Ejemplo n.º 1
        public void AddPlacename(string name, float lat, float lon, Hashtable metaData)
            WorldWindPlacenameFile p = null;

            foreach (WorldWindPlacenameFile tempFile in m_placenameFiles)
                if (lat < tempFile.north && lat >= tempFile.south && lon >= tempFile.west && lon < tempFile.east)
                    p = tempFile;

            if (p == null)

            if (p.m_placeNames.Count == 50000)
                WorldWindPlacenameFile[] splitFiles = p.SplitPlacenameFiles();
                foreach (WorldWindPlacenameFile newFile in splitFiles)
                this.AddPlacename(name, lat, lon, metaData);
                p.AddPlacename(name, lat, lon, metaData);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public WorldWindPlacenameList()
            WorldWindPlacenameFile rootPlacenameFile = new WorldWindPlacenameFile();

            rootPlacenameFile.dataFilename = "0000_0000.wwp";
            rootPlacenameFile.north        = 90.0f;
            rootPlacenameFile.south        = -90.0f;
            rootPlacenameFile.west         = -180.0f;
            rootPlacenameFile.east         = 180.0f;
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public override void Initialize(DrawArgs drawArgs)
            this.isInitialized = true;

            m_drawingFont = drawArgs.CreateFont(m_fontDescription);
            if (!File.Exists(m_placenameListFilePath))
                this.isInitialized = true;
                Log.Write(Log.Levels.Error, "PLACE", m_placenameListFilePath + " not found.");

            if (m_iconFilePath != null)
                m_iconTexture = ImageHelper.LoadIconTexture(m_iconFilePath);

                using (Surface s = m_iconTexture.GetSurfaceLevel(0))
                    SurfaceDescription desc = s.Description;
                    m_spriteSize = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, desc.Width, desc.Height);

                m_sprite = new Sprite(drawArgs.device);

            using (BufferedStream placenameFileListStream = new BufferedStream(File.Open(m_placenameListFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)))
                using (BinaryReader placenameFileListReader = new BinaryReader(placenameFileListStream, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII))
                    int count = placenameFileListReader.ReadInt32();
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        WorldWindPlacenameFile wwpf = new WorldWindPlacenameFile();
                        wwpf.dataFilename = placenameFileListReader.ReadString();
                        wwpf.west         = placenameFileListReader.ReadSingle();
                        wwpf.south        = placenameFileListReader.ReadSingle();
                        wwpf.east         = placenameFileListReader.ReadSingle();
                        wwpf.north        = placenameFileListReader.ReadSingle();
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public WorldWindPlacenameFile[] SplitPlacenameFiles()
            WorldWindPlacenameFile northWest = new WorldWindPlacenameFile();

            northWest.north        = this.north;
            northWest.south        = 0.5f * (this.north + this.south);
            northWest.west         = this.west;
            northWest.east         = 0.5f * (this.west + this.east);
            northWest.dataFilename = GetRowFromLatitude(northWest.south, northWest.north - northWest.south).ToString().PadLeft(4, '0') + "_" + GetColFromLongitude(northWest.west, northWest.east - northWest.west).ToString().PadLeft(4, '0') + ".wwp";

            WorldWindPlacenameFile northEast = new WorldWindPlacenameFile();

            northEast.north        = this.north;
            northEast.south        = 0.5f * (this.north + this.south);
            northEast.west         = 0.5f * (this.west + this.east);
            northEast.east         = this.east;
            northEast.dataFilename = GetRowFromLatitude(northEast.south, northEast.north - northEast.south).ToString().PadLeft(4, '0') + "_" + GetColFromLongitude(northEast.west, northEast.east - northEast.west).ToString().PadLeft(4, '0') + ".wwp";

            WorldWindPlacenameFile southWest = new WorldWindPlacenameFile();

            southWest.north        = 0.5f * (this.north + this.south);
            southWest.south        = this.south;
            southWest.west         = this.west;
            southWest.east         = 0.5f * (this.west + this.east);
            southWest.dataFilename = GetRowFromLatitude(southWest.south, southWest.north - southWest.south).ToString().PadLeft(4, '0') + "_" + GetColFromLongitude(southWest.west, southWest.east - southWest.west).ToString().PadLeft(4, '0') + ".wwp";

