Ejemplo n.º 1
            public void Parse(ref string[] program)
                string ifstring = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);

                if (!ifstring.Equals("if", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    throw new ParseException("If Statement should always start with if, found " + ifstring + " instead.");

                string openbracket = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);

                if (!openbracket.Equals("(", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    throw new ParseException("if statement must be followed by a condition in brackets, found " + openbracket + " instead.");
                _Condition = ConditionBuilder.Parse(ref program);
                string closebracket = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);

                if (!closebracket.Equals(")", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    throw new ParseException("if statement found a conditional expression without a closing bracket, found " + closebracket + " instead.");

                _Block = new RuleBlock();
                _Block.Parse(ref program);
Ejemplo n.º 2
        public void Parse(ref string[] program)
            string repeatstring = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);

            if (!repeatstring.Equals("repeat", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                throw new ParseException("repeat Statement should always start with repeat, found " + repeatstring + " instead.");

            string openbracket = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);

            if (!openbracket.Equals("(", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                throw new ParseException("if statement must be followed by a condition in brackets, found " + openbracket + " instead.");

            _Expression = ExpressionBuilder.Parse(ref program);
            if (_Expression.GetExpressionType() != VarType.varFloat)
                throw new ParseException("repeat statement requires a float parameter");

            string closebracket = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);

            if (!closebracket.Equals(")", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                throw new ParseException("if statement found a conditional expression without a closing bracket, found " + closebracket + " instead.");

            _RepeatBlock = new RuleBlock();
            _RepeatBlock.Parse(ref program);
Ejemplo n.º 3
        public void Parse(ref string[] program)
            IfConditionBlock ifConditionBlock = new IfConditionBlock();

            ifConditionBlock.Parse(ref program);

            string token = ParseUtils.PeekToken(program);

            while (token.Equals("else", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                string elsestring = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);
                if (!elsestring.Equals("else", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    throw new ParseException("missing else statement, found " + elsestring + " instead.");

                string iftoken = ParseUtils.PeekToken(program);
                if (iftoken.Equals("if", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    IfConditionBlock ifCondBlock = new IfConditionBlock();
                    ifCondBlock.Parse(ref program);
                    _ElseBlock = new RuleBlock();
                    _ElseBlock.Parse(ref program);
                    return; // no more blocks allowed...
                token = ParseUtils.PeekToken(program);
Ejemplo n.º 4
        public void Parse(ref string[] program)
            _Target = ParseUtils.PeekToken(program);
            bool isFloatVar  = ShaderScript.IsFloatVar(_Target);
            bool isVectorVar = ShaderScript.IsVectorVar(_Target);
            bool isNullFunc  = ShaderScript.IsNullFunction(_Target);

            if (!isFloatVar && !isVectorVar && !isNullFunc)
                throw new ParseException("Expected \"" + _Target + "\" to be a float or vector variable or a non-return function");

            if (isFloatVar || isVectorVar)
                _Target = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);
                _IsNull = false;
                WooScript._Log.AddMsg("Found target variable \"" + _Target + "\"");

                _AssignOp = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);

                if (!ShaderScript.IsAssignOp(_AssignOp))
                    throw new ParseException("Expected \"" + _AssignOp + "\" to be an assignment operation");

            _Argument = ShaderScript.ParseExpression(ref program);
Ejemplo n.º 5
        public void Parse(ref string[] program)
            string floatFunctionName = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);

            _Function = WooScript.GetFloatFunction(floatFunctionName);
            _Function.Parse(ref program);
Ejemplo n.º 6
        public static string PeekToken(string[] lines)
            string[] tempLines = lines.Clone() as string[];
            string   token     = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref tempLines);

