Ejemplo n.º 1
        public static byte[] _8PatchMessages(BinaryReader data)
            uint msgid  = DataHandler.MSGID(data);
            uint msglen = DataHandler.USHRT(data);

            if (msgid == 1)
                Console.WriteLine("MSG: Latest File List"); //Patch Client sends this message to request the latest file list.  Patch Server sends this message to tell the client where to get it.
                uint   LatestVersion = DataHandler.UINT(data);
                string ListFileName  = DataHandler.STR(data);
                uint   ListFileType  = DataHandler.UINT(data);
                uint   ListFileSize  = DataHandler.UINT(data);
                uint   ListFileCRC   = DataHandler.UINT(data);
                string ListFileURL   = DataHandler.STR(data);
                string URLPrefix     = DataHandler.STR(data);
                string URLSuffix     = DataHandler.STR(data);
                Console.WriteLine("Latest Version: {0}", LatestVersion);
                Console.WriteLine("File Name: {0}", ListFileName);
                Console.WriteLine("File Type: {0}", ListFileType);
                Console.WriteLine("File Size: {0}", ListFileSize);
                Console.WriteLine("File CRC: {0}", ListFileCRC);
                Console.WriteLine("File URL: {0}", ListFileURL);
                Console.WriteLine("URL Prefix: {0}", URLPrefix);
                Console.WriteLine("URL Suffix: {0}", URLSuffix);
            else if (msgid == 2)
                Console.WriteLine("MSG: Latest File List V2"); //Patch Client sends this message to request the latest file list.  Patch Server sends this message to tell the client where to get it.

                uint   LatestVersion = DataHandler.UINT(data);
                string ListFileName  = DataHandler.STR(data);
                uint   ListFileType  = DataHandler.UINT(data);
                uint   ListFileTime  = DataHandler.UINT(data);
                uint   ListFileSize  = DataHandler.UINT(data);
                uint   ListFileCRC   = DataHandler.UINT(data);
                string ListFileURL   = DataHandler.STR(data);
                string URLPrefix     = DataHandler.STR(data);
                string URLSuffix     = DataHandler.STR(data);
                string Locale        = DataHandler.STR(data);

                Console.WriteLine("Latest Version: {0}", LatestVersion);
                Console.WriteLine("File Name: {0}", ListFileName);
                Console.WriteLine("File Type: {0}", ListFileType);
                Console.WriteLine("File Time: {0}", ListFileTime);
                Console.WriteLine("File Size: {0}", ListFileSize);
                Console.WriteLine("File CRC: {0}", ListFileCRC);
                Console.WriteLine("File URL: {0}", ListFileURL);
                Console.WriteLine("URL Prefix: {0}", URLPrefix);
                Console.WriteLine("URL Suffix: {0}", URLSuffix);
                Console.WriteLine("Locale: {0}", Locale);
            else if (msgid == 3)
                Console.WriteLine("MSG: Next Version");

Ejemplo n.º 2
        public static Tuple <byte[], int, int> _0ControlMessages(BinaryReader data, int opCode, int length, byte[] bytes)
            if (opCode == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("OPCODE: SESSION OFFER");
                UInt16 sessionid    = DataHandler.USHRT(data);
                UInt32 undefined    = DataHandler.UINT(data);
                Int32  timestamp    = DataHandler.INT(data);
                UInt32 milliseconds = DataHandler.UINT(data);
                Console.WriteLine("Session ID: {0}", sessionid);
                Console.WriteLine("undefined: {0}", undefined);
                Console.WriteLine("Timestamp: {0}", timestamp);
                Console.WriteLine("Milliseconds: {0}", milliseconds);
            else if (opCode == 3)
                Console.WriteLine("OPCODE: KEEP ALIVE");
                UInt16 sessionid    = DataHandler.USHRT(data);
                UInt16 milliseconds = DataHandler.USHRT(data);
                UInt16 minutes      = DataHandler.USHRT(data);
                Console.WriteLine("Sessiond ID: {0}", sessionid);     //ID of the session
                Console.WriteLine("Milliseconds: {0}", milliseconds); //How long the session has been open in MS
                Console.WriteLine("Minutes: {0}", minutes);           //Minutes since the session was established

                byte[] b = new byte[length + 4];
                Array.Copy(bytes, 0, b, 0, length + 4);

                b[5] = 0x04;                   //Change the opcode to keepalive response, keeping the payload the same (which is what the server does)
                return(Tuple.Create(b, 0, 0)); //Return the same payload, with a different svcid (04 for response, instead of 03 for request)
            else if (opCode == 4)
                Console.WriteLine("OPCODE: KEEP ALIVE RESPONSE");
                uint undefined = DataHandler.USHRT(data);
                uint timestamp = DataHandler.UINT(data);
                Console.WriteLine("Unknown: {0}", undefined);   //Unsure, always appears to be 0
                Console.WriteLine("Timestamp: {0}", timestamp); //MS since the server started
            else if (opCode == 5)
                Console.WriteLine("OPCODE: SESSION ACCEPT");
                uint undefined    = DataHandler.USHRT(data); //Hasn't been observed to be anything above 0.
                uint undefined2   = DataHandler.UINT(data);  //Hasn't been observed to be anything above 0. Potentially the upper 4 bytes of a timestamp.
                uint timestamp    = DataHandler.UINT(data);  //The UNIX timestamp(seconds since 01 / 01 / 1970) at the time this message was sent.
                uint milliseconds = DataHandler.UINT(data);  //The number of milliseconds we were in to the current second when this message was sent.
                uint sessionId    = DataHandler.USHRT(data); //The ID of the session that the client is accepting (from the SESSION_OFFER).
                Console.WriteLine("Unknown1: {0}", undefined);
                Console.WriteLine("Unknown2: {0}", undefined2);
                Console.WriteLine("Timestamp: {0}", timestamp);
                Console.WriteLine("Milliseconds: {0}", milliseconds);
                Console.WriteLine("Session ID: {0}", sessionId);
                byte[] bytarr = null;
                return(Tuple.Create(bytarr, 0, 1));
                Console.WriteLine("UNSUPPORTED OPCODE!");
