel = DeleteFromPSMDiagramCommandFactory.Factory().Create(Controller) as DeleteFromPSMDiagramCommand;
                cmdDel.DeletedElements = new List <Element>();

                // Create a new PSM association A'i
                NewPSMAssociationCommand cmdNew = NewPSMAssociationCommandFactory.Factory().Create(
                    Controller.ModelController) as NewPSMAssociationCommand;
                PSMAssociationChild child = (nextAssociation == null ? GroupedClass : nextAssociation.Child);
                cmdNew.Set((PSMClass)association.Child, child, null, null);
                PSMAssociation newAssociation = cmdNew.CreatedAssociation.Element;

                // Create a nesting join for the new association A'i, all the nesting joins
                // of the associations A1..n will have the GroupedClass as their CoreClass.
                NestingJoin nj = newAssociation.AddNestingJoin(GroupedClass.RepresentedClass);

                // Copy the parent path of the nesting join of Ai to the parent
                // path of A'i and reverse it.
                IEnumerable <PIMStep> revPath = association.NestingJoins[0].Parent.Steps.Reverse();
                foreach (PIMStep step in revPath)
                    nj.Parent.AddStep(step.End, step.Start, step.Association);

                // If Ai+1 is defined then copy its Parent path to the Child path of A'i
                // and reverse it. Set the A'i ending to the child of Ai+1.
                // Thus, the A'i association will look as follows
                //  - A'i: Ai.Child -> Ai+1.Child
                //  - Nesting join: GroupedClass[Ai.ParentPath(reversed) -> Ai+1.ParentPath(reversed)]
                // If Ai+1 is not defined, A'i will end at the GroupedClass and will look as follows
                //  - A'i: Ai.Child -> GroupedClass
                //  - Nesting join: GroupedClass[Ai.ParentPath(reversed) -> .]
                if (nextAssociation != null)
                    revPath = nextAssociation.NestingJoins[0].Parent.Steps.Reverse();
                    foreach (PIMStep step in revPath)
                        nj.Child.AddStep(step.End, step.Start, step.Association);

                // Set the context of A'i as a collection of all the parent paths of A'1 .. A'i-1
                foreach (PIMPath path in context)
                    PIMPath newPath = nj.AddContextPath();
                    foreach (PIMStep step in path.Steps)
                        newPath.AddStep(step.Start, step.End, step.Association);

                // Add the parent path of A'i to the temporal collection to enable it for A'i+1

                // Put A'i on the diagram
                ElementToDiagramCommand <PSMAssociation, PSMAssociationViewHelper> cmdToDiag =
                    ElementToDiagramCommandFactory <PSMAssociation, PSMAssociationViewHelper> .Factory().Create(Controller)
                    as ElementToDiagramCommand <PSMAssociation, PSMAssociationViewHelper>;

                cmdToDiag.IncludedElement = new Helpers.ElementHolder <PSMAssociation>(newAssociation);

            // If the grouped class was previously a root of the PSM diagram
            // replace it with the topmost grouping class.
            rootIndex = GroupedClass.Diagram.Roots.IndexOf(GroupedClass);
            if (rootIndex != -1)
                newRoot = Associations[0].Child as PSMClass;
                GroupedClass.Diagram.Roots[rootIndex] = newRoot;