Ejemplo n.º 7
        public void ConsumeRule(ref string[] program)
            string token = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);

            if (!token.Equals("{", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                throw new ParseException("rules/shaders not currently supported with arguments, expected {, found " + token + " instead.");
            int braces = 1;

            while (braces > 0)
                token = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);
                if (token.Equals("{", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                if (token.Equals("}", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                if (token.Equals("rule", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    throw new ParseException("missing }, found " + token + " instead.");
                if (token.Equals("shader", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    throw new ParseException("missing }, found " + token + " instead.");
Ejemplo n.º 8
        public void Parse(ref string[] program)
            while (program[0].IndexOf(',') >= 0)
                string rulename = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);

                string comma = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);
                if (!comma.Equals(",", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    throw new ParseException("Expected \",\"");

                WooScript._Log.AddMsg("Rule1 : " + rulename);

                Expression expression = ExpressionBuilder.Parse(ref program);
                if (expression.GetExpressionType() != VarType.varFloat)
                    throw new ParseException("Failed to convert weighting parameter to repeat method to float");

                WooScript._Log.AddMsg("Weight : " + expression);

                comma = ParseUtils.PeekToken(program);
                if (comma.Equals(",", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    comma = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);
Ejemplo n.º 9
        public void Parse(ref string[] program)
            string openbrace = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);

            string nexttoken = ParseUtils.PeekToken(program);

            while (nexttoken != "}")
                TokenType type = WooScript.GetTokenType(nexttoken);
                if (nexttoken.Equals("if", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    IfStatement ifStatement = new IfStatement();
                    ifStatement.Parse(ref program);
                else if (nexttoken.Equals("repeat", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    RepeatStatement repeatStatement = new RepeatStatement();
                    repeatStatement.Parse(ref program);
                else if (nexttoken.Equals("{", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    ScopeStatement scopeStatement = new ScopeStatement();
                    scopeStatement.Parse(ref program);
                else if (type == TokenType.rule)
                    CallStatement callStatement = new CallStatement();
                    callStatement.Parse(ref program);
                else if (type == TokenType.nullFunction)
                    NullStatement nullStatement = new NullStatement();
                    nullStatement.Parse(ref program);
                else if ((type == TokenType.vecVar) || (type == TokenType.floatVar))
                    VarStatement varStatement = new VarStatement();
                    varStatement.Parse(ref program);
                    throw new ParseException("Unexpected token \"" + nexttoken + "\" at start of expression");

                nexttoken = ParseUtils.PeekToken(program);

            string closebrace = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public void Parse(ref string[] program)
     _DistanceFunction = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);
     if (WooScript.IsShader(_DistanceFunction))
         _ShaderMode = true;
         _ShaderMode = false;
Ejemplo n.º 11
        public void Parse(ref string[] program)
            string token = ParseUtils.PeekToken(program);

            if (token.Equals("(", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                token = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);

                    Argument arg = new Argument();
                    token = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);
                    if (token.Equals("float", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        arg._Type = VarType.varFloat;
                    else if (token.Equals("vec", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        arg._Type = VarType.varVector;
                        throw new ParseException("Expected type of parameter (float OR vec), not" + token);

                    arg._Name = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);

                    token = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);
                }while (token.Equals(",", StringComparison.Ordinal));

                if (!token.Equals(")", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    throw new ParseException("Expected \")\" but found \"" + token + "\" instead. :(");

            foreach (Argument a in _Arguments)
            block.Parse(ref program);
            foreach (Argument a in _Arguments)
Ejemplo n.º 12
        public void Parse(ref string[] program)
            string openbrace = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);

            if (!openbrace.Equals("(", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                throw new ParseException("Expected \"(\" at start of function parameters");

            _XExpr = ExpressionBuilder.Parse(ref program);
            if (_XExpr.GetExpressionType() != VarType.varFloat)
                throw new ParseException("parameter one to vec() is not a float");

            string comma = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);

            if (!comma.Equals(",", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                throw new ParseException("Expected \",\"");

            _YExpr = ExpressionBuilder.Parse(ref program);
            if (_YExpr.GetExpressionType() != VarType.varFloat)
                throw new ParseException("parameter two to vec() is not a float");

            comma = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);
            if (!comma.Equals(",", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                throw new ParseException("Expected \",\"");

