Ejemplo n.º 1
        public IMetadataRetrievable ImportSource(HashSet <Type> poDataStructList)
            WonkaImportSource NewAggregateSource = new WonkaImportSource();

            if (poDataStructList != null)
                foreach (Type TempType in poDataStructList)
                    IMetadataRetrievable TempSource = ImportSource(TempType);

                    TempSource.GetAttrCache().ForEach(x => NewAggregateSource.AddAttribute(x));
                    TempSource.GetGroupCache().ForEach(x => NewAggregateSource.AddGroup(x));

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public IMetadataRetrievable ImportSource(string psDatabaseTable, SqlConnection poDbConn)
            bool bTableFound = false;

            WonkaImportSource NewImportSource = new WonkaImportSource();

            if ((poDbConn == null) || (poDbConn.State != ConnectionState.Open))
                throw new WonkaImportException("ERROR!  Provided connection is either null or is not open.");

            using (SqlCommand ValidateTableCmd = new SqlCommand(CONST_VALIDATE_TABLE_SQL, poDbConn))
                ValidateTableCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

                SqlParameter TableParam = new SqlParameter("@tname", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 128);
                TableParam.Value = psDatabaseTable;


                using (SqlDataReader ValidateTableReader = ValidateTableCmd.ExecuteReader())
                    if (ValidateTableReader.Read())
                        bTableFound = true;

            if (!bTableFound)
                throw new WonkaImportException("ERROR!  Table (" + psDatabaseTable + ") not found within the schema.");

            DataTable        TableSchema = null;
            HashSet <string> KeyAttrList = new HashSet <string>();

            // NOTE: Possible issues with ingesting the schema of a large table
            using (SqlCommand QueryTableCmd = poDbConn.CreateCommand())
                QueryTableCmd.CommandText = "select * from " + psDatabaseTable;
                QueryTableCmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;

                using (SqlDataReader QueryTableReader = QueryTableCmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.KeyInfo))
                    TableSchema = QueryTableReader.GetSchemaTable();

            int nColumnCount = TableSchema.Columns.Count;

            foreach (DataRow TmpColInfoRow in TableSchema.Rows)
                string sTmpColName = TmpColInfoRow["ColumnName"].ToString();
                string sTmpColType = TmpColInfoRow["DataType"].ToString();

                if (sTmpColType.Contains("System."))
                    sTmpColType = sTmpColType.Replace("System.", "");

                WonkaRefAttr TmpWonkaAttr = new WonkaRefAttr();

                TmpWonkaAttr.AttrId   = GenerateNewAttrId();
                TmpWonkaAttr.AttrName = sTmpColName;
                TmpWonkaAttr.ColName  = sTmpColName;
                TmpWonkaAttr.TabName  = psDatabaseTable;

                // TmpWonkaAttr.DefaultValue = TmpColInfoRow["DefaultValue"].ToString();
                // TmpWonkaAttr.Description  = (TmpCol.doc != null) ? TmpCol.doc.LongDescription : "";

                TmpWonkaAttr.IsDate    = IsTypeDate(sTmpColType);
                TmpWonkaAttr.IsNumeric = IsTypeNumeric(sTmpColType);
                TmpWonkaAttr.IsDecimal = IsTypeDecimal(sTmpColType);

                if (TmpWonkaAttr.IsNumeric || TmpWonkaAttr.IsDecimal)
                    TmpWonkaAttr.Precision = Int32.Parse(TmpColInfoRow["NumericPrecision"].ToString());
                    TmpWonkaAttr.Scale     = Int32.Parse(TmpColInfoRow["NumericScale"].ToString());
                    TmpWonkaAttr.MaxLength = Int32.Parse(TmpColInfoRow["ColumnSize"].ToString());

                TmpWonkaAttr.FieldId   = TmpWonkaAttr.AttrId + 1000;
                TmpWonkaAttr.GroupId   = CONST_DEFAULT_GROUP_ID;
                TmpWonkaAttr.IsAudited = true;

                TmpWonkaAttr.IsKey = Boolean.Parse(TmpColInfoRow["IsKey"].ToString());
                if (TmpWonkaAttr.IsKey)


            if (NewImportSource.GetAttrCache().Count <= 0)
                throw new WonkaBizRuleException(0, 0, "ERROR!  Could not import the schema because the Reader's field count was zero.");

            WonkaRefGroup NewImportGroup = new WonkaRefGroup();

            NewImportGroup.GroupId        = CONST_DEFAULT_GROUP_ID;
            NewImportGroup.GroupName      = psDatabaseTable;
            NewImportGroup.KeyTabCols     = KeyAttrList;
            NewImportGroup.ProductTabName = psDatabaseTable;