            WorldWindPlacenameFile southEast = new WorldWindPlacenameFile();

            southEast.north        = 0.5f * (this.north + this.south);
            southEast.south        = this.south;
            southEast.west         = 0.5f * (this.west + this.east);
            southEast.east         = this.east;
            southEast.dataFilename = GetRowFromLatitude(southEast.south, southEast.north - southEast.south).ToString().PadLeft(4, '0') + "_" + GetColFromLongitude(southEast.west, southEast.east - southEast.west).ToString().PadLeft(4, '0') + ".wwp";

            foreach (WorldWindPlacename p in m_placeNames)
                if (p.Lat >= 0.5f * (this.north + this.south))
                    if (p.Lon >= 0.5 * (this.west + this.east))
                        northEast.AddPlacename(p.Name, p.Lat, p.Lon, p.metaData);
                        northWest.AddPlacename(p.Name, p.Lat, p.Lon, p.metaData);
                    if (p.Lon >= 0.5 * (this.west + this.east))
                        southEast.AddPlacename(p.Name, p.Lat, p.Lon, p.metaData);
                        southWest.AddPlacename(p.Name, p.Lat, p.Lon, p.metaData);

            WorldWindPlacenameFile[] returnArray = new WorldWindPlacenameFile[] { northWest, northEast, southWest, southEast };
Ejemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads visible place names from one file.
        /// </summary>
        void UpdateNames(WorldWindPlacenameFile placenameFileDescriptor, ArrayList tempPlacenames, DrawArgs drawArgs)
            // TODO: Replace with bounding box frustum intersection test
            double viewRange = drawArgs.WorldCamera.TrueViewRange.Degrees;
            double north     = drawArgs.WorldCamera.Latitude.Degrees + viewRange;
            double south     = drawArgs.WorldCamera.Latitude.Degrees - viewRange;
            double west      = drawArgs.WorldCamera.Longitude.Degrees - viewRange;
            double east      = drawArgs.WorldCamera.Longitude.Degrees + viewRange;

            if (placenameFileDescriptor.north < south)
            if (placenameFileDescriptor.south > north)
            if (placenameFileDescriptor.east < west)
            if (placenameFileDescriptor.west > east)

            string dataFilePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(m_placenameListFilePath), placenameFileDescriptor.dataFilename);

            using (BufferedStream dataFileStream = new BufferedStream(File.Open(dataFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)))
                using (BinaryReader dataFileReader = new BinaryReader(dataFileStream, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII))
                    WorldWindPlacenameFile dataFile = new WorldWindPlacenameFile();
                    dataFile.dataFilename = placenameFileDescriptor.dataFilename;
                    dataFile.north        = placenameFileDescriptor.north;
                    dataFile.south        = placenameFileDescriptor.south;
                    dataFile.west         = placenameFileDescriptor.west;
                    dataFile.east         = placenameFileDescriptor.east;

                    int numberPlacenames = dataFileReader.ReadInt32();
                    tempPlacenames.Capacity = tempPlacenames.Count + numberPlacenames;
                    WorldWindPlacename curPlace = new WorldWindPlacename();
                    for (int i = 0; i < numberPlacenames; i++)
                        if (m_placeNames != null && curPlaceNameIndex < m_placeNames.Length)
                            curPlace = m_placeNames[curPlaceNameIndex];

                        string name = dataFileReader.ReadString();
                        float  lat  = dataFileReader.ReadSingle();
                        float  lon  = dataFileReader.ReadSingle();
                        int    c    = dataFileReader.ReadInt32();

                        // Not in use, removed for speed
                        // Hashtable metaData = new Hashtable(c);

                        for (int n = 0; n < c; n++)
                            string key     = dataFileReader.ReadString();
                            string keyData = dataFileReader.ReadString();

                            // Not in use, removed for speed
                            //metaData.Add(key, keyData);

                        // for easier hit testing
                        float lonRanged = lon;
                        if (lonRanged < west)
                            lonRanged += 360;                     // add a revolution
                        if (lat > north || lat < south || lonRanged > east || lonRanged < west)

                        WorldWindPlacename pn = new WorldWindPlacename();
                        pn.Lat  = lat;
                        pn.Lon  = lon;
                        pn.Name = name;
                        // Not in use, removed for speed
                        //pn.metaData = metaData;

                        float elevation = 0;
                        if (m_parentWorld.TerrainAccessor != null && drawArgs.WorldCamera.Altitude < 300000)
                            elevation = (float)m_parentWorld.TerrainAccessor.GetElevationAt(lat, lon);
                        float altitude = (float)(m_parentWorld.EquatorialRadius + World.Settings.VerticalExaggeration * m_altitude + World.Settings.VerticalExaggeration * elevation);
                        pn.cartesianPoint = MathEngine.SphericalToCartesian(lat, lon, altitude);
                        float distanceSq = Vector3.LengthSq(pn.cartesianPoint - drawArgs.WorldCamera.Position);
                        if (distanceSq > m_maximumDistanceSq)
                        if (distanceSq < m_minimumDistanceSq)