            _ZExpr = ExpressionBuilder.Parse(ref program);
            if (_ZExpr.GetExpressionType() != VarType.varFloat)
                throw new ParseException("parameter three to vec() is not a float");

            string closebrace = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);

            if (!closebrace.Equals(")", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                throw new ParseException("Expected \")\" at end of function parameters");
Ejemplo n.º 13
        public void Parse(ref string[] program)
            string token = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);

            if (token.Length > 0)
                _MaterialFunction = token;
                if (!WooScript.IsShader(_MaterialFunction))
                    throw new ParseException("materialfunction call expected a shader, sadly " + _MaterialFunction + " isn't one...");
                _MaterialFunction = "";
Ejemplo n.º 14
        public void Parse(ref string[] program)
            _ColourExpr = ExpressionBuilder.Parse(ref program);
            if (_ColourExpr.GetExpressionType() != VarType.varVector)
                throw new ParseException("malformed directional light colour");

            string comma = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);

            if (!comma.Equals(",", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                throw new ParseException("Expected \",\"");

            _DirectionExpr = ExpressionBuilder.Parse(ref program);
            if (_DirectionExpr.GetExpressionType() != VarType.varVector)
                throw new ParseException("malformed directional light direction");

            comma = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);
            if (!comma.Equals(",", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                throw new ParseException("Expected \",\"");

            _AreaExpr = ExpressionBuilder.Parse(ref program);
            if (_AreaExpr.GetExpressionType() != VarType.varFloat)
                throw new ParseException("malformed directional light area");

            comma = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);
            if (!comma.Equals(",", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                throw new ParseException("Expected \",\"");

            _SamplesExpr = ExpressionBuilder.Parse(ref program);
            if (_SamplesExpr.GetExpressionType() != VarType.varFloat)
                throw new ParseException("malformed directional light samples");
Ejemplo n.º 15
        public void Parse(ref string[] program)
            _Rotate1 = ExpressionBuilder.Parse(ref program);
            if (_Rotate1.GetExpressionType() != VarType.varVector)
                throw new ParseException("_Rotate1 must be of type vector");

            string comma = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);

            if (!comma.Equals(",", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                throw new ParseException("Expected \",\"");

            _Rotate2 = ExpressionBuilder.Parse(ref program);
            if (_Rotate2.GetExpressionType() != VarType.varVector)
                throw new ParseException("_Rotate2 must be of type vector");

            comma = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);
            if (!comma.Equals(",", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                throw new ParseException("Expected \",\"");

            _Scale = ExpressionBuilder.Parse(ref program);
            if (_Scale.GetExpressionType() != VarType.varFloat)
                throw new ParseException("_Scale must be of type float");

            comma = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);
            if (!comma.Equals(",", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                throw new ParseException("Expected \",\"");

            _Offset = ExpressionBuilder.Parse(ref program);
            if (_Offset.GetExpressionType() != VarType.varVector)
                throw new ParseException("_Offset must be of type vector");
Ejemplo n.º 16
        public void Parse(ref string[] program)
            string token1 = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);

            if (!token1.Equals("(", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                throw new ParseException("Expected \"(\" in Brackets");

            _Expression = ExpressionBuilder.Parse(ref program);

            string token2 = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);

            if (!token2.Equals(")", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                throw new ParseException("Expected \")\" in Brackets");
Ejemplo n.º 17
        public void Parse(ref string[] program)
            _Variable = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);
            TokenType tokenType = WooScript.GetTokenType(_Variable);

            if (tokenType == TokenType.floatVar)
                _Type = VarType.varFloat;
            else if (tokenType == TokenType.vecVar)
                _Type = VarType.varVector;
                throw new ParseException("Unknown type for variable \"" + _Variable + "\"");
Ejemplo n.º 18
        public void Parse(ref string[] program)
            _Callee = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);
            WooScript._Log.AddMsg("Callee : " + _Callee);

            string comma = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);

            if (!comma.Equals(",", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                throw new ParseException("Expected \",\"");