Ejemplo n.º 3
        public IMetadataRetrievable ImportSource(string psDatabaseTable, IModel poDbContext)
            WonkaImportSource NewImportSource = new WonkaImportSource();
            HashSet <string>  KeyColNames     = new HashSet <string>();

            IEntityType FoundTable = null;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(psDatabaseTable) && (poDbContext != null))
                if (moCachedImports.ContainsKey(psDatabaseTable))

                var tables = poDbContext.GetEntityTypes(psDatabaseTable);

                foreach (var TmpTable in tables)
                    if (TmpTable.Name == psDatabaseTable)
                        FoundTable = TmpTable;

                        var KeyCols = TmpTable.GetDeclaredKeys();
                        foreach (var KeyCol in KeyCols)


                if (FoundTable == null)
                    throw new WonkaImportException("ERROR!  Table (" + psDatabaseTable + ") was not found in the provided DbContext.");

                var columns =
                    from p in FoundTable.GetProperties()
                    select new
                    colName   = p.Name,
                    colType   = p.GetColumnType(),
                    maxLength = p.GetMaxLength(),
                    precision = 0,
                    scale     = 0,
                    defValue  = p.GetDefaultValue()

                 * var columns =
                 *  from meta in poDbContext.MetadataWorkspace.GetItems(DataSpace.CSpace).Where(m => m.BuiltInTypeKind == BuiltInTypeKind.EntityType)
                 *  from p in (meta as EntityType).Properties.Where(p => p.DeclaringType.Name == psDatabaseTable)
                 *  select new
                 *  {
                 *      colName   = p.Name,
                 *      colType   = p.TypeUsage.EdmType,
                 *      doc       = p.Documentation,
                 *      maxLength = p.MaxLength,
                 *      precision = p.Precision,
                 *      scale     = p.Scale,
                 *      defValue  = p.DefaultValue,
                 *      props     = p.MetadataProperties
                 *  };

                foreach (var TmpCol in columns)
                    string sTmpColName = TmpCol.colName;

                    WonkaRefAttr TmpWonkaAttr = new WonkaRefAttr();

                    TmpWonkaAttr.AttrId   = GenerateNewAttrId();
                    TmpWonkaAttr.AttrName = sTmpColName;
                    TmpWonkaAttr.ColName  = sTmpColName;
                    TmpWonkaAttr.TabName  = psDatabaseTable;

                    TmpWonkaAttr.DefaultValue = Convert.ToString(TmpCol.defValue);
                    // TmpWonkaAttr.Description  = (TmpCol.doc != null) ? TmpCol.doc.LongDescription : "";

                    TmpWonkaAttr.IsDate    = IsTypeDate(TmpCol.colType);
                    TmpWonkaAttr.IsNumeric = IsTypeNumeric(TmpCol.colType);
                    TmpWonkaAttr.IsDecimal = IsTypeDecimal(TmpCol.colType);

                    if (TmpWonkaAttr.IsNumeric || TmpWonkaAttr.IsDecimal)
                        // TmpWonkaAttr.Precision = (int) ((TmpCol.precision != null) ? TmpCol.precision : 0);
                        // TmpWonkaAttr.Scale     = (int) ((TmpCol.scale != null) ? TmpCol.scale : 0);
                        TmpWonkaAttr.Precision = TmpCol.precision;
                        TmpWonkaAttr.Scale     = TmpCol.scale;

                    TmpWonkaAttr.MaxLength = (TmpCol.maxLength != null) ? (int)TmpCol.maxLength : 0;

                    TmpWonkaAttr.FieldId   = TmpWonkaAttr.AttrId + 1000;
                    TmpWonkaAttr.GroupId   = CONST_DEFAULT_GROUP_ID;
                    TmpWonkaAttr.IsAudited = true;

                    TmpWonkaAttr.IsKey = KeyColNames.Contains(TmpWonkaAttr.AttrName);


                if (NewImportSource.GetAttrCache().Count <= 0)
                    throw new WonkaBizRuleException(0, 0, "ERROR!  Could not import the schema because the Reader's field count was zero.");

                WonkaRefGroup NewImportGroup = new WonkaRefGroup();

                NewImportGroup.GroupId        = CONST_DEFAULT_GROUP_ID;
                NewImportGroup.GroupName      = psDatabaseTable;
                NewImportGroup.KeyTabCols     = KeyColNames;
                NewImportGroup.ProductTabName = psDatabaseTable;

                WonkaRefSource GuestSource = new WonkaRefSource();

                GuestSource.SourceId   = 1;
                GuestSource.SourceName = "Guest";
                GuestSource.Status     = "Active";
                throw new WonkaBizRuleException(0, 0, "ERROR!  Could not import the schema for the database table.");