                        if (!drawArgs.WorldCamera.ViewFrustum.ContainsPoint(pn.cartesianPoint))

Ejemplo n.º 6
 public WorldWindPlacenameList()
     WorldWindPlacenameFile rootPlacenameFile = new WorldWindPlacenameFile();
     rootPlacenameFile.dataFilename = "0000_0000.wwp";
     rootPlacenameFile.north = 90.0f;
     rootPlacenameFile.south = -90.0f;
     rootPlacenameFile.west = -180.0f;
     rootPlacenameFile.east = 180.0f;
Ejemplo n.º 7
        public WorldWindPlacenameFile[] SplitPlacenameFiles()
            WorldWindPlacenameFile northWest = new WorldWindPlacenameFile();
            northWest.north = this.north;
            northWest.south = 0.5f*(this.north + this.south);
            northWest.west = this.west;
            northWest.east = 0.5f*(this.west + this.east);
            northWest.dataFilename = GetRowFromLatitude(northWest.south, northWest.north - northWest.south).ToString().PadLeft(4, '0') + "_" + GetColFromLongitude(northWest.west, northWest.east - northWest.west).ToString().PadLeft(4, '0') + ".wwp";

            WorldWindPlacenameFile northEast = new WorldWindPlacenameFile();
            northEast.north = this.north;
            northEast.south = 0.5f*(this.north + this.south);
            northEast.west = 0.5f*(this.west + this.east);
            northEast.east = this.east;
            northEast.dataFilename = GetRowFromLatitude(northEast.south, northEast.north - northEast.south).ToString().PadLeft(4, '0') + "_" + GetColFromLongitude(northEast.west, northEast.east - northEast.west).ToString().PadLeft(4, '0') + ".wwp";

            WorldWindPlacenameFile southWest = new WorldWindPlacenameFile();
            southWest.north = 0.5f*(this.north + this.south);
            southWest.south = this.south;
            southWest.west = this.west;
            southWest.east = 0.5f*(this.west + this.east);
            southWest.dataFilename = GetRowFromLatitude(southWest.south, southWest.north - southWest.south).ToString().PadLeft(4, '0') + "_" + GetColFromLongitude(southWest.west, southWest.east - southWest.west).ToString().PadLeft(4, '0') + ".wwp";

            WorldWindPlacenameFile southEast = new WorldWindPlacenameFile();
            southEast.north = 0.5f*(this.north + this.south);
            southEast.south = this.south;
            southEast.west = 0.5f*(this.west + this.east);
            southEast.east = this.east;
            southEast.dataFilename = GetRowFromLatitude(southEast.south, southEast.north - southEast.south).ToString().PadLeft(4, '0') + "_" + GetColFromLongitude(southEast.west, southEast.east - southEast.west).ToString().PadLeft(4, '0') + ".wwp";

            foreach (WorldWindPlacename p in m_placeNames) {
                if (p.Lat
                    >= 0.5f*(this.north + this.south)) {
                    if (p.Lon
                        >= 0.5*(this.west + this.east)) {
                        northEast.AddPlacename(p.Name, p.Lat, p.Lon, p.metaData);
                    else {
                        northWest.AddPlacename(p.Name, p.Lat, p.Lon, p.metaData);
                else {
                    if (p.Lon
                        >= 0.5*(this.west + this.east)) {
                        southEast.AddPlacename(p.Name, p.Lat, p.Lon, p.metaData);
                    else {
                        southWest.AddPlacename(p.Name, p.Lat, p.Lon, p.metaData);

            WorldWindPlacenameFile[] returnArray = new WorldWindPlacenameFile[] {northWest, northEast, southWest, southEast};
            return returnArray;
Ejemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads visible place names from one file.
        /// </summary>
        private void UpdateNames(WorldWindPlacenameFile placenameFileDescriptor, ArrayList tempPlacenames, DrawArgs drawArgs)
            // TODO: Replace with bounding box frustum intersection test
            double viewRange = drawArgs.WorldCamera.TrueViewRange.Degrees;
            double north = drawArgs.WorldCamera.Latitude.Degrees + viewRange;
            double south = drawArgs.WorldCamera.Latitude.Degrees - viewRange;
            double west = drawArgs.WorldCamera.Longitude.Degrees - viewRange;
            double east = drawArgs.WorldCamera.Longitude.Degrees + viewRange;