            _Expr = ExpressionBuilder.Parse(ref program);
            if (_Expr.GetExpressionType() != VarType.varFloat)
                throw new ParseException("Failed to convert repeat number to float");

            WooScript._Log.AddMsg("Repeats : " + _Expr.ToString());
Ejemplo n.º 19
        public void Parse(ref string[] program)
            string _PatternStr = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);

            if (_PatternStr.Length != 27)
                throw new ParseException("argument must have 27 digits mengerpattern(101101...)");

            for (int i = 0; i < 27; i++)
                if (_PatternStr[i] == '1')
                    _Pattern[i] = 1;
                    _Pattern[i] = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 20
        public void Parse(ref string[] program)
            _ColourExpr = ExpressionBuilder.Parse(ref program);
            if (_ColourExpr.GetExpressionType() != VarType.varVector)
                throw new ParseException("malformed point light colour");

            string comma = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);

            if (!comma.Equals(",", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                throw new ParseException("Expected \",\"");

            _PositionExpr = ExpressionBuilder.Parse(ref program);
            if (_PositionExpr.GetExpressionType() != VarType.varVector)
                throw new ParseException("malformed point light position");
Ejemplo n.º 21
        public void Parse(ref string[] program)
            string token = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);

            WooScript._Log.AddMsg("Found \"" + token + "\" function (null return)");
            _NullFunction = WooScript.GetNullFunction(token);
            string openCurl = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);

            if (!openCurl.Equals("(", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                new ParseException("Expected \"(\" not \"" + openCurl + "\"");
            _NullFunction.Parse(ref program);
            string closeCurl = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);

            if (!closeCurl.Equals(")", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                new ParseException("Expected \")\" not \"" + closeCurl + "\"");
Ejemplo n.º 22
        public void Parse(ref string[] program)
            string token = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);

            WooScript._Log.AddMsg("Found function, target \"" + token + "\"");
            if (WooScript.IsFloatVariable(token))
                _ReturnType = VarType.varFloat;
                _Var        = token;
            else if (WooScript.IsVecVariable(token))
                _ReturnType = VarType.varVector;
                _Var        = token;
                throw new ParseException("Expected \"" + token + "\" to be a float or vector variable");

            string assignOp = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);

            _AssignOp = WooScript.GetAssignOp(assignOp);

            _Expression = ExpressionBuilder.Parse(ref program);

            if (_ReturnType == VarType.varVector &&
                (_Expression.GetExpressionType() != VarType.varVector))
                throw new ParseException("Target token is \"" + token + "\" which is a vector, expression isn't...");

            if (_ReturnType == VarType.varFloat &&
                (_Expression.GetExpressionType() != VarType.varFloat))
                throw new ParseException("Target token is \"" + token + "\" which is a float, expression isn't...");
Ejemplo n.º 23
        public void Parse(ref string[] program)
            string openbrace = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);

            if (!openbrace.Equals("(", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                throw new ParseException("Expected \"(\" at start of function parameters");

            _Arg = ExpressionBuilder.Parse(ref program);
            if (_Arg.GetExpressionType() != VarType.varVector)
                throw new ParseException("parameter to normalise() is not a vector");

            string closebrace = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);

            if (!closebrace.Equals(")", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                throw new ParseException("Expected \")\" at end of function parameters");
Ejemplo n.º 24
        public void Parse(ref string[] program)
            string openbrace = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);

            if (!openbrace.Equals("{"))
                throw new ParseException("Found \"" + openbrace + "\", but expected \"{\".");

            string nexttoken = ParseUtils.PeekToken(program);

            while (nexttoken != "}")
                ShaderStatement shaderStatement = new ShaderStatement();
                shaderStatement.Parse(ref program);

                nexttoken = ParseUtils.PeekToken(program);

            string closebrace = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);
Ejemplo n.º 25
        public void Parse(ref string[] program)
            string data = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);

            // deal with -ve numbers (bit hacky, but keeps the token parser state free)
            if (data.Length == 1 && data[0] == '-')
                data += ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);

            if (data.IndexOf(':') > 0)
                _RangeType = RangeTypeT.Continuous;
                WooScript._Log.AddMsg("Number type : Continuous range");
                int opPos = data.IndexOf(':');
                val1 = StringToFloat(data.Substring(0, opPos));
                val2 = StringToFloat(data.Substring(opPos + 1));
                WooScript._Log.AddMsg("Val1 : " + val1.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                WooScript._Log.AddMsg("Val2 : " + val2.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            else if (data.IndexOf('|') > 0)
                _RangeType = RangeTypeT.Binary;
                WooScript._Log.AddMsg("Number type : Binary Option");
                int opPos = data.IndexOf('|');
                val1 = StringToFloat(data.Substring(0, opPos));
                val2 = StringToFloat(data.Substring(opPos + 1));
                WooScript._Log.AddMsg("Val1 : " + val1.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                WooScript._Log.AddMsg("Val2 : " + val2.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
                _RangeType = RangeTypeT.Single;
                WooScript._Log.AddMsg("Number type : Single Value");
                val1 = StringToFloat(data);
                WooScript._Log.AddMsg("Val1 : " + val1.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
Ejemplo n.º 26
        public void Parse(ref string[] program)
            string ruleName = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);

            _RulePrototype = WooScript.GetRulePrototype(ruleName);
            WooScript._Log.AddMsg("Call Rule : " + ruleName);

            string openbracket = ParseUtils.PeekToken(program);

            if (openbracket.Equals("(", StringComparison.Ordinal) || _RulePrototype._Args.Count() > 0)
                openbracket = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);
                if (!openbracket.Equals("(", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    throw new ParseException("rule called without required arguments, or syntax error. Found " + openbracket + ", expeceted \"(\" instead.");

                for (int i = 0; i < _RulePrototype._Args.Count(); i++)
                    _ArgValue.Add(ExpressionBuilder.Parse(ref program));
                    if (i + 1 < _RulePrototype._Args.Count())
                        string comma = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);
                        if (!comma.Equals(",", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                            throw new ParseException("Found " + comma + " but expected another argument after a \",\"");

                string closebracket = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);
                if (!closebracket.Equals(")", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    throw new ParseException("rules not currently supported with arguments, missing ), found " + closebracket + " instead.");
Ejemplo n.º 27
        public static ScriptElement ParseExpression(ref string[] program)
            ScriptElement ret   = new ScriptElement();
            string        token = ParseUtils.PeekToken(program);

            ret._Reorderable = false;

            if (token.Equals("-", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                token  = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);
                token += ParseUtils.PeekToken(program);

            if (token.Equals("(", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                token            = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);
                ret              = ParseExpression(ref program);
                ret._Reorderable = false;

                token = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);
                if (!token.Equals(")", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    throw new ParseException("Missing closebracket on bracketed expression, found" + token);
            else if (IsFloatVar(token))
                token       = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);
                ret._Type   = SEType.FloatVar;
                ret._String = token;
            else if (IsVectorVar(token))
                token       = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);
                ret._Type   = SEType.VectorVar;
                ret._String = token;
            else if (IsFloatNum(token))
                string chuck = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);
                ret._Type   = SEType.FloatVar;
                ret._String = token;
            else if (token.Equals("{"))
                ret._Type      = SEType.CodeBlock;
                ret._Codeblock = new CodeBlock();
                ret._Codeblock.Parse(ref program);
            else if (token.IndexOf('.') > -1)
                token = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);
                int dotPosition = token.IndexOf('.');

                ret._Type   = SEType.VectorVar;
                ret._String = token.Substring(0, dotPosition);