            if (placenameFileDescriptor.north < south) {
            if (placenameFileDescriptor.south > north) {
            if (placenameFileDescriptor.east < west) {
            if (placenameFileDescriptor.west > east) {

            string dataFilePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(m_placenameListFilePath), placenameFileDescriptor.dataFilename);
            using (BufferedStream dataFileStream = new BufferedStream(File.Open(dataFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))) {
                using (BinaryReader dataFileReader = new BinaryReader(dataFileStream, Encoding.UTF8)) {
                    WorldWindPlacenameFile dataFile = new WorldWindPlacenameFile();
                    dataFile.dataFilename = placenameFileDescriptor.dataFilename;
                    dataFile.north = placenameFileDescriptor.north;
                    dataFile.south = placenameFileDescriptor.south;
                    dataFile.west = placenameFileDescriptor.west;
                    dataFile.east = placenameFileDescriptor.east;

                    int numberPlacenames = dataFileReader.ReadInt32();
                    tempPlacenames.Capacity = tempPlacenames.Count + numberPlacenames;
                    WorldWindPlacename curPlace = new WorldWindPlacename();
                    for (int i = 0; i < numberPlacenames; i++) {
                        if (m_placeNames != null
                            && curPlaceNameIndex < m_placeNames.Length) {
                            curPlace = m_placeNames[curPlaceNameIndex];

                        string name = dataFileReader.ReadString();
                        float lat = dataFileReader.ReadSingle();
                        float lon = dataFileReader.ReadSingle();
                        int c = dataFileReader.ReadInt32();

                        // Not in use, removed for speed
                        // Hashtable metaData = new Hashtable(c);

                        for (int n = 0; n < c; n++) {
                            string key = dataFileReader.ReadString();
                            string keyData = dataFileReader.ReadString();

                            // Not in use, removed for speed
                            //metaData.Add(key, keyData);

                        // for easier hit testing
                        float lonRanged = lon;
                        if (lonRanged < west) {
                            lonRanged += 360; // add a revolution

                        if (lat > north || lat < south || lonRanged > east
                            || lonRanged < west) {

                        WorldWindPlacename pn = new WorldWindPlacename();
                        pn.Lat = lat;
                        pn.Lon = lon;
                        pn.Name = name;
                        // Not in use, removed for speed
                        //pn.metaData = metaData;

                        float elevation = 0;
                        if (m_parentWorld.TerrainAccessor != null
                            && drawArgs.WorldCamera.Altitude < 300000) {
                            elevation = (float) m_parentWorld.TerrainAccessor.GetElevationAt(lat, lon);
                        float altitude = (float) (m_parentWorld.EquatorialRadius + World.Settings.VerticalExaggeration*m_altitude + World.Settings.VerticalExaggeration*elevation);
                        pn.cartesianPoint = MathEngine.SphericalToCartesian(lat, lon, altitude);
                        float distanceSq = Vector3.LengthSq(pn.cartesianPoint - drawArgs.WorldCamera.Position);
                        if (distanceSq > m_maximumDistanceSq) {
                        if (distanceSq < m_minimumDistanceSq) {

                        if (!drawArgs.WorldCamera.ViewFrustum.ContainsPoint(pn.cartesianPoint)) {

Ejemplo n.º 9
        public override void Initialize(DrawArgs drawArgs)
            this.Inited = true;

            m_drawingFont = drawArgs.CreateFont(m_fontDescription);
            if (!File.Exists(m_placenameListFilePath)) {
                this.Inited = true;
                Log.Write("PLACE", m_placenameListFilePath + " not found.");

            if (m_iconFilePath != null) {
                m_iconTexture = ImageHelper.LoadIconTexture(m_iconFilePath);

                using (Surface s = m_iconTexture.GetSurfaceLevel(0)) {
                    SurfaceDescription desc = s.Description;
                    m_spriteSize = new Rectangle(0, 0, desc.Width, desc.Height);

                m_sprite = new Sprite(drawArgs.Device);

            using (BufferedStream placenameFileListStream = new BufferedStream(File.Open(m_placenameListFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))) {
                using (BinaryReader placenameFileListReader = new BinaryReader(placenameFileListStream, Encoding.UTF8)) {
                    int count = placenameFileListReader.ReadInt32();
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                        WorldWindPlacenameFile wwpf = new WorldWindPlacenameFile();
                        wwpf.dataFilename = placenameFileListReader.ReadString();
                        wwpf.west = placenameFileListReader.ReadSingle();
                        wwpf.south = placenameFileListReader.ReadSingle();
                        wwpf.east = placenameFileListReader.ReadSingle();
                        wwpf.north = placenameFileListReader.ReadSingle();