                ScriptElement getter = new ScriptElement();

                string index = token.Substring(dotPosition + 1);

                if (index.Equals("x", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    getter._String = "getx";
                else if (index.Equals("y", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    getter._String = "gety";
                else if (index.Equals("z", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    getter._String = "getz";
                    throw new ParseException("Invalid subindex " + index);

                getter._Type = SEType.FloatVar;
                ret          = getter;
            else if (token.Equals("repeat", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                token       = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);
                ret._String = token;

                string openBracket = ParseUtils.PeekToken(program);
                if (openBracket.Equals("(", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    openBracket = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);

                    ret._Arguments.Add(ParseExpression(ref program));

                    string closeBracket = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);
                    if (!closeBracket.Equals(")", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        throw new ParseException("Expected close bracket, found \"" + token + "\"");
                    throw new ParseException("repeat not followed by number, found \"" + token + "\", usage : repeat(x){}");

                ret._Arguments.Add(ParseExpression(ref program));
            else if (IsFunction(token))
                token       = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);
                ret._String = token;

                string openBracket = ParseUtils.PeekToken(program);
                if (openBracket.Equals("(", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    openBracket = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);

                    ret._Arguments.Add(ParseExpression(ref program));

                    string comma = ParseUtils.PeekToken(program);
                    while (comma.Equals(",", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        comma = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);
                        ret._Arguments.Add(ParseExpression(ref program));
                        comma = ParseUtils.PeekToken(program);

                    string closeBracket = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);
                    if (!closeBracket.Equals(")", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        throw new ParseException("Expected close bracket, found \"" + token + "\"");

                throw new ParseException("Unrecognised token found \"" + token + "\"");

            string opCode = ParseUtils.PeekToken(program);

            if (IsOperator(opCode))
                opCode = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);
                ScriptElement opElement = new ScriptElement();

                if (opCode.Equals("+", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    opElement._String = "add";
                if (opCode.Equals("-", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    opElement._String = "sub";
                if (opCode.Equals("*", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    opElement._String = "mul";
                if (opCode.Equals("/", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    opElement._String = "div";
                if (opCode.Equals("%", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    opElement._String = "mod";

                opElement._Type = ret._Type;

                ScriptElement arg2 = ParseExpression(ref program);

                if (arg2._Reorderable)
                    if (GetPrecedence(opElement._String) < GetPrecedence(arg2._String))
                        ScriptElement Arg1Arg1 = ret;
                        ScriptElement Arg2Arg1 = arg2._Arguments.ElementAt(0);
                        ScriptElement Arg2Arg2 = arg2._Arguments.ElementAt(1);


                        opElement = arg2;

                ret = opElement;
                ret._Reorderable = true;


Ejemplo n.º 28
        public void Parse(ref string[] program)
            string op = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);

            _Op = WooScript.GetOp(op);
Ejemplo n.º 29
        public void ParseProgram(ref string[] program)
            string token;

            // pre parse
            string[] preprogram = program.Clone() as string[];
                token = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref preprogram);

                if (string.Compare(token, "rule", true) == 0)
                    string rulename = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref preprogram);
                    _Log.AddMsg("Preparser found rule " + rulename);
                    RulePrototype ruleproto = new RulePrototype(rulename);

                    string itoken = ParseUtils.PeekToken(preprogram);
                    if (itoken.Equals("(", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                        itoken = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref preprogram);
                            itoken = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref preprogram); // type
                            Argument arg = new Argument();
                            if (itoken.Equals("float", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                arg._Type = VarType.varFloat;
                            else if (itoken.Equals("vec", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                                arg._Type = VarType.varVector;
                                throw new ParseException("Expected type of parameter (float OR vec), not" + itoken);
                            arg._Name = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref preprogram); // name


                            itoken = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref preprogram); // , or )
                        }while (itoken.Equals(",", StringComparison.Ordinal));
                    ConsumeRule(ref preprogram);
                else if (string.Compare(token, "shader", true) == 0)
                    string shadername = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref preprogram);
                    _Log.AddMsg("Preparser found shader " + shadername);
                    ConsumeRule(ref preprogram);
                    if (token.Length > 0)
                        throw new ParseException("Global statements must start with \"rule\".");
            }while (token.Length > 0);

            // full parse
                token = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);

                if (string.Compare(token, "rule", true) == 0)
                    string rulename = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);
                    _Log.AddMsg("Found rule " + rulename);
                    Rule newRule = new Rule(rulename);
                    newRule.Parse(ref program);
                else if (string.Compare(token, "shader", true) == 0)
                    string shadername = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);
                    _Log.AddMsg("Found shader " + shadername);
                    Shader newShader = new Shader(shadername);
                    newShader.Parse(ref program);
                    if (token.Length > 0)
                        throw new ParseException("Global statements must start with \"rule\".");
            }while (token.Length > 0);

            // rule rulename { statement* }
            // statement = floatvar aop floatrhs | vecvar aop vecexpr | nfun ( args )
            // args = (rulename|floatexpr|vecexpr)*
            // floatexpr = ( floatexpr ) | num op floatexpr | ffun(args) op floatexpr | num | ffun(args) | floatvar
            // num = 0.x | vec.sel
            // vecexpr = Vec(floatexpr, floatexpr, floatexpr) | vec op vecexpr | vfun ( args )
            // vec = vec(x,y,z) | vec(x,y,z).rep
Ejemplo n.º 30
        public static ConditionalExpression Parse(ref string[] program)
            ConditionalExpression ret  = null;
            Expression            expr = null;

            string    token1 = ParseUtils.PeekToken(program);
            TokenType type1  = WooScript.GetTokenType(token1);

            if (token1.Equals("(", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                ret = new ConditionalBrackets();
                (ret as ConditionalBrackets).Parse(ref program);
            else if (type1 == TokenType.UnaryBooleanOp)
                ret = WooScript.GetUnaryBooleanOp(token1);
                (ret as UnaryBooleanOp).Parse(ref program);
            else if (type1 == TokenType.floatVar ||
                     type1 == TokenType.floatNum ||
                     type1 == TokenType.floatFunction)
                expr = ExpressionBuilder.Parse(ref program);
                throw new ParseException("Unrecognised expression \"" + token1 + "\"");

            string    token2 = ParseUtils.GetToken(ref program);
            TokenType type2  = WooScript.GetTokenType(token2);

            if (type2 == TokenType.ConditionalOp)
                if (type1 != TokenType.floatNum && type1 != TokenType.floatVar && type1 != TokenType.floatFunction)
                    throw new ParseException("Conditional operation only takes floating point parameters");

                ConditionalOp condOp = WooScript.GetConditionalOp(token2);
                condOp._Arg1 = expr;
                Expression arg2 = ExpressionBuilder.Parse(ref program);

                if (arg2.GetExpressionType() != VarType.varFloat)
                    throw new ParseException("Conditional operation only takes floating point parameters");

                condOp._Arg2 = arg2;

                // no need for precedence check on conditional operator
                ret = condOp;

                string    token3 = ParseUtils.PeekToken(program);
                TokenType type3  = WooScript.GetTokenType(token3);
                if (type3 == TokenType.BooleanOp)
                    BooleanOp boolOp = WooScript.GetBooleanOp(token3);
                    boolOp._Arg1 = condOp;

                    ConditionalExpression condArg2 = ConditionBuilder.Parse(ref program);
                    boolOp._Arg2 = condArg2;

                    // operator precedence check
                    if (condArg2 is BooleanOp)
                        if ((condArg2 as BooleanOp).GetPrecedence() < boolOp.GetPrecedence())
                            // shuffle args
                            boolOp._Arg2 = (condArg2 as BooleanOp)._Arg1;
                            (condArg2 as BooleanOp)._Arg1 = boolOp;
                            boolOp = (condArg2 as BooleanOp);

                    ret = boolOp;

            if (ret == null)
                throw new ParseException("Malformed conditional expression, expected conditional operation");